
Full Version: The misguided nature of the Church
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So I attended a catholic wedding this passed weekend and I was quite amused to say the least. For most of the procession, I looked at the exuberant and lavish decorations and wondered how many hungry mouths it could feed. As the priest began his spiel, he touched upon a study that proved how people are leaving the church in droves. His next point was how he welcomes people of all faiths through the door to ask questions and in turn he will ask some of his own. He highlighted people that will say that they aren't religious but spiritual. As he started to laugh while explaining that you can't have one without the other, I could sense a bit of nervous anticipation as to how he was going to proceed. He began to explain that spiritualists are all about "me, me, me" and nothing else. Its working on ones self without seeing the most important aspect which is love which he equated to the church. He explained that without the church, there is no spirituality and there is no love. This is why we need the church he claimed. The church began with the couple being wed which in turn evolves into love of not only one another but of the church. He ended it by saying "you know what the theme song in hell is? "I did it my way" because to do it ones own way is not the way of the church. 


As he was talking, I had to restrain myself from vocally laughing out loud. At first I was a bit offended but then I realized his entire basis of his opinion was based upon the misguided understanding of what spirituality actually is. He was trying to tie spirituality in with his beliefs in the way creation is relative to the bible which he will understandable draw such a misguided conclusion when the entire concept of creation and our purpose has nothing to do with the way the catholic faith believes. 

At the reception, even the groom was caught off guard by the speech the priest gave. I simply responded that his speech was exactly the reason that why people are fleeing the church. This authoritarian view of the church is the only way was both appalling and yet very intuitive into the thinking of the misguided.  
I did it my way, haha.

We are infinite Creators. Did they forget that?
I've had suspicions catholic priests never did read the bible because of all the easy to see contradictions upon my first reading. That church is thought of as the whore from the book of revelation by other christian groups.
I had to post this to Facebook. Haha.
It's amazing anyone buys into that nonsense.

The most reprehensible thing in my opinion about the catholic church is the wealth it has and doesn't share. What a dichotomy it's nuns take vows of poverty while the pope eats off gold plates and the vatican hoards untold wealth. Which is to say nothing of the starvation and suffering in the world. But why alleviate starvation and suffering when they can build churches that collect money from people so as to perpetuate and enrich the power of the church? 

Of course "I Did It My Way" threatens the church. They don't want us to start thinking or anything! 
Crusades against fellow christians that wanted the bible translated is also quite ironic.
(05-19-2015, 07:47 PM)Jeremy Wrote: [ -> ]He ended it by saying "you know what the theme song in hell is? "I did it my way" because to do it ones own way is not the way of the church.

lol! If he said zingers like that every Sunday I'd go.
So glad I wasn't there for that. I'd probably have left during the speech.
...Wow. i don't know if i should be impressed by the map itself or its contents.

Quick Edit:
DUH, why not both! Duh, me, lol