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Hello dear friends,
first of all i want to say sorry for my imperfect English.
And second, I apologize if my story is too long and might be boring for some people. I feel an intense urge to share it with other wanderers because I am sure you understand and might be interested in helping me out with some questions.
I am so happy that i finally fund the courage to tell about my story and stop being afraid of judgjment. I am not crazy! Smile

Well, now let me tell you about my story. I think my soul is/was very brave to chose this kind of plane for this time of incarnation. Way too much too deal with for a naive and childlike soul like me.
When i was born my mom told me that there was something wired about me. My skin color was lighter than anyone she had ever known from her and my dads family. The other wired thing was that i slept so much that she had to hold my nose to wake me up to feed me. It was very unexpected when my mom got pregnant with me 11 months after my brother.
From an early age i always had questions that were much bigger than me but never really asked them as i knew no one really could. i'v always had dreams and some psychic /empath abilities.
My brothers did not like to involve me when they played together and my little sister was just a baby. At the age of 7-8 I had 12 dolls which I loved so much. They where my children/friends. I only had one close friend my entire childhood but i lost her when we had to move home at the age of 10. I was so sensitive, shy and quiet that i never fitted anywhere and never wanted to. Not because i was afraid of them or something it was just because I felt like i did not belong. Later I'v been abused by a relative. I never told my parents about it. I was scared and ashamed. I do not think it would make a difference for me anyway. Done is done and i healed myself now.
My father was there but never involved himself in our lives. He is self absorbed but he is also a good guy. My mom have some influence on him. My mom was always bossy and scared me so much. She never treated me like a daughter. I'v always had what i needed materially speaking but emotionally... nothing. The only person who i really felt comfortable with and loved was my grand mom. She died and left me when I was 16. (but she is still watching over me and contacting me on my dreams)
All my life I had to learn everything by my own. Mom was angry all the time and unfortunately, I got hit and punished for minor reasons like washing and cleaning very often. She made me belive that i was ugly and not worthie and i accepted that "fact". My life was all about making her happy. I never succeeded, of course. She also hated that i never tried to be like her nor wanted to. I understand and forgive her now but at that time i didn't and that led me to marry a guy at the age of 20 who is completely different from me and therefore challenging. He was my ticket out. It was the best way for me to get out of the house to gain my independence without too much pain for my family. Running away would have been a tremendous painful punishment for them.
Sadly, this guy treated me more or less the same way as my mom did, sometimes even worse. It was like running away from one prison to another. I felt sometimes abused by him. I felt that i lost my soul through those 6 years of marriage. It is amazing to think about how i managed to go through it. All I did is go to school, serve him , forgive him, take care of my wonderful little child and everything in the house. He helped very little. I wouldn't call my ex evil but rather ignorant because i do realize now that the word Evil is way too heavy and I try not to use it. when i look back at it i think i made an uncounciess choice to stay with him for so long to pay my debt of accepting to marry him for selfish reasons not love. The first apparent spiritual step in my life was the way i came to the divorce desicion. It felt like someone told me that now it's time.. All my fears and worries just disappired that moment. I felt very sure and peaceful. (my left leg just vibrated!)
I am 29 yrs old now. the last two years were both very hard and intreseting. It felt like suddenly everything bad that happened in my life never hurt me so badly before now. I had to work on all the past traumas at the same time. I had to remember, understand then forgive and forget. For the first time in my life i tasted what freedom was because freedom comes from within. I gradually stopped satisfying the expectetions of family, friends, culture, community, trends and ect. I had to find out what real love is and what self-love and self-respect is. I had to learn how to let go and stop trying to control everything. I had to dare to be ME. I spent lots of money on psychics and got nearly addicted. I do not regret that because i found a couple of wise spiritual people who helped me tremedously to find the way.
My gratest catalyst during this period was love and reationships. i fell in love twice and couldnt make it work because it was not up to me. It was really surprising how these to relatioships started and developed and ended in similar ways even though the tow guys were very different. Both times my heart was broken..badly. I never felt so huge pain like that before. One of the funny things about the last guy was that i met him on my sons birthday 20.11.2010 with an instant connection and we went our separate ways 11.02.2011 very unexpected. The numbers of the two dates are really hard to ignore.
I think he might be my twin flame because we are so similar yet different in the sense of spiritual development. I felt strong telepathic connection with him and still do. I feel like he is the extreme masculine version of the soul and I am the extreme feminine version. But he is still "young" and needs to find peace and undertanding within his soul before we can make it work. It might not happen during this incranation.. When he left i begged my angels and helpers to help me out. And they did. I did not want to go through the pain once again. I felt like a part of me was missing. I was so empty and i went through 3-4 weeks of intense depression. the kind of depression that leaves one lying in the bed not able to do anything but shed a river of tears and drown in sadness and confusion.
besides of these two relationships i had, I am not interested in the "game of love" people play with eachother. I feel sad about them hurting eachothers feelings just for fun. hate to think of interacting and flirting with men just for "fun". And belive me I could do that easily as now I became a very confident and attractive woman. But no. I hate to imagine myself in bed with a man i do not love. Not even in my fantasy world. I have always felt like sex is a sacred act of love long before i awakened. That makes me even more different.
I'v been trying so hard to finish my study with all the depression i went trough, the little angle i had to take care of, my ex's anger, my broken heart, my shaky economic situation and my spiritual developement. I am almost there.

I'v always been longing to go "home" even before i found out about the wanderers on earth. I do not remember much from my past life but i do remember how it felt to live among higher density beings. I so wish people on earth learn to live like that. Simply joy, pure, fair, easy and peace. Like one big family.
Spiritually, I feel like i grew up 20 years not 2 years. so much happened. Books and relationships were my best tools for learning. I had many interesting dreams . I had the so called Kundalini rising experience too before I even knew about what it was ( and still not sure of what it really is why i had it). I wasnt sure of it until two days ago when i was reading Carla's ebook. It was described a little bit in the book just like the way i experienced. It was one of the major events in my entire life.

It all started when i started to read " living in the now" then started to listen to Abraham Hicks. I also searched randomly on the internet but much the information seemed confusing. peaople tend to make thing too complex. too many prisoning dogmas so I dropped it and just did what my heart told me to.
Then I had the kundalini experience. I was sitting and meditating like usual for 15 min just like Abraham suggested. But this time something was different. My head started to swing from side to side slowly and then it became quicker and quicker. I was scared!! this wasnt supposed to happen! Abraham did not mention anything like this ! but i decided to stay calm and go on.. suddenly, strong vibrations like electricity started to raise from my feet up to my head. My body temp raised and my heart was beating so fast that it felt like it would pop out of my chest. At the same time I felt like something/someone was tapping on my chest with their fingers while my head was still swinging from side to side rapidly. I felt then an enourmus energy rush thrown at me, something like going through an invisible wall or an energy field ( really hard to explain)...Then the heart beating slowed down by itself. and everything was over.
After the Kundalini raising I was guided to read the Ra Materials. It felt so right and real that it kind of scared me a bit at the biginning. I took a break from it and then resumed the reading. Everything makes much more sense now. All my questions from childhood has been answered!
Lately I'v been reading Carla's ebook A wanderers Handbook to try and find a way to continue my path.

Now, every time i meditate i experience different kinds of energies like vibrations, light, random body movements ect. I can now feel those energies with my hands. sometimes my hands goes arround in a spiraling movements. It's really amazing. i often feel sensations going from the top of my head down to my third eye without meditation. my right ear is buzzing all the time and my body still vibrates randomly with or without meditation. I don't know why?
I see so many synchronicities like seeing number 11, 11.11, and 111111 ect. I also get too many reminders of my "twin flame" which i do find a bit frustrating and confusing as i am trying to move on. maybe i am not done with this catalyst yet.
sometimes i experience some worrisome incidents but I generally feel safe and protected enough to forget about them quickly.

A shaman that i met randomly in a park 6 months ago told me that my energies are very strong and that my soul is old. previously i was an indian head of a tribe and all the people that i need and depend on in this lifetime were my children or people I took care of (it was the second time someone tells me the exact same thing). He also told me that I come from a star named Cassandra. That was the first time i ever heard of wanderers but i never found info about a Cassandra star. Not an easy task knowing that universe is infinite.. He also told me that in this incranation I am the Godess of Love and Pain. I do not know how much of that information is accurate but i can sure relate to some of it .

So here I am now.. a beautiful and intelligent 29 years old woman full of love and compassion for others. I am stronger and wiser yet my soul is still very young and long for playing and having fun like a child. I am also gifted with some psychic, empathic nd telepathic abilities which i am notn ready to develope yet. I need to know what i would do with them first. Money is defenetly not a priority.
I feel lost and trapped. I lost interest in many things and people. I hate self pitty so i try not to be like that but i just do not know what to do next.

I look at the sky and tell God that i am looking forward for the day I rejoin my brothers and sisters.
I am so very very tired. I am so tired that i got no more tears to shed. I am so tired that i do not want or need to fall in love again. I am so tired that i do not care for ambitions and material things that much anymore. Nothing is that interesting anymore.

Even though I am so tired, I feel that i will never go back to that dark depression and I am much more balanced but i have too many questions and no answers:
What does it mean and why did I experince the kundalini rising? What do i do with all the potential i got? I still love to help but who? how? and what if get myself hurt again? I barely got money for living and taking care of my angel how can i help anyone then?
If my soul did choose such a hard path then why is it so hard to find the way to go forth?
why arent my angels/helpers talking to me more clearly?I need that as I feel very alone. Not even my closest friends know about my spiritual life. Not even my own family understand me. I am so different from them. I love them and enjoy their company but i can not imagine myself moving close to them. Getting help from outside cost money, too much money. it doesnt even feel right when it is so expensive.
I feel neither happy nor sad. I am simply lost. I try to take one day at a time but when will i see the light? when will i stop fighting the odds and simply just get to work! petience is the word i guess...

I tried to shorten my story as much as possible. Later on I would love to discuss many interesting topics and questions with you , dear friends.
I share my story and feel very humble and utterly joyful that i finally got the courage and self love to do that and I am sure you do understand.
It is very helpful to know that I AM a wanderer and I feel very humbel about it yet exited to find out what I can do to serve this planet.

I believe that we are all here for one simple reason: learn and spread the unconditional Love of the One Infinite Creator. We can do it in infinte number of ways but the reason is still ONE. We are also fully aware of our limitations on this physical illusion and we should forgive ourselves for that. after all, perfection is not the mission in the third density illusion. Choice between STS and STO is. We alredy made that choice.
Welcome in this forum, Cassandra!
I have a very dear friend, a girl that I have been in intense love with for 3-4 years (we were never together however, was not supposed to happen as I see it now), and her life and painful experiences were just like some that you described.

I hope that you find here some of the answers to your questions. And god, telepathy being activated? That must be a rough thing to deal with - that is one of the abilities that I have been most fascinated with since childhood... just do not forget that now that you are here, and you are engaging in positive acts of spirituality, nothing can go wrong. We are all at the right place, at the right time. No need to panic now. You are not lost. You cannot be lost at all.
Welcome! You will find kindred spirits here. Heart
Welcome Casandra!! I can relate to some of the things you told. Well, nobody said is was gonna be easy but here we are, thanks for sharing your very personal story Heart
Dearest Cassandra, I'm so happy you found us here. I feel a strong kinship to you and many parts of your story - including your little angel. I don't have answers for you, but I do have love and light for you!


Wow Cassandra... I can relate to quite a few things you wrote about. Feeling an alienation with in the family, not belonging, difficult heart-wrenching relationships with guys, wishing that the guides / angels would manifest their presence more clearly....
I think you have definitely found the right place here to connect with fellow seekers.
Welcome! From the heart! Smile Heart


Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my story. I am very grateful for the kindred words <3

Oldern: I feel you and send you love and light. And yes! having those abilities activated (and not developed) all at the same time is not an easy thing to deal with! It is confusing because it is like I can read other peoples minds and thoughts, I feel what they feel, and i can see when they pretend and hide things. I can sometimes predict outcomes but I can not talk about it. I would scare them and they would be defensive about it if its about not positive aspects in themselves.. It all goes in my head and I do not entirely believe it before i see results. I often do.
But at the same time I give them advice and encouraging words that do not come from "me" directly. I just get them in though-form from somewhere . And believe me, they are very healing words.
I like how you mentioned quite a few number 11 references in your post! Check to see if that is your life path number by adding your month, day, and full year all together. If it comes to 29, 38, or 47, then you are an 11 vibration.

I'm going through some very hard times myself, especially financial, but there are good people here offering help and advice so you're not alone trust me!

For me, the first step is to accept that you have a specific purpose and how you plan to interact your spiritual nature with the other-self. You reach some, and some you don't but I've also learned a hard lesson that you can't try and convince everyone of your beliefs, no matter how much "evidence" you present to them. I found out that I was unconsciously trying to control by persuading them to believe as me, instead of just accepting the person for who they are in the present because I already know who they are in the future (Higher Self). The paradox of the spiritual way of life in 3D is not to change their beliefs, but learning not to judge them and co-existing with their beliefs, no matter how different they are of yours. Unless you are a Satanist murdering cats, then I have no beef with you.

I'm also a 9/11 conspiracy theorist and I feel my belief is backed up with more than enough evidence, but as I said, I can't make everyone believe it and I don't bother mentioning it to people if they are not interested in it.

As much as I struggle and sometimes have my disbelief when I'm depressed, the key is to accept all for what it really is....THE ALL. Ra states in the LOO that ACCEPTANCE is the key to positive polarization.

It seems like you have a lot to live for so I'm sure your Higher Self wrote you the plan of your life to get through this experience. We're all in the same boat here!


Both me, my son and my friend are number 1 vibrations. I love to pay attention to numbers because Ra spoke of the Importance of it specially when the pyramids was built. They could be some kind of pin-pointers on our spiritual path. Another example is when i got my divorce papers. I got them on my birthday!
Yes, I really understand the importance of acceptance. That's how i got to this point of balance now. But it is not easy to see people get confused about minor things and forget to look at the big picture. I feel compassion..What I need to accept now is myself and my physical illusion that surrounds me at the moment.

It is very interesting that you are a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. I'v been doing some research and I think I know what really happened that day. Love and Light to every spirit involved..

Thank you GS. I know that everything will be ok once we let go and just go with the flow. Another thing that i usually forget is to try and do things that makes me happy no matter how silly they seem Smile
Love and light
Welcome Cassandra!! What you have said resonates with me also in more ways than you know. It is beautiful to see your strength and lightness of spirit. I welcome you with all of my heart and I know that you will find a loving home here. Thank you for being you Heart
Welcome Cassandra, and thank you for sharing your personal and fantastic story! Reading stories like that makes to think how people can not see how *amazing* they are, and what true diamonds they are, of infinite worth. But then I go back to myself and the answer is right there: "Ah, that's why!" BigSmile

Lots of love and light to you, beautiful soul! Heart


Thank you very much Ankh and Nyu <3 your spirits are wonderful <3
Welcome, dear sister. Q'uo (the principle of Ra, Latwii an Hatonn) mentions:

Wanderers are here to both raise planetary consciousness and learn their own lessons, each with unique gifts to share.

It appears from your story that you do indeed have many lessons to learn in this incarnation. Much catalyst for thought. You also have the gifts; ESP abilities and a nurturing (motherly) soul. I will attempt to answer some of your questions :¬)

Quote:What does it mean and why did I experience the kundalini rising?

It means whatever you want it to mean (seriously). Generically, it can be thought of a means to show a person of their energy body. It can also be a means to unblock negative patterns/imbalances, according to some. A helping hand.

Quote:What do i do with all the potential I got?

What is your passion? Where does your heart lead you? If you could do one thing, what would it be?

Quote:I still love to help but who? how?

Everyone. Do not think of love in the romantic sense, love is the encompassing choice (courage, kindness, compassion, trust, acceptance, patience etc.). Offer that to everyone, and you will be loving unconditionally.

Quote:and what if get myself hurt again?

Then you're giving your power away to another. You are of a divine spark, a being of infinite worth. You need not give your power away, merely, offer your love with no expectation of return.

Quote:I barely got money for living and taking care of my angel how can i help anyone then?

Helping people doesn't necessarily mean financially, or via specific actions. Opening your heart to someone, i.e. genuinely smiling at someone at a bus stop, doesn't not need a specific job or role. I think Carla mentions this in A Wanderer's Handbook - people often think they have to work spiritually in order to be of help, whereas one can be spiritual in any context/circumstance.

Quote:If my soul did choose such a hard path then why is it so hard to find the way to go forth?

It's hard if you resist. You mentioned you are in the process of letting go of trying to control the external and be part of the cosmic flow. How is that going for you?

Quote:why arent my angels/helpers talking to me more clearly?

They will be, in ways you're not aware of. Not many people can hear guides audibly. Ater you've asked for help, over the next few days, look out for books that come your way, songs on the radio with related lyrics, white feathers and people who suddenly offer an answer.

I would highly recommend opening yourself to number synchronicities; messages from your guides/higher self/Cosmos. It's been invaluable for me, and they happen so often they make me laugh (with gratitude, of course).

Read, and follow this:

Quote:I need that as I feel very alone. Not even my closest friends know about my spiritual life. Not even my own family understand me. I am so different from them. I love them and enjoy their company but i can not imagine myself moving close to them. Getting help from outside cost money, too much money. it doesnt even feel right when it is so expensive.

It sounds like you may be given this time to find the comfort that's always within yourself. Search for that connection within. Sit in the moment - just be - and appreciate that it's all you, all of it. The more you do that, the less you feel alone, until the point you always feel that connection.

Quote:I feel neither happy nor sad. I am simply lost. I try to take one day at a time but when will i see the light? when will i stop fighting the odds and simply just get to work! petience is the word i guess...

You can start your spiritual work anytime, any place. It's clear you've made your decision - this is the density of choice, after all - of the positive path, now simply find love in the moment.

That is the work :¬)

Ra Wrote:10.14 Questioner: For the general development of the reader of this book, could you state some of the practices or exercises to perform to produce an acceleration toward the Law of One?

Ra: I am Ra.

Exercise One. This is the most nearly centered and useable within your illusion complex. The moment contains love. That is the lesson/goal of this illusion or density. The exercise is to consciously see that love in awareness and understanding distortions. The first attempt is the cornerstone. Upon this choosing rests the remainder of the life-experience of an entity. The second seeking of love within the moment begins the addition. The third seeking empowers the second, the fourth powering or doubling the third. As with the previous type of empowerment, there will be some loss of power due to flaws within the seeking in the distortion of insincerity. However, the conscious statement of self to self of the desire to seek love is so central an act of will that, as before, the loss of power due to this friction is inconsequential.

Exercise Two. The universe is one being. When a mind/body/spirit complex views another mind/body/spirit complex, see the Creator. This is an helpful exercise.

Exercise Three. Gaze within a mirror. See the Creator.

Exercise Four. Gaze at the creation which lies about the mind/body/spirit complex of each entity. See the Creator.

The foundation or prerequisite of these exercises is a predilection towards what may be called meditation, contemplation, or prayer. With this attitude, these exercises can be processed. Without it, the data will not sink down into the roots of the tree of mind, thus enabling and ennobling the body and touching the spirit.

When to start to find love in the moment, you begin to stop analysing so much. You begin to get into the flow, in a very powerful manner, and the questions and sense of direction will fall into your path, effortlessly. Let go :¬)


I can not thank you enough.. enough said Smile

This is one of those aha!-moments for me BigSmile You mad me realize that i need to slow down a bit. It is not easy when I got so much energy! BigSmile
(09-14-2011, 10:46 AM)Cassandra11 Wrote: [ -> ]I can not thank you enough.. enough said Smile

This is one of those aha!-moments for me BigSmile You mad me realize that i need to slow down a bit. It is not easy when I got so much energy! BigSmile

You're very welcome :¬)

I went through the same phase; wanting to attain everything, as soon as possible. The lesson in there for me was patience, to relinquish control and let it come when I'm ready. If you're searching for something thinking "Why isn't it here yet?", "Why can't I do this already?" your vibration is actually holding you back from that desire.

When you let go, and keep your vibration high (choosing love), these things find their way to you much quicker :¬)
Dear Cassandra11, thank you for sharing your incredible and breathtaking story. Many of the quotes from your original post are sheer mastery of deep spiritual understanding and immense maturity. I may not be able to understand many of them, and that humbles me to realize that I am in the presence of much advanced souls, here at b4th.

Here is my favorite quote of yours' from your first post in this thread --

Quote:after all, perfection is not the mission in the third density illusion. Choice between STS and STO is. We alredy made that choice.
Thank you
(09-13-2011, 06:26 PM)Cassandra11 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello dear friends,

Greetings, Cassandra!

Thank you for sharing this story, which touches close to my heart.

Cassandra Wrote:One of the funny things about the last guy was that i met him on my sons birthday 20.11.2010 with an instant connection and we went our separate ways 11.02.2011 very unexpected. The numbers of the two dates are really hard to ignore.

I have found it fruitful to search the L/L transcripts for sessions on our around significant dates in my life. For example:

[Image: icon_pdf_index.gif]February 12, 2011, Saturday Meditation

Quote:Jim: The question this evening has to do with the concept of angels. We would like to ask just what angels are and how we can interact with them. Are they different from or similar to guides?

Cassandra Wrote:I feel like he is the extreme masculine version of the soul and I am the extreme feminine version.

It is intriguing that you should write this, as I have been recently pondering these quotes:

5.2 Wrote:The simplest example of this is the understanding that each biological male is female; each biological female is male. This is a simple example. However, in almost every case wherein you are attempting the understanding of the body of self or other-self, you will again find that the most subtle discernment is necessary in order to fully grasp the polarity complexes involved.

87.28 Wrote:Questioner: Why is the male and the female nature different?

Ra: I am Ra. When the veiling process was accomplished, to the male polarity was attracted the Matrix of the Mind and to the female, the Potentiator of the Mind, to the male the Potentiator of the Body, to the female the Matrix of the Body. May we ask if there are any brief queries before we close this working?

Quote:But he is still "young" and needs to find peace and undertanding within his soul before we can make it work. It might not happen during this incranation.. When he left i begged my angels and helpers to help me out. And they did. I did not want to go through the pain once again. I felt like a part of me was missing. I was so empty and i went through 3-4 weeks of intense depression. the kind of depression that leaves one lying in the bed not able to do anything but shed a river of tears and drown in sadness and confusion.

besides of these two relationships i had, I am not interested in the "game of love" people play with eachother. I feel sad about them hurting eachothers feelings just for fun. hate to think of interacting and flirting with men just for "fun". And belive me I could do that easily as now I became a very confident and attractive woman. But no. I hate to imagine myself in bed with a man i do not love. Not even in my fantasy world. I have always felt like sex is a sacred act of love long before i awakened. That makes me even more different.

I -think- I know exactly how you feel. I went through a very similar experience in 2005 with somebody who was quite a bit younger than me. Although we were able to establish a connection, there was too much life experience between us at that nexus to "make it work".

Following our separation, I feel into a brief depression, just as you described. One day, I just flopped myself down on the bed and made a very powerful intention "I Want To Go Home". As thoughts of all manner flooded my mind I simply dismissed them... that does not matter... that does not matter... that does not matter. After some time in this state I was filled with a profound state of peace, love, and joy, which persisted for some weeks after the experience.

Still I longed for more. Similar to you, I began looking for other seekers such as myself on a forum called Noble Realms. This forum closed on 22 Feb 08 however is still searchable. Here is one of my early posts:
Quote:General Discussion » Dare I say. . . relationship? » 2005-09-30 08:55:04

Replies: 62
Go to post

I can't help but notice that the huge hole in discussion topics here at NR happens to coincide with the huge hole in most lives of Wanderers. . . namely relationships.

Let's face it. Is there anybody who wouldn't want to be in a relationship with another person who truly and deeply loves and understands them, down to even the physical level?

Following this post I engaged in a meditation. I had been contemplating my future partner, and how I perceived our relationship would be. It occurred to me that she must be living in the present moment along with me. Thus I intended to connect with her by sending her love and trusting that she would receive it, and in time, come to be with me. Then I let my thought-form go.

Although I had many moments of doubt and confusion along the way, I came to meet this woman not much more than three years later.

What is MORE. (If you can imagine such a "coincidence") We just LAST night compared our lives since that time and, indeed, discovered that we have been offered precisely the same catalyst- at precisely the same time- throughout the entirety of the three years between when I made that prayer/offering and when we met. I can't make this stuff up!!

I hope that in my sharing of this story it will help you to have greater faith in yourself, thus bringing your future partner to you even quicker than I experienced myself.

Cassandra Wrote:I'v always been longing to go "home" even before i found out about the wanderers on earth. I do not remember much from my past life but i do remember how it felt to live among higher density beings. I so wish people on earth learn to live like that. Simply joy, pure, fair, easy and peace.

As I earlier recounted, I can greatly relate to this feeling. In 2007, I was drawn to Peru through a confluence of circumstances that some refer to as "coincidence" or "synchronicity". While there I had the opportunity to participate in an ayahuasca ceremony. Before the ceremony, I deeply contemplated upon this place which I felt to be "home" and set my intention to journey there during my ayahuasca trip.

There is indeed this place, my sister. We have never left there, but are simply taking a journey.

I understand this statement is paradoxical. If you wish, I am certain you can have your own experience of this. Please be aware that ayahuasca is not recommended for all seekers, and in my experience did come with a certain price of additional confusion which took some time for me to sort out.

Cassandra Wrote:It all started when i started to read " living in the now" then started to listen to Abraham Hicks.

I enjoy the works of Abraham, and find them in certain respects to be more practical than those of Ra.

Cassandra Wrote:I see so many synchronicities like seeing number 11, 11.11, and 111111 ect.

Yes, these anomalous phenomenon have been observed by many. I previously documented some of these here:

Quote:Thread: Numbers! Numbers! Time! Time!
Post: Numbers! Numbers! Time! Time!
What is up with this stuff, anyway? [img]images/smilies/cool.gif[/img] 07-10-2011, 11:07 PM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2011 11:11 PM by Tenet Nosce.) Post: #65 07-11-2011, 01:23 AM (This post was last modified: ...
Tenet Nosce Olio 21 442 07-13-2011, 05:39 PM

Cassandra Wrote:So here I am now.. a beautiful and intelligent 29 years old woman full of love and compassion for others. I am stronger and wiser yet my soul is still very young and long for playing and having fun like a child. I am also gifted with some psychic, empathic nd telepathic abilities which i am notn ready to develope yet. I need to know what i would do with them first. Money is defenetly not a priority.
I feel lost and trapped. I lost interest in many things and people. I hate self pitty so i try not to be like that but i just do not know what to do next.

You may feel lost and trapped, however this is not the case. You know this already. I am sure of it.

Cassandra Wrote:We alredy made that choice.

Quote:The Oracle: Well, come on. I ain't gonna bite ya. Come around here, and let me have a look at ya. My goodness, look at you! You turned out all right, didn't you? How do you feel?

I, uh...

The Oracle: I know you're not sleeping. We'll get to that. Why don't you come and have a sit this time?

Neo: Maybe I'll stand.

The Oracle: Well, suit yourself.

[Neo sits down.]

Neo: I felt like sitting.

The Oracle: I know. So. Let's get the obvious stuff out of the way.

Neo: You're not human, are you?

The Oracle: Well it's tough to get any more obvious than that.

Neo: If I had to guess, I'd say you're a program from the machine world. So is he.

[Points to Seraph, the Guardian]

The Oracle: So far, so good.

Neo: But if that's true, that can mean you are a part of this system, another kind of control.

The Oracle: Keep going.

Neo: I suppose the most obvious question is, how can I trust you?

The Oracle: Bingo! It is a pickle, no doubt about it. The bad news is there's no way if you can really know whether I'm here to help you or not. So it's really up to you. You just have to make up your own damn mind to either accept what I'm going to tell you, or reject it. Candy?

[The Oracle offers Neo a piece of candy.]

Neo: D'you already know if I'm going to take it?

The Oracle: Wouldn't be much of an Oracle if I didn't.

Neo: But if you already know, how can I make a choice?

The Oracle: Because you didn't come here to make the choice, you've already made it. You're here to try to understand why you made it. I thought you'd have figured that out by now.

Neo: Why are you here?

The Oracle: Same reason. I love candy.


you just cited one of my favorite scenes from "the Matrix reloaded"!!!

"We are all here to do what we are all here to do".
"the future... and the only way to get there is TOGETHER".
I love the oracle! and I love candy, too.


(09-14-2011, 08:19 PM)Confused Wrote: [ -> ]Dear Cassandra11, thank you for sharing your incredible and breathtaking story. Many of the quotes from your original post are sheer mastery of deep spiritual understanding and immense maturity. I may not be able to understand many of them, and that humbles me to realize that I am in the presence of much advanced souls, here at b4th.

Here is my favorite quote of yours' from your first post in this thread --

Quote:after all, perfection is not the mission in the third density illusion. Choice between STS and STO is. We alredy made that choice.
Thank you
Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and showing that you care. Wisdom is an infinite road and that what makes it so fascinating. I find inspiration and light in each and every single one here. I am grateful, my friend. The feeling goes beyond the word.

(09-15-2011, 01:52 AM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-13-2011, 06:26 PM)Cassandra11 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello dear friends,

Greetings, Cassandra!

Thank you for sharing this story, which touches close to my heart.

Cassandra Wrote:One of the funny things about the last guy was that i met him on my sons birthday 20.11.2010 with an instant connection and we went our separate ways 11.02.2011 very unexpected. The numbers of the two dates are really hard to ignore.

I have found it fruitful to search the L/L transcripts for sessions on our around significant dates in my life. For example:

[Image: icon_pdf_index.gif]February 12, 2011, Saturday Meditation

Quote:Jim: The question this evening has to do with the concept of angels. We would like to ask just what angels are and how we can interact with them. Are they different from or similar to guides?

Cassandra Wrote:I feel like he is the extreme masculine version of the soul and I am the extreme feminine version.

It is intriguing that you should write this, as I have been recently pondering these quotes:

5.2 Wrote:The simplest example of this is the understanding that each biological male is female; each biological female is male. This is a simple example. However, in almost every case wherein you are attempting the understanding of the body of self or other-self, you will again find that the most subtle discernment is necessary in order to fully grasp the polarity complexes involved.

87.28 Wrote:Questioner: Why is the male and the female nature different?

Ra: I am Ra. When the veiling process was accomplished, to the male polarity was attracted the Matrix of the Mind and to the female, the Potentiator of the Mind, to the male the Potentiator of the Body, to the female the Matrix of the Body. May we ask if there are any brief queries before we close this working?

Quote:But he is still "young" and needs to find peace and undertanding within his soul before we can make it work. It might not happen during this incranation.. When he left i begged my angels and helpers to help me out. And they did. I did not want to go through the pain once again. I felt like a part of me was missing. I was so empty and i went through 3-4 weeks of intense depression. the kind of depression that leaves one lying in the bed not able to do anything but shed a river of tears and drown in sadness and confusion.

besides of these two relationships i had, I am not interested in the "game of love" people play with eachother. I feel sad about them hurting eachothers feelings just for fun. hate to think of interacting and flirting with men just for "fun". And belive me I could do that easily as now I became a very confident and attractive woman. But no. I hate to imagine myself in bed with a man i do not love. Not even in my fantasy world. I have always felt like sex is a sacred act of love long before i awakened. That makes me even more different.

I -think- I know exactly how you feel. I went through a very similar experience in 2005 with somebody who was quite a bit younger than me. Although we were able to establish a connection, there was too much life experience between us at that nexus to "make it work".

Following our separation, I feel into a brief depression, just as you described. One day, I just flopped myself down on the bed and made a very powerful intention "I Want To Go Home". As thoughts of all manner flooded my mind I simply dismissed them... that does not matter... that does not matter... that does not matter. After some time in this state I was filled with a profound state of peace, love, and joy, which persisted for some weeks after the experience.

Still I longed for more. Similar to you, I began looking for other seekers such as myself on a forum called Noble Realms. This forum closed on 22 Feb 08 however is still searchable. Here is one of my early posts:
Quote:General Discussion » Dare I say. . . relationship? » 2005-09-30 08:55:04

Replies: 62
Go to post

I can't help but notice that the huge hole in discussion topics here at NR happens to coincide with the huge hole in most lives of Wanderers. . . namely relationships.

Let's face it. Is there anybody who wouldn't want to be in a relationship with another person who truly and deeply loves and understands them, down to even the physical level?

Following this post I engaged in a meditation. I had been contemplating my future partner, and how I perceived our relationship would be. It occurred to me that she must be living in the present moment along with me. Thus I intended to connect with her by sending her love and trusting that she would receive it, and in time, come to be with me. Then I let my thought-form go.

Although I had many moments of doubt and confusion along the way, I came to meet this woman not much more than three years later.

What is MORE. (If you can imagine such a "coincidence") We just LAST night compared our lives since that time and, indeed, discovered that we have been offered precisely the same catalyst- at precisely the same time- throughout the entirety of the three years between when I made that prayer/offering and when we met. I can't make this stuff up!!

I hope that in my sharing of this story it will help you to have greater faith in yourself, thus bringing your future partner to you even quicker than I experienced myself.

Cassandra Wrote:I'v always been longing to go "home" even before i found out about the wanderers on earth. I do not remember much from my past life but i do remember how it felt to live among higher density beings. I so wish people on earth learn to live like that. Simply joy, pure, fair, easy and peace.

As I earlier recounted, I can greatly relate to this feeling. In 2007, I was drawn to Peru through a confluence of circumstances that some refer to as "coincidence" or "synchronicity". While there I had the opportunity to participate in an ayahuasca ceremony. Before the ceremony, I deeply contemplated upon this place which I felt to be "home" and set my intention to journey there during my ayahuasca trip.

There is indeed this place, my sister. We have never left there, but are simply taking a journey.

I understand this statement is paradoxical. If you wish, I am certain you can have your own experience of this. Please be aware that ayahuasca is not recommended for all seekers, and in my experience did come with a certain price of additional confusion which took some time for me to sort out.

Cassandra Wrote:It all started when i started to read " living in the now" then started to listen to Abraham Hicks.

I enjoy the works of Abraham, and find them in certain respects to be more practical than those of Ra.

Cassandra Wrote:I see so many synchronicities like seeing number 11, 11.11, and 111111 ect.

Yes, these anomalous phenomenon have been observed by many. I previously documented some of these here:

Quote:Thread: Numbers! Numbers! Time! Time!
Post: Numbers! Numbers! Time! Time!
What is up with this stuff, anyway? [img]images/smilies/cool.gif[/img] 07-10-2011, 11:07 PM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2011 11:11 PM by Tenet Nosce.) Post: #65 07-11-2011, 01:23 AM (This post was last modified: ...
Tenet Nosce Olio 21 442 07-13-2011, 05:39 PM

Cassandra Wrote:So here I am now.. a beautiful and intelligent 29 years old woman full of love and compassion for others. I am stronger and wiser yet my soul is still very young and long for playing and having fun like a child. I am also gifted with some psychic, empathic nd telepathic abilities which i am notn ready to develope yet. I need to know what i would do with them first. Money is defenetly not a priority.
I feel lost and trapped. I lost interest in many things and people. I hate self pitty so i try not to be like that but i just do not know what to do next.

You may feel lost and trapped, however this is not the case. You know this already. I am sure of it.

Cassandra Wrote:We alredy made that choice.

Quote:The Oracle: Well, come on. I ain't gonna bite ya. Come around here, and let me have a look at ya. My goodness, look at you! You turned out all right, didn't you? How do you feel?

I, uh...

The Oracle: I know you're not sleeping. We'll get to that. Why don't you come and have a sit this time?

Neo: Maybe I'll stand.

The Oracle: Well, suit yourself.

[Neo sits down.]

Neo: I felt like sitting.

The Oracle: I know. So. Let's get the obvious stuff out of the way.

Neo: You're not human, are you?

The Oracle: Well it's tough to get any more obvious than that.

Neo: If I had to guess, I'd say you're a program from the machine world. So is he.

[Points to Seraph, the Guardian]

The Oracle: So far, so good.

Neo: But if that's true, that can mean you are a part of this system, another kind of control.

The Oracle: Keep going.

Neo: I suppose the most obvious question is, how can I trust you?

The Oracle: Bingo! It is a pickle, no doubt about it. The bad news is there's no way if you can really know whether I'm here to help you or not. So it's really up to you. You just have to make up your own damn mind to either accept what I'm going to tell you, or reject it. Candy?

[The Oracle offers Neo a piece of candy.]

Neo: D'you already know if I'm going to take it?

The Oracle: Wouldn't be much of an Oracle if I didn't.

Neo: But if you already know, how can I make a choice?

The Oracle: Because you didn't come here to make the choice, you've already made it. You're here to try to understand why you made it. I thought you'd have figured that out by now.

Neo: Why are you here?

The Oracle: Same reason. I love candy.
Dear Tenet Nosce,

thank you very much for your comments and references. They helped me immensely and I will ponder on them for some time. I am so grateful that you took the time to replay my post and sharing your own experiences. I i'v been reading some of your posts here and I admire you wisdom indeed.
Your words were healing. I just felt the energies while reading your replay.

Again, dear friends, I admire each one on this forum. It is not that that you are so alike that inspired me but the differences between the members did. Yet, you still understand, love and respect each other.
My meditation experience was more powerful yesterday. The energies were strong.
Being part of this forum and embracing the positive opportunity of learning from you is inspiring and healing me. Thank you very much

(09-15-2011, 03:38 AM)Cassandra11 Wrote: [ -> ]It is not that that you are so alike that inspired me but the differences between the members did. Yet, you still understand, love and respect each other.

Amen to another wonderful reference and observation! In fact, a wonderful reminder for me to bear in mind always Smile
(09-15-2011, 02:18 AM)Meerie Wrote: [ -> ]you just cited one of my favorite scenes from "the Matrix reloaded"!!!

Classic... I never even thought to include a video clip instead of typing out these movie transcripts! LOL! Thanks!!

(09-15-2011, 01:52 AM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: [ -> ]Although I had many moments of doubt and confusion along the way, I came to meet this woman not much more than three years later.

This is a transcript from that date: (Thanks, "Y" Wink )

[Image: icon_pdf_index.gif]February 8, 2009, Channeling Intensive 4 - Session 4 - Channeling Circle 16

Quote:Laitos: … Let us begin now a story, which each within this circle of seeking may contribute to as the inspiration suggests. Once upon a time, a pair of twins was born in a village far removed from any large city and quite accustomed to a bucolic way of life, in touch with the rhythms of the land more than the hustle and bustle of urban life.


Hello everyone!

I have missed you guys so much! I have been away for months now. Thats because so much has happened in my life. I 've been learning and making some changes with Cassandra Smile

I would like to share those updates with you in order to (hopefully) inspire and motivate. And because I am eternally thankful to you, dear friends. You helped me so much with you words, light and compassion. Thank you.
No new updates in regards to my English tough BigSmile.

It was so important to me to know where do I really come from and how my spirit family/friends look like. That made me feel deeply sad because I wanted them to come closer, show themselves to me and talk to me. I missed them and I still do but I am not sad about it anymore. They are all here all the time.

Now I know why they didn't communicate with me more clearly when I wanted them to do so. It would have changed my incranation plan for this lifetime and I would never have learned to accept and melt down with society of my chosen incranation on Mother Gaia.
. In others words, the plan was to discover the magical being that I AM. And that I have been doing my best to help every single person who wanted and asked for healing and transformation. It's a two way prosess of course. I look back and see the magic I have beein doing together with those people. But I have also learned to let go of those who aren't ready for transformation, without me feeling pain. Actually, letting them go gives them a better chance to change their minds and feel less fearful of the change prosess.

Besides, I understand now that it does not matter what shape or form I chose to be in any reality/plane. Basicly we are pure love energy. I have even experienced myself being pure energy transforming itself from light to sound. Like playing with the experience and havin so much fun with it.

I also let go of the STS and STO definitions in the way I have understood it ( or misunderstood it ? ) previously. Greetings are all gone beacuse I now know that they came from me somehow. Therefore I feel very strong, light and safe in a way I have never felt before. Thoughts are living things, indeed. Please keep that in mind, or have some kind of experimentation with it at least.

The healing and downloading of information that happend to me during the experience people would call Kundalini (wich I wish I could find a better name for) had it's purpose to awaken the memory of devinie truths. I know very much but I dont have the ability to express this information in words. I am sure many of you feel the same way. But it dosen't matter because my purpose in this lifetime is not to be a spiritual teacher. I am a healer and transformer for those whos souls are still young or middle aged and suffer severely from the illusion.

I find out that my Higher Self is not somewhere out there. She is inside of me. I have clearly experienced myself as two beings. I even heard her once answering a silly question I asked myself. "You know what to chose" she said.
I call her She because her voice is feminine. Older than me. I think it's a "female" because I incranated as a female most of the times I returned on Gaia.

- I no loner say " I am sorry" when its not necessary. I used most of my life purifying my heart and soul and I rarly do or say things with harming intentions. The rest is not my responsibility.
Now that I feel I really love and adore myself as much as a I do to others, I have experienced an accelerated healing/learning process both ways. It is also much easier to listen and trust my intuition which makes life much more easy and fun to live.

- I learned how to create my whishes and let the universe do the rest. It works very well, I must say! Smile Many things I thought would never happen, did happen only in a better way than I planed for myself. In other words, I no longer make wishes with details Wink

Still have much to learn, of course. It's just more fun no and I have absolutely no need to rush it.

I could go on for ever..Smile
Please ask if you have a question.

Again,Thank you and I love you.
