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I love my dog Loki, and anthros in two different ways.
Anthros are more a romantic love, and Loki is a loyal love like my baby.

So these can be a path for me to accessing and experiencing Intelligent Infinity.

I didn't start with them. I was trying to feel II for its own sake.

If I think about it though, anthros edge out even my dog in terms of what I love the most.
I don't know if that's wrong. But just how I feel. I still love my dog very much.

Certain anthros are like concentrated love to me. I can only handle them in small amounts.
Because a little too much and I'm sort of edgy and can't think straight.

I realize that II is more than this love I feel. But it's a start.

So if you're seeking II, have you thought of working with what you love the most?
This is pure, concentrated love to me.
I realize that I'm going by appearance, and that's probably not the wisest thing.
But maybe my love will evolve one day.
I need to start somewhere.
It actually burns in my solar plexus because it's so strong.

[Image: nice_furry.png]

Art by Terry Grimm.
To me, LOVE is all that is. Neither exclusion nor gradation possible.

What you are calling love in the OP is attachment to an illusionary object IMHO.
Gem do you think that perhaps in this love for that anthros you reach beyond subconsciously to the all whom Rita speaks about ?

Sometimes I sit outside and look at a tree or at one single flower and feel so much gratitude that I feel like I am bracing all creation, and I have one or two tears but that is also because I am a sap
I think if I do seek intelligent infinity, I have to mature in my view of love. See everyone and everything as love.
One time I saw everyone as an anthro, and I realized that that was just a mask I was putting on everyone.
Even my therapist agreed it was not a good idea to see everyone like that.

I sometimes get tears just from the energy. Not thinking of anything in particular.