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Hi. I don't have fear of the death. I already projected myself to astral plane and I know that death doesn't exist.

However, sometimes I caught myself thinking in my family and some friends, and I stay very sadness imagining how they will pass to the spiritual world. The ignorance state of they can do them suffer. I don't want this. This thought atracct another: and if something happen with they? Like an accident. My preocupation would not be with the ausence of they but with your state pos-death. The confusion, terror, etc. I feel that this is disturbing my spiritual path.

What you think about this fellows? Thanks.

Peace, love and light.
I can relate to your feelings. I have a brother and father who have died and had difficult lives. 

I can suggest one thing which my friend Kelly wrote about in her book, Keys to Unlocking Your Inner Power. That is to create an altar for your ancestors. I include guides, animals, and other beings on my altar. You can make offerings (light candles, send love and intentions, etc.) and it creates a space which builds in energy for those whom you love.

It can be very small. It just needs a dedicated space. Choose something to represent each genetic line (I have photos of my mother and father to represent each genetic line but you could use anything), and the other beings you want to include. 
I know exactly what you speak of, do not be afraid. The truth of one is always in your heart. Is that all are one, you are never without all aspects of complete whole being. So each "individual" is present, and always present.

This fear expounds from over attachment. Of one aspect to another aspect. And is also apart of the outer sanctum of the heart.
Their path should only concern you in so much as your ability to be of service whenever they seek it. You can inquire into their thoughts and actions and potentially suggest options but their free will and their path is their own.

The less one tries to fix that which isn't meant to be fixed, the more one can rest in the assurance and faith that they will eventually learn what they need at the appropriate time
Very thanks my beloved brothers. I'll try follow your advices.

Peace, love and light.