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I have a question:

If I'm walking down the street, minding my own business, and someone sneers at me (and trust me, I know a condescending/judgmental smirk when I see one) if I say something to the sneering person, does that cancel out the karma they have for judging me?

I know if I was spiritually perfect, a sneer wouldn't bother me, that's not what I'm asking. By judging me first, they create a small karmic debt, correct ? So in theory ,this means that I am balancing it out by calling them on their bullshit. Correct?

I live in an area where there are a lot of frat boys. If you've ever met a frat boy, then you probably know what I'm talking about.

The judgmental jock.
The collar flipping, date rapist
The dude who says bro or brah a lot
The dude who plays drinking games until their frat "brother" is dead.
Sometimes one needs to be firm to make the message get across to the other person. To let them know that you’re serious. Appearing weak to these types of people will only give them the impression that they can continue to disrespect you. That’s not being kind to yourself, to allow others to walk over you and to disrespect you.

By calling them, you potentially give them the opportunity to stop creating negative karma for themselves. What you don’t want to do is “get back” at them. Revenge will certainly create more negative karma for both parties. Stand up to them by expressing how you feel and then forgive and move on. This, imo, will stop the production of unwholesome karma in this situation.

One creates and balances his own karma. One can’t do it for another. One can do it for himself, that is either to forgive or to continue wrong action which produces more karma. Karma is hard to talk about. It’s very subtle and not fully understood under the veil.
I'm not sure what you mean by balancing, but imo by doing that you are continuing the karmic cycle. To stop the cycle you need to love, accept, and forgive. Sometimes it almost seems alien to respond in such ways.
I'm going to have a different opinion here and say I don't think smirking, condescending or not, will generate karma, mostly because it does not infringe on anyone's  freewill. Ra called karma the Law of Responsibility, and no one is taking your responsibility away from you in that moment. You are free to respond any which way you wish.

Only something like force or theft against you would constitute that - and there's plenty of that going around anyways.

The pain of seperation is felt immediately though, and the frat boy is feeling that pain every time he negatively judges an other-self, he's just not aware of it yet.

Anyways I could be wrong, that's just how I interpret it.
Thanks people
I'm going to go against the grain here and posit that your karma rests solely in the negative severely negative projections you have of frat boys. If you hold that view of them, then they are entirely justified in any negative projection they have of you. This dynamic relationship simultaneously balancing karmic energies yet at the same time empowering future opportunities for each to bias to be reinforced or dispersed in understanding and acceptance.
Isn't the answer in how the response is perceived and what decisions it is able to produce? Meaning we cant solve it. We can only have opinions as if we were that guy.