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The following is what the moderators have advised me to pen into thought in an attempt to avoid any further breaching of the forum guidelines. I apologize for my inability to grasp the methods and means of being able to profess my thoughts and passions without breaking rules of community forum. I think the moderators now understand after much deliberation with me that my intentions are not maliciously rebellious of rules, but that I am simply not able to express myself in ways that conform to such rules.

Their solution has been that I open a thread where discussion of self-identity and choice can be expressed in one place, where from the beginning of the thread it is made clear that I am not trying to preach or proselytize, or to offend or recruit.

From here on, it is established that any terminology or symbolism I may use should be considered nothing more than my humble opinion and my unprofessional way of expressing my thoughts and speculations. Having established that understanding, I will try to avoid bringing this train of thought into any other threads which may make it appear as proselytizing. With this in mind I now speak to you All, not with an attitude of superior instruction, but of my own speculations and thought, which I hope will incite your own reflections and responses to the issues that arise from the sharing of various understandings and points of view.

Brothers and Sisters,

As much as it may seem to us here that there are many humans awakening to reality, it only seems this way because we are able to communicate and gather via the amazing opportunity the internet affords. In recently watching some of the early interviews of Carla and Don, it was obvious that what they were venturing into was not what the rest of the ‘normal’ world would consider acceptable. And even though, as Carla often pointed out, what they were experimenting with were ancient concepts, the world at large is alienated from them and uncomfortable with them.

We should remember that there are billions of people that continue on the right hand path and live their lives in traditional and religious experiences that are not even close to being able to grasp the concepts that we so readily comprehend.

In our gathering here, we share understanding and speculation of things that were once considered occult and fantastic. Were scorned by science and educated realms. Were demonized by traditions. The things we share together seem to be so natural and logical to us that we have forgotten the taboo and the mysticism. We speak of the One, and bind physics and religion together in ways long forgotten to civilization.
We speak casually of things vastly spectacular and astronomical.

It is with this consideration that I ask you all to remember that when we speak of ourselves as being ‘the Creator’ we should try to comprehend the true extremity of such thought, and absorb its reality in a way that enables us to say it with meaning instead of apathy. And I do not point to any one when I say this, I merely point out that the truth which we speak is monumental and should not be spoken so casually that its depth is not realized by those who try to grasp it.

One of the things I have noticed in the interviews with Carla and Don is their visible discomfort in making public what they had experienced. They ‘knew’ something that was not casual. They were in awe of what they had experienced. And they knew it would not be gracefully received, but the import of their message was so great that their own comfort was not a priority. But watching them one could see that they believed every single thing they spoke, and more, they shared in that experience.

How many of us really understand the enormity of what it means when we say , “we are One, or, “ we are the Creator” ?

Are you? Are you really going to sit there at your computer and try to tell us that you are the Creator of the universe?

If you are, then let me suggest that you might want to take such a declaration with a little more import.

You are saying that you, the reader of this post, are the one who created the universe and all that exists. Is that right? Well now, you are an extremely powerful and almighty character, aren’t you?

How do we, as mere humans, comprehend such depth of speculation, and how do we possibly come to terms with matters that defy our comprehension? There is only one way that this becomes possible and it is what the ancients have been telling us for thousands of years.

It is the treasure that one finds in the activation of the kundalini. It is the awakening of the ‘Serpent Goddess within’ that enables our ability to see with eyes that are not attached to the physical; to see through her eyes. ‘The eyes of a Stranger.’

When the Serpent ascends the Tree of Life, climbing the spine to reach the Higher Being, activating divine revelation of the All, one begins to see through her eyes and realize that the form they vibrate as has many frequencies.

It is the reward for the casting aside of the temporary to put on the armor of infinity; the result of higher vibration.

One must discover the divinity within their true nature. Until then they remain trapped in the delusion of individual identity. The Serpent Goddess sleeps deep within the Tree, waiting.

One must come to realize that they are a part of a ‘process’ that has been going on for a very long time and that they cannot place themselves at any particular point on that timeline as an individual aspect of it, without trying to separate something that cannot be separated.
An ongoing process cannot be separated from itself as long as it is continuing. Therefore what we perceive as individual aspects of it is only perception from one viewpoint, and not some separate process.
This is the human reality. The human ‘being’. Not being as in entity, but being as in process.

The human is not an individual entity. It is a process taking place, being, fulfilling its purpose.

When the human can look in the mirror and see there the ‘eyes of a stranger’, it can begin to understand how it is not an individual entity.
But we don’t see the eyes of a stranger, do we. We see what we have thought to be the individual we have supposed we are from birth, and the process of our life from then on. To see the eyes of a stranger we would have to deny that reflection we have known all our life.

This is the veil. The veil is the reflection in the mirror; the familiarity. The Familiar. Plato’s shadow people. The dance of the Wayang into descendance, from which we need to be rescued. It is the crow that comes into our home which we feel the need to chase away.

This is what is pulled over our eyes every time we look into our reflection and see what we imagine to be an individual, instead of the Creator.
And it is this individual that keeps us from understanding the true process that has been going on since day one.

If we could look in the mirror and we could see through the eyes of that crow we would see the energy field, the radio waves, the gamma rays, the electromagnetic field, the sacred geometry, the vibration and the constantly changing frequency. We would not see the image of an individual but we would see a process taking place. We would see a trillion thought processes interacting with each other. We would see Light expanding into darkness, and darkness becoming Light in the process. We would see the One Consciousness of the All.

But we do not see the reality, instead we see the delusion. And this is why we really don’t understand the depth of what it means when we try to relate to ourselves as the Creator. We are trying to make the Creator into an individual, a being similar to what we are. An individual entity.
And it is natural for us to do this because it is all we know. We comprehend at the levels of experience that we know. How could we do otherwise?

But so long as the human tries to separate God into an individual entity, establish a process that leads into a creation, and then toss in their own individual aspect of that, they will never be able to recognize the One through the eyes of a stranger.

When the Source became aware and made that first thought, it did not recognize that thought as a part of itself. We are told that the light and dark were unable to comprehend each other. The polarity was looking into the eyes of a stranger, and yet they were one in the same. Not one entity, but one process. The Divine Process born in the effort from both sides of the mirror to comprehend the other self.

The human is the continuing aspect of that Divine Process. Consciousness expanding into unknown possibilities. Mystery.

The human is not going to suddenly awaken and become the creator and start making planets. No human is going to suddenly become God. This is not what is meant by discovering the divinity within. This is not what is meant by being One with God. No individual human alone is the creator; humanity is the creator. Humanity as a whole, as divine consciousness ‘being’ what it is in the divine process. No single human identity is going to ascend to become the creator. It cannot, because the human identity is an delusion, and an illusion cannot become something.

A process cannot become the Creator, it is the action of the Creator. The Goddess cannot become God. The Process cannot become the Source. The sound cannot become the mouth from which it proceeds. The view cannot become the Eye that observes it. The human cannot become the God that thinks it. The human is thought process taking place and continuing. We are the action between the Source and the creation that results from that action.

This is the One. None can be separated from the other. And yet none can be only the other. It is this divine blending of the All, and the individual components being able to transform into other components of the All, which they Ancients have called alchemy. It is the understanding of how different forms can be transformed that they studied as Sacred Geometry.


True identity/creator/spirit= process/human/being/consciousness= matter/creation/stranger/unknown/mystery

Matter will transform back into spirit by reversing the equation and following the same process back to its origin. The alchemical equation of lead into gold is the reverse of this truth where matter is transformed into spirit once again.

Creation=process=creator is spirit into matter
Creation= process = Creator is matter into spirit, lead into gold as it were.

If I knew of an equation that would prove the condensing of sound into matter I would place it here.

When the human can place themselves in the midst of this equation and realize the delusion of identity, they would then finally and truly know their true self and realize their divinity.

Until then we are creatures of our senses and our experiences, and identity and individuality are how we perceive our interaction with creation. And because of that limitation we have great difficulty in understanding the true character of the One and where we fit into it. We continue to think of ourselves as individual, even as we try to comprehend it as One, and superimpose that mistaken identity to our perception of our self as Creator.

It is my understanding that true realization of one’s divinity comes when one realizes that they are not an entity, but a ‘being’; a divine process.
We do not suddenly ascend and become God. We ascend into higher being and higher understanding. We ascend into the next stages that awareness of the Divine Process enables. In ignorance of the divine process and truth we slowly evolve into higher understanding. This is one stage of the long process of the evolution of ‘being’. Once awareness is achieved we enter into another stage of being. With awareness comes an increase in the frequency of our vibration and our field of consciousness literally transforms just like sound can alter the shape of crystal. We may not even realize this in our physical state, but our consciousness evolves whether our physical is aware of it or not.

The process of our attaining higher being may not result in instant physical transformation, but that is not the goal or purpose. The purpose is found in our experiencing the path to higher being and reaching it. As part of the divine process of being, our part is to evolve into higher being from lower being, and in this temporary physical aspect of that process our consciousness experiences this being as a human experience. Human on the path to transcending matter and transforming into the spirit from which it spawned. From lead into gold. From dense crystallized state into highly vibrating frequency.

In human form we will not realize this transformation. In consciousness as part of the divine process, it happens as naturally as breath expels from our lungs. Awareness of the natural process is that which the consciousness ever seeks. The possibility of the unknown stranger is what it constantly chases.

Can we realize such a transformation and experience some aspect of the metaphysical while we are still caught up in this physical part of the process of being? Of course. Just as higher vibration can alter form of matter so also can our physical state be altered. Will it be a sudden permanence removing us from our physical state of being? The ancients seem to teach us that all is possible. But if such has occurred it remains a secret. I think that with such higher realization and awareness also comes the understanding that certain truth is not appropriate for those too immature of consciousness to grasp it, and so those that attain it and enter into higher being take the secret with them to be relayed to us in slower vibrations more in synch with our own state of being.

The Ancients called man “Being God”. Academic thought changed that to “human being”. In ignorance of the reality of both God and human, spirit and matter, the guts of the divine equation was dissected and the truth of ‘Being’ was lost.

There is One God, one thought process, and one resulting creation. It cannot be separated or individualized from its reality. Each leads to the other and is bound to the other as One. This is what I believe to be the Law of One. This is what Don and Carla discovered from higher beings.

This is the understanding of my speculation based upon the depth of my experience. And in voicing my thoughts I share them with others which will find agreement and elaboration, and also contradiction and disagreement based upon the depth of their experiences. But without this sharing of thoughts we would be breaching the very design of creation, for The All is based upon the sharing of experience and interaction of various experiences with each other.

All of these various experiences are had within the depths of the Great Process and become stored experience; memory. Just as we recall the experiences of this one short experience and think it is all stored in our brain, the All has collected the vastness of experience from infinity to infinity. What we perceive to be our life and identity is simply a minute aspect of those vast memories and experiences stored within the All. We are the microcosm within the macrocosm, fully attached to the continuing Process. We are the Process taking place.

As we sit together like birds on the branch of the Tree of Life, we look at each other as individuals when we are really just two aspects of One great Process. The real stranger is not the one we sit next to, but the one we sit inside of that we think we know.

To think we know what even The Infinity still chases after in curiosity is simply the immature intelligence of creation defiantly trying to anchor the unstoppable chariot of Divine Thought. But with every thought a new possibility is born, and with it a new Mystery to catch. The Mystery of Infinity, from which the All was spawned.

As you sit there, this is the Process of your ‘being’, and the Mystery which you shall never catch. We have three choices. To climb up, climb down, or remain where we are. And from top to bottom infinity remains out of reach. On the Tree of Life one can never find the seed, nor the highest twig of new growth. The seed remains the Truth of origin lost in infinite time. The tip renews itself with every thought of reaching it.
It is how we define the direction, and the direction we choose to move toward, that our aspect of creation adds to the All. Our definitions are subjective to our perceptions, our experience is subjective to our definition and understanding, but the Divine process continues regardless. It remains the eyes of a stranger.

So for the sake of enabling my thoughts on STS and polarity to be discussed without encroaching on the territory of proselytizing, any further thought I would like to make will be added to this thread. It will not be for pointing fingers or sorting into groups. It will not be warning of what I might perceive to be dangerous. It will be strictly for professing one’s thoughts and responses to the thoughts of others with regard to the various paths we choose to walk.

Above I have made my base philosophy as clear as I can. All should know by this exactly where I am coming from in any subsequent replies in this thread. My understanding of collective consciousness, zero point field or whatever other terminology one wants to apply to the One Consciousness, is detailed above.

So I ask anyone interested in discussing under these terms,

“Why would one deliberately choose to experiment with negative energies, decreasing the frequency of their vibrations, and seek to gratify their physical self. If they understand that the physical self they are exploring is a delusion?”


"Why would one want to continue to experience the continuation of further reincarnation, when they have already been doing so for countless lifetimes, instead of trying to use any opportunity to free oneself from further reincarnations, to evolve into a higher state of being?"

These seem to be the questions that I would want to ask anyone in discussion about their choice to explore service to self.
Very, very good read, Shin'Ar, and I would say that it reflects a being that really took a lot of time when thinking about all this - so in this regard, we share some similarities, I dare to say : )

I just have two comments from the main concept:
1) Yes, "human" being is an "illusion". Just as everything is. I find that the word can be interpreted as something demeaning, but in the end, the Creator (the Source, shall we say), that is NOT self aware goes into infinite self-aware sub-Creators so they can have experiences. The illusions might not be "real", but the experience of it IS real. On every single level. Because that is how infinity works. So it does not matter and it should not matter if being human is an illusion when the point being is that we are here as viewpoints of the Creator to have experiences.
2) Incredibly good point by you to point out the need to distance ourselves from what we have "achieved" or what we look the world through. I have lately pondered with the idea of "me" not being anything else but a single result of our mass consciousness to allow itself to have a viewpoint like mine - and that is the same with every spiritually "awakening" being as well. Turn it around! Do not look down on anyone who is on the "right hand path" but recognize that that is not individuals being in the dark but the representation of our human oversoul's state of being. We are part of it, they are part of it. We have equal importance in the process. Equal.

But, and here is what I know you have had conflicts with or troubles with when trying to comprehend or cope with: STS beings are just as part of the consciousness as STO. If you have such an incredibly beatuiful and understanding overview of how an oversoul works, the concept of STS and STO naturally falls away. "STS" is really nothing more than a deliberate process of pushing one's head above the water long enough so they gather strength to rise up, instead of lying at the level of the surface near the water. If there were not so many "bad" acts in this world, many of us would not have been inspired to take on this journey in the first place. Be glad that the Creator allows THEM to have their experience, and YOU to have yours. Equal importance, equal parts of the same process. Imho. And I would not start doing bad things to others, but hell, it was not too long ago when all I cared is my own well being. Throw a rock at me if you never did the same in your younger days. : )

Also, I firmly believe that you cannot directly "help" or offer service an oversoul if you are not within. I would have no issues reincarnating as many times in this earth as it should take for me to play my role out as fully as I intended to. Because remember, it really is only a moment's time, but this 3rd density vehicle cannot comprehend that, so we dwell in vibrations that allow us to linearly process our experiences.
Also, one more thing that I wanted to add: my understanding of why we should call ourselves sub-Creator or Creator is because we ARE the creator of our own experiences. We are the creator of our universes - even if our universe is just a sub-sub-sub-sub-sub....-subset of the One Infinite Existence that we are exploring constantly, even if we have 6d, 5d, or 1d viewpoints. Calling ourselves "Gods" is accomodating to an idea that we are not powerless to the things out there, but rather we have every experience according to what belief systems move and motivate us currently. Be the change's vehicle control ("STS") or acceptance ("STO"), my understanding dictates that one needs to recognize that everything is a result of our belief systems, therefore we are the Creators of our own universes.


(05-15-2012, 05:36 AM)Oldern Wrote: [ -> ]Very, very good read, Shin'Ar, and I would say that it reflects a being that really took a lot of time when thinking about all this - so in this regard, we share some similarities, I dare to say : )

I just have two comments from the main concept:
1) Yes, "human" being is an "illusion". Just as everything is. I find that the word can be interpreted as something demeaning, but in the end, the Creator (the Source, shall we say), that is NOT self aware goes into infinite self-aware sub-Creators so they can have experiences. The illusions might not be "real", but the experience of it IS real. On every single level. Because that is how infinity works. So it does not matter and it should not matter if being human is an illusion when the point being is that we are here as viewpoints of the Creator to have experiences.
2) Incredibly good point by you to point out the need to distance ourselves from what we have "achieved" or what we look the world through. I have lately pondered with the idea of "me" not being anything else but a single result of our mass consciousness to allow itself to have a viewpoint like mine - and that is the same with every spiritually "awakening" being as well. Turn it around! Do not look down on anyone who is on the "right hand path" but recognize that that is not individuals being in the dark but the representation of our human oversoul's state of being. We are part of it, they are part of it. We have equal importance in the process. Equal.

But, and here is what I know you have had conflicts with or troubles with when trying to comprehend or cope with: STS beings are just as part of the consciousness as STO. If you have such an incredibly beatuiful and understanding overview of how an oversoul works, the concept of STS and STO naturally falls away. "STS" is really nothing more than a deliberate process of pushing one's head above the water long enough so they gather strength to rise up, instead of lying at the level of the surface near the water. If there were not so many "bad" acts in this world, many of us would not have been inspired to take on this journey in the first place. Be glad that the Creator allows THEM to have their experience, and YOU to have yours. Equal importance, equal parts of the same process. Imho. And I would not start doing bad things to others, but hell, it was not too long ago when all I cared is my own well being. Throw a rock at me if you never did the same in your younger days. : )

Also, I firmly believe that you cannot directly "help" or offer service an oversoul if you are not within. I would have no issues reincarnating as many times in this earth as it should take for me to play my role out as fully as I intended to. Because remember, it really is only a moment's time, but this 3rd density vehicle cannot comprehend that, so we dwell in vibrations that allow us to linearly process our experiences.
Also, one more thing that I wanted to add: my understanding of why we should call ourselves sub-Creator or Creator is because we ARE the creator of our own experiences. We are the creator of our universes - even if our universe is just a sub-sub-sub-sub-sub....-subset of the One Infinite Existence that we are exploring constantly, even if we have 6d, 5d, or 1d viewpoints. Calling ourselves "Gods" is accomodating to an idea that we are not powerless to the things out there, but rather we have every experience according to what belief systems move and motivate us currently. Be the change's vehicle control ("STS") or acceptance ("STO"), my understanding dictates that one needs to recognize that everything is a result of our belief systems, therefore we are the Creators of our own universes.

Hi Oldern,

Thanks for your indepth consideration.

I would say that I mostly agree with your thoughts except that I think in a couple of areas you have misunderstood what I think. Firstly, I do not think the human is an illusion or that each human experience is unimportant. When I speak of the delusion I am speaking to the way that the human naturally thinks of their experience as permanent instead of temporary. You said that you would like to continue to reincarnate for as long as is necessary. But I would ask you, 'necessary to achieve what?'

Will you reincarnate forever never reaching that point of 'what'? Do you see how such thinking becomes a barrier to moving further? I agree that we are the Creator's experience, and that time is also illusory and perception, but I guess the difference in how we are looking at it is that your experience would be a continuation of the same over and over, where mine would be to move into other experiences of higher vibration.

And this is where the aspects of STS and STO come into play. In my opinion, in my way of thinking when I consider these things, there is direction only in perception which is created when each fragmentation/experience chooses to vibrate lower or higher. Vibrating lower condenses matter moving it to a state of being that is further from higher being. Vibrating faster transforms dense matter into higher states of being.

Both are valid experiences within the All, but that fact does not change the truth of direction, or the natural dynamic of frequency vibration.

I know that these terminologies are probably not scientifically accurate, and I hope that those reading understand it the way that I am trying to convey it.

So it seems that the only real difference that we have is in how we perceive the choices that we make as individual experiences of the All. You see this human experience as a more permanent expression of the Creator. Whereas I see the human experience as no different than the stone or the plant, or the higher states of being. And because I have that attitude it is natural for me to seek to acquire the higher states of being because I perceive that as development and growth.

if I might, you are like the old oak that has reached the pinnacle of its growth and is content to experience its environment as an old oak.

I am like a vine that struggles to continue climbing and finding new places to cling, and new forms of being.

I do not mean that to be insulting. It is simply my attempt to express what I think is our difference in metaphor.

It is my understanding when I speculate on these things that if one chooses to satisfy the self, keeping the head above water as you put it, they are remaining caught between the below and the above as they tread water in one spot unable to move higher or lower.

In my thinking there is direction in this experience we call life, and As above, So below. But each will be a very different experience/vibration, even though each will end in the same paradox of infinity.

It is all one experience in the One Consciousness, but the infinite vibrations that it creates manifest in the human experience as the choice between higher and lower frequency. And lower frequency will not achieve higher frequency.

And even though as you note, the lower has its effects that stimulate certain reaction and catalyst, I am confused as to why one would deliberately choose to lower their vibration when the higher offers new experiences of far greater potential that one has previously not experienced?

Why jump into the bath tub filled with used water, when one has the option to jump into a sea of brand new water? This is my dilemma.


(05-14-2012, 11:55 PM)ShinAr Wrote: [ -> ]So I ask anyone interested in discussing under these terms,

“Why would one deliberately choose to experiment with negative energies, decreasing the frequency of their vibrations, and seek to gratify their physical self. If they understand that the physical self they are exploring is a delusion?”


"Why would one want to continue to experience the continuation of further reincarnation, when they have already been doing so for countless lifetimes, instead of trying to use any opportunity to free oneself from further reincarnations, to evolve into a higher state of being?"

These seem to be the questions that I would want to ask anyone in discussion about their choice to explore service to self.

1: Negative is subjective to the observers goals and history, therefore "why would one continue to experience negative" is entirely subjective, such as saying "why would you intentionally go out in rain" or "why do you put on those funny hats and look at the stars" What is negative is only perceived as such.

2: Generally speaking, thoughts and believes that encourage one to leave the physical body behind and ascend end in mass suicides and people with flamethrowers burning stuff down. But that being said, as one aspect of the one I may say that willful deliberate seeking of ascension when the physical body is still able to serve the community at large will result in a "less than optimal" beyond side experience. That is to say, one may wish to jump to a new reincarnation but looking at the state of the human spirit (world events etc.) it seems likely that judging by our records as human beings, we shouldnt be so determined to "jump somewhere better"

I just wanted to say - Welcome Back!

I wrote this to a friend just a few days ago, but I think it applies equally to you:

"I really do learn a lot from you. Almost every interaction leaves me with some aspect of the self that I have to consider, and then accept. This happens indirectly; it is not what you say, or how you say it, but rather certain pointers to qualities or behaviour. I must admit, it is not always joyful or pleasant at the time, but it is a mirror for the Self that leads to greater Integration."

so, with a joyful heart, I look forward to reading more of your writings.



(05-15-2012, 08:40 AM)Cyan Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-14-2012, 11:55 PM)ShinAr Wrote: [ -> ]So I ask anyone interested in discussing under these terms,

“Why would one deliberately choose to experiment with negative energies, decreasing the frequency of their vibrations, and seek to gratify their physical self. If they understand that the physical self they are exploring is a delusion?”


"Why would one want to continue to experience the continuation of further reincarnation, when they have already been doing so for countless lifetimes, instead of trying to use any opportunity to free oneself from further reincarnations, to evolve into a higher state of being?"

These seem to be the questions that I would want to ask anyone in discussion about their choice to explore service to self.

1: Negative is subjective to the observers goals and history, therefore "why would one continue to experience negative" is entirely subjective, such as saying "why would you intentionally go out in rain" or "why do you put on those funny hats and look at the stars" What is negative is only perceived as such.

2: Generally speaking, thoughts and believes that encourage one to leave the physical body behind and ascend end in mass suicides and people with flamethrowers burning stuff down. But that being said, as one aspect of the one I may say that willful deliberate seeking of ascension when the physical body is still able to serve the community at large will result in a "less than optimal" beyond side experience. That is to say, one may wish to jump to a new reincarnation but looking at the state of the human spirit (world events etc.) it seems likely that judging by our records as human beings, we shouldnt be so determined to "jump somewhere better"

hi Cyan,

Nice to hear from you again.

When I use the negative I am speaking strictly in terms of vibration. I do not think of it in terms of right or wrong or good or evil. I am thinking of it the same way that I would consider cymatics. So what I speak of is not perception, but choice to vibrate at either a higher frequency or a lower one. It is a matter of transforming matter into various densities based upon the frequency of their vibrations.

I am not sure how to address your second remark without seeming judgmental or preachy. so I must tread carefully here. Please understand that I am simply expressing thoughts about what we speak on. I expect nothing from anyone except to allow me to speak what is in my thoughts.

I would suggest that you seem to be in the same frame of mind as Oldern with regard to the human form. In that you see it as a place to settle and remain. My perception of the human form being temporary does not condone suicide at all, or the lack of compassion and respect for the human form. I understand that there are some who think that way, and of course there are extremes and perversions of many ideals and philosophies.

My perception is simply that when we see that the human form is merely a vibration taking place within the One Collective of the All, which can either increase or decrease resulting in transformation, that it is beneficial for a field of consciousness to experience higher frequencies of vibration, and in achieving higher vibration we evolve into higher states of being which open new opportunities and experiences. So it is not a matter of abandoning our natural state, but instead it is a matter of our natural design being to reach higher frequencies so that we naturally evolve into higher states of being.

As I see it one can remain a seedling and never grow into a tree, or one can grow into the fullness of its true design. This is however just my thoughts on the evolution of creation.

(05-15-2012, 09:17 AM)plenum Wrote: [ -> ]I just wanted to say - Welcome Back!

I wrote this to a friend just a few days ago, but I think it applies equally to you:

"I really do learn a lot from you. Almost every interaction leaves me with some aspect of the self that I have to consider, and then accept. This happens indirectly; it is not what you say, or how you say it, but rather certain pointers to qualities or behaviour. I must admit, it is not always joyful or pleasant at the time, but it is a mirror for the Self that leads to greater Integration."

so, with a joyful heart, I look forward to reading more of your writings.



I appreciate what you are saying. I really do understand what you always mean when you speak of catalyst. And I thank you for your kind remark.

It would be unnatural if we were all on the same path and there was no opposition.


I am not sure how we are going to fit break dancing into this discussion but I am certainly going to enjoy watching it happen.
Quote:Are you? Are you really going to sit there at your computer and try to tell us that you are the Creator of the universe?
This connects to the thought form thread as well LoL!
(05-14-2012, 11:55 PM)ShinAr Wrote: [ -> ]...
In our gathering here, we share understanding and speculation of things that were once considered occult and fantastic. Were scorned by science and educated realms. Were demonized by traditions. The things we share together seem to be so natural and logical to us that we have forgotten the taboo and the mysticism. We speak of the One, and bind physics and religion together in ways long forgotten to civilization.
We speak casually of things vastly spectacular and astronomical.

I agree! And it's wonderful! Smile

(05-14-2012, 11:55 PM)ShinAr Wrote: [ -> ]...How many of us really understand the enormity of what it means when we say , “we are One, or, “ we are the Creator” ?

Are you? Are you really going to sit there at your computer and try to tell us that you are the Creator of the universe?

If you are, then let me suggest that you might want to take such a declaration with a little more import.

You are saying that you, the reader of this post, are the one who created the universe and all that exists. Is that right? Well now, you are an extremely powerful and almighty character, aren’t you?...

I do my friend, BUT I also believe that currently my self is infinitely more within my other-selves than within my self.

(05-14-2012, 11:55 PM)ShinAr Wrote: [ -> ]...But we do not see the reality, instead we see the delusion. And this is why we really don’t understand the depth of what it means when we try to relate to ourselves as the Creator...

Indeed, but that's why we came here in the first place. Is it not ?

(05-14-2012, 11:55 PM)ShinAr Wrote: [ -> ]...The process of our attaining higher being may not result in instant physical transformation, but that is not the goal or purpose. The purpose is found in our experiencing the path to higher being and reaching it...

Beautifully said ! Smile

(05-14-2012, 11:55 PM)ShinAr Wrote: [ -> ]“Why would one deliberately choose to experiment with negative energies, decreasing the frequency of their vibrations, and seek to gratify their physical self. If they understand that the physical self they are exploring is a delusion?”

In my case, I do not experiment with negative energies. It's simply part of the path of acceptance. My only interest is in understanding negativity so that I can better accept its existence. After all, it's part of All That Is. I can either reject negativity, which means not giving love to those walking that path OR accept it and share my love with them and everything else.

I am not walking the STS path and I'm not interested in the least bit in walking that path. The more I understand about that path and the less I would want to partake in it.

I feel pity for those choosing the STS path, even though I am aware that they are more than fine with the choice. This pity of mine is probably delicious to them and they probably laugh at my puniness and my compassionate wisdom. Smile

(05-14-2012, 11:55 PM)ShinAr Wrote: [ -> ]"Why would one want to continue to experience the continuation of further reincarnation, when they have already been doing so for countless lifetimes, instead of trying to use any opportunity to free oneself from further reincarnations, to evolve into a higher state of being?"

I agree with Ra on this subject. The need for incarnation is not a choice we have until we have properly made The Choice of which path we will go on after this short passage within 3d.
Shin'Ar, you are well aware that I am in utmost agreement with all that you have outlined above, though I would like to offer my perspective in regards to your consideration of higher and lower being, in there being only one being which ultimately undergoes the perceived process of progression or regression. The entire spectrum of vibrational frequency exists within one plateau. There is only and more accurately 'this' vibrational frequency or 'that' vibrational frequency.

Evolution and involution are simultaneous and, taking it further, are processes which are paradoxically inert. Forwards movement in the context of the becoming of consciousness is much the same as a backwards movement; forwards, in that all fields progress and evolve towards singularity, backwards as it pertains to the return of all individual evolving fields returning to the source field, yet the arena in which these various fields meander through are upon that very singularity. Positive and negative, higher and lower are dichotomies which arise from polarity, and polarity is a subset to the primary ground of all phenomenon. When viewed through the lens of the All there is not any experience or vibrational frequency or circumstance which is viewed as separate, other, or detrimental in any sense. All experience and fragmented instances of becoming is undergone by one being, thus all individual evolution is the collective evolution and growth of one evolver.

Quote:“Why would one deliberately choose to experiment with negative energies, decreasing the frequency of their vibrations, and seek to gratify their physical self. If they understand that the physical self they are exploring is a delusion?”

This deliberate choosing stems from the free will which all beings are endowed with. Those thoughts, words and deeds which you perceive as resulting in a diminished state when viewed through the context in which this decrease occurs in only have a tangible and perceivable corresponding result of detrimental circumstance when viewed through individual perspective. Granted that gratification of temporary form in this existential nexus may be seen as counter-productive if the goal of the individualized being is to attain a state of theosis, it must be understood that all are mere venues through which growth and learning may be achieved. To the All, polarity does not result in distinction or subsequent categorization. Any lowering or raising of frequency of one's energetic field is experienced from the stand-point of the individual field. However, all vibrations and frequencies are by-products which comprise only one frequency, however this frequency is one which is not in any way set and is rather a result of all possible frequency.

Imagine a glass beaker filled with water, but consider that the beaker and the water contain special properties. Attempt to perceive each individual water molecule that comprises the water within the beaker, yet each have their own chemical make-up and shape, their individual vibrational frequencies. Now, envision that this beaker does not always retain its solid dimensional form and fluctuates between various forms, morphing and expanding yet still very easily discerned as the beaker which contains all water. The perpetual transformation of the beaker directly correlates to each and every water molecule within the beaker. Realize further that there is no distinction between the beaker which contains, the water which is contained, and the various individual water molecules which are always transforming within. This analogy denotes Creator, Process, and Creation.

Quote:"Why would one want to continue to experience the continuation of further reincarnation, when they have already been doing so for countless lifetimes, instead of trying to use any opportunity to free oneself from further reincarnations, to evolve into a higher state of being?"

Reincarnation is seen as a detriment only to individualized beings who develop the awareness and distortion that further experience in one particular dimension is undesirable in light of further and 'higher' dimensions of experience and thus seek the transcendence of metempsychosis. Reincarnation exists in order to allow any particular individual being further opportunities to refine itself and grow. It does not equate to previous failure of any incarnation if one becomes reincarnated into a different form. It merely denotes that this being felt the necessity of returning to the form and dimension which it feels may provide optimal opportunity for its personal evolution. All incarnations are mere opportunities for the All to experience itself in an infinite variety of ways. All direction and process are undergone by and within only One. All subsequent experience of each individual being is determined solely by the various vibrations which comprise each unique field and the interactions between this particular storehouse of vibration and all perceived surrounding vibrational frequencies which manifest as all of the contents of consciousness.
It is posts/topics like this that IMO separate this forum from any other I've ever been to!

Y'all are awesome! And Shin'Ar bravo my man!


We seek within.


Godwide you have given me cause to think on a couple of key points that I need more time to consider before I can respond. Can you tell me more about what you mean when you are speaking of the 'plateau'?

When you are speaking of evolution you are speaking at a level I find difficult to keep up with and since your recent transformations I am finding it harder to discern your words. I see in them things that I really need to focus on and just haven't had adequate time to do so. I am certain that there is a revelation there for me and I am anxious to sort it out.

I think it has something to do with the way that I consider the difference between the reincarnation of the consciousness in human form compared to how I see evolution of consciousness overall. If you could focus on that maybe you could be of help to me.

I am still working on your other post. You have gotten very complicated young friend. lol

Azrael, I am speaking strictly in terms of sacred geometry. And I admit that I may not be be using the proper terminology and that can be confusing for those who might use terms differently than how I am trying to apply them. To me a positive energy would be created by faster vibration at higher pitched frequencies. Negative energy would be the decrease of vibration at lower frequency. If this is inaccurate scientific terminology please correct.


We seek within.


I think ti deserves a greater consideration too Azreal.

For sound is vital to this whole aspect of matter and creation.

Maybe Godwide could offer some clarity here on pitch and harmony and the way that sound creates either positive or negative vibration. I think we are to something very vital to understanding creation here.

I would ask if it is possible to achieve higher frequency using notes or off key pitches that Azreal's explanation would consider to negative. It seems to me, and I very well could be wrong, that harmony does not necessarily require perfect pitch. Are there not musical compositions that use flat notes and off beats that still achieve harmonious results?

let's try to remind ourselves here that we are speaking of vibration in the sense of soundwave frequency which when lowered becomes so dense that it actually crystallizes, which is the basis of creating matter from sound. and it is in this process of sound becoming crystal that we seek to understand the affects of the positive and negative energy of such frequencies.

As soon as I get on my computer I may respond.


We seek within.
(05-15-2012, 09:40 PM)ShinAr Wrote: [ -> ]Godwide you have given me cause to think on a couple of key points that I need more time to consider before I can respond. Can you tell me more about what you mean when you are speaking of the 'plateau'?

In my usage of the term 'plateau' in relation to vibrational frequency I speak of the same thing as when I use 'arena' or 'ground of all phenomenon'. All possible frequency, as Eternal pointed out, is static, undergoing alteration with every moment which is perceived to pass. Consider that there is only one empty space in which all frequency is sustained upon, arises from, and further transmutes in. All process which occurs does so within one stadium. All frequencies comprise the totality of the singular frequency, and consider that the limitations of this singular all-encompassing frequency are always surpassed. Any frequency which is, will become, and even if a frequency appears to have reached the endpoint of its potential evolution, due to the fact that there are infinite frequencies and vibrations which it may interact with, there is always new synthesizing and reconfiguration of all vibrational frequencies. There is always individual expansion and evolution which results in the entirety of the All experiencing even greater expansion and evolution from the individual components. Thus it is as many sponges absorbing water and growing, the water being infinite in quantity and the bucket the sponges are within expanding at an exponential rate surpassing that of the individual sponges themselves.

Quote:When you are speaking of evolution you are speaking at a level I find difficult to keep up with and since your recent transformations I am finding it harder to discern your words. I see in them things that I really need to focus on and just haven't had adequate time to do so. I am certain that there is a revelation there for me and I am anxious to sort it out.

I think it has something to do with the way that I consider the difference between the reincarnation of the consciousness in human form compared to how I see evolution of consciousness overall. If you could focus on that maybe you could be of help to me.

I am still working on your other post. You have gotten very complicated young friend. lol

What is the difference which you perceive as it pertains to the correlation between reincarnation and evolution of consciousness? Reincarnation is a process which is not exclusive to the human phase. It is a process which is crucial to the evolution of consciousness and is not restricted to form, time, or place. There is only ever one being which incarnates and experiences expiration of any form it has incarnated in. Reincarnation is the primary axis upon which the pursuits of knowledge, manifestation, and curious expression as it is sought and enacted by the All turns.

Whether an individual being undergoes transcendence and evolution into subsequent densities of the Creation or reincarnation into the same density of experience, there is growth and evolution occurring. There is a semblance of delight in any localized process which occurs as it all contributes to the sum total of the metaprocess.

Reincarnation is the variable which allows extension of and adds greater substance to the evolution of the totality of consciousness. A conduit will manifest. It will experience. It will reach cessation of its current form in the particular dimension it is present in. It will then reemerge as a phoenix, and whether this reemergence is as a higher being or a being in similar form in the same dimension, it is still evolution which is taking place. All is permitted. All is a learning experience. It is however suggested that the individual being seeks endeavors of an evolutionary nature with the gaze fixated beyond the horizon rather than focused upon the ground, so to speak. The entity which free itself from reincarnation from this density is that entity whom has made the most of its curriculum in this illusion. Though I will continue to stress that there is only one which incarnates, reincarnates, lives, dies, experiences, learns, evolves, devolves, is chained, becomes freed, grows stagnant, or transcends.


Godwide, might I suggest your "plateau" may correlate with the Speed of Light?
(05-15-2012, 10:21 PM)ShinAr Wrote: [ -> ]I think ti deserves a greater consideration too Azreal.

For sound is vital to this whole aspect of matter and creation.

Maybe Godwide could offer some clarity here on pitch and harmony and the way that sound creates either positive or negative vibration. I think we are to something very vital to understanding creation here.

I would ask if it is possible to achieve higher frequency using notes or off key pitches that Azreal's explanation would consider to negative. It seems to me, and I very well could be wrong, that harmony does not necessarily require perfect pitch. Are there not musical compositions that use flat notes and off beats that still achieve harmonious results?

let's try to remind ourselves here that we are speaking of vibration in the sense of soundwave frequency which when lowered becomes so dense that it actually crystallizes, which is the basis of creating matter from sound. and it is in this process of sound becoming crystal that we seek to understand the affects of the positive and negative energy of such frequencies.

One may not attribute moral characteristics or accurately convey frequency or vibration given that the terms, rather, the concepts of "positive" and "negative" themselves are vibrational frequencies. The entirety of the Creation is itself a vast symphony which plays itself. When listening to a piece of music, do you apply individual attributes to each note in a moral sense? From the macrocosm to the microcosm each and every content is vibration, the harmonic apparatuses of the infinite instrument which plays itself into eternity. Even the application of the notion that there is only consonance or dissonance resulting from the interaction between any number of frequencies, while correct, must experience a suspension in the dualism of this perception. It is only through individual perspective, conditioned by polarity, which views frequency as being able to be categorized into one element or another. Vibrational frequencies are not positive or negative, and interaction between various vibrations does not result in a positive or negative frequency which arises. It is only vibrational frequencies synthesizing new vibrational frequencies. All is in perfect harmony, all melodies which are played are meant to be played. A frequency is merely the coding or programming of a manifestation in consciousness. It is the make-up of the vibration of an individual field of sentient consciousness or a content of consciousness.
(05-16-2012, 01:27 AM)TheEternal Wrote: [ -> ]Godwide, might I suggest your "plateau" may correlate with the Speed of Light?

In what sense do you make this correlation?


Do you know of any other referential constant in reality that so reflects the absolute relativity of the One?
I see now what you mean. The speed of light is travel at an instantaneous rate, yet there appears to be no distance traversed from the starting point and the ending point, and the space traveled in between is indeed light. Perhaps the only other referential constant which most accurately reflects the All would be the speed of sound, as there is then a very similar process and that substance of sound is, accompanied by light, another primary benefactor in the elements which may be considered to comprise the One. Indeed, speed, light, and sound are, while subsets, the major principles which code the Creation and thus set the stage for infinite variance and manifestation.


We seek within.


I am not keen on the science of cymatics or wave form, and I am certainly not a musician, although around the campfire I can keep up with the best of you strumming my guitar.

But what I hope to do here is keep ET and GW focused on this discussion of soundwave frequency in such a way that we might learn the actual reality behind sound creating matter.

I think we get sidelined by trying to define positive and negative energies within this discussion because I am just not able to properly assign the terminology in such a way that I will not constantly need to be corrected or be misunderstood.

Maybe once we establish how pitch and harmony play the role of transformation we can then work out definitions for positive and negative aspects of this and how these affect transformation, or if they even do at all.

Now to the Source.

Imagine we turn on the radio and out comes the sound. In order to achieve that we must connect to the specific frequency which that sound is travelling/being carried on. Without perfecting that connection we will not be able to interact with the sound in harmony.

This would be my definition of harmony.

If we apply that to connecting with the First Sound emitted by the Source, First Thought if you will, one must connect to that perfect frequency that brings one into harmony with that carrier.

Now, imagine that First Thought/Sound has transformed into many waves of differing frequencies and these are all creating various experiences and transformations. Vibrating at different speeds will enable connecting to specific carriers but not all at the same time, they must be very precisely tuned in to get just one at a time. And the priority here is that only one of those many will tune in the First Thought /Sound wave of the First Carrier.

For example, the Creator is tuned in on WCPR which is at 43.2 megahertz. And when one tries to tune into that station at 43.0 it will not be clear , it will be static.

Now let's consider pitch.

When I speak of pitch I am speaking of hitting and holding one particular note in perfect pitch and at such pitch it can actually transform matter into a specific shape based upon that specific pitch. Is this not the same thing we are talking about when we are speaking of tuning into specific frequency?

If you hit a certain pitch, crystal will shatter. if you tune into a specific frequency of sound wave matter will take a specific shape or pattern.

This is the origin of everything that exists.

Sound/Thought was emitted from the Source, on a specific frequency/pitch, and as that sound/thought became decreased in frequency it crystallized. This was the creation of matter from thought. When one increases the frequency of that waveform matter transforms. And if one completely reverses that original process to tune into the original frequency one would transform back to the original waveform.

This would be ascendance. matter returning to the state before it became matter.

This what we know from both the Ancients and modern physics is recently falling into line with these ancient teachings.

What I need is the proper way of expressing this in terminology that does not create confusion or inaccurate statements.


You may find this description of Aum to be interesting.

Also, harmony works a lot on the principle of interference patterns:

Now, in terms of audible sound waves, you are correct that frequency correlates with pitch, although not entirely. (from Wiki: Pitch may be quantified as a frequency, but pitch is not a purely objective physical property; it is a subjective psychoacoustical attribute of sound.) That being said, the "speed of sound", or a particular speed, could be thought of as one level of frequencies, with other speeds constituting other levels of frequencies.

Now, the "geometry" you speak of can also be thought of as a "phase", or a single cycle of a geometric configuration. Even if you look at cymatics, you'll see it's not a perfect thing, because it is motional, it moves, so the geometric design isn't static but a slightly fluctuating phase pattern.

Now, it is important to keep in mind that one WAVE, can have multiple frequency phases. Also, a single wave has within it multiple directions of movement, so one "sound" can't really be tied down to any one particular frequency, as pretty much every perceptible experience of sound involves many frequencies. Even if you use a frequency generator it isn't a pure frequency.
Neither is this one too keen on that particular field of studying cymatics and wave form but nevertheless I will attempt to convey a response. No one individual sound is purely just comprised of one soundwave alone. The pitch and tuning of each soundwave are the elements which comprise the frequency it is. A simpler way to view this would be in the consideration that a chord is composed of various notes to create a distinct sound. Each note which works in harmony to beget the corresponding sound are characterized by a plethora of variables which gives them their distinct sound. Each element is interconnected and determines the other. There is a set and distinct A chord. One may go about altering this chord in a variety of manners, from changing the frequency to which it is received upon, adding various audial effects to it, and indeed there is produced a different tone of this chord depending upon what instrument it is played upon, and in what manner it is played. It may be a short and quick A, or a sustained A resulting in a dissonant wave of this A echoing and dissipating. I would say that matter is itself a particular waveform which is merely solidified via our perceptions. We are subject to the illusion of there being solid matter when all is mere energy and vibration. The human brain perceives these waveforms as being shape, form, and color when it is only particular vibrational frequencies which comprise all things. There is not condensation of sound into matter. It is waveforms perceived as solid matter due to the particular system which the human brain functions upon. Consider that bats do not perceive matter, but use the means of echolocation or sonar to construct a perceptual map of reality. A human being simply has a different means and mode of perception of the frequencies which sustain the holographic design of this illusion. The five senses of the human being result in the 'feeling' and 'seeing' of a solid vibrational frequency, in 'smelling' a vibrational frequency manifesting aromatically, in 'tasting' a vibrational frequency, and in more in tune with the nature of vibrational frequencies, may hear them. Consider further that these acts of perception are being performed by a more cohesive and formed vibrational frequency which has taken the form of a human being. We are the contents of consciousness interacting with the contents of consciousness. If one were to more fully understand the exact machinations of the manner in which consciousness manifests in the various ways it does, one would have effectively grasped the mechanisms of the coding of the Source. I do not consciously hold the correct and precise terminology necessary to formulate a more cohesive and in-depth response in regards to the study of cymatics and wave-form to the degree which Azrael might, thus he may be better equipped to articulate more comprehensively upon these matters than you or I.


Why does it seem like our posts unintentionally tied together? Ehe

I stated no soundwave is composed of one single frequency, you went on to say no "sound" is composed of a single soundwave.
Azrael, that Essence of Aum webpage you linked to is excellent. It is the inspiration for my preoccupation with droning sounds, and indeed long drones are one of the most aesthetically pleasing sounds I have ever heard. When a fan is on, when a breeze is blowing, when a pump is running, the sound a refrigerator makes, this Aum-esque droning is perpetual and present in many, many, many different places and forms. Hearing them produced by random things serves as a constant reminder of the infinite and omnipresent majesty of the All/One. Smile
(05-16-2012, 03:52 PM)TheEternal Wrote: [ -> ]Why does it seem like our posts unintentionally tied together? Ehe

I stated no soundwave is composed of one single frequency, you went on to say no "sound" is composed of a single soundwave.

Of course our individual posts would be tied together. Nothing is unintentional or random when one considers that there is only one being present in this discussion between "various individuals". Wink


Oh man, my head drones with tones like crazy. Last night I was meditating upon my internal sounds, it's quite a dynamic environment.
The inner ethoscape is indeed a most wonderful abyss to dwell in. The mental void behind one's closed eyes, alongside the droning which many forms produce, also serves as a constant reminder of the eternal ground of being that one's entire Universe plays out before. Where did your meditation on your internal symphony lead you to? Though this might be a rhetorical question considering there's nowhere to 'go' really, heh. Would you say your inner sanctum resembles the soundscapes of the GØD EP? BigSmile
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