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This place is interesting.

I would look at the forums as that is were all the information is.

Just wanted to share that. Bye Smile
Adonai Vasu Borragus
Oh and if you see someone on the Internet who is named wraith500000 or wraith600000 it is me. I used that for a while as I really like stargate Atlantis. But now Conifer16 better describes me. Bye all Smile


The main thing that I remember from my dream last night was that there were bright red, glowing clouds in the sky. This was one of those "redder than red" colors- those vivid colors you don't seem to see in waking life. There also seemed to be some sort of enormous red planet in the sky. My husband and my friend and I were all standing in the driveway, pointing up at the sky and going "Wow! Look at that!"

I kept trying to take a picture of the clouds, but my camera kept malfunctioning. The colors wouldn't come out right, and the picture was distorted. When I looked through the lens of the camera, it almost looked like I could see flames all over the place, but when I looked with just my eyes I didn't see anything like that. It was rather strange.


I had two really weird dreams last night about my mother not acting like herself at all. Her behavior was very bizarre.

In one dream I finally met my biological family. They were all very nice and accepting and we were having a great time, but my mom got really jealous of them, thinking I would not consider her my family anymore, I suppose, so she started trash talking my biological father and brother, making them feel really bad. I ended up getting into a screaming match with her, telling her I was tired of her going so out of her way to criticize everything anyone did.

In the second dream an Asian woman was living in our house for some reason, and once again my mom got really jealous of her presence and started acting very out of character. She was even cussing. I honestly don't think a swear word has ever come out of my mother's mouth in her entire life. Again I was like "What is your problem?!?"

I can only assume this has to do with jealousy on MY part, which I will readily admit to in several areas. Also, the catalyst I have had with argumentative people lately, and my inability to ignore them and only fuel the process instead. It's nice how my subconscious serves my flaws up to me in such a dramatic fashion. There's really no way I can miss the message.

Before that, when I was taking a nap, I had a horrible nightmare that involved an alien doing really bad things to me. It was too graphic and disturbing for me to want to write about it here, but I started crying when I woke up, which I'm pretty sure is a first for me. Strangely enough, my husband saw a UFO outside our house soon after I woke up. Very peculiar, but there's no way I'm letting a bad dream slow me down. If anything, it tells me that the pursuits I have recently involved myself in are the right thing to do and it just strengthens my resolve.
a giant spaceship crashed from the sky and it was black and sort of a roundish saucer shape. out came white asparagus like aliens that were slimy like canned asparagus. they were also evil aliens and i went into this basement thing with Eddie and tried to save him from the aliens. before that i was in a red doubledecker that had the second floor missing and no roof seats and a big tiger was there with me. i think he was sleeping on the stairs that went up from the front of the bus all the way to the back of the bus where i was sitting. i felt protective but also tried not to get eaten. animals always get saved by me in dreams, i'm always guarding them even if they're dangerous.


I had a weird one last night... I was able to intercept a phone call from the future from my brother saying that my mum would be dead in two weeks. So I was able to talk to her before and I thanked her for having been such a good mum and we hugged and said our good bye. Very teary-eyed. Then I woke up and I was like "uh-hum, hopefully that one was not a prophetic dream Confused "

i dreamt i was in a boat that was strung together with many boats and we were paddling with hands, had no permission to use oars... actually we didn't have permission to paddle with hands but i remember us moving somehow and paddling at some point. it seemed impossible to make the journey but we knew we would do it because we were together. this dream was inspired by occupy. it feels like a sense of togetherness. finally seeing others as brothers. or something. then kitty from x factor was in the boat and we all were trying to have telepathy but one of us said wow kitty you were in my mind and kitty said i already know how to do this stuff. and then she said sexuality is a boy. lol. what does that mean? i took it as something like sexuality is a male force, active and positive. like yang. kitty represented this surge of power, or something. like lightning.

Meerie *hugs* even prophetic dreams are not destiny, just a warning so you can change things or something.
A couple of nights ago, I had one of those dreams I have occasionally, in which I am shown a lot of clues (usually in coded or metaphoric form), that allow me to "connect the dots", and learn something significant. In this case, I have unfortunately forgotten the details of the dream itself, but I do remember the conclusion I drew at the end: that the technology acquired during the Nazi Bell experiments has now been developed to the point that it has been fully weaponized, and that it was that technology that was used to destroy the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center.

I was so startled by the implications of this, that it woke me up from a sound sleep. Sad


All I remember from my dream last night was that I got burned, and it was extremely painful. When I woke up it was hard to convince myself I was not actually burned, even though there was not a mark on my body.

Seems like everybody's dreams are ramping up. Guess it's that time of the cycle.
I've had many dreams lately that are very jumbled, yet very real seeming. However, I have not been able to remember much of any of them, which is actually very unusual for me. I think you're right, ahktu, must be that time of the cycle.
(10-12-2011, 05:33 PM)Ruth Wrote: [ -> ]I've had many dreams lately that are very jumbled, yet very real seeming. However, I have not been able to remember much of any of them, which is actually very unusual for me. I think you're right, ahktu, must be that time of the cycle.

I have had the same experience as of late, so I requested (guides/Higher Self) to be shown - and remember - a dream that illustrated what was happening to me during sleep.

I awoke in the morning after a very vivid dream...

I was in a car, with a friend (open minded healer / clinical ecologist) at night, driving along the edge of a well maintained / pleasant housing estate. Upon looking out of the right window, I noticed an enormous plasma cloud (green, blue, purple and violet) in the night sky.

"That looks like the Northern Lights!", I yelled in excitement, and hopped out of the car for a better look.

The plasma cloud then turned into a huge vortex, spinning. Balls of golden white light started to emanate and pulse out of the center of the vortex. They came straight towards me, one after another, engulfing my entire being with love/light. I realised what was happening - downloads/expansion - and sat in the lotus position and opened myself to it.

You can request anything before sleep. It can be quite enlightening :¬)

Edit: A nice clarification of the above dream - during a reading I asked a (rather talented) medium why I couldn't remember my dreams, and she replied "You're receiving teachings. They are not for you directly, they will find the right person at the right time, through you."

I love the mystery of this place we 'inhabit' :¬)
Thank you, Namaste! Your medium's explanation for you actually seems to fit perfectly for me as well. It resonates!

Light and love, and thank you, again!


I had a dream that I worked for some sort of business firm, or maybe it was an investigative agency. One of the employees disappeared, and then he showed up later but he was acting in very negative ways. He talked to a person who then disappeared and reappeared, this person also suddenly acting very negative, not like his usual personality. Pretty soon this was happening to everyone. Those few of us who had not been affected were trying to figure out what was going on- how these things were happening.

One of the "converted" people took away one of my very dear friends, and I ran outside screaming "Don't you dare take Sam!!!" But he was already gone. I got very angry at the man who had made him disappear and started cursing him, telling him his evil would come back upon him sixfold. Not particularly STO of me, but that's how it was.

Then we found out there was this "other building" that was like the exact opposite of our building, and there was another one of each of us in that building, but it was the "dark us". And somehow we were all switching places or something like that. Apparently the key factor was that our building had one employee the other building did not have. His name was Phillip Higgins. (???) And we were trying to find him, because we knew there was no counterpart he could switch with.

When I woke up I heard "Not all your friends are friends, and not all your enemies are enemies."

Before I feel asleep I was thinking a lot about the protests and my involvement in has been something I have been seriously debating over a course of days, as some of the things that are happening are coming dangerously close to crossing my ethics line, in spite of my initial enthusiasm.

I feel like this dream illustrated how hate and fear can be spread so quickly, corrupting even the most stout of individuals if the circumstances are right. I can only assume the "dark us" was each person's shadow self, and this was showing how that self can "replace" the "whole" self if it is not acknowledged and balanced. I am starting to feel like this is what is happening in the protest. Anger is corrupting what started out as a loving attempt.

I think my personal reaction in the dream ties in with how I tend to react to things differently when they have personal meaning to me, meaning I can let my emotions cloud my judgment, and could perhaps work on the love/wisdom balance a little harder.
you guys what does this dream mean? it's odd lately i dream of water. and it's always calm. i'm a person that is calm until something upsets me and i go capsized lol. but water reps emotion. hmm.

i was in a blue room at night that was surrounded by water, and inside was blue sand and blue water in a pool. the walls and ceiling were all glass and the sky was inky blue there was a full moon above me. i was reveling in the sand, admiring its azure sparkling magic and the whole dream felt so bizarre. i was some rich millionaire and everything was blue and luxurious in a non donald trump way but really had to cost a lot. and so beautiful.

Ahktu that's really fascinating.


In a non Donald Trump way. LMAO. I usually associate blue with either communication or "those of a sensitive nature". Perhaps it means you are tapping into psychic gifts? Water usually means emotions to me, so maybe it has to do with some sort of empathic or other emotional-based abilities? Or maybe through communicating your emotions you are entering into a sense of calm?

I had a bizarre dream last night. The only part I really remember was that there was this enormous snake-like creature, though its face had some human characteristics to it. It was supposed to be in a cage in a type of zoo, but I realized there was no glass in the window and the creature just shot itself out of the window and landed on top of me. People started screaming and freaking out but I just looked into it's eyes, smiling, saying things like "Wow, you're a beauty, aren't you?"

The snake creature was looking deep into my eyes, as if it was sizing me up. I felt a little twinge of fear that it might just eat me, but I also felt a connection to this obviously intelligent being and knew it could understand what I was saying, so I was very calm and loving. Finally it got off of me, and I'm not sure what happened next.

Before I went to sleep I asked for a dream about my home world. I have a vague memory of what looked like the side of a mountain with a lot of beautiful wildflowers. I wonder if the snake creature is an actual creature from my home world?
but does it symbolize? are you connected to snakes on some emotional level? your snake dream sounds cool. like i could picture it hehe.

i think the sand in my dream meant something important. i was in the sand, not in the water. which means i was above and removed from emotions, but happy and feeling good in the sand. the sand was so safe and comforting. and it was fun like a sea of balls that i used to love as a kid. it almost felt like a drug. like i was so happy to be there.


Last night I dreamed the president died. He had a heart attack on live television, and they kept playing it over and over for everyone to see. I was really disturbed that they were just showing it on TV like it was a sitcom, but eventually I paid really close attention to the video and I could hear weird noises in the background, and I started thinking that maybe it hadn't been a heart attack but something else. No one else seemed to notice the noises at all. I felt really, really sad as if I had known him personally, and the government seemed to be in a state of complete chaos. Some people were freaking out and others didn't seem to care at all. The whole thing felt very, very wrong.

I also had a dream where I had to go through this series of gates, and each one had a gatekeeper that seemed to be based on an ancient mythological figure. Each gatekeeper required something different for you to pass. Some of them wanted to fight me, some wanted me to bring them seemed like some DnD quest or something. When I got to the final gate all I had to do was fill out some form on a computer. I was like "Seriously, that's it?" I don't remember what happened once I got through all the gates.
I've been having a lot of UFO dreams lately. I had one the night before last (watching many brilliant orbs in the night sky) and three or four last night. In the last one, I was standing on a street not far from where I live, talking to an acquaintance who was about 15 yards away, up the street and on the other side. For some reason, we were holding shotguns in our hands. I looked up, and several large disc-shaped UFOs glided past. I sent up a telepathic request for one of them to come back, and it did, hovering right above me, perhaps a hundred yards up in the air. I got a telepathic message back from the occupants of the UFO, welcoming me, and letting me know that I had been "accepted" (in other words, that I would soon be joining them and helping them on their mission). My friend walked up to me and we began discussing the situated excitedly. "I've already been measured for my pin", I said, grinning (an allusion to a decoration something like the Star Fleet Academy pin).


That's awesome, Eddie. A lot of my dreams have felt very personal lately, hence my lack of posting here lately. Night before last I dreamed I was listening to the L/L transcripts, and I realized there was more Ra Material. A LOT more. Probably enough to fill a whole other book, and I was wondering why it hadn't been published.
i always dream of massive buildings. and postcards last night. weird. and a 10 year old rapper that had crop cicrlce facial hair and he messed up on a talk show and whined to his idol that he messed up. it's prolly cuz i watch so many talent shows. and talk shows on youtube. but i don't get the post cards.
I am always fascinated by dreams that happen in sequence, that pick up where the previous dream left off. I had three sequential dreams last night.

In the first dream, my wife and I found ourselves riding in a big limousine, with the former president Bush (the first one, G.H.W. Bush), his wife Barbara, and a bunch of other dignitaries. We (wife and I) were attending a Republican Presidential Nominating Convention, and we had been surprised by being picked up at the airport by the former president and his entourage; we were being given the V.I.P. treatment. We were scheduled to sit with the former president at all of the gala events. He had thoughtfully provided me with a blue blazer (to match the one worn by the other V.I.P.s), but it didn't go with the rest of my outfit, which was light brown. We were dropped off at our hotel (the others apparently were staying somewhere else), which was a very fancy and expensive place. I looked down at my shoes, and noticed that they didn't even match! I thought, "Oh no, what will I do?" I hit upon the idea of asking the hotel concierge to round up a pair of polished black wingtips, size 13, muy pronto.

We entered the hotel. My wife went off in search of the concierge, and I decided to go up to our room, which (courtesy of the former president) was a palatial penthouse suite. I entered the elevator, along with about a dozen other people; the elevator was huge, capable of holding about 50 people at a time, and had glass walls all around, so we could see ourselves ascending and descending.

Someone pushed a floor button, and the elevator shot up like a rocket, at tremendous speed; we all had to grab the rail in the elevator to avoid being plastered to the floor. The elevator stopped about 12 floors up, and someone got off. Instead of then going up to my floor, it plunged downward at free-fall speed, and again everyone had to grab the rail in order to avoid floating....everyone but me, as I enjoyed the ride, and let myself float up in the air, heels over head.

The elevator stopped suddenly at ground level and I was slammed into the side of the elevator. We then repeated the sequence; up like a rocket, and down in free-fall. And of our cats ran into our bedroom, and began making a ruckus, which woke us up, so of course the dream ended. My wife got up and shooed the cat out of the room, and eventually I went back to sleep, and had the:

Second Dream:

My wife and I are again being driven around in a big car, either a 70s-vintage station wagon, or a limousine. We are in the back seat, along with a young (30-ish) blond woman who is very attractive, charming, and intelligent. She is attending the convention and staying with us in our suite.

We are still in the process of attending the convention, but all of us have forgotten some last-minute items that we need, so we have somehow been transported instantly back to my little home town in Kentucky, and provided with a car and driver, so we can fetch the items. The driver takes us to a grocery story on the north side of town, which is a downscale area. There is something that I need in the store. The young woman apparently spent the previous night at a hotel about a mile further north, along the interstate, and left something she needed at the hotel, so she gets out to walk up to the hotel. Before she leaves the car, she gives me a big hug, and I marvel at what a splendid girl she is. She exits and starts walking. I try to alert the driver, to get him to start the car and pick her up to drive her up to her hotel, but I can't seem to get his attention. As she is walking down the street, she is carrying a cloth shopping bag, and some strange man walks up behind her and puts a large jar or can of some consumer good into her bag; she retrieves it, and insists that the man take it back, as she doesn't need it; and then....

Our naughty cat came back in the room, and began making a lot of noise, and woke us up, and the dream ended. My wife got up and shooed the cat out of the room, and eventually I went back to sleep, and had:

The Third Dream:

We are at a subsequent Republican presidential nominating convention. We are again being given the V.I.P. treatment, and are ensconced in a splendid suite in the same hotel. It's huge, about 1200 square feet, and furnished with luxury furniture and red carpet. The same attractive blond woman is again rooming with us, and has brought along a friend, also a very attractive girl. I and my wife are fully dressed up and ready to to down to the convention hall, but the young woman is busy writing something, and not quite ready to go. I pace around the room, pick up a magazine, and see in it an article she has written. I notice that her last name is different from what it was when she was last with us, and surmise that she has gotten married in the interim.

Anxious to go to the event, I walk out of the room and stroll around the mezzanine, looking at various displays and posters. I re-enter our room, and feel something foreign around my left ankle. I lift up my leg, hike up my trouser leg, and find that several lady's gold necklaces are around my ankle. I pull them off; they are beautiful and very fine, and obviously expensive. I ask all of the women in my room if they have lost necklaces; they haven't, and are as puzzled as I am.

I notice that my bladder is full, and I have to go to the bathroom (amazing how often that happens in dreams), and I go in search of a bathroom. Some other people have joined us in our suite, and all of our bathrooms are occupied; so I leave our suite, and enter the neighboring suite in search of a bathroom. In it are two obviously well-heeled gentlemen, seated in easy chairs, discussing some current event. They are dressed in fine suits. Their wives are in the background, applying makeup and jewelry.

In between the men, in the center of the room, is a large oval Ottoman, made of fine leather and mahogany. At each focus of the oval, inset into the top of the Ottoman, are white, disc-shaped objects that appear to be made of some absorptive material, each about a foot in diameter. I am struck by the notion that these absorptive disc are some kind of emergency back-up toilet, and begin peeing on one of them. I then realize that I am in someone else's hotel room, peeing on his Ottoman, without permission; embarrassed, I apologize to one of the men, and attempt to explain my confusion. He tells me that he assumed that the device was intended for just that purpose, and is not bothered by my act. Relieved (no pun intended), I head back to our suite.

Upon entering, I discover, again, that there are necklaces around my left ankle. This time, there are more of them, and they are fabulously valuable, very expensive necklaces. I, my wife, and the two young women who are our guests, go out into the mezzanine to ask any women within earshot if they have lost necklaces. We meet a man and his wife, who, by coincidence, are experts in fine jewelry (he works at Sotheby's, or some such place); I pull the necklaces off one at a time, and hand them to the woman, who untangles and displays them. Her husband explains the details of each necklace. One has many large diamonds; another is made of finest iridescent white pearls, another of large black pearls, etc. The scene is comical; the man is dressed in a tuxedo, and sports a handlebar mustache, a triangular goatee beard, and fin-de-sicle pince-nez glasses; he looks like a character from a very early silent moving picture. No one knows anything about the source of the necklaces. And then...

Our cat comes into the room again, and makes a ruckus, and wakes us up, and the dream ends.
I dreamt that I died.(in the most dramatic possible way) I was invited to a party that was being hosted in this huge and expensive tower thing near the ocean by one of the kids in our church youth program. The stairs leading up to this tower thing looked very much like they came from the Incan empire and were all worn away and covered in moss. And the tower was theamed all in blue. anyway I finally climb into the tower thing which was through a secret door and a few ladders, and when I get up there I see the view and just smiled with delight, it was a view of the ocean with white sand running up to the base of the tower and a gorgeous sunset with amazing clouds, and the girl hosting the event came up to me and asked why I was smiling and I said "you can see the ocean from here, I love that about Oregon." she responded with her own smile and said "yes" when suddenly the sun which was a little above the water was joined by another which flared brightly and then dimmed and this was joined by another also and so on till there were four suns in the sky. And by the fourth sun I knew that they were supernova from nearby stars and that I was going to die so I grabbed the host(who might be termed as a friend kinda) in a hug to provide comfort and get comfort and the earth was ripped to shreds the sky turned red and orange and suddenly everything was gone(by his point I truly believed that this had happened and that I was dead and my chest was tight with extreme shock) I was floating in blackness because there was no earth and my immediate thought was of my friend, I was sad that she might be feeling fear and that I couldn't comfort her and I then wished she were here so as I could derive comfort from something familiar as a human being. But the. My vision was filled with the bring4th forums and I knew this was so that something familiar and comforting would explain to me what to do next, so some of the things that were threads were The Truth Of Ma'at, what to do once your dead, how to communicate with your spirit guides, and several similar threads(by this point I was suspicious of this being a dream but it felt so real) then my brother came in the room and woke a part of me up, so I was still seeing the forums but I was also seeing light because he turned them on and hearing him moving and I was mightily relieved Smile.

I am happy that my first thought was of another, and because I truly thought I was dead I believe it shows my character truly(and I don't take it to be prophetic, just a way of showing myself to my self and proving that I do have at least one friend by the way I cared about her) so it was a very dramatic dream to say the least Smile lol
lol Eddie that's so detailed. any chance at interpreting it?
(11-02-2011, 01:46 PM)Oceania Wrote: [ -> ]lol Eddie that's so detailed. any chance at interpreting it?

I'm usually pretty good at interpreting my dreams, but those are puzzling. If I come up with something I'll post it here.

(Later edited to add: Given GHWB's well-known status as a CIA-Bilderberger maven, it is tempting to interpret the dreams as an enticement from STS entities at an astral level. This occurred to me at once, but I rejected it, as it didn't resonate. The dreams had no sinister connotation; in fact, they were quite pleasant, apart from the full bladder bit. I felt as if I were on a grand vacation adventure.)
the ankle necklaces... you kept asking if women had lost necklaces, as if they couldn't be yours.
I have been feeling some really intense energies lately. I feel as though i have awakened further to the point now where I can actually feel and see how all is one. I have constant feeling of happiness and eenergy it is awesome! For a while I was sort of.drifting away from all, getting to far into politics and conspiracy theories.. Now i have no interest in them what so ever my only interest is service to others and seeking the Law of One further. I have now to realised we as a collective human race create own reality unconsciously, thus negative thoughts or the studying and thinking of conspiracies and corruption only further creates more, conspiracies and corruption. Thus I only think positive now, with the understanding that we create our own reality. That we should not blame the elite for making it so hard, for then I am only blaming myself. For they are my other self. I now see everyone and everyything as equal none better or worse than the other just one. I no longer have negative feelings further towards the so called elite, I only have love for them as i do any other self. As Jesus said love evil do not hate it.

Anyway this is a dream thread so i will tie in my dream which i think is part of my further awakening. I have been meaning to share this dream for a while now. I had this dream about two weeks ago and I can still see it, that is how vivid it was. I meditated and also did some supposed pineal gland decalsifying techniques. Then went off to sleep. This is when this very vivid and weird dream began it started out negative and scary at first.. In my dream I went to walk out of my bedroom at night and I felt as though I was being watched, then all of a sudden I heard noises outside my door, I immediately stood against it to keep it shut. To stop whatever it was from getting in. I was then struck with absolute fear as I turned around there were these two translucent entities behind me the only colour in them was these blue very bright pulsating brains that I could see. They grabbed me and threw me on the bed, I was lying face first into the pillow completely paralyzed, with my hands crossed over my back and feet crtossed over each other completely paralysed, it was distressing and I did feel fear, I dont know what they did to me. I began thinking of Ra and the confederation and all of a sudden the entire room lit up bright white and these translucent but glowing white with golden brains appeared, the negative entities disappeared and I could move again and these entities communicated with me, but I have no of what they said. I then woke up overly positive though still a bit shaken in the morning and since than I have had intense energies to the point where i.was almost in tears at how beautiful everything was and that i created it so that i could experience myself. And I know see others as one, where as before I knew of the Law of One. but still could.not feel it and are it. Now I see the beauty in everything and everyone.

Anyway extremely weird dream.. lolBigSmile

Anyway if you read this thankyou and i would love your thoughts

Love and light
We are one

Ps sorry the spelling errors and constant full stops this website does not work to well on my phone. will fix it up on the morning when i turn my laptop on


Bravo zack
(11-03-2011, 10:02 AM)Oceania Wrote: [ -> ]interesting.

I think so to I just I knew what it meant..Smile


I dreamt I saved a black dog from drowning. He got in a pool with a net over it, it had a hole, he drowned and I pulled him out and revived him.

"Black Dog
To see a black colored dog in your dream symbolizes the shadow aspect of a friend. The dark side of someone close to you is being revealed and you are able to see through to their true intentions."

"To see someone drowning in your dream suggests that you are becoming too deeply involved in something that is beyond your control. Alternatively, it represents a sense of loss in your own identity. You are unable to differentiate who you are anymore."