
Full Version: Help Transmuting Fear of Grey Aliens Into Love
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I hope all is well with everyone. I'm writing this post today to ask for some help with an issue that I have struggled with for a very long time. As the days pass, I feel that I am awakening further and so many mysteries are becoming clearer and clearer to me. Alas, though, sometimes my crystal eyes fail me when they rest upon a mirror.

Perhaps I am too close to the situation to see it clearly... and my sincere hope is that my wise Other-Selves may be able to provide me with some insight from a distance. Unfortunately I tend to type too long of posts (Brevity in writing is one of my lessons to be learnedSmile. I apologize in advance, please feel free to skip over this post if you don't have time.

OK, the issue I'm struggling with is an intense fear of Grey aliens. In order to make sense of that, please allow me to elaborate.

I have reached a point in my life where I am trying to consistently and consciously choose Love over Fear in every moment. At this juncture, I truly fear very few things. In fact, I could count them on less than one hand. I don't worry about sharks when I scuba dive, or getting hit by a bus when I walk. Now that I have found the Law of One, I understand how the Illuminati / negative elite fit into the grand dance of creation, and I thank them for their service but do not fear them anymore. To be honest, more and more I feel love overflowing in my heart and I have this inner sense of knowingness that somehow, despite not having all the details, everything is going to be just fine. All is well and will BE well. However, I'm human and I have my struggles like anyone else, and that includes some fear.

A friend recently helped me through a fear of flying that spontaneously developed a few years ago. On my last flight, where I felt no trepidation at all, as I was reveling in my freedom from fear, I gave the entire concept of fear more thought and it made me focus once again on this lifetime fear of the Greys that I have never resolved. I would truly, truly like to work on that now.

I have been deathly afraid of Grey aliens since I was a small child. If I so much as even see a picture or painting of a Grey, I immediately feel stark, abject, unthinking terror. My heart starts beating a million miles a minute, I break out into sweat, and the only thing I can think of is to get away from the image. I have been this way since I was at least 5 years old and from what I can tell that response hasn't changed in all these years. I just watched Wilcox's new "2012 Event Horizon" movie. In the very beginning, there is a 15 second slide of a Grey alien's face. It was totally unexpected and scared me so bad that I actually buried my face in a pillow until it was over with. Me, a grown man who loves himself, loves nature, animals, and other humans. I don't walk around filled with negativity or feeling fearful thoughts, and yet I seem totally unable to control this fearful reaction to Grey stimuli. A couple years ago, I was walking with my wife on a deserted beach in the middle of the night. We saw this very strange swishing light appear on the water and start moving towards us rapidly. Without knowing why, I said "Oh God, it's them. RUN." and grabbed her and launched into a breakneck run towards "civilization". Once we reached light, I stopped to ask myself what the hell that was all about but I had no explanation. Why would I let fear get hold of me like that? Why would I think it was the Greys? What, exactly, is my freaking problem?

I am not a racist or a xenophobe. For me, skin color and physical features are little more than clothing for the soul. And that extends beyond just "people" I've actually met. The idea of extraterrestrials doesn't bother me one bit, even ones that don't look like us. Thinking about little green men from Alpha Centauri, Space Cetacians, giant space bugs, or human-looking ETs from Venus doesn't scare me one little bit. But for some reason, just the thought of Grey aliens from Zeta Reticuli scares the living crap out of me. I have even caught myself referring to them in what I can only describe as a racist manner. I once noticed myself muttering something about "those little grey b@$tards." I once got upset about my wife thinking the Asguard in Stargate were cute. I remember mentally ranting to myself that they were portraying those "evil little buggers" in a positive light and disinforming the public. Thoughts like "Number one, they are not that small, number two their heads are shaped differently, and most importantly they are NOT benevolent!" Of course, the absurdity of these thoughts has occurred to me since they have no factual or experiental basis. How would I know how they really are since I've never actually seen a real one? Having these biased and racist thoughts towards what might actually be perfectly nice Other-Selves really bothers me, but I just can't help it.

I have been severely hurt by human beings, physically and emotionally, and yet I have managed to find love, forgiveness and acceptance in my heart for every single human that has ever hurt me. I refuse to allow the negative elite to control me through fear, and I actively opt-out of a lot of the societal hypnosis they cause, but I still have managed to find forgiveness and compassion for them as well. Why, oh why, can I find this love and acceptance of beings that have actively tried to harm me, and yet I can't seem to feel anything but terror and revulsion towards Beings that I have never even seen! It really tears me up inside to feel this way towards other beings, but I can't seem to fight through the tangled knot of fear long enough to work through it. Even typing up these thoughts about the situation is making me very uncomfortable.

It has occurred to me that I could have been abducted at some point when I was very young. That possibility would explain why the terror is so unreasonable, visceral and unthinking. It's almost animal. However, in all fairness, I have to admit that I have absolutely NO memory whatsoever of any sort of abduction. I asked my sister about this and she not only has no memories of aliens ever visiting us as children, but she herself has no fear of them... only a vague sense of uneasiness when the topic comes up that she always ascribed as nothing more than a result of her close relationship with me and my own intense fear of them. I have tried to wrack my memories and remember, but I can't find anything. So, while I can still allow for the possibility, I can't actually blame my animosity towards them on their own actions if I don't have any memories of them! Therefore I'm operating under the assumption that my fear is just irrational and unfounded. I don't know why I can be so at-home with the ET concept but have a problem with that PARTICULAR manifestation, but there it is.

I have this personality quirk where when I understand someone or something better, I find it easier to reach a place of love and forgiveness. So, of course, I tried to research everything I could about Greys to find out what they are and what their possible motives might be. Well, unfortunately, like so much in this arena, all I found was conflicting information. The explanations ran the gamut from Greys being evil aliens doing deals with the government for genetic experimentation, to they are slaves of the Reptilian overloards, to they are a total hoax used as a smokescreen by the US government for black ops. I saw the Dan Burisch testimony where they are presented as time travelers from the future (J-RODs), and also read suggestions they are demons or lower astral entities, or even good benevolent aliens whose reputation is being smeared by the Illuminati. Suffice it to say, I pretty much gave up on getting any good information on who and what they are.

So, I turned my attention to defense. I Googled and searched for ways to defend yourself from an abduction or a Grey attack. This was my reasoning: If they are benevolent I have nothing to worry about and learning the techniques would cause no harm. If they are hostile, and I learn some actual useful defense techniques, then I will be able to handle them if they do decide to try to invade my home. I had hoped this would help lessen the fear I feel. Unfortunately, that was a dead end as well. The only things I found were some Christian "they're just demons, all you have to do is call on Jesus" affirmations (Example: and also, quite literally tinfoil hats!! (Example: Arggh!

This leads me back to the spiritual. I've tried to meditate on this topic, but the fear I feel when their image pops into my head prevents me from going deeper. I have a morning ritual before I get out of bed where as soon as I awaken, I beam love and light to all the universe. I send loving vibrations out to all beings...people, animals, plants, ET family, everyone. Then I go through a specific section where I send love and light to specific people I want to help and those I expect to interact with the most during the day. I have tried to insert the Greys in this routine, but every time I do I end up aborting my morning prayer/mediation because I become afraid that they are going to enter my bedroom.

When I awaken in the middle of the night, I am always half-expecting to see one of them jump out at me from behind a corner or through a wall. Actually passing by a window at night is the scariest...for some reason I feel like they're going to suck me through the window.

Does this make any sense whatsoever?!?! Not really, to me, since as far as I know I haven't actually been abducted or have any personal reason to feel this way!

Despite how this post may sound, I really do not live a fear-soaked existence. I am opening more and more to universal love and reveling in my Oneness with all creation. Most of my days are happy, and I deal with catalyst the best I can while forgiving myself and those around me. The problem is that the further I go down this path, the more incompatible my unfounded fear and anger towards these Grey beings seems to me. This is why I want to transmute this fear into Love instead of just mentally avoiding the topic.

I don't want to be a xenophobe or a cosmic racist. I do not want to carry around a ball of fear with me about one possible expression of the infinite array of Galactic Family we have. I'm tired of carrying this burden of terror where even a fleeting reference or quick image in a movie will keep me up at night.

I meditate every day, and I try very, very hard to be a loving, spiritual being. I accept that I am a part of nature and that my life and destiny is intertwined with Gaia herself and with all my Other-selves, human, animal, and extraterrestrial. I joyously await the harvest...whether it's a sudden shift in 2012 or a gradual transition to 4th density over the course of my lifetime, I have no fear. Only love and acceptance of the process, and an inner conviction that all is as it should be.

These fearful and racist feelings towards our Grey brothers do not belong in my heart, but they are there. If anyone has any suggestions...if you can help me transmute this irrational fear into love, I would be eternally grateful.

Love to all
No worries about writing long posts, we've got plenty of time Smile

I don't have any spiritual guidance for this topic, but if you would like to try something called systematic desensitization, that could potentially help you reduce your fear of the greys. Systematic desensitization is recognized as the treatment in cognitive therapy for phobias.

Basically what you want to do is get out a pen and paper (or word document if you prefer to type it) and make a list of numbers 1 - 100. Obviously you don't have to do all 100 numbers, just try like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, ..., 100. 1 on your scale represents the absolute least scariest thing about the greys. This could be imagining seeing them walking away from you in the middle of the day while you are surrounded by love. So it's very very easy to think about. Going up the list numberwise, things get scarier. 5 could be seeing one in the distance without the love around yourself, 10 could be one flashing a glance at you, etc. 50 could be when the picture popped up in Wilcock's video.

Next what you want to do is get very relaxed and comfortable. Clear your mind, sort of like a meditation, and, while taking deep breaths and remembering to stay calm, think about your number 1 on the list for 1 - 2 seconds. Stay calm and remain calm, then when you finish thinking about it, either relax yourself by taking deep breaths or think about something fun to do, anything that makes you comfortable.

When you can do this whole process dealing with the number 1 on your list for about 5 seconds, repeat all these steps with the number 2 on your list. Then 3, 4, 5, 10, etc. Obviously this will get harder and harder as you go higher up the list, but even if you make it to 5 or 10, your fear will be reduced somewhat of them.

More full and in-depth explanations can be found at Good luck Smile

Peace, Love, Light and Namasté
Hello Pab, you've come to the right place where transmuting fear in to love is concerned! I don't know if this will be helpful at all, but have you considered the possibility that one of your past lives was as someone who many people feared (who knows, perhaps as a Grey)? If that is in any way the case, you may be simply be balancing something in your over-soul karma. Of course the quickest way to negate karma as we know form the Ra teachings is to practice forgiveness. Can you imagine what exactly makes you fearful of the Greys, then imagining what their motivation for having those qualities might be, accepting it as valid, forgiving it, realizing that they are one with you and as consequence loving them?

I don't know if that will be helpful as I understand that there is a gulf between this intellectual knowing and the obviously visceral fear you are experiencing, but I'm afraid that's my best help on this topic :-/

P.S. kudos for having no fear of sharks!
Pablisimo, I commend you for confronting this fear and choosing to transmute it! I am certain that you will succeed!

It sounds like you've been doing 'all the right things' in researching them, meditating and attempting to feel love for them, etc. But thus far, those commonsense approaches haven't worked. It could be that there is some key missing piece, that, once you find it, will unravel the mystery for you.

I suggest first ruling out the obvious:

(05-11-2010, 11:27 AM)Pablísimo Wrote: [ -> ]It has occurred to me that I could have been abducted at some point when I was very young. That possibility would explain why the terror is so unreasonable, visceral and unthinking.

This would certainly explain it. And yet, it could also be the key to alleviating the fear. Why? Because, if you were abducted, what does that tell you?

It tells you that you survived.

I invite you to ponder that. If you survived, then the fear of being abducted may be worse than the reality itself. Sometimes it helps, when dealing with a fear, to actually confront the worst case scenario.

At first glance, the worst case scenario in this case might seem terrifying...and survived.

If it did happen, you were very young. You were defenseless, essentially. You didn't have the knowledge or the tools you have now. So there's no way it could be nearly as frightening, as an adult, as it was as a child.


I know that's easier said than done.

Have you considered doing a regression or hypnosis? Evidently, many who believe they were abducted have found healing in such methods.

A less confrontative method, that you might consider, is shamanic soul retrieval. The premise for soul retrieval is that a sliver of the personality got stuck in a state of fear, due to some traumatic event. It may allow re-integration of the splintered self, without necessarily directly going back into the traumatic event. (Although some techniques do just that, but it's done consciously, rather than under hypnosis.)

Or, here's another idea:

Could it be that the fear is totally unfounded?

Consider this: What if you were never abducted by aliens at all, but just took on a fear that manifested in that form, because of something you saw in a tv show or movie?

Case in point:

When I was about 4 or 5, I saw a movie called The Creeping Hand. It was about this hand, severed at the wrist, that went around strangling people. It seems almost comical to think about that now, but it had a huge impact on me. Up until I was an adult and had a bedroom partner, I routinely checked under my bed, every night, to make sure that hand wasn't under there!!! No kidding! Here I was, a teenager, still checking under my bed every night for that hand!

That wasn't all I did. I also saw a Twilight Zone episode in which a monster showed his face when someone pulled back the shutter on a window. Well, it was so sudden and unexpected, that I could not pull back the curtain on a window, well into my 20s! I was fine if the window was already open, but no way could I ever pull back a curtain!

The scene you describe, of being terrified of being pulled out your bedroom window, sounds strikingly familiar.

Aha!!! I remember where I saw that exact scene: The X-Files.

Were you a child in the 1980s, perhaps? If someone in your house was watching The X-Files, and you saw it when you were too young to understand, that could surely explain your irrational fear!

The X-Files had some cool stuff in it, but wow, a lot of it was creepy enough to cause nightmares even for adults! I can't imagine seeing it as a child!

Perhaps your fear is based on something really simple like that. Perhaps you were never abducted at all, but just saw a scary tv show!

If so, then it might be easily remedied: Just buy or rent The X-Files 'Alien' episodes (we have it on a shelf somewhere...forgot what it was called...but it's a set of all the alien episodes, minus the creature features). If you were to watch them with you new, adult perspective, following the storyline, that might not be so scary anymore.

Wait! I know you said it is virtually impossible to even see a picture of a Gray. But, perhaps - and this is only an idea - perhaps if you were to see the tv show in its proper context, and see all its flaws (it is Hollywood, after all)...maybe see some Grey costumes and props, to really show that it's all entertainment...and, more importantly, watch the shows that explore the power elite (which you already have no fear of), it just might move the fear of the Greys out of its own realm, and into the realm of the Hollywood version of the power elite (which is comical, imo). This would be by association. In other words, if you can associate the fear of A with the confidence of B, then A takes on the confidence of B.

That's all presupposing the fear was rooted in seeing an X-Files episode(s). I don't think this idea is far-fetched, after my experience with the hand and the monster!

Next: Have you read Secrets of the UFO? I don't remember whether it was in that, or in the Law of One, that it was stated that many abductions took place for the purpose of 'waking up' the person. Perhaps, if you were actually abducted, it served to get you on your path of spiritual seeking. If so, then you might try thanking the Greys for their service! (Don't worry: I don't think doing that would invite any more activity from them. And you can make it abundantly clear that you wish no further interaction with them.)

I really wonder if it might not just be something simple like a tv show. Might be worth exploring and ruling out!

PS. When children are abused, they sometimes transfer the fear of the abuser onto something else. In fact, some psychologists (who don't believe in aliens) think that all abductees are actually just fabricating the whole alien abduction story, and what really happened was that they just transferred the fear of their abuser onto a fictitious alien.

We know aliens really do exist, and some are STO while others are STS, and undoubtedly many are like humans - mixed polarity. However, that doesn't rule out the possibility that transference didn't actually take place. In other words, just because there really are aliens doesn't mean that everyone with a fear of aliens was actually abducted.

While some people who believe themselves to be abducteesmight really be abductees, others might not be at all. They might be victims of child abuse who were never abducted, but simply transferred the fear of the abuser into a convenient alien, after seeing a tv show like The X-Files.

I saw this happen in my own family. One of my sisters claimed to have been sexually abused, and we concluded that it was a case of transference. She really was abused, but in other ways. But it was easier for her, as a young adult, to latch onto the explanation of sexual abuse, rather than confront what really happened to her. (Something worse than sexual abuse? Yeah, hard to believe, right?)

Unfortunately, there are many forms of abuse, and children, ill-equipped to handle it, often build walls in their psyches, to avoid the pain. I would surmise that, somehow, as a child you associated aliens with something that happened to you. The actual event might have had nothing at all to do with aliens.
This is a long post but there is a hierarchy which starts from the general concerns of thought forms of alien abductions and general fears in that area with greys included. Following is the nature of fear which I think connects here and beyond that the teachings of unity, balance and the disciplines of oneness which may be invoked as true protection.

Q’uo July 1, 1990
Quote:Now let us return to the drama of third density, as both positive and negative entities are consciously attempting to achieve harvestability, to positive fourth density or to negative fourth density. Many are the stories of contacts and arrangements betwixt governments, or individuals within governments, and those who are not from your world. Because there is no way we could speak of these things that would not interfere with the free will of those who hear these words, or read them, we shall simply say that were such things possible they would be part of an illusion which is soon to end, part of the fifth act of a play. You may make it a comedy or a tragedy. It is not anyone’s choice but your own. There have indeed been many, many landings, abductions, and that which seems to be abduction but is in reality work upon the computer within you which you call your brain placing within it programs which seem as much the truth to the one experiencing such, upon awakening, as any other memory. The basic intention here is to create fear. There are other designs of which we cannot speak because of that same law of free will, but we can say that they are inconsequential to those who choose to live a life of faith. Yes, these things are occurring, and yes, many, many positive contacts are also occurring for those who seek in love and light and the purity of intention. Of course both experiences will be far more active towards the end of a cycle.

Your density is quickly moving towards its end, and you shall, each of you, walk the steps of light, and when you find the light that comforts you the most you shall be either third density or fourth. The polarizing that you do now is that which you came to do. The judgment that so many fear among your people is a simple and objective matter of how much density of light you have learned to use. There is no fire and brimstone, objectively speaking, for those who must repeat third density, but only the matter-of-fact reincarnation upon a third-density planet, and another very short period of time, seventy-five thousand years or so, in your measure, to make the choice to love and serve the One Infinite Creator by serving others or by serving the self.

Now, there is fire and brimstone; there are angels and harps; there is anything that an entity has desired by way of healing and expressing that which it wishes after the incarnation, and it may rest in this heaven, or this hell, until it is ready to release the third-density experience in which these things were necessary archetypal images, to undergo the healing of the previous incarnation, to view it, to see that which was learned, and that which was half-learned, and, with the aid of the Higher Self and many other angelic presences, you may call them, or extraterrestrial entities, to determine those lessons upon which each shall focus in its first fourth-density incarnation.

Greys mentioned here.
Q’uo July 1, 1990
Quote:You are never without the ability to choose that which occurs to you because if you have no fear you may have negative experiences which you will see only as environments in which to learn challenging lessons of love. Positive entities can gaze at one, shall we say, of the loyal opposition, and find in this contact the opportunity to realize that this entity too is a part of the self and is to be loved, and blessed, and prayed for, and cared for, and taken into the heart. It has been said in your holy works that it is easy to love those who love you. Better is it then to love without fear those who revile you and wrongfully use you. These entities who are called greys, or any other entity or situation whatsoever which is attempting to make one feel helpless and out of control, are completely malleable and transformable by love, love unhindered by any fear, for indeed there is nothing to fear.

You, yourself, are not either a good person or a bad person. You are, if you can consider good and bad as the full circle of being, a 360-degree being. It is by your choices that you define who you are and where your loyalties, where your choices, and your faith will lie. And as you move further and further, building choice upon choice and polarizing toward service to others in the name of the One Infinite Creator, as you become more and more a transparent channel for the love and the light of the Infinite One, you create your life. You do not react to it, for the reactions are automatically those of one who seeks to help.

Ra The Law of One, Book I, Session 26 February 17, 1981
Quote:Ra: I am Ra. This has occurred although it is much less common than the Orion type of so-called ‘Close Encounter.’ We may note that in a universe of unending unity the concept of a ‘Close Encounter’ is humorous, for are not all encounters of a nature of self with self? Therefore, how can any encounter be less than very, very close?


A very detailed description of the distortions of fear are talked about in the Aaron/Q'uo sessions, Aaron provides a very detailed nature of fear in the sessions where he offers his thoughts. Just search for Aaron's sessions and you will find a really detailed enunciation on the distortion of fear.

On forgiveness, separation and fear.
Aaron The Aaron/Q’uo Dialogues, Session 30 November 19, 1995
Quote:Aaron: I am Aaron. Does the right hand need to forgive the left hand? If the baby, the fetus, is kicking in the night and wakes the mother, does the mother need to forgive the fetus? In the first example, the right and left hands are clearly a part of the same being. The mother and fetus still experience that state of non-separation.

The angel aspect of yourself knows it is not separate and never has been separate. It knows the crystal clarity of its oneness, which could never become tarnished. To move into incarnation is to accept the illusion of separation, to agree to this veil of forgetting of your true being. Thus, you move into the illusion that there are spots on the wings, that the body and the mind are unclean in some way.

You have all heard me call you angels in earthsuits. Yes, I, from the human perspective, you practice forgiveness because there has been the experience of pain for the human and the practice of forgiveness opens the heart. It is not just bringing you back to where you were; you are then Love. And there is no limit to the amount of love that you can express. If there were a limit, there would be no reason to move into incarnation. As you are aware, the universe does not run on linear time; there is no rush, no schedule. So, you would rest in the astral planes, picking up those lessons of love easily as they came until you had reached that point where you could say, “I’ve learned it.”

As Q’uo just expressed, that shining light is always ahead. One has never finished, even in sixth density. I am not finished. There is always more to learn about love. You have entered incarnation in faith that this is a tool that will help you to learn about love, not to a finished point, but to continually enhance the process of loving.

We find that the wonder and beauty is that those that have graduated through the earth plane teach love and compassion to the rest of the universe. Truly, the masters of love in our universe are amongst those who have moved through Earth’s catalyst. It is a very powerful teacher. Yes, I like your image: the spot expands.

There was never anything to forgive, but from the human perspective you have practiced forgiveness. And that practice expands you out of the small ego self and into the heart we all share, into that place where there is no individuated self taken as real, but only the illusion of individuated self, as you are learning, too. Thus, you practice forgiveness not so much to forgive, although that is the idea within the relative mind, but to stretch the heart, to move out of your illusions of separation.

You are unbalanced. I said to some of you this morning, you come into incarnation and you immediately pick up thick glasses that serve as microscope. They allow you to tie and untie the knots, to see what you do. But they close you off to the vast perspective that you had before you came into incarnation.


This is a most important lesson considering the nature of fear which I think fits well with the topic.
Aaron The Aaron/Q’uo Dialogues, Session 33 November 24, 1996
Quote:Aaron: I am Aaron. Can you see that efficiency is often the voice of fear? There is within the human that which wishes to stay in control, not only for its own safety but also for the safety of those around it. It wishes to pattern the universe and make it predictable.

On the astral plane there is never a sense of being unsafe in the way that the human experiences such danger. It is clear on the astral plane that there is nothing that needs to be ordered or controlled, but that disorder has its own delicate and lovely order, and you can just let it flow.

Who wants to be in control? Often your reasons may be the highest: wanting to offer one’s energy in service to all beings, wanting to alleviate suffering. But my dear ones, life is chaos; life is messy. Thoughts and emotions do not arise only when invited, and like good little children reporting themselves and then stepping back into a line. Thoughts and emotions are a class of rowdy children raising their voices out of turn. This is human incarnation.

It is easy to keep your equanimity in heaven. You are here incarnate to learn this equanimity regardless of the catalyst and even regardless of your response to the catalyst. Then, while you are shrieking, “Eeek!” and running from the mouse, there will be that within which is centered, still and knows its safety.

The concepts of being aware of fear, this personally helped me yesterday with some catalysts.
Aaron The Aaron/Q’uo Dialogues, Session 17, March 23, 1993
Quote:You know that a plant grows in the sunshine. Even a shade-loving plant must have some light. You would not take a plant, a bulb perhaps, and put it in the best soil, offer it the fertilizer it needed, water it and then put it in a dark closet and expect it to grow. But you do this with yourselves. How do you bring yourself out of that closet?

First, one must be aware that one is in the closet. “I am living in darkness. I have shut myself off.” Seeing that, you make the skillful decision, “I’m going to open the door. I need light in here.” No matter how dark it appears, you may then begin to pray, to seek, to read inspired readings and poetry, to speak to a human friend whose faith is deep. This is not grasping at the light. It is simply opening the shades so that the light that is already there may come in. It does take the skillful decision to emerge from the darkness.

This brings us back to some of the unique patterns of the human. There is this small ego self that we talk about. It is illusion, but within the human experience it feels real and solid. This illusion has one purpose as far as it knows, and that is to maintain itself at all costs. Why? If you are that angel I spoke of yesterday and truly connected with God, why would you want to maintain the illusion of separation? What purpose has this illusion? When you incarnate, you agree to experience this veil of forgetting, an opacity that cuts you off from the clear seeing of your true nature. Again, why? Why agree to that?

For reasons I cannot easily explain, the primary lessons of third density are faith and love. What will teach you faith? If you incarnate with full awareness of who you are and what you are doing in this incarnation, with clear seeing of the divinity in yourself and in all beings and the clear experience of God, where is faith to be learned? But that faith is a foundation. Without that faith the later lessons of wisdom may so easily become distorted and move the being into negative polarity. So these muscles of faith must be built by practice.

You know that there are many planes of learning and that this earth experience is a somewhat new experiment insofar as the entire history of the universe. Perhaps the greatest success of this experiment has been the profundity of the way faith is learned, of the experience of faith on this plane. This is a gift, this veil of forgetting. Because of the veil you cannot take your divinity for granted, but must always move deeper into the experience of it, must always work to separate illusion from deeper reality. And yet, no matter how clearly you experience that deeper reality, as human, it still must be taken as a matter of faith. You are not given proof.

Aaron The Aaron/Q’uo Dialogues, Session 17, March 23, 1993
Quote:There has to be a moment of decision: Do I want to linger here in darkness or do I wish to move into the light? Why am I clinging to the darkness? What safety have I found in the darkness? And there is some illusion of safety in darkness. It is a place to hide.

I spoke at the beginning of this talk of the small ego self’s desire to maintain itself. You have grown into the pattern in your human form of thinking of the strength of this self as your protection from that which is thrown at you. “If the self is strong, if I can be in control, then I can control the pain in my life.” But it does not work that way. These catalysts will continue to arise over and over again. You only move yourself into more negativity and fear when you allow the self to act through fear to assert self.

Picturing that being in the dark room the first time it opens the shutters, it may not even have realized that there was light outside. The light seems so bright it feels blinded by it and must close the shutters again quickly. But it soon learns to enjoy and trust that light. It becomes a pattern. When it looks around and sees that the room is too dark, it remembers, “I can open the shutters.”

This remembering is a major part of your work. This is part of the reason why I so emphasize mindfulness. Know when you are sitting in the dark. Know that you have the option to open the shutters. Know that you also have the option to remain in the dark. But if you do so, you have chosen that. Why are you choosing to sit in darkness? Why are you hiding in the darkness? What illusion of protection does the darkness offer as it strengthens the small ego self? Do you really need to continue that pattern, or are you ready to be kinder to yourself and allow yourself to experience your true being?

Aaron The Aaron/Q’uo Dialogues, Session 30 November 19, 1995
Quote:Barbara: Aaron says (I am paraphrasing Aaron), at first one tends to leap back and forth. He says picture yourself alone on the seesaw trying to get it to balance. First you run from one end to the other, and then you begin to understand how to keep your weight balanced equally on both ends. He asks you to also remember his image of the box in the infinitely spacious room. The relative rests in the ultimate. You cannot leave the ultimate, only forget about it for awhile.

Aaron: I am Aaron. Of course, for the angel there can be nothing to forgive. How could there be? Of course, for the human, caught deeply in its own small ego self, forgiveness is almost impossible. You are living in a balance, a partnership between, so that the human does not hear there is nothing to forgive, because for the human there is something to forgive. But forgiveness is possible because you recognize that the angel exists and that you are both sides through from human to angel, the balance always changing slightly depending on the needs and clarity of the moment. I pause.

On judgment of fear and the nature of unconditional love which accepts all.
Aaron The Aaron/Q’uo Dialogues, Session 16 March 22, 1993
Quote:This is the foundation for the work of all beings in third density. It is through the constant judgment of what you experience that self solidifies and enhances the illusion of separation. You are here to reconfirm that there is no separate self, that the self solidifies through dwelling in delusion. The more you fight with the presence of an emotion, the more self solidifies, the more sense there is, “I must get rid of this or that to purify myself.” What you have to do, then, is to change your relationship to that which arises in you.
When there is judgment against fear, it automatically enhances separation, which brings you back into the dialogue with fear that I spoke of earlier. Then there is a self feeling it should get rid of this and grasp at that. When you notice the arising of fear simply and with compassion to the human caught in that situation, self dissolves. There is no longer a doer. Then all these powerful energies I spoke of earlier, these beautiful seeds of loving-kindness, of patience, of generosity and ever so many more have the opportunity to flourish.

They are not seeds that can flourish in the self that grasps at them. No matter how much you attempt to be patient with a sense, “I should be patient,” you cannot make that blossom grow any more than you can make a rose open by willing it to open. The warm light of love shined on it, the warm sunshine, is what allows the rose to open, is what allows generosity, patience, loving-kindness, energy, truthfulness, to express themselves through you.

At this point the lower chakras are open, not because you have willed them to open by willing a riddance of the issues concerned therein, but by creating so much space that the issues simply fall away. You find the ability to smile at this being that wants to be in control—not to laugh at it, not to mock it in any way or to take its pain less than fully seriously, but to hold it in love.

This is the work for which you incarnated. We have spoken of this before. The lessons of compassion and wisdom are valuable, and there is no reason not to start on those lessons in third density; but you are here to learn love and faith. And if there is not a firm foundation of those lessons of love and faith, then lessons of the higher densities will become distorted.

What does it mean to love unconditionally? What does it mean to have faith? That is another seed within you. How can you allow that seed of faith to blossom? By the constant reminder: Everything within this human experience, all the physical sensations, all the emotions, are acceptable.

Aaron The Aaron/Q’uo Dialogues, Session 25 September 24, 1994
Quote:To deny it is to bury it and torment yourself to prevent its re-arising someplace else. To act it out is not a viable option past a certain place in your spiritual path. You forget that you have a third choice, which is to find a spacious presence with this difficult energy, neither denying it nor manifesting it further. You see it as a result and bring attention to the causes, to fear itself and to the delusion of separation, but with compassion for the human who knows fear, who is caught in the illusion.

The continuance and perseverance of consciousness, and why fear of death is an illusion in itself.
Q'uo Special Meditation September 26, 2006
Quote:In truth, there is nothing to fear.

You are dwelling within a certain kind of illusion and your consciousness has created about itself a physical vehicle which moves this consciousness around. It offers a great deal of benefit to the consciousness inhabiting the physical vehicle.

When something occurs that creates an unviability to the physical vehicle, your consciousness will move onward without a break. You shall continue.
At heart, then, there is nothing to fear. For any circumstance whatever is as it is, until it changes. The changes are inevitable. The only question is the timing. You shall always, in this density of choice that is the Earth world, find yourself in the process of change and transformation.

If the fear that you feel is at heart a hollow thing, it is a matter of becoming more aware of the dynamic to fear. The dynamic to fear is love. Fear and love do not coexist, any more than light and dark coexist.

And just like light, love cannot be killed by fear. It shines even in the most hostile environment, just as does light. Even the light of a tiny candle creates a significant glow and illumination to the eye. The love within you is waiting for you to embrace it. It is something that you can do quite consciously. However, there is a significant amount of discipline involved in availing yourself of the catalyst that is incoming at this time, and using it in a positive manner.

When you sense fear within yourself, do not devolve into an inner atmosphere of self doubt and upset. Look at that fear. Intensify that fear. Become fully aware of your fear. And then ask for its opposite. Allow yourself to become aware of love, that love that flows all around you at all times; that love of the one infinite Creator which is without any limit.


Unbiased balance, the sixth density lesson of unity. I found this concept extremely interesting and have been pondering this discipline a lot lately.
Latwii Sunday Meditation August 5, 1984
Quote:Yet within your illusion, you move in a darkness and in a manner which requires the careful choosing of polarity, shall we say. For in order to do work of a spiritual nature, the battery of the seeker must be polarized as purely as possible. This polarization process proceeds for much of what you call time through many experiences. And as the seeking becomes more and more refined, the seeker in the positive polarity is able to appreciate more and more the essence of the one Creator which resides in all things, including those entities who have chosen to express the negative polarity of the one infinite Creator. Such a positive entity with this ability to appreciate the one Creator in all is an entity which has refined the process of seeking to a degree where all is seen as one; all is seen as the one infinite Creator and there is no polarity at this point.

May we answer you further, my sister?

Carla: I take it that’s quite a ways down the road?

I am Latwii, and we would agree, my sister, that for the seeker of truth in the positive sense this is quite a lengthy journey and reaches its culmination, shall we say, at the mid-sixth density level, at which time for any entity wishing to continue the process of evolution, it is necessary to see all as the one Creator. Yet it is possible from time to time on this journey for any entity to so purify its own thinking that it is able to experience the unity of all the creation for briefer moments.

May we answer you further, my sister?

Carla: No, just an observation that that sounds in some ways like risky business.

I am Latwii, and in one sense, my sister, we would agree. Each seeker of truth finds the path laid before it in a manner which leads inevitably to the one Creator. For in each moment the one Creator is all that is. Yet as the one Creator seeks to know Itself and has portioned Itself throughout the one creation in the positive and negative senses, those entities who travel this path of evolution will find that path, though inevitably leading to the one Creator, can be a path which has many surprises for those whose step is not sure and whose attention has been diverted for the moment. And it may be necessary from time to time for the seeker to learn lessons which may be described as difficult. Yet each lesson teaches love, wisdom and unity for those who are alert to the possibilities within difficulty.


The balance of all things and the lessons of unity which might avail the illusion of fear.
Ra Session 95 of the Law of One September 2, 1982
Quote:Ra: I am Ra. In two circumstances this is so. Firstly, if there has been the pre-incarnative choice that, for instance, one shall not take life in the service of the cultural group, events shall fall in a protective manner. Secondly, if any entity is able to dwell completely in unity the only harm that may occur to it is the changing of the outward physical, yellow-ray vehicle into the more light-filled mind/body/spirit complex’s vehicle by the process of death. All other suffering and pain is as nothing to one such as this.

The balance seen by the opposite path and the nature of love.
Hatonn Sunday Meeting February 15, 1976
Quote:Love, my friends, is not what man perceives within his intellect. Love is not the emotion that is felt for another. Love is not attachment to any given thing. Love is totally detached, yet infinitely united within truth, within the light of the Creator. All things are united due to the existence of love. In experiencing the concept of love, there are many things which must be learned before you can truly comprehend the infinity of the concept. Love is all that exists. Love is all things which you experience and which you can see. Love at many times may appear to be what you might call negative in its effect upon you or others, yet, my friends, you must indeed, in order to learn, be exposed and have experience on what you would call both sides of the coin. You must be aware of the negativity which exists within your present experience as only an assistant to your learning process. You are assisted by those acts which you consider to be negative in that they allow you to weigh within yourself the value of that which you consider to be negative and that which you consider to be positive.

Becoming the creator which has no bias to anything, which truly loves all.
Q'uo Saturday Meditation October 17, 2009
Quote:Becoming the Creator is a process of allowing consciousness to supplant the intellect. You can be nothing else but the Creator. That is a given, although you cannot prove this. You can only know it by faith. Faith and unknowing alone will tell you that you are a spark of the Creator, a holograph, in a way, of the Godhead principle, shall we say. Your deepest self vibrates in unconditional love as part of the Creator. Consequently, becoming the Creator is a matter of allowing this impersonal, deeply loving consciousness to become a greater and greater part of your everyday beingness. The “I” of you will become more and more deeply and truly the “I” that is you as you enter more and more into the awareness of consciousness, where the “I” is an “I” that is one with Christ, one with unconditional love. It is not that you become unconditional love, for you were unconditional love the whole time. It is that you find ways, as you come to know yourself and accept yourself just the way you are, to allow consciousness in.

You see, there is a part of the intellect that fears extinction. And it fears that if the consciousness of love, which is impersonal, becomes more and more a part of your personality, you shall lose your individuality. My friends, nothing could be less true. It is only as you begin to become aware of the deepest part of yourself, that part that is a servant of the light, that you find yourself breathing more freely and being able to do those things that you do in the world with a fresh eagerness and an appetite for more. For life becomes sweet and beautiful and adventurous when you are that entity who awakens to a new day with the awareness of eternity as well as the world of finite things.

It is a long journey. It is a journey which will close as you close your earthly eyes for the last time. It is a long game, a game which has a simple strategy: know the self, accept the self, become the Creator. As you discover the deeper parts of yourself, the Creator-self, you will find that your eyes are opened to find the good and the love and the peace that is possible in all situations. You will find yourself becoming sturdier, more stable, more unfazed by the world of ten thousand things, as this instrument would say.

Q'uo Sunday Meditation October 8, 1989
Quote:Take the long view, my friends. Find the lightness of heart that this gives you, the balance of opinion, and the thoughtfulness, and eventually, the faith that it offers. [For when there is no reason to anything within the illusion, then it is that that which is mysterious outside of the illusion has the only possibility of being real.] Gaze at that pontificated reality, and realize that that reality, that mystery, is love, an energy indescribable. The infinite intelligence of the one Creator is love, unpotentiated, unpolarized, unaware. It merely loves. The active principle of free will is chosen again and again by the Creator, Who chooses to make a creation and form active principles of Itself that It may learn of Its own nature. We already know the answer: the nature of the Creator is love; the nature of you is love; the nature of your circumstances is love. Whatever they may be, all is as it should be; all offers the catalyst that is required at the present time.

Q'uo Sunday Meditation October 8, 1989
Quote:You see, my friends, you are a jailer as well as a prisoner. In most entities the jailer is the stronger of the two entities. And so the entity moves through the life depending on outside help. You do not need to depend on any outside help, my friends. You do not need us, you do not need any teacher. You merely need persistence, determination, and a kind of respect for the self that must be the foundation of seeking. The core of you is the infinite love of the one Creator. You are the Creator within. This is not evident; it is not intended to be. You must seek this beingness within. We can be with you in your meditations; we can strengthen your meditations. We cannot strengthen your persistence, your determination or your seeking. We cannot purify your intent, or widen your point of view. You must leave that to the consciousness that is within you, the purified and ever more purified emotion that comes forward as bliss, ecstasy, passion, intensity and, paradoxically, peace. All these things are within you.

This is where that which is called faith becomes evidently different from that which is called belief, for inner-planes masters are those who have believed certain things, who have certain pathways to follow to graduate from third density. They are legitimate. There is a blindness to them, since the higher densities have been bypassed by the entity’s immediate realization of the one infinite Creator. This may seem to be a great advantage, but it is as if you were only visiting and must go home. The only way to move back to the source, the only way to become unpotentiated love once again, the only way to find and be the Grail, is to walk this dusty path, learning of the self, of the beingness, of compassion and wisdom and balance, in that order, so that one may at last, having experienced much, turn and offer to the Creator the one gift that is most excellent and holy: the self, with all the richness of its learning.

Q'uo Special Meditation May 13, 2008
Quote:A negative entity will be sickened by true love. The challenge here is that it needs to be genuine, heartfelt love, not that which is applied as a Band-Aid from the intellect. This love for the Creator must come from the heart.

There's a not so hidden secret in the sessions on the nature of true love, And that is that it is unbiased always and unconditional. Intelligent infinity which is the one infinite creator has no bias and sought to know it's nature, everything is permissible and all experiences shall be experienced. Therefore the true defense would be to recognize that it is not needed, pure balance and an impersonal view is what is said to be unconditional love. It is the great protector when you really realize that no one part of the creation is undesirable or actually needed to be feared, and if it is thought as such then there is distortion of unconditional impersonal unbiased love. Fear is a distortion of love and therefore at least to me I believe it should be met with utter balance, that detached yet learning entity. Invoking balance and faith is like opening the door to the creator, seek the subtly hidden deeper distortions underneath the greys which are feared so much. For I suspect there are deeper roots of spiritual lessons beyond the simple manifestations of the fear of greys.
Cyclops, I am so impressed at how you always manage to pull out all the relevant quotes!
(05-11-2010, 08:55 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: [ -> ]Cyclops, I am so impressed at how you always manage to pull out all the relevant quotes!

It's called using a "search string", hehe. I keep meaning to ask him for it, but keep forgetting, and really, why do I need to know it when we have him? BigSmile Our brother enjoys providing this information, and as thus, I enjoy him doing so Smile
(05-11-2010, 11:27 AM)Pablísimo Wrote: [ -> ]Hello!

I have been deathly afraid of Grey aliens since I was a small child.

Try watching this. It might help.

Interview with Peter Sterling relating his encounter with two friendly GREY's.

Always try and remember to remind yourself of the old saying that goes: "There is nothing to fear, but fear itself."

That won't work if your actually being subjected to intentional harm, but there is no reason to assume that when you have your next encounter your going to be subjected to it.

Point is until your actually subjected to harm, or threatened directly during an encounter there is no basis for fear.

Since you are fated to have the encounter you may as well assume that it will be a good one until you are confronted with facts to suggest otherwise.

You would be acting upon a delusional impulse of your own creation to assume the encounter intends you harm before it even unfolds.

I am trying to appeal to your rationality and logic to control your emotion. In other words approach the issue as if you were a Vulcan.
My friends,

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! I am deeply touched and humbled by your kindness and wisdom. This is something I have struggled with for a very long time, but I never speak about, for obvious reasons. However, I really feel I needed the outside perspectives, grounded in the Law of One, to help me work through this terror. So, I gave a call for support, and WOW did you guys come through!! Thank you so much!! Each person gave me something unique and valuable that I can use. I know this is not something I am going to be able to transmute overnight, but I now at least have some tools and concepts to work with so that I can begin a constructive process. It may be a long road, but at least I have a starting point now. I am eternally grateful for that.

(05-11-2010, 03:03 PM)JoshC Wrote: [ -> ]I don't have any spiritual guidance for this topic, but if you would like to try something called systematic desensitization, that could potentially help you reduce your fear of the greys.

Systematic desensitization is recognized as the treatment in cognitive therapy for phobias.

When you can do this whole process dealing with the number 1 on your list for about 5 seconds,

repeat all these steps with the number 2 on your list. Then 3, 4, 5, 10, etc. Obviously this will get harder and harder as you go higher up the list, but even if you make it to 5 or 10, your fear will be reduced somewhat of them.

Now this is very useful, indeed! I had never heard of "systematic desensitization" but this does sound like something that could possibly help me with the animalistic reaction to the sight of them. I have some good experience with transmuting hurt or anger into love with people in deep meditation, but the panic I feel when I think on their image always blocks me from meditating on it very deeply. Perhaps with time I can desensitize myself enough to the images that I can deal with it more effectively in mediation. Thank you so much for sharing this concept with me, I have been reading about it this morning. Much appreciated!!

(05-11-2010, 04:30 PM)Lavazza Wrote: [ -> ]Can you imagine what exactly makes you fearful of the Greys, then imagining what their motivation for having those qualities might be, accepting it as valid, forgiving it, realizing that they are one with you and as consequence loving them?

Hmm... This is an interesting thought. I've always reacted very strongly and negatively to them but without having any real basis for that reaction. So, I'm not really sure what it is that makes me so fearful of them, but perhaps I have some unconscious assumption about what they and their motivations are that was formed before I had a LOO foundation. I will try to imagine worst case behavior scenarios and then try to further imagine their motivations for those scenarios and try to use THAT as a key to understanding and then forgiveness. Since I don't have any reliable data about them, this stream of hypotheticals will have to suffice. Thank you for the suggestion!!

(05-11-2010, 04:30 PM)Lavazza Wrote: [ -> ]P.S. kudos for having no fear of sharks!
Well, I generally tread very lightly on the earth and am kind to the animal kingdom, and so it sort of reciprocates and treads lightly on me. I never really have any issues with animals, so I wouldn't figure sharks would be any more of a problem. I doubt my soul needs that random catalyst to learn anything. Besides, for some reason whenever I dive I see dolphins. Almost every single time no matter where I am! I have this gut feeling that if a shark ever did get aggressive with me, if I couldn't get away then a dolphin would lend me a helping fin. Maybe that's irrational, but those two concepts (no real danger from animals and dolphin rescue backup plan) make me feel safe from sharks when I dive.

(05-11-2010, 08:51 PM)Cyclops Wrote: [ -> ]This is a long post but there is a hierarchy which starts from the general concerns of thought forms of alien abductions and general fears in that area with greys included. Following is the nature of fear which I think connects here and beyond that the teachings of unity, balance and the disciplines of oneness which may be invoked as true protection.

Cyclops, thank you for these quotes. You carefully mined the archives for the inspiration I needed.

It was more than JUST a search string, you clearly put a great deal of thought into linking these relevant quotes together in a way that would help me as I worked through intertwined issues. I am grateful for your service, brother, thank you. It's especially helpful because though I know the Ra material very well, I am not so familiar with the other channellings and don't normally think to review them. The themes you chose are exactly what I needed.

(05-11-2010, 08:51 PM)Cyclops Wrote: [ -> ]There's a not so hidden secret in the sessions on the nature of true love, And that is that it is unbiased always and unconditional. Intelligent infinity which is the one infinite creator has no bias and sought to know it's nature, everything is permissible and all experiences shall be experienced. Therefore the true defense would be to recognize that it is not needed, pure balance and an impersonal view is what is said to be unconditional love. It is the great protector when you really realize that no one part of the creation is undesirable or actually needed to be feared, and if it is thought as such then there is distortion of unconditional impersonal unbiased love. Fear is a distortion of love and therefore at least to me I believe it should be met with utter balance, that detached yet learning entity. Invoking balance and faith is like opening the door to the creator, seek the subtly hidden deeper distortions underneath the greys which are feared so much. For I suspect there are deeper roots of spiritual lessons beyond the simple manifestations of the fear of greys.

Beautifully said, and you are correct. Thank you for sharing those words of wisdom with me.

(05-11-2010, 08:15 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-11-2010, 11:27 AM)Pablísimo Wrote: [ -> ]It has occurred to me that I could have been abducted at some point when I was very young. That possibility would explain why the terror is so unreasonable, visceral and unthinking.

This would certainly explain it. And yet, it could also be the key to alleviating the fear. Why? Because, if you were abducted, what does that tell you?

It tells you that you survived.

I invite you to ponder that. If you survived, then the fear of being abducted may be worse than the reality itself. Sometimes it helps, when dealing with a fear, to actually confront the worst case scenario.

If it did happen, you were very young. You were defenseless, essentially. You didn't have the knowledge or the tools you have now. So there's no way it could be nearly as frightening, as an adult, as it was as a child.

Well, just to be clear I only meant I had considered the possibility that I could have been abducted when very young, I'm not actually claiming that I was abducted. I have absolutely no memories of any abduction nor really any other evidence to suggest that it ever happened. I'm open-minded enough to at least allow for the possibility that they did something to me a long time ago, but due to a lack of memories or evidence, I am mostly operating under the assumption that the fear is baseless. I have no way to know what their true polarity is, but it's possible they are STO, or as you said, a mix of different polarities. I just want to love all beings and assess a given being individually rather than having foregone negative conclusions about an entire race of ETs.

(05-11-2010, 08:15 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: [ -> ]Have you considered doing a regression or hypnosis? Evidently, many who believe they were abducted have found healing in such methods.

You know, I have wanted to do this for a long time, but in order to get some past life details (to find patterns and keys to better understanding this life), but I never thought about it in the context of uncovering an alien memory. I AM open to that line of investigation, though. The problem becomes how do you find someone qualified to do this? There are so many charlatans out there, how does one locate someone reliable, kind and STO who offers regression services?

(05-11-2010, 08:15 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: [ -> ]A less confrontative method, that you might consider, is shamanic soul retrieval. The premise for soul retrieval is that a sliver of the personality got stuck in a state of fear, due to some traumatic event. It may allow re-integration of the splintered self, without necessarily directly going back into the traumatic event. (Although some techniques do just that, but it's done consciously, rather than under hypnosis.)

Now THAT sounds very interesting, too. I have never even heard of that. It's probably the same dilemma with finding a practicioner, but I will research this concept more and see what I can find out.

(05-11-2010, 08:15 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: [ -> ]Could it be that the fear is totally unfounded?

Oh yes, definitely. That's a very distinct possibility, especially given that I've had it since I was very young.

(05-11-2010, 08:15 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: [ -> ]Consider this: What if you were never abducted by aliens at all, but just took on a fear that manifested in that form, because of something you saw in a tv show or movie?

The scene you describe, of being terrified of being pulled out your bedroom window, sounds strikingly familiar.

Aha!!! I remember where I saw that exact scene: The X-Files.

Were you a child in the 1980s, perhaps? If someone in your house was watching The X-Files, and you saw it when you were too young to understand, that could surely explain your irrational fear!

Perhaps your fear is based on something really simple like that. Perhaps you were never abducted at all, but just saw a scary tv show!

Hmmm... Now that is an interesting thought. Yes, I was a child during that time period (I'm 31 now). I didn't really have much (ha, hardly any) adult supervision as a child so maybe I watched something like that, but I honestly don't remember it. I did unfortunately see the Exorcist at a young age (I was forced to watch part of it by a misguided adult), which kept me worried about demons under the bed for years. But I let all that fear go a long time ago, when I became an adult. Same thing with ghosts and vampires, those childhood concerns just melted away as I got older. But the Greys never ceased to scare me. No change at all.

Funnily enough, we moved to a nice big house a few years ago, and we chose a room in the finished basement as our bedroom (for a variety of reasons -- it's great). But one thing that I loved about it was no windows!! I spend a lot of time outside, but at night I sleep better with no windows.

(05-11-2010, 08:15 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: [ -> ]If so, then it might be easily remedied: Just buy or rent The X-Files 'Alien' episodes (we have it on a shelf somewhere...forgot what it was called...but it's a set of all the alien episodes, minus the creature features). If you were to watch them with you new, adult perspective, following the storyline, that might not be so scary anymore.

Wait! I know you said it is virtually impossible to even see a picture of a Gray. But, perhaps - and this is only an idea - perhaps if you were to see the tv show in its proper context, and see all its flaws

Sorry, I'm not ready for that yet. Seriously I can't stand more than a few seconds without panicking. I think I'll work with the technique JoshC shared with me and also the exercise from Lavazza. Maybe if I can desensitize myself a bit to the images first, then I could take your suggestion. But I don't think I'm ready yet, sorry!

(05-11-2010, 08:15 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: [ -> ]That's all presupposing the fear was rooted in seeing an X-Files episode(s). I don't think this idea is far-fetched, after my experience with the hand and the monster!

No, it's not that far-fetched. It's certainly possible it could be that simple.

(05-11-2010, 08:15 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: [ -> ]Next: Have you read Secrets of the UFO? I don't remember whether it was in that, or in the Law of One, that it was stated that many abductions took place for the purpose of 'waking up' the person.

I own a copy of the book, I ordered it a while back, but I have not yet read it. I have read and re-read the Ra Material over and over again, but I have not been as profoundly affected by the other L/L channelings. I mean, they seem perfectly compatible and a good source of wisdom, I just haven't taken the time to study them to the same level. I will try to start again this weekend -- it's something I've been meaning to read for a while. I can't imagine the concept of an abduction to wake someone up. Seems to me it would just turn them off to ET experiences in general, but I will do some reading before sticking my foot too firmly in my mouth. Smile

(05-11-2010, 08:15 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: [ -> ]PS. When children are abused, they sometimes transfer the fear of the abuser onto something else. In fact, some psychologists (who don't believe in aliens) think that all abductees are actually just fabricating the whole alien abduction story, and what really happened was that they just transferred the fear of their abuser onto a fictitious alien.

We know aliens really do exist, and some are STO while others are STS, and undoubtedly many are like humans - mixed polarity. However, that doesn't rule out the possibility that transference didn't actually take place. In other words, just because there really are aliens doesn't mean that everyone with a fear of aliens was actually abducted.

While some people who believe themselves to be abducteesmight really be abductees, others might not be at all. They might be victims of child abuse who were never abducted, but simply transferred the fear of the abuser into a convenient alien, after seeing a tv show like The X-Files.

Unfortunately, there are many forms of abuse, and children, ill-equipped to handle it, often build walls in their psyches, to avoid the pain. I would surmise that, somehow, as a child you associated aliens with something that happened to you. The actual event might have had nothing at all to do with aliens.

Wow, OK, now THIS is very perceptive. I did suffer a fair amount of trauma/child abuse when I was quite young, but I feel like I've long-since worked past all of that old garbage and have reached a place of love, forgiveness, and healing. It honestly never occurred to me that the Grey fear could have been a transference, but there IS indeed some solid logic to that theory. I mean, I remember the old abuse clearly enough and don't recall aliens being involved, but who knows what the frightened mind of a child may invent. What a bizarre thing to do transfer fear into, but it does sound plausible. I will have to give this some deeper thought. If that IS what happened, then it's not serving me any good right now and I'd like to cast it off. Or it could be totally unrelated, but definitely worth pondering. Thank you once again for your insight... Whether it is ultimately true or false, I never actually thought of it before in all this time.

(05-12-2010, 10:47 AM)dolphin Wrote: [ -> ]Try watching this. It might help.

Interview with Peter Sterling relating his encounter with two friendly GREY's.

Hi dolphin,

I watched that video yesterday when Eddie posted it, but to be perfectly honest with you I found a lot of fear and doom and gloom embedded in the message from those greys. Peter certainly seemed to think it was a good experience, but the implant mark on the neck and the "flee the planet" stuff didn't sit right with me. Nevertheless, I think I see your point. There's nothing saying that if I should meet some of them that it has to be a negative experience.

(05-12-2010, 10:47 AM)dolphin Wrote: [ -> ]Always try and remember to remind yourself of the old saying that goes: "There is nothing to fear, but fear itself."

That won't work if your actually being subjected to intentional harm, but there is no reason to assume that when you have your next encounter your going to be subjected to it.

Point is until your actually subjected to harm, or threatened directly during an encounter there is no basis for fear.

I am trying to appeal to your rationality and logic to control your emotion. In other words approach the issue as if you were a Vulcan.

You are absolutely right on all of those points. Thank you for providing me with a clear, rational view of the situation. Since (as far as I know) I have NOT been harmed, there's no reason to assume that I will be. Perhaps a little Vulcan perspective is what's needed in this emotion-soaked issue!



Well guys, thanks once again for taking the time out of your busy schedules to share with me your suggestions and insight. This was very healing for me. When I first posted about it, I felt like I had already exhausted all my options for tackling this problem. I was weary and upset about the whole thing and really just stretched my hand out in desperation. Now I have some real, practical avenues I can explore to work on the problem. Thanks to you all, I have a a bunch of different directions I can go in and things I can try. First I will work on dealing with the fear and next on transmuting all those negative emotions into universal love. Thank you, dear friends, for giving me such great suggestions and loving insight into my dilemma.

I will continue my inner work on this, fortified by your support and kindness. My goal is to find love and forgiveness for all beings, even Grey ones! Please accept my sincere and deepest gratitude for your assistance on that journey. I am truly blessed to know this fine group of seekers.

Love to all
(05-12-2010, 01:29 PM)Pablísimo Wrote: [ -> ]There's nothing saying that if I should meet some of them that it has to be a negative experience.

One last thing. There is certainly no guarantees your ever even going to have an encounter so the whole issue might be moot,
but if you ever do the way I see it is the odds are just as likely that you will be loving it the same as Peter Serling.

If you realize the logic and rationality in the Vulcan methodology your fear should really be well on its way out.

Years ago I was almost killed in a car wreck. I had a broken clavicle and the insurance company sent me to the doctor who would be performing my surgery.

That doctor as all doctors must do was explaining to me the risks, but over emphasized the fact that every surgery entails a risk of dieing particularly when it involved anesthesia as mine was going to require.

He went on and on explaining to me that I really had nothing to worry about because after I am put to sleep If I died I won't ever have even known about it. He reassured me that death is nothing to worry about.

That was back in 2001. I still have a broken clavicle today. I decided to just let it heal naturally. I'm glad I did. It is perfectly fine the way it is.

That doctor went way out of his way to make a young kid paranoid.

My paranoia was of him and not the surgery. There is no way in my opinion that you will likely ever meet an alien more scarry than that doctor was.

The point of me posting the video was solely over the fact that the aliens were friendly. All the Galactic Wave doomsday stuff was extranious and I am very glad you were able to pick that up on your own, but even it were true all you really need do is think about that doctor of mine I told you about to keep things in perspective.

At that point if your still worried then I recomend you simply listen to this every once in awhile.
(05-12-2010, 02:14 PM)dolphin Wrote: [ -> ]There is no way in my opinion that you will likely ever meet an alien more scarry than that doctor was.

Dolphin, you've brought up a very good point. ALL beings are part of the Creator. Fear and negativity can be triggered by any species, human and alien alike. So can love.
(05-12-2010, 01:29 PM)Pablísimo Wrote: [ -> ]Well, just to be clear I only meant I had considered the possibility that I could have been abducted when very young, I'm not actually claiming that I was abducted. I have absolutely no memories of any abduction nor really any other evidence to suggest that it ever happened. I'm open-minded enough to at least allow for the possibility that they did something to me a long time ago, but due to a lack of memories or evidence, I am mostly operating under the assumption that the fear is baseless.

It is a common coping mechanism for children to block traumatic events from their conscious memories. Any psychologist can attest to that. So whether you remember it or not doesn't necessarily mean anything as to whether it actually happened or not.

My opinion is that something happened. Whether it was really an abduction, or a transference, might be brought to light with the proper therapeutic techniques.

I don't know of any practitioners but I do have a book called Soul Retrieval which might be of help to you. I have another with a similar title but will have to dig it out.
I would also like to add my .02 and some possible solutions.

Pablisimo, it's funny... I could have written your original message VERBATIM! I have also grown up with a fear of the Greys. No other alien type bothers me, except for them.

In the past, if I walked past Wesley Streiber's book "Communion" and saw the grey on the cover, I would break out in a sweat, my heart would race, and I would lapse into a fearful "fight or flight" moment, much like you've experienced at the lake.

I have always avoided movies depicting greys, and have decided no to watch Encounters of the Third Kind, because I know there is an alien scene there that seems rather "skeevy". I was taken by surprise when I saw the aliens in Raiders of the Lost Ark:Crystal Skull, and in Spielberg's A.I.: Artificial Intelligence. Those did not go over well with me! I would even get nervous seeing the simple little two-color graphic of an alien head with the almond eyes. You know which one I mean, I'm sure!

Like you, I have no recollection of any abductions, nor do I believe in my heart that I have been (at least in this lifetime). I know that as a kid, I was never abused, and my sister also does not recall anything unusual from our childhood. I do believe, however, that it is entirely possible I was "messed with" against my will, in a past incarnation, and that the highly charged emotional experience bled over into this life as unresolved trauma or some sort of karma that I decided to "parlay" for my next life to resolve.

So basically, everything you said so far, I've experienced in the most frightful ways possible.

But in your original post, the one thing I noticed you didn't talk about are your dreams. Why is that? Have you had any dreams with greys? My intense fear of the greys was actually reduced to almost nothing, thanks to a very special dream I had. And the dream came as a result of my simple and repeated intention, which I will explain in a moment.

First, perhaps I can relate this one quick story... There was a point that I got heavily into tarot cards, runes and crystals, and I would experiment with them without knowing how important it is to protect oneself with divine light. One day I was playing with the cards and the crystals at the same time, intending to draw upon the knowledge of the cards. Again, I was doing this powerful exercise without protection, which was a HUGE mistake. While I was unwittingly jumping into the rabbit hole, I suddenly felt "attacked" by an incredibly strong force field. It was like reality was instantly ripped from me and slammed back into my face, disorienting me for a moment. Without any conscious thought, my body immediately shot up from sitting Indian style and bolted out the back door and wrapped itself around a tree. I say "it" did it, because I would have NEVER hugged a tree. I am just not that type of person.

From there it got worse. Every night I went to bed from that day on, I suffered a negative greeting in my mind from a negative grey who had red glowing nostrils. It would be present in my mind as if it were face to face with me, but there was nothing there when I opened my eyes. And as I tried to go to sleep, it would just keep itself staring at me up close, no matter what I tried to think about. It was really quite disturbing!!! Thankfully, I knew some intuitive lightworkers who dealt with energy and dreams. This one helpful woman confirmed the next day that I had some negative attachments to my energy body, and agreed to sever the bonds the next time I went to bed.

That night, I dreamt of that woman who helped me, which to me validated that she had entered into the astral and performed a sort of Shamanic type of exercise to cut the bonds. Would you believe, from that night onward, I never had another "face-to-face" encounter with that negative being again!

[take note: this was an energetic bond that was resolved in the dream state]

Now. That didn't stop me from totally fearing these guys! Even though the woman had helped me out, I still lived life very much afraid of greys. It took many more years of reading about them and avoiding any visual exposure before I came across some material on cutting negative cords again.

When I followed the advice of the article, which I will share with you now, I soon had a transforming dream, and from that point on (as of 2009), I am no longer afraid of greys (for the most part)! In fact, I can look at all grey-related web sites now, I can pass Streiber's book and give attention to the grey that once made me freak out. Yes, my heart still jumped a beat when David threw up a Grey without warning on his Event Horizon video, but it wasn't nearly enough to send me to the hills like it would have a few years ago.

With all respect, I see what people are offering as advice on here, and there certainly are some great suggestions. But if you are anything like me (since we seem to have had seemingly mirrored experiences) I know most of the recommendations wouldn't do anything for me. Why? Because I strongly believe the problem that we both have exists in a different plane; it's not something that we can solve here in 3rd density. After all, if it could be solved in 3rd density, why wouldn't it have been already? We both tried sending love in meditation, we both have worked on releasing the fears in our own ways. So why didn't it work?

You and I are not afraid of any other alien types, so what's the big deal if an alien is a little green martian from Mars, or one that is in the shape of a grey? To someone who is not afraid of greys, there would be no difference to them. An alien is an alien. Yet to you and me, it's like comparing black to white. Sure, they are both colors, but at completely opposite ends. I tried my hardest through the years to desensitize myself to this, but I couldn't. I even tried affirmations and self-hypnosis. I tried to do an age regression and past-life regressions, but could not, because I was too freaked out over the idea of "seeing" a grey in my session. Over time, I strongly began to feel that the energetic signature of the experience remains with us in 3rd density, and we can't modify the situation with 3rd density thought forms. It has to be modified at a different vibrational level.

So what I'm getting at is that I strongly believe you can get over it the way I did. The way you do it is to sit in meditation and ask your Higher Self to please help you work out your fear "in the dream state". This is critical! Because now you are putting energy towards resolving this in the astral, where the source of this energy is coming from.

After casually doing that mental exercise for about a month, I had an epic dream. I was at my childhood house, and I was looking at what appeared to be a Weber grill. The ones that look like a circular, domed grill, right? Well, in my dream the grill "morphed" into a full sized UFO with green triangles around its equator. I started to get nervous in my dream, and I had the "knowing" that it was going to turn into an encounter, but I could not do anything about it.

Well, the next thing I know, there was a female grey in the dining room of the house. And around me were a bunch of friends who all grabbed a part of me, as if to restrain me. The grey then extended her tongue into my nose and up into my mind! I know this sounds crazy, but that was the symbolism in the dream. It was warm and comfortable, and the grey was giving off a very loving vibration. I did not feel for one second that it was a hostile encounter. Well, no sooner did her tongue finish extending across the room and then retracting, she came over to me and said, "Touch my skin." And basically I obliged to touch her awkward skin, which I remember feeling the bones underneath. It wasn't exactly pleasant of a sensation, but that thought was quickly overpowered by loving vibes.

When I woke up that morning, I instantly knew that I was visited in the astral by a positive grey. And I am 100% convinced she did it as a way to take away my fear that plagued me for much of my 20s and early 30s. Ever since that happened, I have been completely fine with the greys, Pablisimo!

So as far as my advice, it seems that if you can get the situation to be resolved through intention and the dream state, that you can get the matter worked out to the point that you can deal with it on a day to day basis.

It's not 100%... I mentioned that I still get an extra heartbeat and that "fret" feeling, although it is a lot more mild and tolerable than it used to be.

I hope my experience can help you consider the approach!
Much love,
you might try the bach flower essence mimulus
that is for specific years such as you have.

god bless
(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]I would also like to add my .02 and some possible solutions.

Pablisimo, it's funny... I could have written your original message VERBATIM! I have also grown up with a fear of the Greys. No other alien type bothers me, except for them.

Steve, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for taking time to post your story and the advice. I have honestly never met or heard of anyone with the same issue I have about the Greys. You quite obviously truly understand my problem!!

I can't believe it, I am blown away that someone else has (had) almost a mirror image of my struggle. I really felt like I was the only person on the planet with this condition. Especially since I have zero fear of any other kind of imaginable alien, so it's not just a general "alien phobia". It's HIGHLY specific.

(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]In the past, if I walked past Wesley Streiber's book "Communion" and saw the grey on the cover, I would break out in a sweat, my heart would race, and I would lapse into a fearful "fight or flight" moment, much like you've experienced at the lake.

Yes, this same book has haunted me for years!!! I know exactly what you mean. Just seeing the cover of "Communion" causes exactly the same adrenal reaction in me. It's gotten me in bookstores, at school, and at several friends' houses. I began to wonder just how many copies could possibly be floating around and why they always seem to find me. I can't handle that picture at all. Just the sight of the cover scares the daylights out of me and it takes me at least an hour to fully recover.

(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]I have always avoided movies depicting greys, and have decided no to watch Encounters of the Third Kind, because I know there is an alien scene there that seems rather "skeevy". I was taken by surprise when I saw the aliens in Raiders of the Lost Ark:Crystal Skull, and in Spielberg's A.I.: Artificial Intelligence. Those did not go over well with me! I would even get nervous seeing the simple little two-color graphic of an alien head with the almond eyes. You know which one I mean, I'm sure!

Exactly the same, again. I intentionally avoid those movies. Part of me really wanted to see Encounters of the Third Kind, but I never did because I knew I just couldn't take it. As for the other movies, my best friend warned me about those scenes and I haven't watched them, either as a direct result of not wanting to see their images. Even those stupid sticker graphics you are talking about make me nervous, too. It's amazing how how many times I run into those simple graphic images, and even they freak me out, despite not having the definition like you have with the cover of "Communion".

I am interested in ETs, exopolitics, and LOO and related material, and a surprising number of websites on these things have a Grey image in random places on them. It's really tough because I have this panic reaction when I run across one of those images. This has been a major struggle for me.

(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]Like you, I have no recollection of any abductions, nor do I believe in my heart that I have been (at least in this lifetime). I know that as a kid, I was never abused, and my sister also does not recall anything unusual from our childhood. I do believe, however, that it is entirely possible I was "messed with" against my will, in a past incarnation, and that the highly charged emotional experience bled over into this life as unresolved trauma or some sort of karma that I decided to "parlay" for my next life to resolve.

Hmm, now this is an interesting possibility, that there could have been some violation from a past life that bled into this one due to being unresolved. I mean, I had this intense fear of them as a small child! I did suffer some "normal" (as opposed to paranormal) type traumas as a child, but I swear it's always felt totally distinct to me. I have been pondering the idea that the Grey terror is some kind of transference lately since Monica suggested it and it had never occurred to me. It certainly seems plausible, but try as I might at an intuitive level it just doesn't seem related.

I had never considered a possible past life karma playing out this time around. Nor had I given thought to it being astral rather than physical. Basically, in my quest to understand this problem, I have almost convinced myself that there IS no rational basis for the fear and that I'm just being nutty for no good reason. But after reading your post... I don't know, perhaps there IS something astral to this.

(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]But in your original post, the one thing I noticed you didn't talk about are your dreams. Why is that? Have you had any dreams with greys?

Well... I'm not sure why I didn't mention it, but yes, I have periodic dreams with Greys. Truth be told, they are the only nightmares I ever have. My wife has told me she's heard me yelling at them to get out of my mind on a couple of rare occasions while I was dead asleep, but I don't really remember "talking" to them.

Your story about the one tormenting you sent a chill down my spine, because it's very similar to how they "harass" me in the dream. They stare at me, really close up, and sort of "drain" something out of me mentally. It's just staring, but something about it is so terrifying. It's always that close up stare that wakes me up from the dream. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't have dreams about them all the time. Just occasionally, and they're never positive.

(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]First, perhaps I can relate this one quick story... There was a point that I got heavily into tarot cards, runes and crystals, and I would experiment with them without knowing how important it is to protect oneself with divine light. One day I was playing with the cards and the crystals at the same time, intending to draw upon the knowledge of the cards. Again, I was doing this powerful exercise without protection, which was a HUGE mistake. While I was unwittingly jumping into the rabbit hole, I suddenly felt "attacked" by an incredibly strong force field. It was like reality was instantly ripped from me and slammed back into my face, disorienting me for a moment. Without any conscious thought, my body immediately shot up from sitting Indian style and bolted out the back door and wrapped itself around a tree. I say "it" did it, because I would have NEVER hugged a tree. I am just not that type of person.

OK, just so I'm clear, do you think this experience is what caused your fear of the Greys? That is, did you have fear of them prior to this incident? I'm wondering if perhaps the negative attack used an image your mind already found frightening or if this is actually what caused the phobia in your case. Try as I might, I can't point to any one experience or incident that "caused" my own phobia.

(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]From there it got worse. Every night I went to bed from that day on, I suffered a negative greeting in my mind from a negative grey who had red glowing nostrils. It would be present in my mind as if it were face to face with me, but there was nothing there when I opened my eyes. And as I tried to go to sleep, it would just keep itself staring at me up close, no matter what I tried to think about. It was really quite disturbing!!!

Except for the glowing nostrils, this is basically exactly what happens to me periodically. It's not sustained night after night, but occasionally it just happens and pretty much exactly the way you described. How eerie that you would be able to describe the "greeting"/dream/whatever that I periodically experience with such accuracy.

(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]Thankfully, I knew some intuitive lightworkers who dealt with energy and dreams. This one helpful woman confirmed the next day that I had some negative attachments to my energy body, and agreed to sever the bonds the next time I went to bed.

That night, I dreamt of that woman who helped me, which to me validated that she had entered into the astral and performed a sort of Shamanic type of exercise to cut the bonds. Would you believe, from that night onward, I never had another "face-to-face" encounter with that negative being again!

[take note: this was an energetic bond that was resolved in the dream state]

Hmmm.....Interesting. So this woman helped you IN the dream state, this was not some kind of ceremony in the physical that severed the bond.

(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]Now. That didn't stop me from totally fearing these guys! Even though the woman had helped me out, I still lived life very much afraid of greys. It took many more years of reading about them and avoiding any visual exposure before I came across some material on cutting negative cords again.

When I followed the advice of the article, which I will share with you now, I soon had a transforming dream, and from that point on (as of 2009), I am no longer afraid of greys (for the most part)! In fact, I can look at all grey-related web sites now, I can pass Streiber's book and give attention to the grey that once made me freak out. Yes, my heart still jumped a beat when David threw up a Grey without warning on his Event Horizon video, but it wasn't nearly enough to send me to the hills like it would have a few years ago.

Oh my, I wish I could get to that point! That sounds so much better than the state I am currently in. I am going to try your suggestion. I have to admit to you, that it scares me a little. The idea of intentionally causing a dream with a Grey in it is terrifying. I am going to have to work up to it over a few days of contemplation. But I want to try.

(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]With all respect, I see what people are offering as advice on here, and there certainly are some great suggestions. But if you are anything like me (since we seem to have had seemingly mirrored experiences) I know most of the recommendations wouldn't do anything for me.

Well, I've been trying out some of the ones I got in the thread, but it seems too early to tell. I know I managed to scare myself silly with my first attempts at desensitization that Josh suggested. I have tried to desensitize myself using pictures in the past, but that didn't work. So now I'm trying the mental imagery scale of 1 to 100 thing, but not going well so far. I'm also trying to process the ideas from Monica & Lavazza and the others but I've only been at it a day.

(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]Why? Because I strongly believe the problem that we both have exists in a different plane; it's not something that we can solve here in 3rd density. After all, if it could be solved in 3rd density, why wouldn't it have been already? We both tried sending love in meditation, we both have worked on releasing the fears in our own ways. So why didn't it work?

So you believe this is an ASTRAL issue and that is why all of these 3D attempts to tackle it are not working! That makes sense to me on a very deep level. I guess I wasn't allowing myself to see that the fear had any validity, but viewing it as an astral problem changes the dynamic considerably.

(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]You and I are not afraid of any other alien types, so what's the big deal if an alien is a little green martian from Mars, or one that is in the shape of a grey? To someone who is not afraid of greys, there would be no difference to them. An alien is an alien. Yet to you and me, it's like comparing black to white. Sure, they are both colors, but at completely opposite ends.

I just wanted to say that I have said variations of those sentences to myself for years. I know exactly how you feel!

(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]So what I'm getting at is that I strongly believe you can get over it the way I did. The way you do it is to sit in meditation and ask your Higher Self to please help you work out your fear "in the dream state". This is critical! Because now you are putting energy towards resolving this in the astral, where the source of this energy is coming from.

I'm going to try this. I really am. I'm a little scared to try because it will lead to more dreams, but if this worked for you as much as it did... and since your experience was positive, well I want to be free of the fear bad enough that I will try it. Thank you, truly, thank you for sharing this suggestion with me.

(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]After casually doing that mental exercise for about a month, I had an epic dream.

I was at my childhood house, and I was looking at what appeared to be a Weber grill. The ones that look like a circular, domed grill, right? Well, in my dream the grill "morphed" into a full sized UFO with green triangles around its equator. I started to get nervous in my dream, and I had the "knowing" that it was going to turn into an encounter, but I could not do anything about it.

Well, the next thing I know, there was a female grey in the dining room of the house. And around me were a bunch of friends who all grabbed a part of me, as if to restrain me. The grey then extended her tongue into my nose and up into my mind! I know this sounds crazy, but that was the symbolism in the dream. It was warm and comfortable, and the grey was giving off a very loving vibration. I did not feel for one second that it was a hostile encounter. Well, no sooner did her tongue finish extending across the room and then retracting, she came over to me and said, "Touch my skin." And basically I obliged to touch her awkward skin, which I remember feeling the bones underneath. It wasn't exactly pleasant of a sensation, but that thought was quickly overpowered by loving vibes.

I wonder what the symbolism of the tongue meant. This dream sounds terrifying at first, with being held down and the tongue... but you say you felt love and positivity? That is, you weren't panicking in the dream? This was a loving, positive being that was emanating goodness?

(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]When I woke up that morning, I instantly knew that I was visited in the astral by a positive grey. And I am 100% convinced she did it as a way to take away my fear that plagued me for much of my 20s and early 30s. Ever since that happened, I have been completely fine with the greys, Pablisimo!

Oh wow!! How incredible. So some STO Grey being heard your call and visited you astrally. And just that one dream was what turned this around for you? Incredible!! And beautiful, in a way.

(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]So as far as my advice, it seems that if you can get the situation to be resolved through intention and the dream state, that you can get the matter worked out to the point that you can deal with it on a day to day basis.

It's not 100%... I mentioned that I still get an extra heartbeat and that "fret" feeling, although it is a lot more mild and tolerable than it used to be.

I hope my experience can help you consider the approach!

Thank you again, Steve, for this advice. I am certainly grateful for the suggestions and insight that the others gave me, it was heartfelt and helpful. However, given that you seem to have had the exact same problem as me and found some kind of peace and resolution, your advice on the matter really means a lot to me. It's just incredible that so much fear could be resolved so readily in the astral realm. I will start that dialogue with my Higher Self on resolving this problem in the dream state. I may be fearful about it, but if this problem indeed DOES have an astral origin, then this may be my only real shot at dealing with it.

I also am heartened by the fact that you had an interaction with what you deem a POSITIVE Grey. All my thoughts are so negative about them, but just like people and other ETs, it makes perfect sense that different groups would be of different polarity.

Thank you, brother, for sharing your experiences down this bumpy road and for your suggestion on healing it. I will let you know how this turns out, understanding it may take some time using the affirmations and appealing to my Higher Self, but I will report back.

Thanks again

Love to all!
(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]First, perhaps I can relate this one quick story... There was a point that I got heavily into tarot cards, runes and crystals, and I would experiment with them without knowing how important it is to protect oneself with divine light. One day I was playing with the cards and the crystals at the same time, intending to draw upon the knowledge of the cards. Again, I was doing this powerful exercise without protection, which was a HUGE mistake. While I was unwittingly jumping into the rabbit hole, I suddenly felt "attacked" by an incredibly strong force field. It was like reality was instantly ripped from me and slammed back into my face, disorienting me for a moment. Without any conscious thought, my body immediately shot up from sitting Indian style and bolted out the back door and wrapped itself around a tree. I say "it" did it, because I would have NEVER hugged a tree. I am just not that type of person.

Quote:OK, just so I'm clear, do you think this experience is what caused your fear of the Greys? That is, did you have fear of them prior to this incident? I'm wondering if perhaps the negative attack used an image your mind already found frightening or if this is actually what caused the phobia in your case. Try as I might, I can't point to any one experience or incident that "caused" my own phobia.

No, that experience definitely did not cause my fears of the Greys--I was fearful of them since being a young child. I believe that this event (attack) is what caused the one Grey with the red glowing nostrils to haunt me for the next week or two. In other words, I probably opened myself up in a naive way, and that entity happened to see me sitting out there like a carrot, and it simply attached itself to me to scare me and steal the fearful energy that I produced.

As I just mentioned, I have always had problems with aliens, even as a young child. I remember being around 5 years old and seeing the Close Encounters poster where a bright light was off on the horizon, and a highway was leading right to it. That ALWAYS freaked me out, even as a kid! I just "knew" it wasn't good. That experience also tells me that it is likely my reaction comes from another incarnation, because why would a 5 year old boy (myself) be afraid of a light on the horizon with a highway leading into it? I mean, I didn't even know that the poster was for a movie! Just the visual image was enough to creep me out as a kid, and I always avoided it. That tells me that I was carrying energetic "baggage" into this lifetime. Does that make sense?

(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]Thankfully, I knew some intuitive lightworkers who dealt with energy and dreams. This one helpful woman confirmed the next day that I had some negative attachments to my energy body, and agreed to sever the bonds the next time I went to bed.

That night, I dreamt of that woman who helped me, which to me validated that she had entered into the astral and performed a sort of Shamanic type of exercise to cut the bonds. Would you believe, from that night onward, I never had another "face-to-face" encounter with that negative being again!

[take note: this was an energetic bond that was resolved in the dream state]
Quote:Hmmm.....Interesting. So this woman helped you IN the dream state, this was not some kind of ceremony in the physical that severed the bond.

That's right. She told me she could lucid dream, and in her own dream state, she would seek me out and sever the negative cord that she felt. I believe she said she visualized a blazing sword to symbolize the cutting, which I later learned is a Wiccan/Celtic/White Magic type of approach to severing cords. I don't know how to get in touch with her, since this was in 1996 through a service like CompuServe or AOL (before the internet chat came out). But I do believe that a Shaman can do this for you as well, as Monica suggested. Shamans are amazing for being able to hunt the astral planes to find attachments, among many other things like diseases and curses, and other negative thought forms. If I were to suggest a 3rd density solution to handle our non-3rd density problem, that would be what I would personally do. But I would also get in the mind set of "intending" for the fear to resolve as well. Because if your heart is not ready to resolve it, the Shaman would be cutting the cord against your will and taking on karma. So giving permission and having the intention to release and heal are very important.

Quote:Oh my, I wish I could get to that point! That sounds so much better than the state I am currently in. I am going to try your suggestion. I have to admit to you, that it scares me a little. The idea of intentionally causing a dream with a Grey in it is terrifying. I am going to have to work up to it over a few days of contemplation. But I want to try.

One thing I forgot to mention that I feel is important… Everyone is different, despite how similar our life stories are. When you ask for your situation to be resolved through your Higher Self, it does not mean AT ALL that you are to have an "encounter" in your dream state. In fact, when I was doing my month of "declaring my intentions to the Universe", I never once thought of a Grey. I never once sent energy to one (because I would freak out and think there was one in the room with me). All I did is ask for the Higher sources of Light and my Higher Self to please help resolve this fear in my life. That was the ONLY fear I ever had, besides the fear of flying, which I still have to a lesser degree thanks to some serious inner-work and listening to music on airplanes.

So because of the severity of your fear, it may not even be likely that you are exposed to a Grey. You may wake up with the "knowing" that something was taken care of, and the next time you see almond eyes, you'll remark to yourself.. Whoah, wait a minute.. Why didn't I just get freaked out over that? And you'll then remember that you had something happen in your dream state. So don't pre-destine yourself to having an encounter--it was only the way that it happened for me. And believe me, I would have NEVER asked for a grey to visit me in my dreams and have her tongue slip into my brain. That symbolism it utterly bizarre, but it is also so crazy of an idea, that I feel inside that it was the "click" that changed my perception from that day forward. That grey's presence and her loving demeanor to help me was enough to overcome the residual fears that I was carrying around with me in 3rd density, I believe. For you, it may be 100% different, and it may not even happen in a dream you remember!

(05-13-2010, 02:21 AM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: [ -> ]Why? Because I strongly believe the problem that we both have exists in a different plane; it's not something that we can solve here in 3rd density. After all, if it could be solved in 3rd density, why wouldn't it have been already? We both tried sending love in meditation, we both have worked on releasing the fears in our own ways. So why didn't it work?
Quote:So you believe this is an ASTRAL issue and that is why all of these 3D attempts to tackle it are not working! That makes sense to me on a very deep level. I guess I wasn't allowing myself to see that the fear had any validity, but viewing it as an astral problem changes the dynamic considerably.

I'm glad that resonates with you! Yes, that is what I believe--the vibes are coming from "somewhere" other than 3rd density, and our minds are interpreting the higher vibrational energies that are tied to our emotional and causal bodies. That might explain why it is said when you imagine something, it is not really your brain that is creating a new thought, it's your emotional and causal body that is feeding the brain, and the brain converts the energy into senses/feelings/imaginings that our dense physical bodies can translate and understand.

The only other reason why I believe that our fears are based in another dimension of vibration is because there is no other way to justify why I would be afraid of "close encounter" style imagery at such a young age when it was virtually impossible to understand what the significance of UFO imagery was. Applying the above reason, perhaps my mind was responding to the fear-based energies that were a part of my emotional and causal body, and the "light at the end of the highway" visual resonated with a lower-vibration fear that was still a part of my emotional body. I don't know. I'm getting into uncharted territory here, so it's only my gut feeling that I'm trying to articulate.

But when you add together the concept of fear coming from beyond the physical form, and when the woman went into my dreams to sever cords of a negative being, and when it came time that I actually was "fixed", it all happened in a non-physical state. So that is why I am so convinced that it cannot be solved using our physical minds. The unresolved energies will still continue to persist until we clear the energy somehow.

Quote:I wonder what the symbolism of the tongue meant. This dream sounds terrifying at first, with being held down and the tongue... but you say you felt love and positivity? That is, you weren't panicking in the dream? This was a loving, positive being that was emanating goodness?

The only thing I can think of is that the tongue is symbolic of a very intimate part of the body. For her to insert her tongue into my nose and for me to accept it would seem to be an act of submission and acceptance. She is giving me her message on her tongue in a very intimate way, through my nose and up to the brain where the "correction" is planted. I don't know. I do remember it was warm and not all that bothersome once I understood what was happening. But again, realize that dreams are full of symbols, and however we may interpret it in a physical form, I'm sure my mind and my ethereal bodies knew "exactly" what to do at the very moment to allow the intention to take hold. I think I was held down only so that I felt as if I had to stay for the event. I usually run from fearful things in my dreams, so having trusted friends around me, in the childhood home I grew up in, was kind of comforting.

As far as the being emanating goodness… I have had two instances in my life where I have felt pure Love in a form that I cannot express on Earth. And those expressions of love came to me in the dream state. The love was almost like an ecstasy and fulfillment. So if I compare those two experiences to the female grey, I would say that there was no love emanating, but rather a sincere desire to help, and a "friendly" feeling.

If you watch the Camelot video that Dolphin recommended, the guest in the video talks about his experience with the greys. I would say that my experience of the female grey's personality matches what he describes. Friendly, but not loving. (If you haven't seen it yet, you can watch the video, there's no greys in it! ;-) Although the rest of what the guest says is fear-based fodder, in my opinion, which seems to be a running theme with their videos, so please use great discernment when watching.

Quote:Oh wow!! How incredible. So some STO Grey being heard your call and visited you astrally. And just that one dream was what turned this around for you? Incredible!! And beautiful, in a way.

Well, that could be the case. But I don't believe that a Grey "heard my call". I do believe that I asked my Higher Self to find a way to solve my fear, and somehow the energies were coordinated for that event to happen in the dream state, where it would be most fruitful for my recall and understanding that something positive happened. Since that female grey did help me and I no longer have fear (instead of being in deeper fear), then I am led to believe that the grey was STO. It is said that there are just as many, if not more, STO greys as there are STS. Much like there are nice humans, as well as humans that would take the opportunity to kill others if they could. It seems to be a common theme to have polarity of the races, and it is possible you and I were either victims of the negative polarity, or we agreed in a past incarnation to play the part of being "victimized" to learn a greater lesson. Don't forget the age-old axiom that everything happens for a reason, even if our feeble minds cannot process and make logical conclusions on why we experience the things we do.

Glad to offer some advice that resonated with you, Pablisimo! I know it seems kind of frightening to embark upon this task of asking your Higher Self to allow the release of the lower-vibrational fear, but please remember that no greys have to be involved or visualized in order to be healed. I believe my situation happened the way it did for my own unique life expression. Yours may be entirely different. Perhaps you have a dream with an angel, or maybe it's not even a dream at all! Spiritual actions can happen outside of 3rd density all the time, and it doesn't mean that we have to be asleep in order for something to happen. It is just helpful to be in the sleep state because if you can remember your dreams, they can more readily be integrated with your mind/ego, which is the motor for causing your physical fear symptoms. If a special dream can tell the subconscious to chill out, then the subconscious would not react to any negative thought forms or send cues to the brain/ego to pump adrenaline. You would therefore fail to have a "frightful experience". This is just my gut feeling. I can't prove this with science, so if something doesn't seem like it fits, I invite you to leave that part alone, as it may be my own bias in how I resolved the issue. :-)

I would also not rule out getting in touch with a Shaman, as suggested by Monica. I don't have anyone that I can recommend, but perhaps if you ask your Higher Self to present you with the opportunity to come across someone who can cut energetic ties. You might just find the perfect person to assist, and it's possible they may even be able to explain the karmic story, if you are so inclined to learn about yourself in that way.

Please let us know how it goes!!! And feel free to ask me questions or to share in your experiences at any time. Since I have gone through almost everything you have as if looking into a mirror, I am very interested in seeing what works for you.

Take care!

Thank you very much for clarifying those points. I now fully understand your original post, that clarification really helped me. I also appreciate the reminder that we are all unique and that while I can hope for a similar end result, the exact manifestation of it may not be identical.

I am going to take your advice and start this dialogue with my Higher Self, with the intent that it be resolved astrally. Your story was a major inspiration to me, and I can't thank you enough for sharing it with me.

I will keep you posted on how this progresses.

Thanks again, from the bottom of my heart.

Love to all
(05-15-2010, 06:29 PM)Pablísimo Wrote: [ -> ]Your story was a major inspiration to me, and I can't thank you enough for sharing it with me.

Man, it feels good to hear that! Glad my experience helped. Did you ever consider that part of your asking your Self to overcome the fear started to manifest itself already by you coming here and getting some "next steps" from someone who went through the EXACT same life path? Pretty amazing! :-)

Please let me know how it goes.. It will take a little bit for your thoughts to accumulate into manifestation (depending on how much motivation/passion goes into those thoughts), as we are told that the more we focus on a thought, the more dense the thoughts become, until they actually enter into our reality in a manifested way. So keep at it, even if it doesn't feel like anything is happening, and then one day you'll get that "click"... I am really confident you will!

Take care,
I think you have already taken the most important step of identifying and addressing the issue. That is some already some progress Smile

Now I believe you may be helped by using anyone of these methods:
- Using a trained and spiritually oriented hypnotherapist to take you back in hypnotic state and get to the source of it.
- Use a trusted reliable psychic and ask him/her to address this question with the help of your higher self or guides
- Ask for help in your meditations from your higher self
- Send yourself love and acceptance in regards to this situation
- In an adventurous moment just let it rip and confront your fear. Maybe have your trusted friend/family in the room with you and do it in an environment you feel safe. Just surrender and see what is the worst that can happen? What can they do? You WILL survive. The biggest trick to STS fear is using you against you. Grey don't have any power over you unless you give it to them.

There is something else I would like to try here. And this type of thing can only be done on this forum, the power of collective wisdom and love Angel- I would like to request anybody reading this post to stop right now and take a moment and send your highest love/light to our dear friend Pablisimo so that he can use this perceived fear for his highest good...... OK... I just did HeartHeartHeart
(05-18-2010, 09:13 PM)thefool Wrote: [ -> ]I would like to request anybody reading this post to stop right now and take a moment and send your highest love/light to our dear friend Pablisimo so that he can use this perceived fear for his highest good

Heart Wink

There's so much behind the emoticons, my friends! haha
This message is directly for Pablisimo.

You will understand this. As I play on the internet as I always do, I sometimes do research on Greys because I have an uncontrollable fear of them. In fact, I found your post by typing "I am unreasonably terrified of grey aliens" and there was your post. As I read, I couldn't escape our parallels. Your post was an echo of my own thoughts into words, and you give me the courage to in write this reply. Hey, I even signed up for this forum to write this message.

My fear began when I was very young. As an artist, I could easily convey my drawings into a visual representation of what I was feeling. I remember drawing a Grey, very detailed with a gown on. I showed the drawing to my Mother who (I remember this clearly) looked at the drawing, then looked down at me with a worried look on her face. I never replicated that drawing again until I was firmly in college and was allowed to be expressive in my work. Like you, I have no viable reason to be utterly terrified of these beings, but I cannot shake the cold shutter I get when I imagine one. The idea of extraterrestrial life is fascinating, but I just can't look past this urge to run away from them.

More background about me. I come from an island family where my Grandmother was a practicing backroom psychic, and I am the only member of this large family to show intellectual and creative potential. I have traveled the world, worked in amazing careers, and had an uncanny ability to show extreme empathy. Though I am hard to understand, I internally feel a need to help and enlighten. In my 30's, I found Vedanta yoga and meditation, which allowed me to study at an Indian Ashram. I renounced the working world to deepen my understanding and cultivate love. When my time at the ashram was done, I felt I could enter society with a stronger sense of self. It's a huge struggle!

Today I live with a great friend who practices a religion similar to my Grandmother (Karma at work), and I feel comfortable talking to him about my fear. I see them in my dreams, which sometimes become a nightmare or sometimes become a great dream to record. In my meditation...if I am truly quiet...lost in that visual spiraling swirl in my mental vision, they can pop in. Sometimes just the face twirling into my field of vision and then out. Once I saw one on a thrown which led me on a huge internet search for greys and meditation. It freaked me out pretty bad, and there was this realistic belief that I might have contacted one...and I DID NOT WANT THAT! Not one bit, I did not like the idea that could have been a possibility. It was horrible.

My friend believes that they can be spirits that appear to me in that form to help me work on this fear. He also suggested that it could be a memory of my past life as one of them. I shake my head in agreement, but those possibilities don't feel like they push that button of truth.

Do I believe they're evil or out to enact some malevolent deed...I don't know. I'm very exhilarated at the prospect of their existence, yet very apprehensive about who they are.

Your post made me very excited as you can see. I know I wrote a ton of info here, but I just wanted to say that my fear seems a little justified now. You are not alone. YES, I think trying to find some kind of inner peace with this is our greatest test.

Om and Prem

are grey aliens good or bad?
(07-15-2012, 08:20 AM)plenum Wrote: [ -> ]are grey aliens good or bad?

Ra said most of them were sort of biological robots of Orion. So they are tools of STS entities.

But I think they are all gone now. All parasites are gone from our planet at this time.
Hi NitEternal,

First I'd like to thank you for posting this message, and also WELCOME to Bring4th! You are correct, I did indeed understand your perspective and story. It has obvious parallels to mine, and I am grateful you decided to share with me.

You know, whatever the topic, but especially one so painful, I find it really is a comfort to know that there are others out there who know what it's like -- who struggle or have struggled with the same issues that we are going through. I was originally apprehensive about posting on the topic, but received great comfort and inspiration when Steve shared his own story and successful outcome.

In fact, it was this thread that propelled me to finally do something about the problem. This is a relatively old thread -- and it's wonderful and amazing how much can change in a couple of years. Today, I do not react with terror to those images any longer. I do feel a slight sense of unease, but certainly no visceral reaction of fear. I very rarely think upon them any longer and they do not intrude in my dreams or meditations.

In my experience, things are not usually black and white. There may be different kinds of Greys who operate upon different frequencies and within different polarities. Some may be ETs, others demons or cyborgs. Perhaps some are quite positive, and some perhaps negative, but I really don't know. My overall feeling is that at least some of them are negative and I will act with great caution (but not fear) if I ever encounter one. The explanation of what they are and how they work that has resonated the most with me (that I have found to date) is in the work of John L. Lash (neo-Gnostic & Deep ecologist) in his discussion of Archons. They are described as inorganic beings that that have a neonatal, or fetal form that primarily operate using illusion, distortion, and suggestion in ancient Gnostic texts recovered at Nag Hammadi. However, I have no way to verify this understand either. Ultimately, I decided that what they are is more of an intellectual curiosiy than a practicle concern. So, I decided to just go with my intuition and try to tackle the fear without holding on to the need to FULLY understand who and what they are.

In my case, especially after reading Steve's replies, I had a strong suspicion that my problem was astral in nature. So, when a friend put me in touch with a person who specializes in removing negative astral attachments, I jumped at the opportunity. I had about an hour long phone call with her where she removed several negative entities of indeterminate type and led them into the Light. After that day, I had an immediate and dramatic reduction in my fear of these images. It's certainly possible that it was psychosomatic. Perhaps it was a placebo-effect, or maybe there really were negative attachments. I don't know nor do I really care. I'm just happy about the amazing improvement!

In the months that followed, I still had some fear when I'd see a Grey image or walk by an open window at night. However, whenever I would have these feelings, I would say a little affirmation I made for myself. Basically, I started asserting my Divinely-given right to live in joy and happiness, unmolested by those beings who had not yet chosen the light. Something along the lings of "I am a sovereign being who has chosen the Positive Path. I wish you no ill-will, but I reject your Service. I do not offer my fear for you to feed upon. May you be blessed and loved but go in peace. I am protected by the Source of all, the Infinite Creator, and Mother Gaia herself -- this space is sacred and by my free will I choose to only allow positive beings and influence into my space. Go in peace, friend, but go!"

As silly as it may sound, repeating those words or similar whenever a fearful thought about them would occur, or when I would see an image, worked wonderfully well! Over time, I didn't even need to say it any longer. I had come out the other side!

Today, I never dream about them or react fearfully. I do suspect that whatever they are, they are negative, and best avoided... but I don't worry about them anymore than I do about rabid elephants. Smile

I truly believe that you can overcome this problem as well. If both Steve & I were able to do it successfully, you definitely can do it, too!! We both went about it in different ways, and I'm sure you'll find your own way as well. I believe in you -- I know you can succeed!

You're NOT crazy, you're not foolish, and you are certainly NOT alone in your struggle. I will put you in my daily prayers and meditation and send my intention for an outcome that is in alignment with your free will and your best and highest good.

If there is ANYTHING I can do to help you, or if you'd just like to talk about it -- please don't hesitate to ask. You are among friends -- Other-
Selves. Smile


Love to All
I wonder if many of us have certain fears we are working to dissolve.

Here is a technique that many have used for difficult emotional blocks:

'Dr. Len's way is trying to achieve “the state of Zero" by repeating a kind of mantra “I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.”, nonstop addressing it to the Divine.'

There is a book about a man who used this technique in Hawaii to empty a prison of its inmates by repeating this phrase over the file of each one.

I think the idea is that instead of asking for the "other" to be forgiven, I am asking for myself to be forgiven, as I and the "other" are actually one.
Another thought came as I read your post. I don't know how you feel about the Abraham material, but from that perspective, you might want to gradually fill your mind with other thoughts about things that make you happy.

It's not easy to stop thinking about an elephant if that's your focus, but if you're thinking about angels all the time, you don't have any space in your mind left to think about elephants.


Like Patrick said, they are biological tools used by the STS Orions.
Negatively oriented puppets.

To elaborate on Caycegal's post, here's an awesome site for the prayer she mentioned.
Free downloads.

(07-15-2012, 08:20 AM)plenum Wrote: [ -> ]are grey aliens good or bad?

(07-15-2012, 08:20 AM)plenum Wrote: [ -> ]are grey aliens good or bad?
There are different groups of aliens that take that generally similar form (whether that form is experienced as solid or 'astral'). Some are robots, some aren't. Some are 'positive', some aren't. However, it seems that their intent, when dealing with people, is transparent and broadcast 'telepathically'. Not sure which types are 'robots', but I'd suspect they are the physical type.

I've been told (so please understand that I'm just passing on info) that the Greys have, through genetic engineering, lost their emotional bodies, and thereby their ability to reproduce. The race is dying and they are looking for DNA to graph in. They have evolved great intellect at the cost of their ability to nurture, to empathize. They are trying to learn about these abilities again.

Would a grey scare you if it was in the middle of the street at noon?

If one doesn't know what a "grey alien" is, why is it a subject of fear? If you turn that fear into love, what are you loving? It's just an idea that must represent some aspect of self that was rejected. Meanwhile, the abstraction conveniently given that form must suffer the consequences of that rejection as well.