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A healthy progression from certainty to uncertainty allows for fresh creation and then re-creation. Thus eliminating 'stagnation' — which is tantamount to 'death'. There is nothing so self deceiving as "knowing".

Hence to truly live, we must die.

Forget what you know to remember what you don't.

It's already in you, for whatever we are, is not what we will be. Have faith in this — if NOTHING else. The present is the end of our beginning, and the beginning of our end. ALL of which should be welcomed without reservation.

Letting go of our "self" to find our self requires an artful balance of faith and cynicism. Be faithful in your journey but never be faithful to what you are.

FLOW. Become the river.

After all, It is a merely a Game in the End, which is NOW...

In Love and evoL

[Image: Cataclysm9.1.jpg]
Chuck, thanks for a great reminder and an incredibly cool picture.

I've been finding these ideas coming at me from a variety of directions recently; they must be what I need to learn. I'd like to share two long passages from very different authors, that I feel shine light from two directions onto the very same concept.

Melanie Anne Phillips is co-creator of a unique system of storytelling. The system was originally intended for screenwriters, but I think its psychological insights go far beyond that. After all, the best storytelling is true to nature. From a recent post on her personal blog:
Quote:I've divided my life into two stories. Story one, everything up until this year. ... Story one is all about my realizing what a self-centered, self-justifying, self-righteous ass I was and they trying to make amends. And how did I try to make up for these things? By seeking to fix all those old relationships on my own terms. After all, to do any less wouldn't be fair to me, would it?

What's story two? That is when I finally realized I can't fix the damage I've done to others. ... And in story two, I have to say - "I can't fix story one." ... Story two is when you write off story one. No, I don't mean write off friends, family and career. Rather, you say, "That story is over. Time to move one." When you do that, you take stock of how things stand today - what really IS your relationship with wife and kids, right now this very moment. Forget about what it USED to be or what you WISH it could become. What really IS it today, as if you were starting from scratch.

For story two to begin, you have to end story one. You have to hit the cosmic Reset button. You have to forget about the wins and losses as if your whole previous life was one football game and how you are on to the next.

In this frame of mind, it doesn't really matter if you won or lost in story one - that was last week's game. What matters is that you are just starting story two.

Let me say this one more way to make sure I'm clear: Imagine that somebody else lived the first part of your life and did what they did. Now, their soul is recalled to heaven and you are sent in to take over. You step into the role and everyone thinks you are the same person. But you aren't (how could you be).

And so the first thing you do is take stock of the assets and the liabilities. You look at relationships and see who you like and who you don't and in what ways - and who likes you and who doesn't and how. You see the financial situation you inherited from your predecessor, much like a new president taking over in the white house from a previous administration.

In some ways, you feel like a cad because you are no longer bound by any loyalties or commitments - those were made by that other person, and you are in charge now in story two. They still think you are the same person and expect you to honor those promises, both logistic and emotional, just as other countries expect the USA to honor its treaties, even if we have a new president.

But you aren't that person and don't feel responsible or obligated to continue policies of the past, no matter how much others have come to depend on them.

So, am I saying you should trash everybody? Far from it! The idea is to say, "Maybe I felt about person X a particular way in the beginning and kept nurturing that relationship for years. But how do I feel about them and our relationship right now, this very moment. What really IS the nature of our true relationship - not the one I had or tried to make or wished for, but what really IS it?

You need to open yourself up to true honestly and clarity when you take stock. And then, if you are like most people, you can cut away all the presumptions and warped perspectives and see things as they truly are and how you really feel about them - not in terms of all your hopes and dreams and the work you put into things but in terms of "what have we done for each other lately."

Take a snapshot of your life as it is (as the person who has stepped into your life as New Management). List up your assets and detriments. Assess each aspect of you life as to whether it is worth maintaining, building, or eliminating. Set new goals based not on what you wanted to achieve for all those years, but on what you'd like to achieve now if you were starting in this life from scratch with no responsibilites, obligations, commitments or rationalizations.

Until you are willing to do that, you can't start story two. Until you are willing to say, "Even if I have been unfair or even awful to others in the past, I don't have to make up for it. Let me see what our actual relationship is right now and determine if I want to put any more into it or not.

Now, more that likely, whatever germs of love and desire to bring joy to other were real and not imagined will still be true today. But the infrastructure you built of costs and dividends - how much you expected and how much you were willing to sacrifice - all that is gone and needs to be reassessed.

So, most likely you won't dump anyone or hang them out to dry. But you may really change your idea of what you have to sacrifice for them, and shift instead to building a brand new relationship with them based on the raw truth of how things really stand.

Look - we all hope to change our mates when we marry (at least in all live short of fairy tales). How successful are we? Not at all. People are who they are, and you can't change their nature, only their behavior. And so any uncomfortable alteration that you hammered into place in the past is forced on the relationship from the outside. It isn't real. It is just pretend. It never really existed.

Who IS that person at the core? And who are you this very day - stripped of all your plans and dreams, freed from trying to save things or turn them around.

Like a systems analyst in a hostile take-over, look at your life and determine who to keep, who to can, how to adjust the emotional wages you are willing to pay, what infrastructure has to go, what new infrastructure needs to be brought in, and what infrastructure can be reworked.

Like saving a company, save your life! Allow yourself some happiness free from regrets!

Now, keep in mind that nobody else will see you as somebody new starting over. They will see you as the same old person singing a new tune. So while to you this is a whole new beginning of a whole new story, to them it is a different meloday set to the same old story.

All the years you've known people becomes intertia in the way they feel about you. You may now be free of it, but they aren't. Eveything you do now (from your perspective) is the first step of a new journey. For them, it is just one more drop in a very big bucket.

As long as you try to fix story one, you are trapped by that same inertia of the past, trying to steer your life into a new course while fighting not only other people's gravity to the past but your own as well. When you finally break free into story two, you eliminate all your inertia, but still have theirs to move.

So, don't expect instant results. It will take a lot of time, and a good manager knows that about a company being re-organized. But as long as you aren't bound by those shackles, you can put all your energy into building something new as an ALTERNATIVE to the life you had before - not a remedy for it.

And, in time, people will see a new consistency to the new life structure you are building. They will begin to see the pattern, the shape of things to come. And, in time, they will begin to trust in the new you and join you in a whole new paradigm for your relationships.

After all, now matter how much water has gone under the bridge, everyone has the capacity to say, "That was then, this is now" but first you have to prove it to them.

... The only way out is to put an end to trying to maintain what was, see what truly is, and use that as a starting point with a clean slate to build something new that is free from all that happened and all you hoped would be.

The second excerpt is from a metaphysical book by Henry Thomas Hamblin in 1923, but it seems to be saying exactly the same thing as you, Melanie, and the New Testament ("the old man of sin has died...").

Quote:It is not exactly an easy road which you have chosen. No path that leads upward ever is. The path of victory is always thorny; but when the thorns hurt the feet most, we can console ourselves with the thought that the path really does lead somewhere, and we know definitely that it leads to Success, Achievement, Happiness and Satisfaction. Difficulties there will be, disappointments, failures and set-backs, but to him who sets his face towards the light, and will keep steadily onward, there must come success and accomplishment and victory, above all expectation. ...

You may have failed in the past, but this time you must, you will, and you shall overcome every difficulty and weakness, and achieve dominion over yourself, victory over your circumstances and complete control over your life. ....


It is a well known fact that when a man turns his face round and determines to fight his way to success, or to overcome evil habit, or to raise himself in any way either mentally, morally, physically or spiritually, then everything seems to happen to thwart his new intention and to throttle his new desires.

So long as he goes on in his old way, drifting with the tide, floating about helplessly, the sport of fate and the prey of outside circumstances, so long as this goes on, nothing unusual happens. But directly a start is made in an upward direction, then all kinds of psychic powers seem to be let loose, whose object appears to be to prevent the student from making any progress in his new life.

When a man realizes his own interior powers and understands the vastness and wonder of his subliminal forces, and determines to make use of them, and thus become a king among men instead of a slave, then such a disturbance takes place that unless he possesses Hope and Faith he will be tempted to turn his back on the new life and to sink back again into the old sluggish drifting existence, which leads to disappointment and despair. .... Even the health is affected in a curious way, friends are peevish and irritable, little things go wrong in business, and generally one is out of sorts and all things awry.

When this experience comes to one, then is the time to exercise Hope and Faith. First of all remember that the condition is only temporary. After a few days, in some cases it may be weeks, the health will improve, friends will become genial and harmony will again reign in your life. When the entities that cause the disturbance realize that you mean to keep on, and that you cannot be bullied into going back to the old life, they will quickly leave you.

In any case there is nothing to be afraid of, because these entities are helpless if one does not fear them. In other words, if you have Hope and Faith you can win through. Hope for better times although the present may be discouraging. Faith in the sure belief that soon all the disagreeable symptoms will disappear.

Hope on; by Faith, hang on, and keep hanging on and you will win through. Do not be discouraged by seeming failure, nothing was ever won without effort. What can be had without effort is not worth having.

Take encouragement from the fact that this disturbance in your life proves that vital changes are taking place within, that the vast powers of your subliminal mind are beginning to awaken, and that the entities of your old erroneous beliefs and habits are taking their departure.

Believe now that you can conquer and win through, and you will conquer and win through. What you believe you can do, you can do, because all power is within you. There is nothing in all the world that can stop you, except your own doubt and fear.

I want you to trust me to the extent of doing something, the underlying principle of which cannot be explained in this first lesson. I want you to make what is known as an "affirmation," I want you to affirm the following: "THE OLD LIFE IS DEAD AND BURIED. I HAVE SEVERED MYSELF FROM IT ONCE AND FOR ALL. HENCEFORTH I LIVE THE NEW LIFE OF SUCCESS AND POWER, OF SELF-MASTERY AND ALL ACCOMPLISHMENT." ....

Strive to realize all that they mean and address the words to your inner mind. It is your submerged mind that you are influencing, so address the affirmation very earnestly to it. Do this for several minutes, and finish by making the affirmation into space. Hurl it out as a message to the Universe and by so doing you will come into harmony with innumerable invisible forces, who will help and strengthen you. ... This will give you a sense of power and confidence and hope, such as you have never experienced before. This is not "imagination," it is your hitherto unsuspected interior powers being aroused into activity.

All these states and many others are within you; they can be called forth by meditation. You can call forth either good or evil, success or failure, strength or weakness, happiness or woe, everything is in your own hands.

So, to me these all seem to be the very same message that you are bringing today.

I feel that my explorations of the Enneagram have led to exactly the same conclusion. Each state of consciousness it describes is merely a tool to be used when useful, and then set aside in the next moment to be discovered anew.
Hi mate,
I tend to find these "things" are ever present, and when we are "ready" we tune in, and then "Magic" happens — just as we need it to happen... Call it Magic, serendipity, divine providence, whatever — it is the Cosmos answering our call, for it is ALL 'there' (present and waiting) for us to ask the correct questions (in the correct mind). Like a door that opens when the right combination is struck.

I believe in such magic but I do not believe in spells. I believe the thoughts we have are the magic that in-forms our experiences whether positive or negative. If we allow others to direct our experiences, it is still WE that are the cause our direction, coz we sanction (consciously or unconsciously) our worldview. The only way to take control is to learn that we are ultimately the the alpha and omega of our experiences.

I suspect (as told by the "Oracle" in the Matrix film) that we have already made our choices, and we are here to find out WHY we have made them. We are here to experience the drama in a "theatre"of our own direction... We may hate our script, and we may fight and rail at the idea that we have chosen our abusive parents, our tawdry relationships, etc.... But I know this if anything, if not for my own torment, I would not have a perspective worth sharing.

It's not what happens to us, it's how we deal with it that counts. It's not what we have done, or what we plan that matters, it's what we DO, NOW, that counts. We have the power to DO as we please for better or worse. It is all part of the big picture. We are FREE and we steer our vessels in search of the distant shore.

We gather and coalesce, grow and expand in wisdom and experience. We look to the stars and eventually we find the wisdom to navigate our ocean.

I really like the article by Melanie Anne Phillips. It is letter perfect. (Funny how I have used the theatre analogy above as you say when she was writing for screen writers). I always use the theatre analogy when describing "life"... I also find that all things, all subjects can inform our spiritual eye, even if it is only or affirm what we already do (or don't) know. The important thing is to let go of all conceptions, and let them dance before our eyes. Let them evolve and be what they will be. As we observe we can hold without holding. Appreciate that our place in the firmament is secure whether we are incandescent before the eyes of others or whether we fade out of view (just like the dance before our eyes, we dance). All things wax and wane and nothing is permanent but impermanence. So it is with ignorance, i.e., impermanent.

The only thing that is permanent is the moment that exists between the past and the future. i.e., NOW, and that is our only window of opportunity for practical self control.

I "believe" conditionally, because I do not actually believe in anything. Depends on the conditions. Show me something new or contrary that holds water, and I will believe it, if only momentarily, coz all things wax and wane.

Belief is conditional, while faith is transcendent.

I'm not sure this contribution adds up to anything more than a fragment in the white noise of the world. What we really need is silence, for in the silence of our own hearts and minds we can hear the drums of wisdom drawing us into the presence of perfection.

We are already "there" (i.e., "here"), Present and Perfect.


PS. I'm glad you like the picture. It is part of a series I have created titled "Conflux". Picture yourself flying up the caduceus with the snakes of light and dark intertwined around you as you travel inexorably towards the light above. At the top is the all seeing eye of godhead and the wings of transcendence.
(07-25-2010, 08:02 PM)Black doG Wrote: [ -> ]I suspect (as told by the "Oracle" in the Matrix film) that we have already made our choices, and we are here to find out WHY we have made them. We are here to experience the drama in a "theatre"of our own direction... We may hate our script, and we may fight and rail at the idea that we have chosen our abusive parents, our tawdry relationships, etc.... But I know this if anything, if not for my own torment, I would not have a perspective worth sharing.

It's not what happens to us, it's how we deal with it that counts. It's not what we have done, or what we plan that matters, it's what we DO, NOW, that counts. We have the power to DO as we please for better or worse. It is all part of the big picture. We are FREE and we steer our vessels in search of the distant shore.

Do we always make the choices? Or some made for us?
It is our higher-self that chooses, methinks, but not necessarily in the present. Our present is the window through which that higher self experiences the scenario that plays out as a consequence of choices we make in answer to the questions asked by the present flow of our "light show"...

This is not a qualified response, it is ONLY that which resonates for me presently. Take and make of it what you will. If you find yourself dissatisfied with my answers, trust that I am not attached to the idea of your attachment to them. Neither am I attached to them, as I play, create and re-create in the bosom of uncertainty.

Play NOW. It is a game.

Love and evoL,
(07-25-2010, 09:43 PM)Black doG Wrote: [ -> ]If you find yourself dissatisfied with my answers.....

Who am I in any case to sit in judgment on the spiritual inclinations and beliefs of a fellow seeker? I only see myself as a student who incidentally is not able to learn and apply the lessons with discipline and love.
We sit in judgement, of course we do. And it is okay... Judgements you make should only be held as long as they resonate. When they cease to hold, then move on.

Trust yourself.

Forgive yourself.

Live to learn.

Trust that even your "failures" in discipline exist to inform and ratify your growing wisdom.

But, this thing is "fluid", is existential-motion ("eMotion") in motion... ergo, "Life alive".

Go with it. Flow with it.

Learn from it.

Rejoice in it.

The only thing I can to teach here is the virtue of dance, as I dance before you, knowing unknowing, but effete and pointless. for in the end it is up to you.

I cannot be more honest than that.

(07-25-2010, 10:20 PM)Black doG Wrote: [ -> ]The only thing I can to teach here is the virtue of dance, as I dance before you, knowing unknowing, but effete and pointless.....

Why is it effete and pointless? Not able to understand that in the context of the statement.
Hi C,
it is "effete and pointless" because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I cannot force you to act in one way or another. The choice and ability/desire to comprehend/accept is always yours. I accept this. IF you choose not to pass judgement, there is still a judgement and a choice being made. Choice and judgement are central to every transaction we make with the divine cosmos that greets us presently.

I can "dance" in a manner of speaking and and make a display of my "candour", "wizdumb", and "lack of holding", but my "wiz-dumb", may seem like plain old "dumb" — and I am powerless to do anything about this possibility...

No disrespect meant, on the contrary, only YOU can bring my wiz-dumb to life... Even the greatest teacher is a failure in the eyes of a student who will not see. I do not profess to be great. I have no school. I have no disciples, and not do I seek them. I am complete though, and I am able to take full responsibility for my world-view.

Alpha and Omega.

(07-26-2010, 03:01 AM)Black doG Wrote: [ -> ]I can "dance" in a manner of speaking and and make a display of my "candour", "wizdumb", and "lack of holding", but my "wiz-dumb", may seem like plain old "dumb" — and I am powerless to do anything about this possibility...

Very true. This is what is currently happening in my life, especially with respect to candour. Thanks BD.

PS: It is good to write in the Queen's English here, which I notice from your spellings Smile. I was schooled in British English, which means bring4th software normally highlights many words I write as error.
Tell me more... What's happening in your life?

BTW, I come from the land down under... Maaaate!!
(07-26-2010, 03:55 AM)Black doG Wrote: [ -> ]Tell me more... What's happening in your life?

By the way, I come from the land down under... Maaaate!!

Dear BD, thanks for asking. After reading the LOO, I became obsessed with communicating at the level of the blue ray. In a mad attempt to do that, I began spilling beans of every kind, which is causing a lot of consternation among family and friends.

I lost all sense of proportion in my efforts at communicating without pretence (or with candour). But I wanted to do it only on my own terms. I would point a mistake in me; but if my mother or father attempt to do that, I would shoot them down with savage ferocity, which later disgusts me. It however tells me where my inner work lies. It lies in areas of developing patience and in the area of being able to see my own self from the face of mirrors (i.e. other-selves). I also now know that I am capable of unimaginable and brutal use of power (if I had it of course). For instance, say if I am a military man, may be I would be capable of extreme human rights abuse (in countries that allow it - such as in Asia or Africa). It all comes down finally to the lessons of self-acceptance, discipline and the focus of the will. I also suffer from extreme bouts of jealousy, which I have come to accept after reading the LOO. For example, I have at multiple times felt extremely jealous of the exalted spiritual knowledge and thoughts of many on these forums. But I have made a commitment to walk the positive path. Or in other words, my choice of polarity is positive.

I am from a land that recently emerged as a fierce competitor to Australia on the Cricket field - after its traditional arch-rivals, i.e the English and the Kiwis. I am not explicitly mentioning 'my' country of origin though, but I think you can guess if you follow Cricket in your country Smile
(07-25-2010, 08:02 PM)Black doG Wrote: [ -> ]Hi mate,
I tend to find these "things" are ever present, and when we are "ready" we tune in, and then "Magic" happens — just as we need it to happen... Call it Magic, serendipity, divine providence, whatever — it is the Cosmos answering our call, for it is ALL 'there' (present and waiting) for us to ask the correct questions (in the correct mind). Like a door that opens when the right combination is struck.

Quote:I believe in such magic but I do not believe in spells. I believe the thoughts we have are the magic that in-forms our experiences...
I think this was Hamblin's point as well. Did you perhaps see the passage as promoting a magic spells point of view? Later in his book, he suggests that we identify all good qualities with God; and identify God with the transcendent inspiration in our own hearts. He used some Christian jargon, but I think he was well within the "New Thought" movement that I feel has significant overlap with the later Law of One/ET channeling content. His book is one of many 1900's era New Thought books that are free to read at Pretty far from, say Grant Morrison's outspoken advocacy of spells and signals for personal magic, or Crowley's work.

Quote:we may fight and rail at the idea that we have chosen our abusive parents, our tawdry relationships, etc..

Well, just in the past couple of weeks, I've been starting to wonder something. What if actually, these situations have nothing to do with our development, but are for the benefit of those who were negative towards us? In that case, before birth, the spirits of the parents, abusers, etc. would say, "I want to play a negative script in which I'm a bad guy who messes up the lives of others. Who has the fortitude to play the part of the victim? Can someone help me out here?" And we are the intrepid character actors, portraying the hapless sufferers so that the other person's dramatic skills are highlighted that much more.

Quote:It's not what happens to us, it's how we deal with it that counts.
Beautifully put. It's what I'm learning about now.

Quote:I really like the article by Melanie Anne Phillips. It is letter perfect.

Almost everything I've read of her work is thought-provoking and poignant. Thought-provoking because it expresses deep insights about the nature of personhood, conflict, and meaning. Poignant because of her openness about lifelong struggles about how to make wise decisions and find personal peace in her own life.

Another very key passage from her dovetails with what you're talking about:
Quote:The Mind is a machine made of time. It must be in motion to exist. The mind does not exist in the physical world, but as a result of the physical world. Taking this all together, think back to a time when you drifted away on some mental tangent until suddenly you were jolted back to "reality", and you realized that several minutes had passed unnoticed. During that lost period, your mind simply did not exist for it had ceased to be in motion. The moment some external stimulus triggered a response, however, the physical nature of the four aspects of your brain re-created your mind more or less as it was when it ceased.

Quote:PS. I'm glad you like the picture. It is part of a series I have created titled "Conflux". Picture yourself flying up the caduceus with the snakes of light and dark intertwined around you as you travel inexorably towards the light above. At the top is the all seeing eye of godhead and the wings of transcendence.

I admire your art and am blessed that you share it. Have you considering doing video animation art that combines imagery with a musical soundtrack?
Hello BD, I see that the caduceus is part of your personal insignia. I was reading session 55 of LOO today when I came across the following -
Quote:Questioner: The book, The Life Force of the Great Pyramid, has related the ankh shape with a resonance in the pyramid. Is this a correct analysis?

Ra: I am Ra. We have scanned your mind and find the phrase “working with crayons.” This would be applicable. There is only one significance to these shapes such as the crux ansata; that is the placing in coded form of mathematical relationships.

I was not able to quite understand Ra's explanations on the Crux Ansata. Any ideas? And isn't the Ankh a symbol of a 'health death' for resurrection into expanded life?
please send a link to that passage...
(07-26-2010, 09:54 PM)Black doG Wrote: [ -> ]please send a link to that passage...

Here you go BD -
Is "Questioner "one and the same as the questioner from the above passage?...

Honestly, I found this material to be opaque.

For what it is worth, I found my path was so immediately present that it BLEW my mind to see how close it is.

The answer is is closer than your very breath.

Stop looking.



Confusion is a result of conflicting opportunities, especially when we see too much and monkey mind chatters over the inordinate detail available to seekers.

My advice is: Eliminate all, to receive all....

Lucidity springs from silence.


(07-27-2010, 09:05 PM)Black doG Wrote: [ -> ]Is "Questioner "one and the same as the questioner from the above passage?...

No. Don Elkins asked questions of Ra in the early 80's. Don is indicated by "Questioner" throughout the transcripts in the Ra books. The Ra contact ended with Don's death. I never met Don and have never been involved in a Ra channeling session. When I joined the forum last year, I picked the user name to honor his effort to learn about spiritual truth through questioning. This thread explains more. I hope this doesn't cause undue confusion.

Session 55 is one of Don asking some miscellaneous questions, a bit out of context. Ra discussed the geometry of the Great Pyramid. Don had read a book referring to symbolism of the ankh, and asked if that was relevant. Ra's answer hints that although both the Great Pyramid and the ankh both have geometric shapes and both are spiritually valuable, it's a dead end to use Don's current level of understanding to try to relate them into a single map. This is about as close as Ra comes to say "Don't waste your time with this distracting side issue," while still respecting Don's right to ask whatever questions he feels like asking.
"Don't waste your time with this distracting side issue,"

Precisely my meaning BigSmile

No confusion, thanks for prompt reply.

Not to sound glib but, "The Question is the Answer".

Too right, too simple...

Fair dinkum, mate. BigSmile

(What the heck does that mean anyway!)
Dinkum means genuine, or real. Fair means balanced.

"I AM THAT YOU ARE" is "fair dinkum".... Present always, but not necessarily accounted for!

You earlier question about "negative "players was a fresh way to look at the theatre analogy. But it is a mouthful to process, and to respond appropriately will take some thought... give me time, please... I'll see what I can come up with in due time.
(07-27-2010, 10:06 PM)Black doG Wrote: [ -> ]give me time, please... I'll see what I can come up with in due time.

Thanks for the education in Aussie talk. No rush, I enjoy reading whatever you happen to feel good about writing.
(07-27-2010, 09:11 PM)Questioner Wrote: [ -> ]Ra's answer hints that although both the Great Pyramid and the ankh both have geometric shapes and both are spiritually valuable, it's a dead end to use Don's current level of understanding to try to relate them into a single map.

Thanks Q. I think I have got my answer.
Balanced and genuine: that would describe Ra. What if Don had been Australian?

I am Ra. G'day, mate. We perceive your query about the planetary body. She'll be right. Be aware you are both the shrimp and the barbie as all are one. As often as you can remember this without whinging, good onya. Beauty! The stickybeak may have a further inquiry. You right?
(07-28-2010, 11:33 AM)Questioner Wrote: [ -> ]Balanced and genuine: that would describe Ra. What if Don had been Australian?

I am Ra. G'day, mate. We perceive your query about the planetary body. She'll be right. Be aware you are both the shrimp and the barbie as all are one. As often as you can remember this without whinging, good onya. Beauty! The stickybeak may have a further inquiry. You right?

ha ha thats too funny questioner thanks !!!
That is a cool picture allright!!!