
Full Version: Refining Primitive Energies
You're currently viewing a stripped down version of our content. View the full version with proper formatting. Wrote:There are energies such as shame, guilt, jealousy and anger that are systematically and ritually downplayed and discouraged in terms of outer expression within your culture. Nevertheless, these too need to be taken up, brought up into the light of attention, and given respect. These, too, are ways that you feel. These, too, are worthy to be examined, inspected, analyzed and accompanied in whatever amount of time it takes for you to begin to be able to see their virtue and their value.

Many seemingly rough and negative aspects of character and personality are precisely those energies that create a true depth to understanding any genuine stability and steadiness of attention.

The quality of anger, for instance, once translated into unquenchable stubbornness in dedication to service, can become the powerhouse that it was intended to be, but this cannot occur until the virtue of anger is seen straight on, for its own self and its own essence.

I'm wondering if others know of similar quotes or of ones that speak directly to the process of accepting and extracting the essence of such emotions?
