
Full Version: The Serpent On the Tree
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One Consciousness, in effort to exist, becomes divided into Being.

The Two, Being One, become existence and change, ever transforming, as it experiences its existence from the evolving perspectives of its being.
Never separated from Origin, always connected by Being, existence is circular and infinite.

Being is process, and this process is existence. Within this dynamic the intelligent consciousness of the One oversees the All through creation, provision and destruction. Two planes divide one from the other in perception alone. The divide is not manifest in any form other than conscious awareness of duality.

On the one there is the immaterial, and on the other is the material, created by the lowering frequency of the immaterial.

As this frequency is altered through experience of it, through Being, and through intelligent Process, it can become increased and transformed from material into immaterial again.

The human comprehends this process of transformation through frequency increase as the immersion of a spiraling soundwave form from a vortex, becoming matter, and acknowledges it through cultural speculation as the serpent of creation, or the Primal Serpent.

This was the ancient way of considering our existence in the universe, and it has evolved into many traditions and religions around the globe. Throughout most, the Serpent entwined upon the crucifix, depicting the Mystical Force of Creation residing within the design of the human form, has become the roots of all religion and speculation. The Mysterious Force behind the All is understood as the building block of creation, and yet never fully realized in its entirety, nor its actual interaction within the human form understood.

And so the human struggles to grasp the true meaning of the serpent on the tree within its many traditions and myths. Over millenium, in this struggle to comprehend truth, demons and beasts are created from our imaginings, and what is natural becomes unnatural. Our divine intelligence, being at a very low frequency of development, cannot comprehend the higher realities, and we fail to piece the true picture together with accuracy. It is lower intelligence seeking higher understanding that it cannot yet comprehend. Within that dynamic evolution is the experience we call humanity.

In its higher reality, it exists as One Consciousness of complete understanding and knowledge. As a lower frequency of that One, it experiences only the lower vibrations. The process is such that the lower shall evolve into Higher, and that the Higher should experience the Lower.

As above, so Below.

Within this dynamic exists the All, from microcosm to macrocosm, from immaterial to material, engaged in never ending alteration and evolution; Being.

Human traditional understanding can be expressed in all of its facets, from lower to higher, in the global acknowledgment of the Serpent on the Cross. The Serpent being the creative, intelligent energy behind all of existence, and the cross being the Divine Design being ever fulfilled.
In our comprehension, the human evolves into an understanding that there is more to existence than what we realize with the physical senses, and that we can become and realize higher states of being. That we are part of something much greater than what is confined to this tiny pinpoint of the universe.

And in this realization, this enlightenment of understanding, we cast off the flesh as the serpent sheds its skin, and invoke the Grand Design of the Tree of Life, of which we are an integral, processional aspect. We leave the physical hanging on the cross, to ascend into Higher Being, where the material becomes transformed into Higher Frequency, and realizes its connection to Higher Origins, becoming Higher things ourselves. Transforming into One thing, instead of Two, and yet experiencing the process as Two, the Serpent and the Christ, and struggling to balance the differences.

The Ancient Ones knew this, and their rituals and lifestyles reflected these understandings. But the events of living this experience have created dynamics that reflect the differences in various ways, and with that confusion comes corruption and perversion of truth. Reality becomes fantasy in lower frequencies, and it is only the raising of frequency that reestablishes truth and reality. It is only the shedding of light on truth and reality that exposes the darkness of ignorance and delusion. Without these enlightenments, and increases in frequency, truth remains behind a veil of mystery and illusion, and darkness prevails.

This then is our goal. to enchant the Earth with an increase in frequency so that the human might be transformed into its Higher form of Being. This can only be done by the shedding of light on darkness, and the increasing of waveform vibrations.

We must see Christ hanging on the Tree of Life, and understand what His message really was, sorting out the Truth from the perversion; peeling aside the veil. We must see that the Serpent is the Master, the Master the Serpent, and that the flesh is not the All.

In recognition of this infinite truth, the Ancients would raise the Djed Pillar and proclaim their divinity.

In ignorance of this infinite truth man would tear down that Pillar of truth, and raise his own tower of glory, declaring the flesh to be supreme.

The Material forever pushes against the Immaterial in order to establish Being; duality of existence.
This makes me want to go paint this so I can internalize it more fully. BigSmile


(04-12-2012, 12:08 PM)abstrktion Wrote: [ -> ]This makes me want to go paint this so I can internalize it more fully. BigSmile

That's quite a bit to get into one canvas.
Now you see why I simplify--and why the ancients used symbols...BigSmile I printed it so I could pull out the part that spoke to me most...just like with the bite of the feast at a time!


well stick to the symbolism

Djed Pillar

Snake on a tree

Egyptian motif

Occult theme of as above so below

the serpent soundwave proceeding from the vortex

one becoming two and one again

Circles mating of course.

and soundwaves and frequencies

maybe you are going to require some more paint and a large gymnasium.

(04-12-2012, 01:27 PM)ShinAr Wrote: [ -> ]well stick to the symbolism - Paint exactly what's there? No out of the box stuff...gee, you are just no fun at all...Tongue

Djed Pillar - Can I imply Osiris inside? maybe add some tree limbs to imply its origin?

Snake on a tree - eating an apple? BigSmile

Egyptian motif - kind of redundant...EVERYBODY does Egypt...

Occult theme of as above so below -absolutely...will be in reflection...

the serpent soundwave proceeding from the vortex - hard to paint sound...hmmm...I see an opportunity for creative symbolism here...

Sound is..
vibration (stop me when I get to something visual...)

one becoming two and one again - merge with the "friendly" circles?

Circles mating of course. - Of course, what else would circles do?...wait, you mean the Venn Diagram? BigSmile

and soundwaves and frequencies

maybe you are going to require some more paint and a large gymnasium.

I have a pretty nice studio and lots of paint. And the weirdest Hurdy gurdy Norweigan folk music for inspiration...BigSmile

thanks for the list!


hurdy gurdy?
