I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from February 20, 2000:
The question this week has to do with the concept of guides. We are wondering what is the best way for anyone who wants to get in touch with his or her guide to do that? And we are also wondering, if we are trying to get in touch with our guides and looking at our guides as something outside of ourselves, does that influence or affect our ability to get in touch with our guides? And if we are able to get in touch with our guides, does that add a responsibility to our life pattern?
(Carla channeling)
We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is a blessing and a privilege to be called to you this afternoon. We wish to thank each of you for joining this circle of seeking and for calling us to your group. It is a great blessing for us to be able to share our opinions and thoughts and you greatly serve us by enabling us to offer our service, for this is the way that we are attempting to be of service at this time. As always, we would ask that you consider each of our thoughts to see if they resonate with your own needs, for we are not those in authority but, rather, your brothers and sisters who walk the same dusty path and make many mistakes. Thusly, take what is useful to you from what we say and leave the rest. We suggest that you do this with all sources of information. For truly, your inner discrimination will be that which resonates to what is right for you, which brings us to your requested topic, that of connecting with your guidance. For guidance is always available and there are many ways in which one may frame the search for becoming more and more skillful at the using of it.
To put this question in context we would like to talk about the worldly versus the metaphysical universe. The dilemma of those who wish to live their lives from a metaphysical point of view is that this metaphysical universe is not the universe in which consensus reality, or the physical reality you experience day by day, takes place. The concerns of the outer world can absorb all of one’s time and attention. And, indeed, many there are upon your sphere who manage to move from birth to the end of an entire incarnation without even once suspecting that there is another universe which interpenetrates the physical universe whose laws are of a higher order than those of the physical universe. However, for most people there are at least one or two times during an incarnation when it is brought clearly to one’s attention that there is a higher order of reality and that it sometimes affects physical reality.
For those who are gathered today there is a complete awareness of and a desire and yearning for that second universe of higher truth. Further, the body which carries you about contains what this instrument has called a biocomputer, the earthly brain, the choice-maker brain, that is built specifically to deal with the either/or questions of survival, protection of home and family, and the other concerns of the earthly life. The guidance system for the earthly brain is difficult to describe in earthly terms, but the word, intuition, surely covers it. However, for those who wish to become serious students, who have begun their path of wandering, their seeking for a true home, this either/or mentality does not satisfy for the simple reason that it cannot satisfy the needs of the metaphysical universe. However, each of you is also, and predominantly, a consciousness, an unique entity made wholly of Love and Light which goes through many physical vehicles in many densities and through many experiences within each density. This consciousness which is you can dip into the earthly universe, the physical world, by virtue of being wedded through the incarnational birthing process to a second-density physical vehicle; that is, your body. This consciousness, being a citizen of eternity, being infinite in nature, is completely adapted to doing work in the metaphysical universe. And each of you has, lying in potential within you, or should we say, within your consciousness, all of the guidance and information that you need. The challenge, of course, is how to gain access to that guidance, for however framed in conceptual structure, that guidance is a denizen of the deep mind, the roots of consciousness. And the door from the deep unconscious self to the conscious self must needs be opened or set ajar in some way in order for guidance to move into the conscious realm and become available in order that you may have access to it.
It is well to remember that guidance is definitely and always there, even when you are at the most seemingly far reach from it, even when you feel most blind, deaf, and dumb. The guidance is there. The guidance is awaiting for your awareness. It is a matter of unblocking the channels of communication rather than searching for something that may or may not be there. We say this because in order to access guidance it is extremely helpful to be practicing a life in faith. Wedo not wish to imply a certain structure to a life in faith but rather wish to look at this quality of love that is faith. Faith is a paradox, for one cannot gain faith. One simply must leap into behaving as if one had faith in order to begin a life in faith. Thusly, the first act of faith is the leap into nothingness. Faith, after all, would not be faith if there were a way to rationalize it or prove that it existed by any reasonable inquiry. This makes faith a real challenge, for if you have not faith, then how do you achieve it?
That leap looks very foolish and feels very dangerous. And, yet, we say to you that if you can hold the essence of faith which is that all is well, and that all will be well, if you can hold to this attitude, that faith will grow, and flourish and bloom in amazing ways. And if you become overwhelmed with a lack of faith you have but to start over to take that leap again, and the journey accelerates once more. There is never a failure that faith will not be recovered from. There is never a desert that is too wide for faith to cross.
In faith, then, when you wish to seek guidance, you may approach this search in various ways. This instrument, for instance, allows guidance to come to her by praying to the Holy Spirit. This guide, which she thinks of as an aspect of her higher self, and which she objectifies as a portion of the Creator, is a projection of that essence within the deep mind that can be called guidance. Therefore, to this entity does not come a conversation but, rather, a feeling, an intuition, a sense of rightness. For this instrument this degree of clarity is completely sufficient and satisfactory. For many others there is a need to objectify guidance in persons and, thusly, many entities seek their guidance in the form of guides. Again, all that there is, is one, and in many ways and on the deeper levels all that is outside of the physical being is a projected portion of that physical being. If all things are one, then all that an entity sees is part of that entity and, in one sense, a projection of that entity. Each of you, you see, lives in a complete and unique universe, a creation of your own. It is slightly different but definitely different from that universe of each and every other spark of the infinite Creator that has been sent forth. As this instrument was saying earlier, there are non-religious ways to set about discovering more about the guides that bless the entity with love and the desire to be of help in a spiritual or metaphysical sense.
These projections of the self that are guides are also entities with their own identities, their own histories, and, to some degree, their own agendas. Some entities feel that they have one major guide, and it is to this one entity that the self goes. Indeed, some have objectified this guide to a great extent. Each of you has seen examples of channeling from inner guides that various sources offer, and each is familiar with the concept of getting in touch with the guide. The project, shall we say, of reaching to discover information is best approached within a framework of a daily rule of life that includes a period of meditation during each day. The mind in the earthly sense has that tendency to continue working whether or not there is prominent stimulation from the outer world and, thusly, the inner world can be the world of one listening to a chatterbox.
The question for this session was: “The question this week has to do with the concept of guides. We are wondering what is the best way for anyone who wants to get in touch with his or her guide to do that? And we are also wondering, if we are trying to get in touch with our guides and looking at our guides as something outside of ourselves, does that influence or affect our ability to get in touch with our guides? And if we are able to get in touch with our guides, does that add a responsibility to our life pattern?“ Q’uo began by saying that guidance is always available, and they wanted to put this into perspective by saying that there is the physical universe of consensus reality which tends to take up most of an entity’s time, and there is the metaphysical universe which interpenetrates the physical universe whose laws are of a higher order than those of the physical universe, and most people never discover the metaphysical universe although there may be a couple of opportunities in their life to perceive a higher order of reality. Q’uo went on to say that the body which carries us around contains a biocomputer, our earthly brain, which is our choice maker brain, that deals with the questions of survival, protection of home and family, and the other concerns of the earthly life. They said that the guidance system for our earthly brain is difficult to describe, but the word, intuition, is a good description for it, and for the awakened spiritual seeker the either/or mentality does not satisfy the seeker because it cannot satisfy the needs of the metaphysical universe. Q’uo continued by saying that our consciousness moves into the physical world by being connected to a second-density body, and our consciousness is a citizen of eternity and is completely adapted to doing work in the metaphysical universe. They also said that our consciousness has all the guidance that we need, but we must be able to consciously open the door to our deep mind in order to gain access to our guidance, and we can do this by practicing a life lived in faith and leaping into nothingness. Q’uo continued by saying that we can do this by remembering that all is well, and that all will be well, and if we can maintain this attitude, that faith will grow and bloom in amazing ways, but if we ever feel we have failed, we should take that leap again because there is never a failure that faith will not help us recover from. Then Q’uo said in using faith that there are a number of ways that we can seek guidance such as praying to the Holy Spirit which is a portion of the Creator that rests within our deep mind, and then Q’uo said that we may also objectify our guidance as being a certain kind of guide that has its own identity which we may contact in daily meditation where we may hear our guidance in words. On December 15, 1996, Q’uo described how we might become aware of our guidance:
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The desire upon your part to be guided in the seeking of Love, and the service to others, and the growth of the self is all that is required for such guidance to be received. To become aware, consciously aware, of the guidance is yet another task. For one may move throughout the entire incarnation with the faith that guidance will be received and indeed shall be correct and shall be guided without perhaps ever becoming aware of exactly how the guidance worked. For those who wish to be more closely aware of such guidance it is well to pick a manner of receiving. Some are able to perceive thought concepts such as those which we transmit through these instruments. Some are able to perceive concepts through writing within their own journal where they are able to give over the control of the manuscript. Others are able to utilize implements such as the pendulum and work in this way to become aware of guidance. Others may utilize the tarot deck of cards containing images and meanings, energies, and directions. Others may find more personally tailored manners in which they can become aware of guidance, each technique dependent upon each seeker’s personal preferences and talents, whether they be through some endeavor which will allow a certain kind of feeling to be transmitted, perhaps through music, movement, or some game of chance, shall we say, the falling of cards, the ball through the basket, the technique dependent upon the individual’s selection firstly, and secondly and most importantly upon the individual’s continued utilization of this technique on a regular basis so that a channel is set up that may be utilized again and again.
Many are the conversations entities such as this instrument have with themselves, all in the imagination. And this energy generally moves according to the laws of inertia. It simply keeps going because that is what the mental biocomputer does. It runs. It operates. It is noisy. The idea, then, is to empty out the mental pockets and allow the earthly biocomputer to have a rest so that the consciousness may float free of the either/or demands of the earthly mind. Without the regular, habitual and persistent use of meditation it is very difficult to learn to stop the mind from running. And when the mind is running the deeper guidance is very difficult to contact.
Thusly, in order to prepare the ground for connecting with guidance it is a very skillful idea to place the self in the act of meditation. This is a tremendous commitment, and it is a life-changer. This entity, for instance, is fond of saying that she does not meditate well. What she means is that she cannot completely shut off her earthly brain. Bits of conversations and music continue to filter through all efforts to shut down the noise of the mind. However true, this objective concept of the self as not being good at meditating is, this instrument would be the first to express the powerful work that meditation on a daily basis has wrought in her life experience. And indeed, any entity who has meditated for any length of time is aware that even a little of this silence of mind is a powerful accelerant of the process of spiritual transformation.
We would strongly recommend, therefore, that any who wish to connect with their guides do this in the context of daily meditational periods. Remember that although each of you came into incarnation fully aware of all of this that we are saying, during the birthing process the veil of forgetting dropped neatly and usually completely over the consciousness so that within the incarnation the path back to the metaphysical universe must be retraced step by step, and, in addition to the general confusion of the Earth plane, much must be unlearned from the standpoint of the metaphysical universe that is included in the cultural training of young entities. Many are those who have said that adulthood is that period wherein one attempts to undo the damage sustained during childhood. Much needs to be unlearned as the view shifts from the earthly and physical to the non-earthly and metaphysical. In one universe there are things, tables, people, planets, stars. In the other universe there are energies, thoughts, ideals, and as a metaphysical entity you are one who is, as opposed to the physical entity which is one who does.
Guidance is that connection between the metaphysical and physical universes which translates complex information concerning destiny and desire into earthly terms which steps down the energy of the cosmos so that the self within incarnation can accept energy, and intuition, and essence, and open the mind to the translation that guidance will make of these things in offering them to the conscious mind.
The one known as R wondered if it would matter as to how one framed the request for this guidance and we may say that, indeed, this is so. If one frames the search for advice and wisdom as a search for guides, then it is very likely that entities, as opposed to energies, will be contacted. We may say that it is very difficult to express the nature of these essences and energies that are guides and guidance. Take, for instance, that of angels. Angels are another way of describing inner plane guides. When entities over a long period of time think along the same patterns and constructions of thought there is created by such thought the reality that such thought embodies. Thoughts become things and guidance becomes angelic. And it becomes true that for each entity there are several angels.
If we were to go through each culture and its religious beliefs, we would find the channels and pathways by which that body of entities that believed in that wise perceived their guidance to be housed or contained within. And, thus, you have fairies and genies, and inner planes masters, and so forth. There are as many different ways to contact guides and guidance as there have been groups of people, or entities by themselves, who were seeking in a certain way with certain needs. What you may depend upon is that you fashioned for yourself, before incarnation, triggers whose nature would depend upon your appreciation and your awareness of the guidance that you need. As you seek for your guidance you need to follow that intuition that you have within you and those feelings that come from the heart. For it is the wisdom of the heart which often expresses through emotion only, that is the kind of beast, as this instrument would say, that guidance truly is. It is not an intellectual source. Guidance is not heavy on logic. Guidance can be paradoxical and, in many ways, can offer varying views on the same subject. What guidance is, as we said, is connections made within the self that enables the content of the deep mind to be moved close enough to the conscious mind that a translation of concepts into words and thoughts may take place. So, what you are doing is asking the self to release the physical universe from consciousness and to move down into the roots of mind. Meditation is the specific way that we would suggest that this movement down into the roots of mind be approached.
Then Q’uo said that in order to receive guidance from our deeper mind we need to use meditation to stop the running of the imagination of the earthy mind, and if we can meditate on a daily basis, we can be transformed in many ways on our spiritual journey such as being able to contact our guides. Q’uo went on to say that after we have been born into our incarnations that the veil of forgetting requires us to retrace our steps back to the metaphysical universe by undoing the damage that we incurred during the enculturation process when we were children and taught how to live in the physical universe where there are things like tables, people, and planets and the physical entity who does, whereas in the metaphysical universe there are energies, thoughts, and ideals, and as a metaphysical entity we are one who is. Then Q’uo said that: ’’Guidance is that connection between the metaphysical and physical universes which translates complex information concerning destiny and desire into earthly terms which steps down the energy of the cosmos so that the self within incarnation can accept energy, and intuition, and essence, and open the mind to the translation that guidance will make of these things in offering them to the conscious mind.” Q’uo went on to say that it would make a difference in how one asked for guidance as to how that guidance would manifest, and they said asking for advice or wisdom would be responded to by entities rather than energies such as angels or inner plane guides. Then Q’uo said that various cultures and religions have developed ways of belief that would be able to contact what we know as fairies, genies, and inner planes masters, and there were as many forms of ways to contact this guidance as there were groups or people. Then Q’uo said that each of us has, before our incarnation, created a means by which we may receive information from our guidance, so we need to pay attention to our intuition and the feelings in our heart to obtain guidance that relies on emotions rather than intellect as the means of bringing our conscious mind in closer contact with our deep mind where concepts can be translated into words, and Q’uo said that meditation was the way that they recommended that this be done. On April 13, 2024, Q’uo spoke of the nature of contact with the deep mind:
In the deeps of your being is the One Creator that exists as your deep mind and which can confirm to you, and for you, that which you feel is true. This is a question which you ask in order that this deep mind, this fulfilling of Love, the Creator’s Love, then can rise into your conscious mind and speak to you in a manner which we feel you are aware of already.
This is a kind of knowing that the conscious mind frequently questions. For the conscious mind is not totally connected to the perception of the spiritual journey. The conscious mind is often confused and feels a multitude of directions possible as answers to various questions. That is why it is necessary for the spiritual seeker of truth to move deeper beyond the conscious mind to that portion of yourself which knows the answer to each question which you ask.
We feel that you are advanced enough on your own spiritual journey to know the answer to the question that you seek. Especially if you utilize the, we correct this instrument, the technique of meditation which takes you deeper and deeper into your unconscious mind, into the mind of the Creator, where the Creator speaks to you, and gives you those answers which you desire.
Each entity will have a different experience when attempting to create the habit of daily meditation. For some entities it is a procedure that is very easy. Some entities offer to themselves within incarnation the gift of a quiet mind and economical thoughts, and for such entities meditation seems almost a natural way of life. For others, it seems most unnatural and is correspondingly difficult to create as a habit and, yet, we say to you that regardless of the subjective experience while gaining that habit of silence within each day, the progress is being made. It may feel as though one is coming up against a solid brick wall and going nowhere. We assure each that this is not so, that if the time is put in and the desire is true, the meditation periods will do their work, and situations will begin to appear in a more lucid clarity. As the one known as Tom said earlier, it is not that the situation changes. It is that the response to the situation begins to change, which alters the situation, not for any other necessarily, but only for the self. Yet, since all metaphysical work is work on the self, this is a completely satisfactory situation.
We would suggest that it is well to develop one’s personal way of approaching guidance, to put some time and concern in on clarifying to the self what is truly desired, what is truly sought, where the passion and the intensity of one’s life is. For this process of seeking guidance and of listening to that guidance is an important part of accelerating the pace of your spiritual evolution. You will evolve spiritually regardless of what you do. The Creator’s universe is somewhat efficient. Catalyst happens. Experience is gained. You do change. However, each of you is hungry for a faster pace of transformation, a more secure feeling that one is on one’s way, that one is on the path. And certainly, the whole process of meditation and of listening within that silence is central. We wish each of you the joy of finding your desires, of honing and sharpening those desires, and of seeking guidance in the pursuit of that thirst for truth, for Love, for the Creator.
Remember that you may be part of others’ guidance systems, and you may not know it. Remember that when services small or large are done with love they will provide guidance regardless of who else is aware of your actions. When energy is put out it is not ignored, so that even if you do not know that you are guiding and the entity does not know that he is being guided by you, yet still this energy transfer will take place. So, at all times be aware of the ethical considerations involving relationships with others, for you do not know what service you might provide by simply being yourself.
We are with you in the silence. We sit with you in the darkness of the mind. There is Love in that darkness. Know that it is there. Have the faith that your search is a good one, and allow. That is the word that opens the door once the silence is achieved. That word, allow. Allow the intuition to arise. Allow the still, small voice to speak. You will not hear, for it is silent. You can only act upon faith with that feeling of rightness.
Now Q’uo said that the process of entering into meditation is different for everyone, easy for some seekers and difficult for others, but Q’uo assured us that progress is being made if we put in the time and effort, and eventually our experiences will be more lucid with our responses to them being the only thing that changes as all metaphysical work is work done upon our self. Then Q’uo said that we should become aware of the type of information that we are truly seeking from our guidance and be sure that it reflects our passion to accelerate our spiritual evolution. Q’uo continued by saying we will evolve spiritually regardless of what we do because the Creator’s universe is somewhat efficient, but each of us seeks a faster pace of transformation, and meditation and listening within that silence is important, and Q’uo wished each of us the joy of finding our desires and of seeking guidance in the pursuit of that thirst for truth, for Love, for the Creator. Q’uo went on to say that we are very likely a part of each other’s guidance systems in any service to another that we may perform, and they may also be a part of our guidance system but none of us may know that, so we should take care with the proper loving way that we treat each other. Q’uo completed their reply by saying that: “We are with you in the silence. We sit with you in the darkness of the mind. There is Love in that darkness. Know that it is there. Have the faith that your search is a good one, and allow. That is the word that opens the door once the silence is achieved. That word, allow. Allow the intuition to arise. Allow the still, small voice to speak. You will not hear, for it is silent. You can only act upon faith with that feeling of rightness.” On October 29, 1992, Q’uo described how the still, small voice may speak to us:
Consider that you have two intelligences. Your first intelligence and the one which you largely use is the intelligence which came with your physical vehicle. The second intelligence is of another order. You are one of an infinite number of stations, shall we say, that in computer language runs a metaprogram which you would call a primary distortion of the One who is all: infinite Mind or intelligent Infinity. The answers come from essences bathed in this second environment, this mind with its perfect infinity, its absolute awareness. The hitch lies in running the answer back into the first animal intelligence.
There is an excellent connection between the metamind and the individual idiosyncratic mind, which you carry just for this incarnational experience. It, however, is a connection made deep within the roots of the first mind. This lies in the domain you call the subconscious. This connection has been characterized as the still, small voice. And still it is, silent to a profound level. Small it is, if it is evaluated by intellectual standards; for the metaprogramming, shall we say, of Love that is the Logos, is that which enfolds and becomes one with the listener to this blessed, silent communion.
We would at this time transfer this contact to the one known as Jim, thanking this instrument and leaving it in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We are those of Q’uo.
(Jim channeling)
I am Q’uo, and greet each again in the love and in the light of the one Creator. It is our privilege at this time to offer ourselves in an attempt to speak to any further queries which those present may have for us. Is there any other query at this time to which we may speak?
T: I have had, for the last three or four weeks, several very strong dreams by spirit guides or guidance, and they are nudging me in a couple of directions. Away from a couple of things and towards a couple of things. I wondered what you could tell me about these dreams.
[Tape change.]
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The experiences of which you speak are the natural function of the subconscious mind as it is working in tandem with the conscious experience due to the intense desire upon your part to know the appropriate steps to take in matters that are of importance to you in relationship with others. When the conscious mind has long sought a direction in which to move and has with an open heart found a kind of vulnerability, shall we say, then the subconscious mind moves through this desire and vulnerability and offers to the conscious mind the images and clues of the dream state. In this state there is the ability to impress upon the conscious mind a tendency, a direction, in which one may appropriately move one’s being. We recommend that this dialogue with your subconscious mind be attended to so that the conversation might be attended to.
Is there another query, my brother?
T: No. Thank you very much.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?
Carla: I often get requests for questions to be asked by people who are not here. Is that a satisfactory thing to do? Or should people have to be here in order to ask questions?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We find that it is quite acceptable for queries to be asked of us for those who are not able to attend these sessions of working, and we are quite happy to give the best response that is possible without infringing upon free will.
Is there a further query, my sister?
Carla: Is there anything that I can do to prepare the mind of the person who is not present and is having a question asked for him that would help you in the answering?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The simple informing of such an entity that we desire to be of true service and that is a service which does not infringe upon free will is all that is necessary in this instance.
Carla: Thank you so much, Q’uo.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?
S: On previous sessions you mentioned that you have talked with this group and with others. Can you discuss some of the other groups that you talk with?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. There are few groups such as this one that we actually speak with in the words of your culture. Many such groups are there around this sphere who in their meetings and meditations are inspired in images and what you would call intuition and hunches by those of our group and by those of others within the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Creator. The channeling process is one which is, though widely used in this culture at this time, one which we are able to pursue in only a few instances, for there is the need for anyone serving as an instrument to proceed in that service in a certain fashion which requires dedication and perseverance.
Is there a further query, my brother?
S: Is there any means that we can help you by as you help others? A kind word or encouragement or similar means that we in third density are more able to do that might be of help to your service?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We salute the desire to serve others in whatever way is possible, for in any entity such as yourself and all those gathered in this circle there is a possibility of sharing information and inspiration with those that one meets in the daily round of activities. Indeed, each entity has the opportunity and the potential to serve as a beacon of light, as one who inspires faith and love in other entities. It is said often within your culture, and we find it true, that there is no end of good that a smile can do, for as each entity moves more frenetically in the pace of the culture oftentimes the simplest of courtesies are neglected and when remembered bring a great deal of encouragement to those entities with whom a smile is shared. To speak to another who has experienced a loss of significance, a difficulty in growth, a pain of the physical vehicle, and so forth, is a very helpful thing to do. Wherever there is the seed of love planted then there is a greater possibility of the open heart growing to fruition.
Is there another query at this time?
S: I have read about the planet Niberu which has a 3,600 year orbit in this solar system. Can you tell us how the catalyst from this planet will affect this world?
I am Q’uo, and though we understand that query which you ask, we are unable to speak to this query in any direct sense.
Is there another query at this time?
M: I would like to ask about kundalini energy and how we can grow from that energy and that type of meditation in yoga. Also, what that energy can bring about in our growth.
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The experience of the rising of the kundalini energy is one which is most powerful in its onset and requires that the entity which is undergoing this increase in awareness be most balanced, especially in the lower energy centers, that is, the red, the orange, and the yellow. For it is these centers of energy that form the foundation for the movement upward through the rest of the centers of energy. If this experience is undertaken without a proper balance in these centers there is the possibility of the loss of balance in the overall sense for the entity experiencing this growing awareness.
We would recommend that for any entity that is hopeful of igniting that that there be a careful examination of its own lower energy centers so that its ability to handle the increase of energy will be stable and remain so as the energy progresses through each ascending center. This may be undertaken in a daily pattern, shall we say, where the entity retires in meditation at the end of the day, looking at the experiences which have left their mark on the mind for that day and balancing each imbalance with its opposite so that the foundation is securely laid. This may take some of your time, for it is not a quick or easy process but one which takes dedication and repetition.
Is there a further query, my sister?
M: No. Thank you so much.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you my sister. Is there another query at this time?
S: Recently I had a period of twenty-four hours where my gums were swollen and infected, and I had to seek medical attention for it. I am still mystified for what the catalyst was for that, and is there a better, more direct way to get my attention?
I am Q’uo, and it is in such a case as this one that we find ourselves unable to move very far with our response, for the experience of which you speak is one which, as you have said, is one which has left you mystified. It is such a mystery that provides you with the opportunity to begin the process of untangling, shall we say, the origin of such pain and suffering. When there is no beginning within the seeker’s mind of the cause of such an experience we find, then, that we must remain mostly silent in order not to infringe upon free will by putting in the mind that which was not already there. However, we might suggest in this instance that you look at the energy center which is located at the point of your pain and begin there with a consideration of words spoken and the value of such.
Is there a further query, my brother?
S: No. Thank you.
I am Q’uo, and, again, we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?
R: No question. Just wanted to thank Q’uo for looking after our free will and for the diligence in attempting to answer our questions, as repetitive as they seem to be.
I am Q’uo, and we are grateful for your words of support, my brother. For we are, indeed, hopeful of being of service with our humble words to this group and are also aware of the difficulties that each experiences in the daily round of activities. It is often a paradox that we observe entities which move with a great desire to be of service and in their desire to serve they stumble across this or that which seems to block the service, then, experiencing the blockage of service, ask all who may hear the cause of the blockage. When one wishes to serve such an entity it is apparently easier to give the answer rather than to withhold it and allow the entity to discover for itself in a manner which will carry true weight within the entity’s total being than to simply experience what is given by another. Thus, the table we set for you is often not completely given with all courses available. For this we apologize, for we are aware that many would rather have a simple and clear response, but in our estimation such is not always a helpful response, for entities learn most powerfully when the learning is from the self, with perhaps a clue or two from another.
Is there another query at this time?
S: To perhaps turn this around, can we answer any questions for you?
I am Q’uo, and this instrument’s mind began to run wild with that one. We shall attempt to rein him in, for he was wanting to know who was going to win the Kentucky Derby. I am Q’uo, and we are without significant query.
Is there a final query for us at this time?
[No further queries.]
I am Q’uo, and we again would thank each present for inviting our presence and for putting up with our poor humor. We are always grateful to be able to walk for a moment in the world of your words. We assure you that we always accompany you in an unseen fashion and observe those gallant forays into the murky ways of the catalyst of this illusion that each of you makes each of your days, and we cannot thank you enough for your attempts to share your love and light with those who walk with you. For in this illusion at this time there are many who are in need of such inspiration and such light. None of you knows how great an effect that you have with the sharing of an open heart, a smile, an open hand, a suggestion and the simplest gestures of courtesy within your illusion.
We are those of Q’uo, and would at this time take our leave of this instrument and this group, leaving each in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.
This morning I recorded the section on On Another Level, Gaia Meditations from Chapter Six of 102.
This afternoon I recorded the section on Open Communication from Chapter Six of 102. Then I went outside and cleaned the filters for the fountain on the fishpond since the height of the fountain was much lower than normal. As usual, the cleaning of the filters restored the fountain to its normal height.
From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:
November 25
Yesterday’s Faith
I am a particle of the Love of Christ, the Spirit sent forth to enliven the world which lies in darkness. I greet you in the consciousness of that Love which is powerful enough to banish night.
Yesterday’s faith is not today’s, nor is hope for tomorrow a substitute for the present consciousness of redemption. If you seek to know the consciousness of Love, seek in the here and now, not through memory or through desire for future good. For it is in the present moment that your darkness resides. It is the present darkness over which you have potential power, through the grace of Jesus Christ and through the Love of Love itself.
Know you not that seeking for Light, even in a dark present, can at least crack open the gates of Light? And for that slight, illumined crack of Light, there is no price valuable enough to purchase so dear a thing! For only a little Light, sought for and found, may illuminate all of your present darkness if you can but will it so.
Thus, do not depend upon your faith as if it were a constant thing, for, like food for the body, the nourishment of the soul, being Light, must be taken daily, and, indeed, periodically within each day, that you may replenish the Light within you which comes from another dimension.
From the dimension of peace, we wish you peace, now and always. Amen.
I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:
We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.
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