
Full Version: Meditation - The Joy and Love of the Creator
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A while back I affirmed my existence and empowered myself to live a happy life.

Since then, I have learned many things and abilities. The first of these was the ability to work with the energy of joy. That is, if I can simply calm down and imagine other people being happy, I will feel a deep joy. I believe this is the goal of the Buddhist meditations to achieve sympathetic joy.

In my initial experiments with healing energy, I relied mostly on "pumping" energy, that is, sucking the energy from my crown chakra and using the heart and lungs to pump it through my hands. While this was very effective and necessary to clear the pathways, I have since learned a better technique. It is simply to let the love of God flow through me.

All this requires at this point is to be still, calm down, breath meditatively, and the love/healing energy will start flowing through my hands. I ask that this energy be used to heal myself, my friends and family, all humanity, the Earth, and all those in consciousness who need and will receive it. And I have found that doing this is greatly effective on my own healing, and having the love of God flowing makes it to where I feel ecstatic joy throughout the day.

A state of abundant and ecstatic joy is the natural state of consciousness. It is becoming more and more available to us as we shift into the new Earth. Now that my energy centers are for the most part cleared, I am able to live with constant joy that I can tap into anytime I desire. And, I frequently get chills of excitement about the good things in my life.