
Full Version: Some Experiences Reading Chakras
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Hi everyone, before I took my last hiatus out of mostly shame and embarrassment, I begun doing chakra readings.  During my time gone I've done around 120 chakra readings in a matter of months and I have learned some interesting things and experienced some interesting things.

For starters, I found out that regardless of whether or not I believed in what I was discussing for people, just having them ask for my help enabled me to be of aid, whereas those whom I tried to help without their express permission resulted in a powerful inability to do what otherwise came very easily to me.  For instance, I browsed the /div/ thread on 4chan's /x/ board often and did free readings for people there for a while, and found that when I tried to diagnose issues for people who didn't query for a reading from me I met a great deal of resistance.

This taught me that you should not try to help people just randomly out of the blue, there needs to be some context as to why you are trying to help them, and further it helps to voice that context.  At one point it was simply me telling another I wanted to help that made it easier to read their system.  We all have built in natural defenses that keep out everything, good or bad, with our conscious preferences sort of detailing 'ports' of sorts for certain kinds of energetic interactions.  Even if you're genuine in your desire to help, if another person has suspicions of you, it creates a metaphysical barrier.

Yeah, it's interesting how it all works out, but of all the experiences I think the most interesting one was how I was experiencing false memories and at later points when I was doing 6+ readings a day, delusions.  Like, one day I went out to get the mail, got home, looked right at a piece of mail with my name on it, and literally annoyingly voiced my displeasure with the mail person for giving me the wrong person's mail.  Then several hours later came back and realized I mistook my own name as not belonging to me.

For starters...  Another instance came when I walked to the back door and stopped slightly dumbfounded thinking, 'when did we get a pool?!!'
Another delusion that occurred was when I turned on Star Trek and with a scoff went 'this is for losers, why am I watching this crap' then in the process of loading up an episode of Orange is the New Black remembered and realized that I hated Orange is the New Black because I thought it was disturbing to watch, and loved Start Trek because it gave me hope for the future.

In many ways, the more I pushed myself to read people's energetic systems, the more I became like other people, and honestly it scares the crap out of me how easily I slipped into other mentalities.  One morning, I got up at 8am and began getting ready for work.  Except, I didn't have a job.

I finally stopped doing chakra readings when I began having powerful thoughts of cutting all my relationships loose, telling all my friends I didn't want to be their friend anymore because I was a bad person.  Not all too long before that happened, I did a chakra reading for a schizophrenic man who was convinced he was in a holy battle between the forces of good and evil, in fact during that chakra reading it felt like a piece of shrapnel hit my head and pierced into my skull, and through that felt his proclamation to deactivate his yellow ray, something I didn't want to do but almost did.

So, there's something more to be said of this all, whether or not it's all real or not, I cannot deny or conclude.  I personally believe in it, but some parts feel more like a placebo effect where the belief alone made it real, but then in moments like the previous mentioned getting hit by the sensation of shrapnel, I can only fathom the coincidence as a synchronicity and call it 'real'.

Which makes me really question the validity of all the claims I've 'read' in my chakra readings. On one hand when I start doing them they come to me like a perfect river flow down into a waterfall, on the other hand sometimes it feels like a dam, and with some special cases I even had to ask people to consciously tell themselves to allow me to read them because they had such sophisticated built-in automatic defenses with their energetic systems that I couldn't read them at all.  The most interesting one was a hallway of portals in a labyrinth keeping me from accessing the energetic system of a person.

Further was when I'd have very clearly polarized people query me in an attempt to discredit me, only to have nothing to say to my lengthy detailed description of who they were except that they were surprised by my accuracy.

Along the entire way I was continually running into the problem of a lack of energy, a tiredness that led into loopiness and then delusions.  Like losing grip of your personal identity, it was disconcerting so I put down my reading chakras.

The sad part is, I enjoyed reading energetic systems and helping steer people towards better life choices through the various wisdoms the Law of One has helped me discover.

My overall experience reading chakras was that it was a very real 'gift' with very real consequences.  Overall, I discovered most of all myself.  How often others equated to me, and how deeply rooted some people's patterns were in other's lives.  Patterns emerged in broad daylight, and things once hidden in plain sight revealed themselves, and overall I discovered that we are all, in fact, more similar in so many more ways than we could possibly imagine, than we are dissimilar.  We might point our consciousnesses in different directions, but at the end of the day we all have the compass equipment despite our needle's pointing in many different directions.

Further I found a kind of serenity with helping people, at one point I met someone who swore hatred was the only way for them, and when they said to me that they suddenly realized there was more than just hatred, it made me feel really good that I managed to curve someone out of the well of hatred to find something less destructive for themselves.

I just wanted to help people, and I did, and in many ways I discovered I might have a gift for the divination arts at least in regards to interpreting divination's.  Maybe there's more and I might one day be able to do chakra readings without slowly losing my sense of self, but for right now, I am not sound enough of mind to persist.

'Lest I believe myself to be someone else.

Has anyone else ever had any interesting experiences with divination or performing metaphysical services for others or themselves?
Hi CA!
I've been thinking about you hoping you were doing well.

I really enjoyed the reading you did for me. I am always skeptical with claims but you had insight that was pretty great and useful. I bet you just need a better system of clearing the energy you pick up. Or keeping it from sticking. Intent is pretty powerful, could be the trick.

Sounds like you have been serving with your gift while away. I think it's pretty STO trait that everything you experience teaches you about yourself. So many mirrors with insight if we chose to look.

I haven't done anything like what you do but have done some recapitulation for another when they really needed help. I didn't do it right(safely for myself) as I was/am still learning and I ended up feeling all their horrible emotions I had called to recap for them. It was a week and a half before I figured out how to halt the process and do it safely. I was angry for that entire time and I really do not get angry. Their anger was causing a chronic health issue that was about to require bowel surgery and a possible colostomy. It did improve greatly with some emotional charge reduced so worth it. But heck energy work is nothing to play with without a way to clear it.

Proved to me there is a "right way" to do some of these things safely and taking time to learn them ensures you can in fact keep helping those in need.

Keep your heart and mind open for guidance I'm sure your gift is meant to be used so someone will know how to do what you do safely. ((Hugs)) glad you are here
Energy cleansing for me didn't do really anything, even a minimum of four hours of meditation didn't help alleviate the symptoms much, overall I think the problem was just a side effect of misusing whatever it is I do.  Sort of like 'hey you are me and I am you, w-wait, w-who am I again?'

I thought it was other people's energy sticking to mine or something, but it wasn't the case of external energy sticking to me so much as, I just, became the person a little bit too much and needed to pull back into myself.  Thankfully all the issues, false memories, delusions and whatnot disappeared when I stopped doing the readings.

It is completely and totally surreal when you look at something, like your name, and don't identify with it at all.  It's pretty scary, sort of like, 'is this it, am I losing my mind?'.

I'm already anxious enough as it is, I don't need strange things like that happening to me too.  Like, I'm already mentally ill, doing psychic readings for people, then suddenly disassociating completely from my life.  If I told a counselor that I'd be institutionalized!

So, moderation.  That's the lesson I learned, and thankfully nothing...Permanent happened, I hope lol...

Insightful Mirrors (sounds like a band name or something) is actually a pretty accurate way to describe what I pretty much experienced.  I look at a chakra, I see myself in it, and have to discern what's a reflection and what's the other person.  In fact so many of the readings I did corresponded to my own immediate day to day experiences that for a while I did think I was just pulling up every day experiences and equating them to stuff everyone experiences, and then strangely enough, despite believing that, I still came across occurrences that actually taught me about myself rather than the other way around.  Typically I learn a great deal about someone, unspoken at least, when I read them, but then when I suddenly am reading myself in another, it's, just surreal.

Sort of like a page out of Alice in Wonderland.  Only it's Joe in Chakraland!

If I might offer my opinion regards your recent circumstances, and a somewhat similar result from an experience I had.  I knew a girl who was my best friend for a bit, I apologized to her after we dated and broke up, and tried again to be her friend.  Long story short, she took some of my furniture and disappeared without a trace.  The anger was, for real lol...
I found out that my anger wasn't even directed at her anymore, it was actually directed at me, for being so stupid to believe that she actually was my friend, or that she cared about me, or to believe anything nice she had said to me.  It taught me a very important question that seems to be making it's way undeniably clear in my life; Do I trust women anymore?

I'm still struggling with the answer, and I just keep telling myself we're more similar than we are different.  Which also is why I question if I trust men anymore...  Which just, devolves into this downward spiral of questioning if people are worth trusting at all, and it gets depressing.

Honestly, my problems I think are manifesting as mental issues, emotional instability, rage, despair, frustration, disbelief and confusion, but mostly anxiety.  Extreme amounts of anxiety actually.  After finally getting to talk to a few counselors and all of them trying to put me on anti anxiety medications, all of which just make me want to sleep, I realized that this isn't a problem that I'm going to find a solution to through the only available psychiatrists and counselors I had.  Overall I've come to terms with the realizations that I might just be, one of those...  Stupidly smart people with no guidance to get me anywhere...  I do test on the Myer's Briggs personality score as INTJ, which only ~1% of the population is (unless that's changed since 2009), and on my astrology charts I lack a Midheaven placement so, I'm pretty much a person with no direction in life.

So, I just try to do what I can to not be overwhelmed with the sense of failure I often feel.  The least I could do is try to be a decent person.  I just want people to care, you know?  If we all just cared about how each other felt, even if we were honest in sometimes mean ways, friends bust each other's balls, if you'll excuse that figure of speech, so I think it's important that we merit some forgiveness to everyone and ourselves, for our failures especially, even if they do seem harrowing and towering.

But maybe you're right, maybe there is a right way and I just haven't found it.  I just know that those chakra readings made me feel so good, and then I suddenly began recognizing myself not recognizing myself and it scared the crap out of me, so, I stopped, even though I didn't want to.

I hope you're right, that these side effects are manageable or can even be negated with a proper routine or ritual or way of doing things.

I will make a somewhat perverted mention though, if everyone will forgive the statement, but I did find that the energetic body is waaaaay waaaaaaaAAAAAYYYYYY more attractive than any physical body could EVER be.  Some people I read were so beautiful I had anxiety just doing their readings.  Literally, the beauty of Gods and Goddesses.

Literally my new favorite color because of reading some of those systems is now hot pink.  People are beautiful.  I just wish...They all knew it.
I gotta reply later as I have an early appointment to get ready for but first point. You nailed it.
The persons anger is directed at themselves. It's pretty sad that people can't love and forgive themselves.

Ok I will be back. Smile
Sounds like you've had some interesting experiences. I wouldn't even know where to begin with my 'interesting experiences' working with people and their systems. It is indeed a fairly magical experience to be able to be involved with, You probably caught on but whenever you read someone there is an actual transfer of energy which takes place.

I would ask, how strong would you say your core sense of identity is?
I perceived that transfer as a harmless communication of information with some bumps and exceptions.

I'd say I don't know myself enough to ascribe to a core personality.  I'm me, and I am pretty weird.
Your experience seems to suggest you took on more than just simple 'harmless' information, but if you say so. It sounds more like you took on peoples' distortions.

I ask because the key to managing empathy is to have a strong sense of your own identity. At least in my experience.
Well, that does match how I effortlessly seemed to slip out of my own identity and not notice until later.  A large part of those readings was making sense of the energetic system I was reading, which is very similar to making sense of my own.

I think my identity is fluid, though I'm not sure, I just wanted to help people and I think that was the key to doing what I did before consent came into play.

I honestly don't understand how I do it, I just take a few answers to some basic questions and start making sense of the responses and as I do it just becomes like a small book in my mind that I'm reading, but not actually writing or reading, but experiencing.

The usual problem for me was worrying if I was reading myself over someone else.

I couldn't say I know myself good enough.  I haven't had enough social interaction to be spontaneous enough to identify my 'true' present distortion of identity.
(10-04-2017, 12:50 AM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: [ -> ]Energy cleansing for me didn't do really anything, even a minimum of four hours of meditation didn't help alleviate the symptoms much, overall I think the problem was just a side effect of misusing whatever it is I do.  Sort of like 'hey you are me and I am you, w-wait, w-who am I again?'

I thought it was other people's energy sticking to mine or something, but it wasn't the case of external energy sticking to me so much as, I just, became the person a little bit too much and needed to pull back into myself.  Thankfully all the issues, false memories, delusions and whatnot disappeared when I stopped doing the readings.
I think it's just semantics. To do this stuff it really is helpful to be able to deeply feel we are all one, yet at the same time we each carry our light differently so you need to be able to after step back soley into your own energy/light as you did.
All I meant by energy clearing was basically releasing the stuff that isn't yours after.

Quote:It is completely and totally surreal when you look at something, like your name, and don't identify with it at all.  It's pretty scary, sort of like, 'is this it, am I losing my mind?'.

I'm already anxious enough as it is, I don't need strange things like that happening to me too.  Like, I'm already mentally ill, doing psychic readings for people, then suddenly disassociating completely from my life.  If I told a counselor that I'd be institutionalized!

So, moderation.  That's the lesson I learned, and thankfully nothing...Permanent happened, I hope lol...
sounds good,

Quote:If I might offer my opinion regards your recent circumstances, and a somewhat similar result from an experience I had.  I knew a girl who was my best friend for a bit, I apologized to her after we dated and broke up, and tried again to be her friend.  Long story short, she took some of my furniture and disappeared without a trace.  The anger was, for real lol...
I found out that my anger wasn't even directed at her anymore, it was actually directed at me, for being so stupid to believe that she actually was my friend, or that she cared about me, or to believe anything nice she had said to me.  It taught me a very important question that seems to be making it's way undeniably clear in my life; Do I trust women anymore?

I'm still struggling with the answer, and I just keep telling myself we're more similar than we are different.  Which also is why I question if I trust men anymore...  Which just, devolves into this downward spiral of questioning if people are worth trusting at all, and it gets depressing.
I already replied to the comment regarding the anger but didnt touch the trust thing.
First I think I've now met and gotten to know enough people that I can say trust worthiness has nothing to do with gender.
Step back and remember these people, all people are doing the best they can with the awareness they have. It can be sad to watch, or frustrating but they aren't behaving in underhanded ways to hurt you specifically. They each(we each) carry certain disfunctions. Most humans cant even be honest and trustworthy towards themselves so no need to judge them for their current brokeness.

I think it was Elros on this forum that said darkness is just potential for light. Come back to your soul energy and remember you are trying your best as is everyone. Trust yourself to be ok when people f*** up as they inevitably will. I struggle with this trust thing too as I have a few people in my life I love but they.... well they aren't in control of their awareness, there is a veil so even if they want to do good and be better, they just aren't ready so you cant blame them. Or at least I wont. I will trust them and hope they can be responsible with my trust, but at the end of the day I've got my own back,..and theirs even if they arent capable of doing the same. Maybe in a few lives further down the road they will be.

Hope that made sense, it worries me at times to see people reduce each other to their gender as if there are attributes like goodness intrinsic only to their own. We are a beautiful, loving species, so complex, so fragile, so fearful and self loathing but beautiful, so much beauty.

Quote:Honestly, my problems I think are manifesting as mental issues, emotional instability, rage, despair, frustration, disbelief and confusion, but mostly anxiety.  Extreme amounts of anxiety actually.  After finally getting to talk to a few counselors and all of them trying to put me on anti anxiety medications, all of which just make me want to sleep, I realized that this isn't a problem that I'm going to find a solution to through the only available psychiatrists and counselors I had.  Overall I've come to terms with the realizations that I might just be, one of those...  
So, I just try to do what I can to not be overwhelmed with the sense of failure I often feel.  The least I could do is try to be a decent person.  I just want people to care, you know?  If we all just cared about how each other felt, even if we were honest in sometimes mean ways, friends bust each other's balls, if you'll excuse that figure of speech, so I think it's important that we merit some forgiveness to everyone and ourselves, for our failures especially, even if they do seem harrowing and towering.
.try the recap thread on the forum, it can unwind some of the webs that drive anxiety and emotional issues.
Quote:But maybe you're right, maybe there is a right way and I just haven't found it.  I just know that those chakra readings made me feel so good, and then I suddenly began recognizing myself not recognizing myself and it scared the crap out of me, so, I stopped, even though I didn't want to.

I hope you're right, that these side effects are manageable or can even be negated with a proper routine or ritual or way of doing things.
dont give up
Quote:I will make a somewhat perverted mention though, if everyone will forgive the statement, but I did find that the energetic body is waaaaay waaaaaaaAAAAAYYYYYY more attractive than any physical body could EVER be.  Some people I read were so beautiful I had anxiety just doing their readings.  Literally, the beauty of Gods and Goddesses.

Literally my new favorite color because of reading some of those systems is now hot pink.  People are beautiful.  I just wish...They all knew it.
I dont think that perverted at all.The ego is ugly but everyone is beautiful underneath. Make sense.