
Full Version: Very useful tools: communication with the Higher Self and more
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Hello friends,

I wanted to share with you a very useful discovery that has been helping me recently.  I will try to be concise, but feel free to ask anything.

Try this: focus your attention on your throat chakra area (the middle of the front of your neck or so) and say "hello, hello" to it.  You will likely get a reply (don't try to make it happen, just say hello). 

The part you are now speaking with has complete knowledge of your state - all the bodies including the physical, emotional, mental - everything about what's happening inside you on every level.  It will share that information with you when asked, so go ahead and ask whatever you want to know - e.g., how's my diet?  why do I feel X in situations Y? etc.

What this part in the throat chakra is unable to do is give you guidance - it'll tell you what's happening, but not what you could do about it.  It is like a dashboard, a readout, rather than a guide.

If you're interested in guidance, how to approach a challenge in your life, etc.:
Focus on your third eye area (the middle of the forehead).  Say "hello, hello" to it.  It will likely respond to you.  Now you are speaking to your Higher Self.  That is the perfected You who loves you, understands you completely, wants to help you.  Your Higher Self is at one with God, so it is limited only by the highest of God's laws which define this Universe. 

I've found this immensely helpful - and I hope it helps you too!
Where should I start to develop sensitivities to detect a response like these?
(08-04-2018, 12:40 AM)Foha Wrote: [ -> ]Where should I start to develop sensitivities to detect a response like these?

I have found the answer to that to be "practice." For me, it started while I was still what you might call a "standard Christian." While praying, sometimes I would listen to see if I heard anything back from God. Then, one day, I realized that I WAS hearing something. They call it a "still, small voice" because you could easily mistake it for your own thoughts. Ask a question, or issue a greeting, and listen carefully for the first "thoughts" that come up. These will usually be your higher self. (I say "usually" because it's possible for that information "channel" to be hijacked by other entities or thoughtforms. Asking your higher self for a protected and pure connection is a wise way to begin this sort of work.)
Interesting connection with the throat chakra here! I think it’s tapping into the Da’ath consciousness, which would know very well the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual aspects, but just knowing, not guiding.

I have been seeking a way to get into more clear or direct contact with my Higher Self. I will try this technique in a deep state of meditation. I really feel like I need guidance from my higher self with this one. I can hardly remember my dreams but I am always going on some kind of adventure. I remember an element from a dream that I had a few days ago. I was in a kind of tunnel with other people, and we were at the summit of a great height. The ONLY option was to jump down from that height. I was afraid to do it and I was trying to think of a way to get around it but there was literally no other option. I discern a resistance to something, but what?

Anyway! Thank you for this
The answers come as thoughts or words that just pop into your head, just as Fuse described above. There's nothing special that you need to do to hear them, apart from being in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed, so you can focus your attention inwards rather than outwards and notice your thoughts as they come and go.

I have tried this with multiple people so far, ordinary people who often did not have any background in meditation or mysticism of any sort. When asked to pretend there's someone in their throat they can speak with and say "hello, hello" to them and listen, they usually hear "hello" back - not as external sounds but as an inner voice, kind of like the voice in which we speak to ourselves inside. Then, just continue speaking and listening for replies.

We do this all the time without realizing it. We speak to ourselves: "Time to get up, Stranger"; "I really need to do X Y or Z today"; "that was so cool"; "what was that all about?", etc. If you can silently say to yourself "hello [your name], how are you today?" then you are engaging in inner speaking.

We also hear, with our inner hearing, the mind's constant chatter all the time - statements that pop up in our minds which we are not intentionally producing, often accompanied by a feeling. For example, people who have an active inner critic will often be flooded with self-critical statements after a failure. Notice that you are not intentionally producing these - they just pop up inside and we accept them as "my thoughts." Where are they coming from?

It turns out that we are made of multiple parts, each conscious. Normally, we are not aware of the parts but only of the words and feelings they produce. It's like we're watching a screen, and things just keep popping up on that screen. For example, you keep working on a problem, thinking as hard as you can, and getting nowhere. You stop struggling and take a break, go for a walk - suddenly the solution appears. You know something that you did not know a few minutes ago. Where did it come from? It came from a healthy part, it dropped off a message for you and you saw the message.

Worries, fears, anger, self-criticism come from unhealthy parts. We all have those too. Traumatized "inner children" fall into that category. People who have experienced childhood abuse or neglect can often actually see, with their inner sight, themselves at younger ages curled up or crying inside, and can interact with them.

The bottom line of all of this is: no special capacity needs to be developed for this type of communication to happen. There's no trick to it. Just be willing to consider the possibility that it can work, and say "hello" to the middle of your throat. Mine says "Hi [Stranger]" using my actual name right away.

I really and truly want to emphasize that this is not a tricky magical skill that needs to be developed, and you do not need to do anything complicated to "make this work." This is not hypnosis or telekinesis or whatever. So there is no need for complicated explanations.
(08-04-2018, 10:13 AM)Cainite Wrote: [ -> ]So our indigo center provides guidance and the blue ray center describes situations. but how did you figure this out?
and how do the answers manifest?

How the answers manifest has already been answered.

I discovered this because of my work with parts. For the past few years I've been working with inner parts, clearing out various fears, resentments, self-criticsm, and other unhealthy and unhelpful emotional programming. Starting with methods like Somatic Experiencing and Internal Family Systems, which you can watch YouTube videos about if interested, I realized that our tendency to experience negative emotions comes from unresolved emotions stored inside; similar situations trigger them and produce distress. I was very, very tired of being anxious all the time, and went on a quest, so to speak, to clear out as much of this from inside myself as I could; the quest continues today but has yielded and continues to yield fantastic results.

As part of this, I became increasingly aware of the healthy parts we all have, and the possibility of consciously interacting with them as described.

You see, the veil doesn't stop us from being able to do things; it stops us from knowing how we and the Universe are put together, and therefore prevents us from knowing what we're capable of. It makes a world created by consciousness out of consciousness and filled with consciousness appear mechanical, and us seem very convincingly separate and isolated from it all. As a result, we do not realize we can just talk to it all - God, the Earth, Higher Self, what have you. I recall one day walking through a beautiful forest and I decided to thank the nature spirits who must be working very hard to create what seems automatic and "natural" to us, and which was providing me with a great deal of enjoyment. I didn't see them, didn't know if they were there, but just acted on a hunch. Immediately I heard a surprised "Wait, you know about us??"

The Native Americans were on to something important when they expressed gratitude to nature for their food. Anyway.
When I said hello to my throat it said "wazzuuuuuuup" to me.

I need to meditate with my 3rd eye. I usually get phrases more than just words. But it's hard to tell if it's just my imagination.
Indigo, well done. Don't worry about it being your imagination. I find it helpful to think this way: are you intentionally creating a thought or word (what I described as inner speaking above), or is it just popping up inside without you trying to create it (and with sometimes surprising stuff)? If so, just keep listening!
I tried saying Hello to my green chakra after reading your opening post, Stranger (and after using it on my blue chakra,) and also found that helpful. It immediately metaphorically described through images a great deal of the trauma that I had received during childhood which, although the image was very saddening, provided some relief and healing. It is my intuition that this technique of yours can be used on each chakra for great benefit, and I'm very thankful you decided to share it.
I've had the suspicion that the heart chakra can offer something as well but have not yet attempted it. Good thinking, Cannon! Glad it was helpful to you.