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I have seen a large number of social experiment videos appearing on social networks.

Here is just one example i have seen lately:

It brought up some different emotions at first. The first thing i thought to my self was this is probably staged, which in turn it was due to the fact the Child was an actor in the experiment, however the people or adults in the video are taking part in the experiment without knowledge of it we are at least lead to believe.

I asked myself what would i have done in this moment? I probably wouldn't have done anything if i was honest, at best i would have called the official services if i thought the Child was being genuine. Reading through the comments everybody seems to say they would have helped the child but in daily experience how rarely i see this or even take part in it myself, although i do have my moments of service. In my country the sad thing is, you would probably be branded a pedophile or such an act being a set up to steal your wallet! Maybe i have the wrong view , perhaps this is my current limit of services? If it is i accept it. I can't help but feel they are some what missing the point, some how artificial from genuine experience. 

Never the less i would like to know what people would honestly do in these situations?

i think i would have given him my coat, then called the "official services" or whatever, then started looking around everywhere for the hidden camera.
if i even conquered my extreme fear of initiating social contact, i'd have asked the kid why he's sitting there w/o a coat, where his folks r, etc. then i'd have roped in someone w a phone to call the cops or something. i don't carry a phone. & giving him my coat would be way too awkward. Jesus would probably give him his coat.
i hate these emotionally manipulative hypocritical shows. guess the makers fancy themselves perfect.
i enjoy social experiments. what feels better than doing the right thing? getting caught on a hidden camera doing the right thing.

neh. the right thing is subjective. & the wrong doers get judged & shamed.