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I woke up not too long ago today on this really strinkingly beautiful morning here in berlin in germany - the sky is so endlessly blue and the sun shines its golden light and warmth down onto my face - the wind gently blowing through my hair and on top of all that I hear the singing symphony of the birds and see another wonder of creation when looking into the face of the beautiful almost 3 weeks old son of my sister - thank you dear god - thank you dear gaia - thank you everyone - loving is a choice
and moments can be sooo beautiful.

pls feel free to share your moments of bliss with all of us if you want

Heart much love Heart



The moment you stop demanding for things to become beautiful, everything seem to do. Smile

I played this today. Think of it as a metaphor..
absolutely true - not being demanding but rather greatful is a great way to achieve happyness

here a little impression of what amazes me the most at the moment:

my sister's almost 3 weeks old son:
awww you sound like a very proud and happy uncle Smile xlsander
(05-26-2009, 01:58 PM)Lorna Wrote: [ -> ]awww you sound like a very proud and happy uncle Smile xlsander

I feel pretty happy in Cemetaries at Night. The night is so peaceful and wonderful. Salt Lake City Cemetary has a view of the whole valley. It is very nice although it may seem a bit grim to some.
Hah! my plants is like super big now.

Best thing ever watching this thing grow.

Still bewildeered by the ammount of love inspired from a 3 week old sprout!

Love and Light people, nice to see I'm not the only one having fun.
thx taha - it was really a coincidence - i didnt even try to make that shot - it just happened to be - unfortunately the little one and my sis are not close to us here anymore -theymoved about a couple of thousand miles way to another country - but still the true beauty of moments seems only to be realizable from the heart in combination with some pineal gland action Smile

todays most beautiful moment - beside waking up full with grattitude and a knowing about the positive future - which is everyone's birthright - was reading this article - anyone knows sheldan nidle yet?

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation June 23 2009
Truthseeker67's picture - Submitted by Truthseeker67 on 24 June 2009 - 8:20am.

Sheldan Nidle

11 Kan, 12 Kayab, 4 Eb

Selamat Balik! We come again with much to discuss with you. With each week that passes, we can report that our Earth allies continue to push forward. Here, we wish to remind you that each forward step is won in the teeth of diabolic and desperate opposition from the last dark cabal. Happily, however, the cabal's strength continues to dwindle rapidly. The diverse alliance that makes up our Earth allies grows in its determination to see its mission through to the end, thus making it very clear to the cabalists that their position is ever more untenable. The Earth allies' goal is one that the dark ones are frantic to avoid at all costs, and it is this obdurate tunnel vision of theirs that has prolonged this end game well beyond the point that any of us had wished. The dark must yield soon, and it is this clear inevitability that lies behind the recent exponential increase in organizations, both private and otherwise, changing over to the cause of the Light. As the fulcrum of history swings in our favor, we are busy refining the exact timings of a number of different approaches for reaching our prescribed goals.
The first goal is of course the prosperity programs and instituting the new reformist regimes. These are to restore the true ways of constitutional governance and the new supremacy of common law. This is as important as the funds, because it is essential to provide a structure wherein these funds can achieve their desired potential. The old debt-ridden, corrupt, power-hungry regimes are to fall by the wayside, and the new ones will begin with a clean slate. All the former ways of operating must go, as oil and water cannot mix! A completely new start is to forge a new reality for humanity. You are to move away from war, poverty, hatred, and ignorance toward peace, prosperity, cooperation, and knowledge. Many things are to be proposed by the new regimes which can lead you swiftly out of the chaotic, violent world you now know into one that you have long yearned for. This turnabout in world direction is the underlying determinant of the numerous programs our Earth allies are now putting the finishing touches on.

These multiple projects serve as a preliminary to first contact. Our diplomatic and liaison groups have made it a priority to inform all nations on the planet of our existence, our benevolent intent, and the fact of the near-future date for a mass first contact. In a similar vein, we have informed all nations of the intentions of our Earth allies and have used these meetings to press home the Earth allies' points. The progress made in this area has got to a stage where a positive resolution of these issues can be had. We are very clear about what has been done and what still needs to be ironed out. Returning your world to what the dark regard as the halcyon days under Anunnaki rule is not an option. A great deal has shifted and your future now lies within the province of the Light. Indeed, a drastic transformation of your reality toward the Light is well underway. The sticking point is that the dark needs first to acknowledge this and then surrender gracefully. Until then, we do all we can to achieve this quickly. To this end, we have informed the dark that there are as yet unused methodologies that can achieve this objective.

Meanwhile, our Earth allies are resolving the remaining stalemates and moving to a point where victory is a fait accompli. The final push for victory started in earnest last spring. A series of key meetings completed the arrangements for the new economic system, the delivery procedures, and the timing of the first announcements. Armed with these details, many other critical agreements were hammered out. The quantity of precious metals needed to back the new monetary system is in place; the accords required to move away from Admiralty to common law are signed; how the new governments are to function is also resolved and signed off on; the personnel to be appointed to these regimes are decided upon and ready to go when the green light is given. All that remains is the specifics that permit the dark to step aside graciously and let it all happen. We are, at this moment, on the brink of a most historic time! This fact thrills us no end!

As this immediate aspect of your reality prepares to shift, the solar system also prepares for the new, fully conscious mode. Shifting this aspect of your realm is basic to reintegrating your reality's true scope and nature. Your reality is a multidimensional construct, and while we are able to occupy its totality, you have limited yourselves to a very small part of it. Your reality comprises this galaxy and all her nearly countless components. Full consciousness expands you, permitting you to flow outwards and glimpse this reality's immensity. An equally near-infinite number of realities make up physicality. Exploring and learning about this vastness called physicality is one of our keenest joys. This is why we helped forge the Intergalactic Union. It has thus far brought us into contact with literally tens of thousands of galaxies and their diverse cultures and star-nations. And this is a mere beginning!

Fully conscious Beings are multidimensional in nature. Within each of us lies a deep comprehension of our two symbiotic aspects. First, we partake of a unified greater whole that is an important factor in the unfolding of the Creator's divine plan. Second, we are sovereign individuals with a clear-cut life plan mapped out in great detail in our life contract. Within these two aspects, these two sides of a coin, is found a wondrous way to understand ourselves and all of Creation. We see our voyages of exploration as a confirmation of life's immense diversity and as a means to assist in evolving the wonders that are to come in this part of physicality. Being the messengers of this joy is the raison d'être of our Science and Exploration Fleets. With them, we have observed just how magnificent the Creator's plans truly are. Moving you into full consciousness allows you to gain this knowledge and share our great inner joy!

First contact is thus a decisive watershed in your history. It places you in a position to make a momentous evolutionary leap which can unite you instantaneously both with your Lemurian ancestors and with your amazing future. The unifying link is the immense scope of the cosmic records which you will be privy to. This will cast the last 13 millennia in a whole new light, placing this span within the great ebb and flow of physicality. Now you are moving toward the Light again, endowed with a vast reservoir of innumerable lifetimes to draw on. This resource will serve you well during your interactions with the myriad societies you are soon to visit. The chronicles of your intrepid journeys through the darklands can bridge societies, star-nations, and galaxies! It is this background of yours that makes you so special to us and to all of physicality!

The surface world of Mother Earth has been a most eye-opening incubator for you. Now this chapter of your story is ending and another is opening up, one which will bring you back to the stars. First contact starts off the new chapter with a bang, and we look forward with much glee to watching your reality transform, gloriously, out of all recognition! With the aid of your new mode of consciousness you are to discover new stars, cosmic phenomena, and whole new galaxies. Along the way, you will discern the purpose of the energies you call 'dark matter,' and this can lead you to the underpinnings of a true spiritual science. Armed with this and with access to the cosmic histories, you are ready to make your glittering contributions to physicality!

Today, we continued our ongoing discussions about what is happening to you. The work of our Earth allies is beginning to bear fruit and the time for first contact draws near. See these last moments as the hushed time before the dawn, a dawn that bursts upon you with first contact. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
I'm very thrown off by that you just posted actually.

Quote:The first goal is of course the prosperity programs and instituting the new reformist regimes. These are to restore the true ways of constitutional governance and the new supremacy of common law. This is as important as the funds, because it is essential to provide a structure wherein these funds can achieve their desired potential.

This is (to me) taking steps well beyond that of free will, and that isn't allowed?

If thier are still laws and money in 4D then there is sure no major changes to come either, currency and law or some defining concepts for this level of reality. If you get to 4D positive you would have to be nice enough and far enough on your route to understand what is right and wrong, a planet ful of STO would certainly not use money or need laws.

Just me that thinks this?
Well this monetary systems certainly wont make it, but if the people on Earth, or £d at the same time, they will again have some incredable power to build an even more rigid and suffocating ecconomy than the one now.

Money imo does nothing but inprisopn people and condemns them to actions, thoughts and feelings they would never have been open up to before. A huge ammount of war is about monetary gain. A large ammount of crime is done to to feelings of lack. Lack brought forth from lack of money.

Love and Light
if everyone had enough of it - I believe it wouldnt - it simply would be seen as an exchange of energy and an appreciation for the other's offered energy -it is compareable to the thing with religion - since religion itsself is not evil - however man's application surely is...
Lets call it the debt system, I feel the tone of the thread has shifted :S my fault :p

My plant is like soo big, and I'm so grateful right now that I have friends around to help when I need it most!

Love and Light everybody!
Gee. An attempt (and a good one at that, Sirius!) to bring this thread back to its original purpose seems to have brought it to a full stop.

No! I like, no I love the idea of sharing beautiful moments with one another here, so let me offer one and see if it gets going again....

Our newest family member, a kitten named Mystic, has settled in comfortably. We brought her home May 5th this year, much to the consternation of our older cat companions (Zefur, 12 years old, and Jalisco, 15) who howled and hissed for a good week before they settled down. Mystic does like to harass Jalisco, though, and one day I watched her jump on his back and ride him across the living room, Jalisco howling all the way! Cute, but oh Bad Mystic! You be nice!

Thing is, Mystic gets it. Soon as you tell her to "be nice" she runs away and hides but she has an attitude. She just doesn't see what the big fuss is all about; she's just having some fun.


Anyway, she sleeps with me at night, and when I stop petting her she finds my hand with her nose and rubs her head underneath my hand until I pet her some more. It had been twelve years since we'd last had a kitten in the house, and I am so enjoying her!
My 1 year old cat has a fixation with boxes lol He will just sit and chill all day long.

My Box.
Our oldest cat companion is a very large kitty; probably weighs twenty pounds. He just loves to stuff himself into shoe boxes... I wear a womens size 7.5 ... that's a small box for such a big kitty.

"My box" indeed. Funny goof.
I dont get it, I did see him trying to get into a box half his size, he gave it an awesome attempt for about 20 minutes lol.

Who says pets dont bring happiness? ^^
Today was a low-energy day for me, so I watched two movies. Both had happy endings.
while feeling still to be hitting major resistances on all earthly matters that i am working hard on making progress with such as work, career and money related issues i was today shown a song my girl wrote for me inspired by our yet very young relationship and i am really overwhelmed by the love pouring out of her words - at the same time i am feeling how it is not so easy at all for me to letting down all concerns regarding serious relationships and simply opening up myself to love from another person in this particular way. she is 7 years younger than i am and provides me with so much positive energy and support without even needing to ask me anythign simply by being there giving me support when i see "things keep happening over and over again" that i so badly want to accomplish - maybe when i succeed in opening up to love the other matters will resolve themselves more easily and i can continue the spiral up Wink - also, this relationship wasnt reallyintended from my side since i "coincidently" ran into her last december or rather she into me, and at the time I was neither seeking nor expecting expecting anything to come my way in terms of a relationship with a female and yea well the rest is history as you say, eh ?

these are the lyrics:

Darlin, I can't contain it anymore
You make me feel good inside
You bring out my better side
Won't you stay a while
And spend some time with me

Darlin, I can't explain it anymore
I feel God in you
In every little thing you do
The Spirit lives so freely in your heart

Cause you set apart
You're presence brings to me
The breath of love
Within my heart
You take away the fear
And help me fly high
Right by my side
You see me rise
And inspire me
To be the higher me

Baby, I can't control it anymore
You're the only one
Who makes me laugh
And bring me to tears
When I'm not even emotional

Baby, baby, baby I can't believe it
You're the first to know my worth
To see my worth
I'm so thankful that I have you in my life
oh how beautiful, what a wonderful gift she has given you with those lyrics


Big lazy snowflakes are falling to the earth as the sun shines brightly upon each faceted crystal showing the beauty of each individual snowflake. The wind gently stirs the crystals falling to the Earth creating a silent cacophony of motion. A sun snow shower.


(06-30-2009, 10:03 PM)pluralone Wrote: [ -> ]Anyway, she sleeps with me at night, and when I stop petting her she finds my hand with her nose and rubs her head underneath my hand until I pet her some more. It had been twelve years since we'd last had a kitten in the house, and I am so enjoying her!

My german shepherd will do that. When I get home he nuzzles me and leans against me for affection. Then he'll turn around and lean on me from his other side. Back and forth a few times. He's aloof and playful, though very laid back. Kind of like me, as pets tend to pick up their owner's energy, and resemble them in character.