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Many people when they meditate will close their eyes because it allows them to sort of turn off the distractions of the environment in which they live, and allows them to focus on another aspect of that environment which is not being adequately experienced when the distractions are prominent.

What does this say to us?

First it points out that there are two different ways of experiencing our being.
And secondly it points to the methods by which we seem to experience each.

The first is via brain function.

When we experience our reality by interacting with the environment around us, and its many distractions, the method of translating and interpreting what our senses are exposed to is pure and simple brain function.

What does this mean?

Well think about it for a second. All of our other organs are designed to function in a way that nurtures the physical body. When each organ is functioning healthily there are no problems, but when an organ suffers damage of some sort it will cause the body distress. We do not stop to consider exactly what many of our organs are doing inside of our body. No one thinks about the functioning of their liver or their pancreas. Many functions are involuntary. Our awareness of their function is unnecessary for it to continue to be healthy and efficient.

But many times our organs will suffer trauma of some sort. We all have various degrees and experiences in this regard. There are few bodies that are functioning to the peak of perfection. Science will tell us that most of us have always got some degree of inflammation in our bodies at all times.
The issue to be pointed out here is that most of the time we are not even aware of organ dysfunction.

Organ dysfunction!

Now what has that got to do with what Shin’Ar is speaking about with regard to experiencing our environment?

Well ask yourself this.

How much faith do you have in the ever present functioning of that organ you call your brain, and how often do you suppose it, like any of your other organs, suffers dysfunction?

There it is in a nutshell isn’t it!

All of our physical experience of this reality with opened eyes in the world of our distractions is virtually at the mercy of our brain’s interpretation using both, its functioning, and the functioning of the five senses.

Should that system of interaction between us and existence be corrupted by a dysfunction than that which we perceive is also corrupted to the degree that what we perceive may not be accurate, but a consequence of dysfunction instead. Should we really trust our brain?

Many are treated daily for disorders of the brain that cause them to suffer delusional experiences, and/or retardation to various degrees. At any time in the brain organ millions of electrically stimulated nodes are being chemically triggered to cause our bodies’ senses to experience specific reactions and create memory cells. It’s like a stadium of commentators in a constant discussion about what is going on around us. And our senses are listening intently to everything they say and do.

But this is bodily function like any other bodily function. The question is, how much faith can we place in a regularly malfunctioning system?

This particular method of interaction with our existence is imperfect to say the least, subject to many problems of mistaken awareness.

When we focus our concentration on ‘within’ in a way that uses our field of consciousness to be our connection with our environment, these physical imperfections are bypassed and eliminated. When we take the brain out of the picture, we eliminate the possible risks of dysfunction and can then sense our experience with existence in a way much more reliable than the imperfection of our physical limitations.

This is why meditation and techniques that enable us to focus on our inner capabilities, rather than our physical, enable us to reach higher states of being and awareness. Our field of consciousness is able to open access to interactions with existence that we cannot accomplish through the physical senses or organs of the body.

Now what exactly does this tell us?

Should we all be experiencing life through a vegetative state of nonphysical interaction?

Not at all.

But obviously if we have access to two avenues of interaction with the universe, and one is prone to dysfunction, and is for the sole purpose of experiencing the physical, then we must apply a little intelligence and attempt to employ both avenues in the ways that each is meant to be employed.

There are two aspects to creation; matter, and that from which matter is spawned or the Source/Creator of matter.

Becoming aware that we experience each via different tools is the difference between being enlightened and remaining trapped in the delusion that all is physical and experienced only by the interpretation of the chemical and electrical processes of the brain.

To experience matter, we employ the physical tool.
But to experience the energy and power behind all creation, we must employ the metaphysical tools of consciousness and intuition. This does not involve the process of the brain, but it involves the ‘process of being’ via which the field of consciousness experiences and evolves.

The brain is the physical tool that uses our physical senses to experience creation, limited to the physical aspects of it. However, it is the field of consciousness which enables us to experience the entirety of creation, both physical and metaphysical. This field of consciousness is how the lower forms without a brain organ manage to interact and be aware of their environment in the physical. It is also available to the higher forms to utilize as well, but because the brain becomes such an intricate actor in the experience of higher forms, those ignore their field of consciousness and rely almost totally on the interpretations of the brain.

This does not mean that the field of consciousness, which extends out around a form like a magnetic field, is not functioning or available to that form. It just means that the human form is rarely aware of its interaction via that tool because it is so focused on its brain functions.

This function of the field of consciousness to experience creation via both tools of interaction is the ‘process of being’ that enables the field of consciousness to evolve into higher being. And this process of being is the Divine Design of The All. One Process, One Field of Consciousness, using many fields of consciousness reflecting its many results and memories into One Consciousness, resulting in a Flower of Life, within which, each single component is the same process as the entire process.

So if we can realize this, we can understand how relying on one aspect of experiencing creation is like trying to build a house with one nail. Why would we use only one tool, when there is a way to build that house much more efficiently by using all that is available?

In this regard we should realize that the brain, our identity which the brain creates, and everything physical, is but one component of the existence of the All and The One, one tool, and if we are to evolve into higher being, we must learn to become aware of our field of consciousness as both the means of experiencing creation and evolving, as well as our true identity as a ‘process of being’, rather than an individual entity.

By doing so we can declare that we are One, not as entity, but as Process.

Thinking as though ‘we’ are this temporary brain’s interpretation of our experiences, is simply being ignorant of our field of consciousness and the opportunity it offers for us to truly understand our reality.

The brain interprets our immediate physicality via our senses using physical organs. But our field of consciousness interprets our environment in totality, using a force and energy that is responsible for all creation. This interaction and interpretation is far more efficient, encompassing and revealing than anything that the brain/temporary identity is capable of achieving.

And becoming aware of this sacred field/circle is what all religious teaching and philosophy points to. Regardless of what we human forms choose to call it, or acknowledge it as, it is this field of consciousness that hides in our very midst, that we subconsciously seek to unveil, until such point that we do become aware of it. And then it becomes a matter of fine tuning our ability to utilize that tool to interact beyond the limits of the physical.

This is why the circle has been a sacred symbol around the globe. It is used to represent the Spirit as the source or Creator, it is used to represent higher being, to represent the sacred geometry of the process of being, to represent the infinite nature of the universe, and it is found throughout the universe as the revelation of intelligent design where without such intelligence the circle would be an impossible perfection to achieve.

The circle is used in rituals around the world because of this bond with the Divine Intelligence behind creation.

And when we realize the truth behind our rituals, we also discover the tool that has been the holy graal that all ritual has been leading us to and utilizing in the process; the field of consciousness.
To learn more about this field one can become acquainted with it scientifically through Rupert Sheldrake’s experiments and teachings.

But to become truly knowledgeable about it the Ancients have been teachings us about it for thousands of years. The secrets are revealed in ancient teachings and as one evolves and becomes more and more enlightened about this truth of our reality, one is also able to decipher these secrets from their hiding places, and begin to make use of the abilities and forces that are also discovered there. And they also begin to realize what all of this religious fuss has been about, despite its many misunderstandings and corruptions.

They not only begin to use their field of consciousness to become aware of their total environment, but they also become aware that it is also their true identity. They become the entire process instead of one physical experience of it.

And in so doing one becomes transformed from the physical into the Spiritual. One ascends into Higher Being, a higher process of being, evolves further into the Divine Process, ever moving further into Infinite Mystery yet to be experienced and created. Because vibration continues, and there is no limit to the frequencies which vibration can achieve, each becoming past memory as it is experienced, more waiting in the future to become. To suggest otherwise is to also suggest that the One Consciousness has ceased to think and evolve as it experiences that which it has thought.

The Mystery continues infinitely simply because there is no barrier to the expansion of the One Field of Consciousness, because the Mystery continues as the One exists. It is virtually the very existing of the intelligence behind creation that creates the universe unfolding as its thought process.

As long as this Intelligent Infinity exists, and as long as the Field of Consciousness expands via the Process of being, creation will continue to build into that Infinite Mystery.

The only simultaneity of this process of being is that this Field is aware of the entire process and environment. This does not mean that its future thought process is pre destined or already completed. If it continues to think, it continues to create, it continues to experience, and it continues to evolve. There is no continuation in simultaneity, nor is there Infinity.

We must learn to think beyond our senses, beyond our brain’s interpretations, beyond our calculations, and begin to use our field of consciousness to interpret our complete environment and realize it’s part of the Divine Process of Being.

When we become the Field, we become the One.
Look to the Circle!
Just look at diseases like Fibromyalgia, which the brain thinks the body is in pain but it's not. It's a painful condition, and my mom has it. Talk about brain dysfunction.

Quote:“You are a mashup of what you let into your life,”

Quote:Like any good diet, the information diet works best if you think about it not as denying yourself information, but as consuming more of the right stuff and developing healthy habits.“


(08-05-2012, 06:52 PM)Pickle Wrote: [ -> ]

I cannot find anything in here that corresponds with the OP topic so I assume the intent of this post has to do with the indulgence of information.

Can you make your point here Pickle?
Quote:How much faith do you have in the ever present functioning of that organ you call your brain, and how often do you suppose it, like any of your other organs, suffers dysfunction?
You are what you experience? I do not think it possible to be more than the sum of your experience. We form new pictures with the patterns that we have available to us. This is what I find underlying the simpleton info on the link.

But you are talking about something else I guess.


(08-05-2012, 08:11 PM)Pickle Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:How much faith do you have in the ever present functioning of that organ you call your brain, and how often do you suppose it, like any of your other organs, suffers dysfunction?
You are what you experience? I do not think it possible to be more than the sum of your experience. We form new pictures with the patterns that we have available to us. This is what I find underlying the simpleton info on the link.

But you are talking about something else I guess.

No, sum of experience would certainly be on topic. i just did not get that from that link and was curious what you were pointing to.

With regard to sum of experience I would say that my point in this thread is that our physical brain does not relay even a morsel of the sum of our experience as our true form of being. So to comprehend the extent of our sum of experience as our true being, we should try to realize how temporary and how inefficient our brain really is. In so doing we will begin to seek interaction with creation via our field of consciousness instead which is how we have actually been interacting and acquiring our sum experience for many experiences long before human incarnation.

The topography of our brains are literally shaped by the input we take in. Take that thought with you when you decide to veg out in front of the TV for awhile. I shudder to think what twenty four hours "news" channels are doing to people. It through the taking in of new information, and the repetition of using it (or lack thereof) that the brain takes form. It is through the brain, and thought, that we bride the physical to the spiritual. Take a moment to ponder on that, insight lies within.

Ahhh circles. I have the first ~130 digits of Pi tattooed on my right forearm. One of the few things on which mathematics (and via extension, all science) and religion share a fascination on. Balance, strength, efficiency, what isnt there about them that shouldn't fill one with wonder?

Ive always found mediation best done while walking. Though there is something to be said about quiet darkness as well.


You are absolutely right Golden, the brain is nothing more than the buildup of memory cells, which began at the birth of this form.

However our field of consciousness is very different. It consists of the memories of all of its experiences of the many forms that it has used from its spawn from the Source. And by design it also has the ability to access the memories of other fields.

Far and vastly more efficient than the limitations of the simple human brain capability and function.


Hey gang,

do you mean to tell me that after all of the discussion having been had here with regard to such things as consciousness, identity, Creator, the flesh versus spirit,etc. etc., that none of you find anything in this post to open further discussion on?

The relation between the brain and our ability to perceive our environment via our field of consciousness is a matter that scientists are debating frantically around the world as this time of prophesy closes in on us.

What are your thoughts about that which I have proposed here?