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Most of the spiritual readings I have come across touch upon the subject of cycles. For those that would like a surprising in-depth look at cycles and how truly relevant they are check out this site:

The following principles of cyclic behavior have been developed at the Foundation:

Rhythmic cycles are a characteristic of more than 500 different phenomena.

Cycles persist without change of period for as far back as there are data. After distortion, cycles will revert to the pre-distortion pattern.

Cycles of any period tend to have counterparts in other phenomena, and even in other disciplines.

Timing of cycles suggests a geographical pattern, regardless of phenomena.

Cycles of the same period tend to synchronize, or crest at the same calendar time, regardless of phenomena.

These factors suggest that the natural world is subject to powerful forces that trigger fluctuations in various phenomena. An identical rhythm in different phenomena implies an interrelationship, or common cause. The knowledge of predictable, repetitive patterns is a valuable tool in the scientific projection of many different phenomena.