
Full Version: Why the Secret doesn't always work
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what did you think about this video IGW?
I think that we need to be ok, and to settle with what we can have while we're here.
Maybe 1/3rd of the story.
One misconception I would like to point out in the video is the idea presented of an actor attracting cancer because they are playing a terminally ill patient for 2 hours every day. The reason that doesn't happen is because they don't BELIEVE it.

That is a massive critical component of the manifesting process. It is actually really and extremely difficult to believe anything other than what you already do. You can't help but see "that" as what "reality is". It is just so vividly apparent to you it is undoubtable.

Many people think they are believing, but they really aren't. Even in the lesser levels where you are just trying to entertain thoughts of the presence of what you want most people are actually focusing on the absence of what is wanted. Trust me, I've been there many times. It takes a lot of practice. It the most simple thing in the universe, but also one of the most difficult to figure out. You can't even "prove it" to yourself, because the entire notion of "proving" something is a manifestation of doubt in the first place! BigSmile

And another factor speaking towards the life purpose thing, there is some truth to that in the sense that if you came into this life with certain strongly polarized STO goals/desires you most likely wouldn't be able to generate enough sincere interest/excitement in materialistic things to actually manifest them. So you could think of this a somewhat of a natural barrier towards wallowing in the outer illusion.

But there are always exceptions to a general rule, so having great wealth certainly does not equal STS by any stretch of the imagination.
The simplest ideas are often the hardest to achieve.