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I think it's important to be mindful using devices like these, and the problem is not that it's impossible to control ourselves around them so much as the prevalence of the devices, requiring us to be extra mindful at all waking times. As a software developer I find it particularly difficult not to get swept up in the distraction. Generally speaking, using these devices with a specific purpose in mind tends to get one in less trouble than using them with no set purpose, as that's when you look at the clock and realize it's 3am and you're just mindlessly scrolling down on your Facebook app. It does takes some discipline for many people to accept that you simply cannot physically keep up with it all, and there's no point in trying. I remember there was a moment I had to really accept that the perfect tweet might miss me because I wasn't diligent in catching up with my feed, and it took a lot of soul searching to realize how strange it is to want to keep up with it so badly anyway.