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There was such a helpful outpouring of response to my last concern on this forum that I decided to post another one.

Does anyone else have painfully heightened senses? I've been this way ever since I was little and it can be a severe annoyance a lot of times. I was wondering if it had anything to do with…well, with all of this.

My vision isn't great in the standard definition of good vision (I'm incredibly nearsighted) but my perception of detail and color is off the charts. My optometrist was dumbfounded at how I had such an acute reaction to movement and light but am almost blind as a bat without my glasses. I remember when I was little staring at colorful objects until people had to pull me away from them. I was so fascinated by the color blue that I would just stand in my babysitter’s back yard and stare at a blue tarp she had over an old truck. Patterns mesmerize me and I can really get lost in something as simple as the grains in my carpet. My husband sometimes gets frustrated when we go into a store and I find something glittery or bright or colorful and kind of space out staring at it until he has to take whatever I’m looking at away.

My sense of touch seems unusual as well. I can feel energy physically, and often I feel as if I’m on pins and needles. The slightest sensation resonates through my whole body. I generally hate being touched by most other people and can be crazy if someone barges into my personal space without an invitation. Just as it is with shiny things, I can spend an indefinite amount of time just feeling a fur coat or a fuzzy blanket.

Taste and smell aren’t so bad, except that I’m a horribly picky eater. I’ve grown out of a lot of it, but when I was little my mom would get close to screaming because I wouldn’t eat anything she would fix. She would buy a brand new jug of milk and I would announce that it had chemicals in it and wouldn’t drink it. To this day I still have trouble with certain foods that have a metallic taste to them. A lot of times I smell things no one else can smell, or I’ll attribute something weird to a smell and no one else can see how I’m making the connection in my brain. I’ll say “It smells like M&Ms in here.” and everyone else is like “Huh?”

By far my worst problem is sound. High pitched noises drive me up the wall. The sound of someone whistling is painful. I hate asking people not to whistle because they usually whistle because they’re happy, but it hurts so bad when I hear it, and I’ve noticed that there’s *always* a whistler, no matter where I go. I’ve come close to crying because of it. At work I’m around a lot of computers that sometimes will emit a series of high-pitched beeps for no apparent reason at all. I can be across the store and hear this and people standing right next to the source are oblivious to it until I point it out. Certain music is out of the question just because of the pitch. For some reason the sound of someone snapping their fingers also makes me insane.

I was wondering if anyone else has had experiences like this and if you’ve found a way to overcome it. It can be a severe distraction and can ruin an otherwise cheerful mood. I like being able to notice things that other people miss and perceiving realms beyond this one, but I’d like to be able to turn it off sometimes so I can not glare daggers at that guy across the street whistling ‘Amazing Grace.’
(10-07-2009, 09:07 PM)ahktu Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone else have painfully heightened senses?

My son has some of these heightened sensitivities as you describe. He couldn't handle tags in the back of his shirts, the seam in his socks, etc. One of his girlfriends had it but much more severe and she said she'd been diagnosed with something called sensory integration disorder. I guess that's just the name they gave it. She couldn't handle bright colors, loud voices, textures in clothing, etc. My son was/is functional but this girl seemed to have a hard time functioning in society because of it. What you describe sounds very similar to what she was dealing with.

I had concluded it was a trait that is common among those who are 4D-activated. I surmise that as the Shift nears, it will be less of a liability and more of an advantage. Sorry I can't be of more help! ...other than to say you definitely are not alone! But I have a feeling that the day will come in which it will become more of a gift.


Thanks for the info! I know about the shirt tag thing, though I've gotten over that over the years. I used wear really baggy clothes because I couldn't stand feeling the fabric rubbing against my skin, and I always had to have my shirt tucked in because the waist of my jeans was irritating. I, too, am hoping that it turns out being more useful than painful. I guess I just have to have faith that it's there for a reason and make the best of it. On the bright side, I don't many people experience chocolate like I do. :-D


Good Greetings:

This is very common for Indigos and Crystals. They all have heightened sensory perceptions--- including seeing stuff no one else can see... like--- other dimensions, Angels, fairies (my fav), Beings, Friends in the Sky (our inter-galactic friends) and/ or dead people... very interesting. the ability to converse with rocks, stones, the EARTH and trees--- feeling a kinship to all flora and fauna and the Moon really does have a soul... These are some of the heightened senses that we have as a full sensoried humans... And those that do not share our abilities seek to subvert, destroy, fix, fade or take away our God Given abilities.

I know all about the high pitched whine and beeps of computers... I get dizzy and have to leave whenever I go into a electronic equipement stores, computer labs etc... the newer laptops are not as loud and do not seem to create as much electromagnetic poisioning as the older types... but it would really really affect me.

I also know about the ability to taste chemicals. I can not eat anything with food colorants... It tastes like I am eating a mouthful of aspirin... the real aspirin... Bleck! VERY NASTY and BITTER tasting! So eating those pretty confectionery flowers on cakes .... no way I will pass... eating those orange cheese curls--bleck! bleck! Bleck!

The food colorants and other chemicals in foods (preservatives etc) make my kiddos CRAZY... like really CRAZY--- they spin out of control and then crash and kick and writhe on the floor... we avoid these foods like they are the plague they are.

I can relate to not drinking milk. I was the same way... luckily my parents just did not make me drink the stuff... and we lived mostly off the land so I did not have to eat those nasty early chemicals in the 1970's - 80's but there were preservatives. I tried a twinkie once and barfed... it was just so disgusting... I asked my friends if it tasted like asprin to them and everyone moved from my lunch table... It may have been the barf but after that I had no friends... Oh the trials of being different and connected to the greater what is.

My dream is to find socks (which I hate wearing only do so because well the Northern regions of USA are COLD) that do not have any seams... I dislike the feeling immensely! and my energy tends to make holes in the toes of my socks within a day... which is an equally annoying but different problem all together.

Being a fully sensoried Human is what will allow us to excel in 4D here in 3D it is an annoyance unless of course if you are living in the wilderness somewhere and need those abilities in order to survive.

I have come to see it as a joy now. And I adapt well now that I know that I am not alone and there are ways to avoid the stuff... I also use a visualization where I see a dial in front of me and I simply say turn all of this down and I turn the dial down and everything then is more manageable. It takes practice but can be done. Meditating also helps.

I know the joys of shiny objects and sparkling things... I have a similar fascination. I will sit for hours and admire a sparkling things and just be filled with wonder. I am blessed that my family has the same fascination so it is seen as completely normal! LOL prior to my family way... everyone thought I was sometimes lovable and very peculiar and would tell me so... a sort of backhanded compliment. LOL

Chocolate--- I can only eat the stuff made with real sugar, real cocoa, and real vanilla, and real butter... the rest of the stuff tastes disgusting... like rotten eggs and rancid butter. Bleck!

We eat Ghirardelli Chocolate or the organic stuff when we can afford to buy it.

My kids will opt to eat raw fruits and veggies over cooked foods. Our car picnics are so easy... some organic crackers, apples, carrots, celery and some cheese and everyone is sooo happy! They just will not eat any foods with the chemicals unless it is covered with sweet tasting stuff then they will eat it and get CRAZY sick.

I consider this to be the New Template New Normal.


Interesting topic. Many years ago, Spider Robinson wrote a short story that kind of describes this condition. I can’t remember the whole story, but apparently a virus? (or something) made people unable to handle the effects of modern civilization by ultra heightening the sense of smell. The disaster scenarios are implied…since the story deals with the societal developments some time after. Where humanity had split off into conclaves growing their own food and maintaining cleanliness etc..but no chemicals, automobiles, etc…bodily cleanliness was an issue also in the story.

(Though how you fertilize a garden w/ out using chemicals and having it not stink to high heaven was not dealt with)…nonetheless, that storyline has always sort of stuck with me.

Oh..btw…the seams in socks drive me nuts too.



Wow, it’s great to know I’m not alone here. It also seems that I have it more under control than some, which I am thankful for. Out of necessity I have had to adapt to some things like wearing gloves, being around technology (I still flee from televisions whenever possible but computers I really have to be around) and eating certain foods. I never imagined the dial scenario with noises and will certainly try it. I also found a helpful tip in Carla’s Living the Law of One 101 book, and think I will try taking the opportunity to think about my relationship with the Creator every time I hear whistling. It might still hurt my ears, but at least I’m getting something positive out of it. I can’t wait until the uses of this “disorder” come into better focus. It’s almost laughable the way mental health professionals find so many things to turn into disorders. Apparently being happy and aware of your environment is labeled as schizophrenia these days. Alas, they know not what they do.
(10-13-2009, 07:59 PM)ahktu Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, it’s great to know I’m not alone here. It also seems that I have it more under control than some, which I am thankful for. Out of necessity I have had to adapt to some things like wearing gloves, being around technology (I still flee from televisions whenever possible but computers I really have to be around) and eating certain foods.
I find it strange that you guys are so sensitive. I used to bump my head into things and the only reason I notice is because everyone looks at me as if they can imagine the pain I must be in. And I go... "What??"

I'm about as sensitive as a rhinoceros in platemail.. Sad

The only technological sensitivity I seem to have is that I can't hold a mobile phone to my ear for more than 15 minutes without developing a headache. Computers, noises, and other electromagnetic pollution do nothing for me.

Quote: Apparently being happy and aware of your environment is labeled as schizophrenia these days. Alas, they know not what they do.
Since when did they start to do that? I know they've got problems. But this one is new to me. Are you referring to a specific event?


(10-13-2009, 10:22 AM)Richard Wrote: [ -> ]Interesting topic. Many years ago, Spider Robinson wrote a short story that kind of describes this condition. I can’t remember the whole story, but apparently a virus? (or something) made people unable to handle the effects of modern civilization by ultra heightening the sense of smell. The disaster scenarios are implied…since the story deals with the societal developments some time after. Where humanity had split off into conclaves growing their own food and maintaining cleanliness etc..but no chemicals, automobiles, etc…bodily cleanliness was an issue also in the story.

(Though how you fertilize a garden w/ out using chemicals and having it not stink to high heaven was not dealt with)…nonetheless, that storyline has always sort of stuck with me.

Oh..By the way…the seams in socks drive me nuts too.


If the manure you are using stinks like poop--- then it is what is called "uncured" or "green" fertilizer. Manure needs to be seasoned for one whole rotation of a year of seasons and rotated in the spring and fall before it gets frozen if in northern regions. This will allow it to decompose and will have a nice humus odor after one rotation of seasoning.

The other thing you can do to fertilize your garden is to simply start a compost pile... I like the pile method as I have too many things to do and too little of a budget to buy a fancy compost holder contraption... so I just put a layer of newspaper down in the far corner of the yard and we collect all flora refuse in a container and dump on the newspaper. The newspaper seems to attract earthworms which then eat their happy selves through the compost... add in some used coffee grounds daily and the worms are estatic... it might be the caffeine--lol... Then after one season simply turn the pile and use what used to be on the bottom of the pile but now is the top of the pile as fertilizer... the plants love it!

(10-14-2009, 09:10 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: [ -> ]I find it strange that you guys are so sensitive. I used to bump my head into things and the only reason I notice is because everyone looks at me as if they can imagine the pain I must be in. And I go... "What??"

I'm about as sensitive as a rhinoceros in platemail.. Sad

The only technological sensitivity I seem to have is that I can't hold a mobile phone to my ear for more than 15 minutes without developing a headache. Computers, noises, and other electromagnetic pollution do nothing for me.

I secomd this emotion. A lot of times when I do something that is supposed to physically hurt i will just say "ow" for the benefit of others watching. Its a bit funny to think about for me. There are huge stretches throughout the day that i spend almost completely spaced-out with the rest of me just on autopilot(even when drivingBlush), but the majority of my "injuries" come when i am "focused".

This, Ali, I think has to do with the differences between dual-activated entities and wanderers. Though I am not yet fully awakened, I do not have any of the regular symptoms of a DAE(beside that i have confirmed my statusTongue). Were it not for that it would be almost a toss up as to witch i am, because i was born in '88. The veil is thick bro!

Anyway Hola everyone! Back to my yellow brick road Wink


I've read that "crystal children" have a lot of sensitivites. The problem here is there's about a million definitions for these special children. Crystals, Indigos, Rainbows, and every definition I read is different. In the end I guess each person is specifically tuned to what they have to do. My current theory on "what I am" is that I'm a dual-activated-entity who happened to come from another planet (probably a third density one) or, if I've lived many lifetimes on earth, I had close relations with ETs during some of them and that connection has lingered on into this life. Still, I have a lot of the "wanderer" traits, too, so who really knows. I hope the greater truths of these things will be revealed in time.

Ali, I was labeled with just about every disorder in the DSM when I began to awaken. I got put on so many pills it's a wonder I didn't end up with more than the muscle twitches I have now. In my experiences, ESP, visions and dealing with psychic greetings are labeled as delusions, hallucinations and paranoia by the mental health field. I spent a lot of time locked up in mental hospitals because I was displaying "bizarre and oppositional behavior." And it wasn't like I was running around telling people I was psychic, I was just trying to find answers, because at the time I had no idea what was going on. I'm not trying to sound spiteful, but I haven't known anyone who has fallen into the hands of modern psychiatry (even the people who really were mentally ill) and not come out worse for wear. Hopefully in the future more and more people will be more open-minded about the mind/body/spirit complex. I can hardly wait for the day when the stuff we talk about on here is accepted as fact by everyone.