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Over the past few weeks I've been feeling a really odd energy around me in my meditation and my sleep.

I feel a little anxious and concerned, it has been preventing me from both meditating as well as sleeping. I feel really comfortable posting this here because I feel like you all will have some valuable insight and suggestions as to what is going on.

The first time this occurred, I was doing a guided meditation, one centered about finding my spirit guide. This was one of my best meditations I've had to date, in that I reached a point where I felt extremely light and in an almost trance state, a place I had never reached before. However, right before I was supposed to meet my spirit guide, I felt a sharp sensation in my right hip, as if I had gotten stabbed, which broke my concentration. I decided to look at the comments section to see if anyone else had experienced this, and someone had and the user who posted the video suggested they seek aura protection.

Since then, I had been protecting myself by imagining a gold light entering my crown chakra and covering my entire body with light, and then spreading it out to my surroundings. This works most of the time, however I had noticed that last night I was a little more anxious to complete this protection on myself cause I felt a weird presence about.

I want to share my notes I wrote down from last night, which include an experience of sleep paralysis I had (I haven't had an episode as intense as this one since last year) and also a dream I recalled. I would appreciate so much if you took the time to read my notes and gave suggestions. Thank you Smile

December 25
Last night:
I was in my bed and I had turned away from my phone. I was in a either a bank telling booth or a movie ticket booth. It was very vivid. I don't remember what I was there for but I distinctly recall that I had been there before. Now that I think about it I think I was at one of my childhood movie theaters that I frequented. I realized that I was awake and conscious, I started to freak out. I started to see images in my sleep that were extremely disturbing, like gruesome and contorted faces, also half animal half human creatures with large snarling teeth, dripping with saliva. I couldn't move or wake up, my entire body was tingling and I felt a huge weight press down on my body, resisting all of my movements. I managed to turn my head and scream, but I know nothing came out. I finally was able to come out of my paralysis, and I opened my eyes and saw in front of me the image of a head, half man, half grey. It would turn it's head slowly, from the half of the man to the half of alien. No matter where I turned my head the face was there. I also saw an image of a torso of a man, taking notes. I turned on my lights and didn't sleep for several hours.

Dream that night/in the morning:
I was in a mansion. At some point in the dream, I turned in to another beautiful woman, I think she was an actress. The man who owned the mansion was very nice and kind, He had a beard. Over the course of the time with him, the woman encountered several different terrifying paranormal activities. The man's face would change to varying terrifying images. Although I can't remember the things that would happen in the house, they always occurred to people in the same sequence, as if you were acting out a horror movie. At some point in time the woman became pregnant and decided to leave the house, but she was extremely weak and could barely walk. With each step out of the house, she grew stronger and stronger, until she was completely out of the house and could walk normally.
Once she was out of the house she met up with tons of people walking down a dirt road. Everyone had decided to hitch hike, and she made it to a crowded bus that was heading to a hotel stop. When she reached the hotel stop, the woman turned back into me again. I was with one of my friends, and we were trying to get into a hotel room by paying a meter, but the quarters wouldn't work and the meter kept spitting out quarters. I frantically grabbed all of them, really excited that there was a fluke and I was getting all the coins. Then four men walked out of the other hotel room, and we decided to take their room. Before we went in I noticed one of them was crying and I asked if they were ok and needed a hug. He said yes and he briefly cried on my shoulder.
Once I was in the hotel room, we all sat in a circle around a rectangular coffee table. It was about 7 or 8 of us. I learned from a bald man that the mansion was actually a hoax, and that man had done several different "horror mansions" to place on film in the past, and in fact had just won an award for these films. That's the last thing I remember.

I don't know what this means, and why I've been so fearful when I haven't been fearful before. What are some aura protection meditations you all use? How can I move past my sleep paralysis into astral projection? Or is this something else? I'm really confided.
This has the feel of something that I have mentioned before.

There is something that seems to have shifted and me and a friend, and I suspect others are getting dreams like this. Where for some compelling reason the reasons to have hope were false and you should just give up to the horror. I have had exactly the same types of dreams as this.

Something has shifted in the astral planes that I talked about in 'Spiritual implications of Politics and current events.' There has just been a good 'in the now' with Carla Rueckert on spiritual protection. Christ will usually in my view end anything in meditation. In dreams I have found if I wear a cross I don't get dreams. I have also been teased about how much protection I have tried to use. Once I had garlic, a bible, and a cross and had dreams about vampires.

Another entity you can call is the Law of One contact. (The Law of One material and another I have used 'the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce', are both profoundly helpful. But have a decidedly different energy.) After recent very bad events which were preceded by me apparently meeting a negative UFO, I simply could not sleep at all because of these things.

It's all tricks. They will play with your thoughts as well. Just ignore it. Another thing that seems to be happening for good or ill is that people start to consider themselves somehow above the things that once helped them. This obviously has both good and bad points, but when love is shared I've noticed people go back to loving their 'spiritual backbone' whatever that may be.

Perhaps the veil is simply coming down and this negativity has always been here.
I’m a hypnotherapist, and I studied LBL (Life Between Lives) with Michael Newton. I’m in my 60’s now, but I had a life changing near death experience when I was 25.

LBL will take people into their past life, through that life and recalling their death, and then remain with them after death to learn of their between lives experience. They meet their soul selves, their Guides, their Elders, their soul group, etc. And they better understand both why and how they as souls decided to incarnate into their current bodies, and with their current families, and at this "time."

Blue is a celestial color, and the deeper the blue, the more powerful it’s positive energy. For protection (in meditation, or while walking about in this world) I surround myself with white light, and surround that light with as deep a blue (a halo) as I can manage. My blues have never been very deep, but I do still feel a safety.

We also need to remember that negative energies have their positive purpose. They give us a free will choice to make. They’re kicking up a storm at the moment, because they are aware of Harvest.

When we encounter such negative beings in meditation, or in dreams, or Dick Cheney in this life, our fear strengthens them. If, (and this is very difficult, but possible), if we can remain calm, and wish them Light, or see, imagine, and give them Light, or thank them for their very difficult positive purpose . . . their darkness would diminish.

To find a local LBL hypnotherapist in your area, you may try:
They should agree to meet you for free first, just 10 or 15 minutes, so you may ask questions, and decide how you feel about working with them. If they don’t agree, then try another. Before LBL, a successful PLR (Past Life Recall) is necessary, either with them, or in the past with a different hypnotherapist.

I believe that it is true, though often difficult to figure out, that All things have their positive purpose. A horrible car crash, or terrible disease, or unexpected business failure, etc. can help us learn of . . . our remarkable strength, or if needed our humility, or patience, or compassion, or trust (when others help you), or Adonai, etc.

I have experienced some incredible awful people, betrayals, and or circumstances in this current life, and it seems to take me an average of about 2 years . . maybe I'm just slow. But after about 2 years I find myself understanding the soul growth outcome (or positive purpose) behind such experiences.
Thank you both for your insights! I'm glad to hear that others have been experiencing similar feelings as myself.

I will definitely look I to LBL hypnotherapy, Charles! Hypnotherapy is something I've been interested but haven't felt the need to pursure yet. Thank you for the suggestion-- I already found two in my area and plan on contacting them soon!

As for meditation, I endeavored to do a chakra cleansing today, barely made it to my indigo chakra before I fell asleep :p I did have an unusual experience and may have met my spirit guides.....more on this to come....I also had a wonderful sleep paralysis experience, wonderful because I was not terrified and allowed my spirit to peacefully come back to my body rather than jump back in kicking and screaming...if that makes sense

Thank you!
Check sesion 86 in the Ra material, there's a lot about dreaming and how to use it as a tool.

I find it far more useful to regard such unpleasant sensory experiences as a means of learning about oneself than to expend energy on "psychic protection", which, to be honest, has never succeeded in anything except an exacerbation of the stimuli for me.

The dreaming is is more likely a confrontation with some part of your subconscious than a psychic attack. Many emotional barriers we put up in waking life are removed in dreaming, and the things we've suppressed can show up in a vivid, intense form. I've had dreams where pent up rage exploded and resulted in some extremely violent images that were highly disturbing to me, yet I ultimately realized them as a part of myself. Fear will often manifest itself in this way as well. I can't count how many times my deepest fears have come to life to chase me in my dreams. When consciously realized, dreaming can become an excellent tool for understanding your fears and facing hidden parts of yourself.

It also sound like you're experiencing sleep paralysis, which is a medical phenomenon experienced when one's brain wakes up but the body stays asleep. Most of the people who experience it see scary images or have feelings of pressure or dread, which is akin to experiencing a waking dream.

I've also had similar resistance during meditations and eventually realized it was an internal lack of readiness for the states I was inducing. At the time I was attempting to shove energy through my higher chakras while completely ignoring the bottom three, resulting in a myriad of imbalances that ultimately stifled my progress. The feeling of being harassed in meditation went away once I'd established some clarity in my lower chakras and taken a more balanced approach to my spiritual life.
I'm wishing you well, truth4me.

As we wish each other a positive and loving New Year, let's each do the same for our Mother Earth, and all sentient beings living upon her.
(12-26-2014, 06:13 PM)Charles Wrote: [ -> ]I’m a hypnotherapist, and I studied LBL (Life Between Lives) with Michael Newton. I’m in my 60’s now, but I had a life changing near death experience when I was 25.

Charles, is there any chance you would share your near death experience with us? If you feel it is too personal, I'll understand.
Quote:anagogy asked: "Charles, is there any chance you would share your near death experience with us? If you feel it is too personal, I'll understand."

Okay, it was easy to be there, though I didn't see any light to follow at the end of any tunnel:

I was in a serious car accident, and in the hospital for afew months. In and out of coma, in and out of intensive care, and in and out of the O.R. Many surgeries.

I was in a coma when I first arrived at the hospital. I think that first coma lasted @ 10 or 11 days. My family had been told that I may be an idiot or a vegetable.

When I awoke laughing, I think that their first thought was idiot.

More than anything else, I recall bliss, ease, calm, and delight.

Death is the rainbow after the storm. There is nothing to fear, and much to look forward to. It is a frequency, and a Reality, of love, and wisdom, and laughter, and understanding, and schooling, and patience.

Each of us will find our own Guides, and our own comfort.

Near death is not precisely the same as actual death. The Wisdom Teachers there were well aware that we would all be returning. I say “we” because at least for a time I was not alone.
We were all seated together in a round amphitheater, and we were all wearing dark robes with hoods which were pulled up over our heads. We could not see each other’s faces.
I don’t remember the color of the robes, but dark brown is my guess. They were not black or blue. This was our near death school.
Wherever you sat in the amphitheater, was perfect for you. The floating sphere in the center (above the stage below) was perfectly balanced for everyone’s view.
This sphere spun around slowly and quickly. Colors and designs upon it (hard line and soft flow) changed constantly. It was fascinating, and delightful, and easy to understand. It was very simple space-time and time-space truth. The ease and obvious simplicity of it all was surprising.

My clear recall is being there, and remembering my surprise about how easy and obvious this all was to learn.
But my memory is not complete, at least not consciously. And I’ve no idea what my near death companions in the audience consciously recall. Memory’s of the emotions of bliss and comfort are clear, but much of the memories of the full learning are subliminal.

I have to accept that this is the way it is, and the way it’s supposed to be.
We each have soul wisdom within us, under a veil.

My mind does tickle sometimes with the comfort of knowing something about something, or about someone. And I feel the comfort of believing these thoughts and feelings.

Also during my near death, I met with my father (he had died when I was 14), and his mother (I had never met my grandmother, but I knew who she was). They stood shoulder to shoulder, facing me and smiling, and they were holding a huge loaf of challah (bread). They offered it to me, as they held it out towards me. They too knew that it was not yet my time to leave planet earth.

More than anything else, as said at the start of this, are my memories are of absolute bliss and zero trauma.

I remember the joy of understanding wisdom, that I still have within me, though it’s not all conscious.

My certainty that Reality Is, and That One is real, feels to me more like fact than faith. And I believe that this life is a soul growth school, designed by our soul selves with help from our Teachers.
(12-29-2014, 06:47 PM)Charles Wrote: [ -> ]My family had been told that I may be an idiot or a vegetable.

When I awoke laughing, I think that their first thought was idiot.

thanks for sharing your story! it was a pleasure to read
Thanks for sharing Charles. Really interesting.