
Full Version: Is a 4D or higher STS entity capable of silliness?
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Here's what is on the front of my mind this evening. This is light and borderline nonsense, but its a sincere question.
I can't get ideas surrounding silliness and humor out of my head today for some reason and I was sitting here thinking about the various personal tests channels use to verify the authenticity of the sender.
Then I got thinking about writers who unconsciously channel their work. Then I started thinking about the many humorous thoughts I enjoy every day and wondered... (refer to title)
I think much in the same way an STO adept can change their personality as the situation's needs change, so could an STS adept, the only difference would be the motivation. I'm assuming a 3D adept is similar to an freshman 4D entity. But that would apply to being funny, not necessarily to being silly. If by silly you mean being random and expressing yoruself freely then I don't know, a 4D STS entity would be very cold and disciplined, they would never want to express a weakness. They probably make fun of "lesser" entities alot, but I don't think they'd ever be silly because open self expression without regard for its possible personal consequences is in the realm of STO.


I've experienced "jokes" from some of my darker visitors...rather nasty jokes, but the humor in the situation was unavoidable. I've had voices in my head that will make comments that aren't beyond causing me to smile, even if they are rather rude. I don't really think it's possible for humor to simply disappear as soon as you cross a certain line, though I can see where acting silly would be looked down upon in a society that's all about discipline. In the end, I would say it has to do with the individual entity...some people are just class clowns. I'm sure even Orion has them...whether they want them or not.