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I just woke from a dream. In it, the last female voice told me "The Universe only exists as one thing, and it is adaptable."

Are dreams really telling the truth?

And what does it mean to have an adaptable Universe?
Sounds pretty accurate to me. The universe has no truly fixed state, and adapts around whatever is happening within it.
Hello Dear IndigoGeminiWolf,

I think it may means that Universe is – in some sense – a Being that changes as everything does. Nothing is set / settled / motionless. Even Consciousness is everchanging, always becoming, spontaneously expanding and creating at the same time.
Therefore I think that word/label/symbol “adaptable” is quite light :-)

All I have Best in me for You
I would like to add that in dreams one usually experiences deeper levels of truth.
However, the memory of the dream is not the dream itself, but a translation into our 3d understanding.

Which would suggest that the memory might be somewhere between slightly and completely inaccurate.

Just consider how hard we struggle to understand the real nature of time, any portion of a dream that would exceed our current understanding of time would be completely untranslatable to our everyday-consciousness.

We also many times completely forget about the context of the dream, meaning, we remember some information but not which context this information was in.
So, many times the information would be incomplete and thus useless (for the moment). Sometimes i would rember a dream in another dream years later and receive (or maybe rather memorize) additional information, so that finally it makes sense years later.