I Do As I Do
Friday, February 27, 2015 [sup]©[/sup]
By lovecast
[sup]No part of this work may be shared or reproduced in any form without express permission of the author,[/sup]
[sup]unless it is with the express purpose of imparting divine love to others, and not for personal nor material gain of any kind.[/sup]
The seas swell, as does my head for beauty hidden in thought from eyesight;
The stars shine, as does my face upon forms gliding in moonlight.
The willow weeps, as does my heart for lonely souls on pilgrim path;
The scientist sighs, as does my soul-mind wrapped in heart-math.
The shape-shifter slides, as does my DNA to become yet another;
The pastor prophesies, as does my hope to embrace yet a lost brother.
Ideas, feelings, insights, sound-scapes, sensations... tantalizing nerve endings without end;
Endless paradox leaking goo-like down enigmatic time-space mind-bend.
We came here for this, so why complain, unless our protest allows the pain;
For it's been said: “No pain, no gain” – and into each life must fall some rain.
Dancing is the rain is one way to go, to raise our being, in durvic swirl;
The ascension process to advance, as each puts paintbrush to ones' own mural.
The pictures we paint, we smear before the liquid is dry;
When all is done, it's an avalanche of swirl, of texture, of color … to eye.
So our life seems complex, uneven, undone;
Yet when left to itself, it finds still a place in the sun.
So the bottom line of it all – the mystery unlocked with key:
To do as I do, is to be & let be.