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Bashar says, "circumstances don't matter.  only state of being matters."  I agree wholeheartedly.  The implication is that, regardless of circumstances, we can choose to be content, peaceful and loving; and that will utterly transform life for us into one of contentment, enjoyment, and positivity.

So why is this so hard to do?  Why the heck do we not choose to be content, peaceful and loving?  It's the happiest possible state.  If we could, wouldn't we all simply choose to be happy, regardless of what's going on around us?  How easy and wonderful would life be? Fail a test, car breaks down, girlfriend leaves - "hmm, let's see, what do I want to feel?  Misery or happiness?  Hmm, I think I'll go with happiness"  Press a button, so to speak, and presto.  Result: happiness, creativity, ability to approach solving whatever went wrong with joy and enthusiasm.  So why don't we do this?

The reason is our ego.  Our ego is instinct.  Instinct is programming - "if - then" automatic response selection.  E.g., "if criticized, insulted, thwarted -> begin generating unhappiness, angst and anger."  Ego-programming opens the tap, and we begin slowly drowning in it.  This is a recipe for misery; for being at the complete mercy of circumstances.

Without this programming, there would be no catalyst.  I wonder if this is why we can't evolve without a body?  We'd just be spirit, perfect and capable of loving without any internal obstacle.  This must be how the angels/watchers feel - ever basking in perfect love and bliss of God's golden light.

The task of a lifetime is to get there.  To throw out this old code we're saddled with (with circumstances sitting in the saddle and driving us), and replace it with new programming, new rules - based on oneness and the understanding that we are ever loved and all is ever well; and that the most effective response to any circumstance - the response that produces the best possible results for ourselves, as well as for whoever we're interacting with - is the loving and accepting response.  

There does not seem to be any easier way of doing this than the gradual and persistent process of noticing when the old ego-program kicks in, and steering ourselves back on the loving course.  Each time we do this is like a drop of water falling on a rock, chipping away at it.   This slowly creates a competing program.  This is God's workout program at the spiritual gym of 3D life that transforms us into 4D positive beings, and brings ever increasing joy into our lives. Some people use drugs, sex or Prozac as shortcuts to happiness - but there are no shortcuts, because this is the task we are assigned, the essence of the core challenge of existence we are supposed to overcome; and so all these temporary fixes inevitably fail in the long run.

The hierarchy of effective response to others' provocations/catalyst:

Best: Concern about the other's needs/suffering
Middle: Maintain peace within oneself
Bottom: Automatic negative emotion
Lovely post, thanks for sharing =)

I think it´s find a balance in in and out and learning that we can for example scold a child on the outside with a angry face and tone, while on the inside we are brimming with love, pride and joy at the same time for the same child . This can be done through exploring our innate understanding of oneness within the spectrum of reality witch totally dissolves victim mentality (towards our self and others). this gives space for a natural deep love, joysorrow and compassion to arise and simply revel in the fact that we can be surprised. It is a very curious thing; Being able to get surprised when you know that you are in fact everything...

Yes, I do believe that exploring and living the notion of *All is; ONE* is key in being emotionally free, with a degree of consistency while in this weird experience of individuality...


Our lives are a direct reflection of every choice we've ever made, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Self-awareness is critical to creating a life of meaning and purpose.

Heart Heart Heart