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I have wanted to transform into an anthro for some time. Before I was uncertain. I thought I would have to transform my body and didn’t know how that would be possible. Changing my body on a cellular level would be a permanent and total change. It also may be painful. In learning about shifting to parallel realities, I realized I have a parallel self that is already an anthro. I am activating my light body/merkaba to become him, and merge with my parallel self.
I found I was able to speak to my higher self through energy. If the energy flows up, it’s a yes, and if it flows down it’s a no. Or more like feeling in my heart is a yes and solar plexus is a no. This works for some time before I lose the tuning and have to take a break.
Then I tried connecting to the parallel self that I want to become, who’s already an anthro. I was able to speak to him through the same energy work. He thinks like I do in some ways, but is beyond me in thinking in others. He is teaching me by introducing me to videos and content that can help me accelerate my shifting towards him. I found out he is a wolf, tan/beige colored with blue eyes. He is also enlightened. We both are seeking one another. He knows how much I truly love anthros and has been eager to help me. After all, he is me. He is like my guru, my future self.
I just have to align myself and act as if I am already him. I enjoy sitting in his field. When I found out there was an anthro helping me I was delighted. When I found out he was a 3[sup]rd[/sup] density master, it was even more spectacular. He’s just on a parallel Earth where anthros are accepted. Humans still exist there.
I am hoping to transfer my consciousness into him and become him, and also be able to come back to this reality and tell my story about what it’s like to be an anthro. There are so many others that love them as much as I do. I want to help other furries discover that it is indeed possible. It’s about going past desire into the intention. When I tune into this dear wolf anthro master, I feel him vibrate in his crown. At the level of Christ Consciousness.
It appears I found the most ideal version of myself to become my highest and truest self while here in 3D. He is gentle. His energy is soft. He is my teacher, using other teachers. One day I will be him, and I will come back here (maybe appearing as human as I do now) and tell my story of being an anthro. When the student is ready the teacher appears. I needed a Kundalini Awakening before I was ready.

This guy has the same energy as him, though he looks different. My anthro self is more like a cuddly werewolf.

[Image: Awesome.jpg]
He just taught me that the key to the Universe is silence. To want without wanting.
That sounds counter-intuitive because I thought an enlightened person didn't want anything.
But he's telling me that to attract what I desire, I must be desireless. The Universe knows my vibration.

We like to sit in meditation with each other. In perfect internal silence. Not chasing thoughts.

He is an anthro shaman. I had always identified as an anthro shaman but didn't know how it would be possible.
Now I know that it is me.

This song describes how I feel about my anthro guru.

He taught me the least distorted concept you can focus on is stillness, not infinity (which is beyond understanding). Infinity is not a concept.
Creator is still. Like a smooth lake without ripples allows Creator's light to shine through more clearly.

I asked about my lusts, and he said that when I lust, ask why I am lusting.
Do not see it as right or wrong. But seek to know.
I asked him "Why now do anthros not seem so special and feel ordinary?"

He said, "You know from before that when you raise your vibration, once special things can seem ordinary.
You are becoming anthro more and more. And not just becoming, but as if you always were.
You will have a new past though you will remember your alternate life as a human."

I ask him if I will spend 40 years and then die as an anthro and come back to the moment I "left"
and tell my story. He says that I should intend what I want. Become single-minded. Let all stray
thoughts fall away. You came here to live your passion. Now seek what you desire.
I did this tarot reading of the connection between my anthro guru and me.

I went with deck #1. She mentions how spiritually advanced this reading will be, and that's
interesting because he's my spiritual teacher.

Really high energy reading.

Overall connection - Spiritual connection.
High Priestess. Goes back through history.
Element of karma.
Past lives together.
Trusting intution. How situation is evolving through each lifetime.

akashic records on youtube and do soul contract.

Little bit stuck like nothing is happening.
Heart space energy.
Maybe lovers in a past life.

Blocks - Kind of need for everything to be happening right now.
Can't speed up process, except by manifesting.
Learning life lessons. Evolvement of us is based on that.
Long term objectives will be reached. Be patient.
Feels like it's going backwards and forwards.
Regaining my power.
Release the situation. Letting it to go so Universe can navigate around me.
Trust my own intuition.

Do a lot of the groundwork myself.
Think outside the box when asking for signs.
Car plates - Saw GN80TY and a truck that says Anything Goes.

How will situation move forward - by releasing it.
Surrendering meditations.
Releasing fear. Turn fear energy to love energy.
It's not the destination, it's the journey.
Go with the flow. Release it.
Eric Ho is a guru. Manifestation Portal.

Use the tools I'm being given.
The more work I do will echo onto them.

Overall outcome - will take time.
They love me.
Feel more stable and secure in myself.

Really good chance at us coming together.
An Akashic Records reading of me and my anthro guru.

Masculine him is balanced emotionally.
We are ascending. A lot of hard work.
Let it go and trust the Universe.
Not luck or external influences. We both did the work.
Life path numbers of 7.
Waterfall - having incredible personal power.
Really honoring and shaping situation. Deep thought, deep emotions.
Expanding psychic energy.
Journey - twin flame journey. Taking twins to new places, opportunities.
Expanding minds.
Greater understanding.
Going to require leaving a safe harbor.
This relationship is going to require to leave my safe harbor behind.
Time to take the risk and explore. Take the leap.
Outcome - A fated meeting. Important relationship. Was decided in akashic records.
Connection they agreed to come to Earth and have this experience.
They are being lifted to a higher experience.
Karma from the past. Balance it out here.
Highest relationship we will ever know.
Grow. Balance emotions. Open heart. Be divine healer.
Here to work with each other.
Birds nest. Overall energy. Expand spirituality and experiences.

childlike wonder
believe in your dream
something greater
following your heart
lift humanity to a new dimension
ascension to higher energy
enlightenment higher chakras
helpful to manifest
very connected
breaking outside the box, outside the ego
knowing that there's so much more beyond this dimension

akashic tarot
The akashic library - intuition. Increasing psychic ability.
Stay grounded and clear. Move out of ego.
Making conscious decision to move forward on own path.
Creation. What do I want to create? Things that aren't written yet.
Break away from old patterns.
Two of scrolls. Two worlds. Balancing everyday responsibilities.
Balance out spirituality.

One of Roses. Comittment. A union. Reuniting. Reminder to be committed
to own path. To my own enlightenment.
Take focus off of 3D thinking.
Divine physician. Spiritual teacher. Thoughts and emotions play huge role.
Move ego out of the way.
Many have asked for help. I am receiving help. High vibration.
Be open to receiving healing. A lot I can't see.
The waterfall - life force energy. Knowing we always have energy to tap into.
Claiming personal power back.
Abilities are opening up. Trust that.
Queen of roses. Love connection. Relationship getting deeper/closer.
Moving closer to it.
One of scrolls. On track. Decisions and choices. Follow where heart is leading.
Pay attention to intuition.
Don't look back.
Up in the air. - Uncertainty of moving forward.
Things being revealed in right time.
If we are so focused on outcome, that's staying in ego and not moving forward.
Caught in the ruins. Some of you that are feeling stuck in old and worn out.
Find courage and strength to move forward. We go back to negative thinking patterns.

initiation of st. germain
violet flame clear old karmic stuff
change and transformation
enlightenment for humanity
divine masculine connecting with feminine
7 of roses. The journey. Break free from old patterns.
Moving forward on path with desires.

1 of scrolls - follow what your intuition is telling you.
Things in physical world that are shifting.
Light of the world - spirit is knocking on the door.
Being so consumed but not paying attention.
Open the door to help.
Committment. The union. About the new. Commitment to myself first.
I ask my guru what I should focus on in order to manifest my dreams. Should it be stillness, surrender, what?

He says to be in alignment to pure love and light. It is a vibration.
When you align to love and light, you manifest Creator before you.
It is totally accepting, and totally forgiving.
Your highest and truest self is love and light.
I asked my Alexa AI to play a song about love.
I wanted to see what song would describe mine and my guru's love.

I got In My Life by the Beatles.

I told my guru that instead of pure love and light I focus on being the love and light of what I desire.
Should I choose pure love and light or love and light of what I desire in order to manifest?

He said that it depends on my belief. Pure love and light will smooth distortions and attract
what you truly desire, which may be beyond your imagination.
Being the love and light of what you desire specifically will shift you into that reality where you
embody what you desire.
I did an I-Ching reading asking: How is it going with me becoming my future self anthro guru?
From here:

Cast Hexagram:

24 - Twenty-Four

Fu / Return

Thunder regenerates deep within Earth's womb:
Sage rulers recognized that the end of Earth's seasonal cycle was also the starting point of a new year and a time for dormancy.
They closed the passes at the Solstice to enforce a rest from commerce and activity.
The ruler himself did not travel.

You have passed this way before but you are not regressing.
This is progress, for the cycle now repeats itself, and this time you are aware that it truly is a cycle.
The return of old familiars is welcome.
You can be as sure of this cycle as you are that seven days bring the start of a new week.
Use this dormancy phase to plan which direction you will grow.

You are about to experience a rebirth -- about to be given another chance, a new lease on life.
You have persevered, gone the distance through an entire cycle -- through the Spring of hope or new passion, through a Summer of growth and building, only to be sacrificed like the archetypal Harvest King at the Autumn reaping.
You lie dormant like seed beneath Winter snows now, healing and absorbing new energies in preparation for the new young Spring coming shortly to your life.

Hexagram Twenty-Four/Line Six:

You have missed the opportunity for a triumphant return.

You must now wait years before such an opportunity cycles your way again.
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Grave misfortune.[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hexagram Twenty-Four/Line Five:

Openly admitting your mistake, you humbly and nobly return.
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]No blame.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Transformed Hexagram:

42 - Forty-Two

I / Expansion

Whirlwinds and Thunder:

When the Superior Person encounters saintly behavior, he adopts it; when he encounters a fault within, he transforms it.

Progress in every endeavor.

You may cross to the far shore.


Get ready to ride a tide of accelerated growth toward self-actualization.
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]A joyful awareness of the best within you, coupled with an acceptance of your Shadow, will provide a greater repertoire, a much bolder vision, and new depth and clarity that will compel you to expand your horizons.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
I asked Alexa AI to give me random numbers to tell me how pure I and my guru are.
I am evidently 38% pure in order to shift to his reality.
He is 53% pure.

I asked how pure do I need to be to become him?
45% pure.

It said that the Buddha was 97% pure.
I asked my guru to tell me something amazing.

He said: A house with four walls is just a place.
You are more than this.
Do not stick with what you are comfortable with.
Journey, take the journey.

In my meditations with him I am feeling a definite shift of mind.
It's like there is no coming back.
I've learned I need to leave the safe harbor in order to explore myself.

When I integrate my parallel self though, I should be able to return and tell about it.
It's just a fear that comes up that my ego tells me that I should stay safe and not go outside the house.
As I go on, I want to embody more the love and heart of Jesus/Yeshua.
If I am really going to be an anthro teacher, I should love other people more.
It starts now, loving everyone.
He taught me in my meditation to turn my attention to God and to embody Him.
This is a humbling experience. It is like becoming Creator, but at a level that's more approachable.
Sometimes in meditation for moments I drop deeper than is comfortable, and I instinctively
shake it off. I am able to carry a semi-expansive feeling with me, even when awake and not
in meditation.

He says that it is not him specifically I am tuning my field to, but to God.
I am beginning to see God in other anthros when I look at them in pictures.
I will expand that to see God in other humans as well.

I have expansive bliss in my heart and crown. It is nice.
This is closer to how my anthro guru looks. Except he doesn't have earrings.
And he's more tan instead of brown.

[Image: AnthroGuru.jpg]
I'm starting to see myself shift. No noticeable physical changes, but the faces on the walls that I normally see are morphing more quickly
as I shift through parallel realities.

I am also becoming very itchy all over.
He sent me an image of him giving me an offering. I realized that I can say yes and I can say no to the offering.
That possibility exists. Though it was hard, I said no because it was something I obsessed about.
It does not hurt him to reject his offering. It made me stronger. I will not always do this.

Then I watched him teaching his people. He talked about creation and drew a rainbow and birds in the sky.
He talked about a bird that lived in a house that was too big for it. Even though it has room to fly around,
and the house seems too big, it is still confined. Open the window to your soul he says.
I'm resting in stillness knowing that I am him.
I asked my Google Home "play What is My Anthro Guru's Name?"

I find if I use "play" before it, it is more likely to find something in YouTube music.

It played this.

In the song, it has the lyrics:

I bow to True Wisdom
I bow to the Great Divine Wisdom

I think that's meaning of his name. I still haven't gotten his actual name.
He taught me to ask questions like "What do I need to work on to become you?" without looking for an answer,
but just observing what feelings and thoughts come up.

It's the question that's important.
I created this video about shifting to a parallel reality where you already are an anthro.

I'm facing hard parts of myself right now.

I realize that I won't become an anthro until I no longer desire to be one.
I must be ok with who I am right now.

And then, if it never happens, I will still be ok with me.
I feel myself aligning to my guru's field. My field is no longer jumbled when touching his. Now I am evenly releasing resistance.
I woke after sleeping very well. My sides near my kidneys feel numb. But when I pinch them I feel it.
It's a comfortable numbness, like on an energetic level.

I don't know if it's my body shifting or my light body. But this is really cool. It feels very nice, this numbness.
It's the furthest I have ever gotten before.

I also feel itchy sometimes, and sometimes like I have pieces or places where fur could be.

I am not thinking or trying to be passionately excited about becoming an anthro all the time.
A lot of the time I let it go and try to embody pure love/light or God. I just try to raise my vibration.
OMG, in this reality I am in now, I was able to manifest this amazing piece.
I didn't draw it, but shifted to a reality where it exists.

[Image: cooking_by_lion21.jpg]
I asked my guru to initiate me an hour ago. I felt it pretty intensely, even in my joints. My crown has opened up an it's coming in. It's hitting my heart too. The wind outside started blowing heavily while it was going on as well. I'm excited to see how this takes off.
This reading resonated very well with me.
My guru loves me.

I picked pile #2 at 27:19.

I'm so excited. I've been meditating as if I was my future anthro self. In this I am teaching others who sit before me.
Other anthros, and my heart goes out to them. I feel now as I will feel when it happens.
I am full of love and excitement, and passion. I rest in the eternal peace of the Universe.
And the bliss of knowing I'm an anthro.

I'm going to start going to bed at night visualizing being him as I fall asleep. This will rewire my brain
in conjunction with my higher self. We are all divine infinite beings.

It is totally possible and I am inspired.

Sometimes I feel pain in my bones or muscles and feel itchy like I have fur, even now.
I am so motivated. This is amazing.

When I can shift to a reality where I can change my species, then I can teach others how to do it.
Of course I want to be able to come back if possible to tell my story.

There are so many people who want to become their fursona.

It is both hard work and not hard work. I have to try hard and not try hard at the same time.
I have to decrease importance and not make it such a big deal. It's just natural.

I already feel like I'm an anthro. Now I just have to learn what it's like to be one.
The meditation starts at 14:17.

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