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A pretty common subject comes up in peoples past life regression sessions is a sort of rehab that can take place in between lives to help the Soul heal from the trauma of the life.

Ive heard descriptions of a shower of light, painting pictures of traumatic events to help heal, and over forms of healing taking place.

Is anyone pretty familiar with this? Perhaps this could be a sort of "job" for those in 4D+ to help others? And do any of the L/L channelings make note of this?
Yes, this is a natural part of the afterdeath process: healing, life review, planning and preparation for the next incarnation.
Most everyone needs healing after the incarnation. We pick up a lot of distortions during the lifetime. Some wounds we didn’t heal in the life, and these need healed after death.

From my speculation, I believe that the distortions are healed, but we still have those biases within our deep mind. We will have the opportunity to balance these biases out in the next incarnation (possibly) under a new configuration, a new frame of mind, a fresh start, a new perspective. In Every incarnation work is being done. There is no failure, for every failure is a success.

Then we go through the life review phase. We look through our entire lifetime and distill the lessons we had learned and the qualities that we have developed and refined.

Finally, we plan our next incarnation alongside our higher self. Most people here are spiritually evolved enough to participate in this process, rather than it being done entirely by the higher self.

Now, to the extent that we heal ourselves during the incarnation, we don’t need that healing after the death.
I've loved thinking about the afterlife. I keep imagining what my guide or whoever meets me might look like.

I know I'm going to have much healing after this life. It's hard to tell what's truth.

I've learned though we shouldn't focus on trying to eliminate our regrets that we'll have when we have the life review.
So I don't live my life with the priority of not having regrets then. I live by what I think is right.
And I learn many lessons.

As one advances, the lessons become harder.