
Full Version: Something I've been working on for my country, politics heavy.
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Caution, this maybe heavy with politics, its a draft version of a text I've been working on, would appreciate feedback.


#1 map
Draft version 2, subject to minor changes.
SP; Karjala and Karelia are currently interchangeable in naming conventions but this will most likely change soon.
A report on the lingering border questions and on the situation in the West.
This report has been commissioned for the purpose of charting the possible pitfalls ahead for the unification of the Finnic peoples.
Until the completion and publishing of this report all other attempts to unify the Finnic people have been placed on hold, as far as the report authors are aware of. The costs of producing this report have been settled by the world community.
The difficulty of drawing a map without local understanding, and under military duress has been well documented. Of all the borders in Continental Europe, there are only a few as strikingly militarized as the border between Finland and Russia. This should be clearly evident from any vantage point as the border between Finland and Russia follows a linear cut along the border of 1941. Such linear straight cuts indicate a border that is not meant to hold indefinitely, but rather, can be described better as a indefinite cease fire line.
Time and history teaches us, that when such frozen lines start to heat up again, there almost never is the same level of reactive cooling or calming along the nations borders, as there would be in more organic time consuming borders. To put it simply, in times of conflict when people are digging in, the more man made a border looks like, the more likely it can be made into a more camouflaged border by men, and during times of conflict men camouflaging borders is known as an act of aggression.
It is the intention of this report to convince the parties involved in this question to camouflage their border now, before regional tensions escalate along with world tensions to a point where a camouflaging will always be perceived as an act of aggression.
This is especially relevant in cases such as this, where both countries citizens run into the shadow of the other self and both know that were the two countries to unify, there would be nothing but perpetual wailing and the gnashing of teeth.
Towards this end, the prepares of this report, who may assign their name to the end, would propose the following in line with the previously stated;
1. That all territories included in the map #1 be declared a natural extension of Grand Duchy of Finland, that with the end of Soviet Russia the rights of self rule and legal precedence state that these areas should be restructured according to the state that now exists in the area.
2. The state that exists in the area is one of Karelian National Independence.
3. Finland can not simply occupy this new country.
4. This new country has a long standing historic desire to join Finland.
5. If this joining is handled improperly we'll see a replaying of the events of 1919-1922.
6. This new Karelian Nation must be called to vote on its composition, disposition, territory and allies, this vote must be done with full international transparency or this vote will not gain legitimacy and will only be used to foster Russian-Finnish-Karelian resentment.
7. Towards this end, it is the opinion of the writers of this report that without a suitable intervention and calculation by a properly prepared foreign force it is impossible to make an accurate analysis of the true desire of these areas. If no such analysis exists then the area will continue to be used as an open landfill. The existence of such a landfill on core claimed national territory is grounds for intervention, as history has taught us.
8. Towards the goal of accurately assessing the desires of the population in the area and the status of the international community to the question, the framers of this report, in addition to the stated opinions and communal proposals, take the following military actions;
8.1. Propose a UN mandated military force on the #1 border for no less than 1 year to oversee the democratic elections and census in areas marked #1.
8.2. Oversee the independence or joining of any of the nearby territories of areas marked in #1, guarantee that areas not desiring to change are not, bothered.
8.3 Oversee the removal of nuclear materials from areas that desire to join a non nuclear power.
8.4 Initiate the free porting of cities that have a long standing industrial capacity for self determination.
8.5 Initiate aid convoys to areas that have no long standing industry.
8.6 Commence criminal proceedings against individuals caught hiding in #1.
8.7 Remove any military force attempting to intervene with the goal of contacting the civilian population of #1 until such a time as a UN mandated force can be assigned to the area.
Signed by:
For Finland, Aki Greus, Muutos 2011.
For China, Peking Via Norsemap, Communist Party.
For Russia, Khaleesi via Facebook, Jingoist Party.
For UN, President Obama, Roseville, US, Democratic Party.
It is, in the opinion of the writers of this paper, that while Estonia and Latvia have similar legally justifiable claims on Russia, neither Finland nor Karjala have the local and territorial understanding necessary to formulate a just outline. While the framers of this treaty would be pleased to see their spiritual brethren see an immediate reversal of their fortunes, it continues to be the opinion of these framers that Estonia and Latvia are better suited to negotiate after they have a national understanding of what they would be willing to forgo.
It does however bear special notice to draw attention to the ease of negotiations at this juncture, against that setting, the framers propose a speedy negotiation for any small gains while forgoing any large gains and publicly forgoing Core Claims.
As the framers lack such in depth local awareness the treaty and map outlines are left to those properly informed.