
Full Version: Power source of Hatonn's crafts
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I'm going through all of the transcripts in llresearch and found this very interesting:

transcript of June 13, 1976, page 4

Questioner: What is your mission and purpose in
I will have to use control. We have need of material
within your atmosphere which enables us to store
up, as it were, a power source. It is not in mineral
form or any resource which your planet is lacking in
abundance. We are unable to give this instrument
the nature of the resource desired because she is not
well-schooled in …
Questioner: Is it a gas or a liquid or a solid?
It is invisible.
Questioner: Is it in the Earth, in the water or in the
atmosphere around the Earth?
It is atmospheric. We cannot say it is a gas. It is …
this instrument would call it an element.

It's funny that Hatonn's crafts need fuel. Unfortunately the name of the fuel was not given to us. I speculate from the context the fuel is plasma. Firstly, the fuel is in our atmosphere not in water, indicating it is not solid. Secondly, fuel is atmospheric but not gas or liquid, and it is invisible. Hatonn was tring to tell us the state of this matter, but could not find a word in Carla's mind. The fuel is not solid, liquid or gas. So it must be plasma. Plasma can be composed of many elements. That's why Hatonn was reluctant to say it is an element. The ionosphere contains abundant plasma. That's why Hatonn need to land on our sky.
The plasma engine is not use to travel between galaxyies. It is used for low speed and short distance trip.
The boy Boriska from Mar also tell us some of their craft in Mar use plasma as fuel.

This is my speculation. Anyone has more information about this?
Pure speculation, given Carla's lack of scientific background and the nature of transmitting information through channeling, I feel like it could easily be a type of battery charged by the Earth's electromagnetic sphere.