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There is much speak of love throughout the universe. Many call it the ‘universal language of connection’. And yet it is not a means of communication of thought, rather it is a means of communication of emotion.

Language, as communication of intention, is the expression of will/desire.

But emotion is not in expression for the purpose of communication. Emotion is the experiencing of the vital and sacred force that resides within the form of every creation as the essence of that which it is as awareness.

This sacred essence is the force of creation; the power/energy behind it. It is the building block from which everything that exists rests upon as the cornerstone of The All.

The expression of this power is will/intent/desire which originates with The Mystery from which all things have spawned. This is what the Mystics and Ouizzars have learned to master in their practices of trying the powers of the elements. Mastering intent is key to successful interaction with nature because in intent is the same root power of creation, albeit very much diluted by separation from divine awareness. So enlightenment of one's divinity is also key to the successful mastering of the elements.

The experiencing of this power is to intentionally become subject to the energy of that force and the consequences of that subjection. This is why the ancients have always cried out the warning to 'do no harm'. Occultists and religious teachers often refer to this when they speak of reaping what we sow. It is not coincidental that the medical profession long ago adopted the caduceus symbol of the ancients as well as this Karmic motto. The caduceus represents the ascension of the Tree of Life where Spirit is once again united with matter, a feat achieved only by subjecting one's 'self' delusions to the revealing acid of truth. In subjection to denial of self one intentionally becomes attuned with the powers of creation and the divine. Such subjection is identity suicide.

This was the true warning of the ancients about subjection; it had nothing to do with harming others. What was sown was the seed of truth, reaped only in subjection to the natural design and power behind creation.

The ability to express this force of creation is designed within each creation, within the very essence of being, bound to the laws of The Mystery behind It. And the ability to control that expression rests in the skill and practice of intention and will. Desire is the lust to experience such expression and the power that it yields.

Love is neither the experiencing, nor the expression, but it is the combination of the two. Love is not power to be expressed without the experiencing of it. Love is the expression in 'quest of the experience'/being.

Love is not the creative force behind creation. Love is the will to experience that force. Expression of it is the simple being of the sacred essence in which love dwells as one of many attributes.

Love is not the building block; rather it is one of the many components found within that building block. As is hatred, that which exists to repel love and experience its opposite polarity.

All that exists has spawned from a Great Mystery which seeks to experience the many things that are realized by It's awareness of such aspects of being, such as love and hatred. In expressing love the Mystery seeks to experience that force of creation which it has unleashed. And to do so The Mystery had to subject its awareness to that force. In so doing The Creator became the experiencing/the being of the created. In so doing It was able to both express and experience love. And also hatred. As well as every other aspect of its essence.

So what is it that causes love to be the most favorable of the two? Connection!

In the being of love, the connection between the divine and the created is enhanced with power and growth that far overwhelms and surpasses any connection that hatred can establish between the two.

And it is in this growth that existence evolves into higher being, the more enhanced connection between the divine and the created; between spirit and matter.

Whatever information which is shared via the experience of hatred, it cannot begin to compare with the sharing that occurs in a connection of love. And this is why love creates an environment of development, whereas hatred creates an environment of retardation.

Just as darkness cannot shed light for the purpose of enlightenment, hatred cannot establish positive/forward growth in the connection between the divine and the created.

This is why some have confused love with light. They recognize the attribute of love as enlightening.

Light is the resulting force/essence of The Creator as It moves into existing/being. It is the First Thought, the First Vibration. It is also the very essence of that Mystery which expands outward and becomes form; the very Mystery becoming further Mystery as it proceeds to be/exists.

Love is an aspect of The Mystery which connects with all which spawns from It. As the vast and powerful field of The One Consciousness connects with Its many fragments, key aspects of Its essence/creative force are either enhanced or degraded by the evolved quality of each aspect, and love is an aspect which immensely enhances that connection. And the enhancing is experienced not by the One Consciousness alone, but by each and every fragment as the connections are developed and matured.

This is the power of love over hate. Love is the more powerful conduit between Spirit and matter. Not the essence, but the conduit of experience and expression. Hatred is also a conduit between fields of consciousness and is shared similarly. But hatred results in a degraded and retarded development of those connections.

Love is the wheel on which existence turns freely without burden.
Hatred is the braking mechanism of that revolution/evolution.

Light is the essence which reveals that which experience walks upon and lights the further path.
Darkness is the essence which barricades the light from its expression and reveals nothing but further darkness.

Each have their designed purpose. Each has its polar opposite. Every force/essence is a two sided coin of action/reaction. And the design is such that being requires the balancing of the two in such a way that development is never too fast, or too slow.

Every vehicle has its accelerator and its braking mechanism. In the Process of Being there is no reverse. All is forward acceleration. But it is dependent on the choice to either put one’s foot on the gas pedal or the brake pedal.

This is the power of love with regard to the further movement of creation into the Unknown Future. The choice to either accelerate or brake.

And this is what the Ancients came here to tell us.

We have been warned that, because of the genetic manipulation of our ancestry by alien imposers, the resulting genetic confusion, and also the elite system of global control assumed by those elites, deluded humans have been trained to ride the brake on their journey, retarding their ability to accelerate.

We have been manipulated into remaining in the temporary vehicle much longer than we naturally should, given our true design, so that the elite system can prolong the benefits they enjoy in this ‘earth experience’ by using us as their pawns to establish the sustenance of their root system. Without unsuspecting and deluded humans to empower their workforce their system would collapse.

Fear and illusion are the tools they employ against us.

Love and knowledge are the tools which they cannot conquer.

This also is the power of love.

But the difference between what love truly is, and what we are deluded into believing, is the result of elite manipulation. In every aspect, from family affection to the lusts of the flesh, the elite purposely, with a skill gained from millennium of practice, delude humans into experiencing and expressing love in ways that do not utilize its full potential and consequence upon mating fields of consciousness. In this way the elite fool us into applying the brake instead of the accelerator, thereby accomplishing their goal instead of the actual evolution that should be achieved in such 'field connections'.

It is when we begin to speak of love as the free expression of lust, or when we begin to foolishly accept that love is the power behind creation instead of an accelerant, that we begin to fall victim to the elite manipulations. When we are told that love is a thing to be expressed freely without consideration of affect, we are fooled into failing to realize its true power. The expression and experiencing of love is not without consequence. The elite would manipulate us into believing that the only consequence of love is freedom. This supports their cause and enables their ability to further manipulate.

When we realize the true power of love as an accelerating conduit between fields of consciousness, we then utilize such power with much greater appreciation and respect. Such application of love is not conducive to the goals of the elite and their desire to keep us braking as often as possible.

The power of love is not in the freedom to wield it. The power is in the wise application of it.

Wielding power of any sort requires understanding its essence lest the master become victim to it. And this is the true essence of love, in that The Creator is in constant effort to understand Its power and the consequences of such power.

And it is in this process of being that creation expands into the manifestation of those possible consequences, a process completely at the mercy of the experiencing and the expression, the acceleration and the retardation.

Perfect balance where motion no longer exists is not development. Balance is the effort to seek understanding in such a way that motion is experienced as the development and enhancement of knowledge and intelligence. Too fast and the experience is not absorbed with clarity. Too slow and the experience becomes stale and burdened with stagnant repetition.

Cast off the flesh. It has served its purpose.

Do not wallow in repetition and mire in the swamp of stagnation.
Seek rather the Higher Being of acceleration by utilizing the conduit of love to become more than an individual field of consciousness, and to evolve into the Higher aspects of The One Consciousness of the All.

Yes, it is true that, here and now, we are the One experience, and that is glory to be appreciated. But if every thought process was similar to that, and every field chose to remain in retardation, instead of acceleration, the glory of the universe would be this earth experience alone, and the higher processes of being would never be achieved. This is the desire of the elites who enjoy this retarded state of being for the sake of self gratification.

Retardation should not be the desire of The One, or Its fragmented experiences. The desire to develop and grow is designed into the very essence of being of all forms of creation, which the elites deliberately struggle against. They cannot conquer that Divine Process. They can only do their part as burdens in an attempt to slow it down.

We can either choose to partake of the Divine Design, or partake of the 'delusion' created by the elites. We can walk in the Light of The Spirit, or we can remain trapped in the cycle of darkness.

That choice is the power of love over hate, and light over darkness.

Choice! The intention to remain or proceed, to be or not to be.

As above, so below does not mean that all is one and the same. It means that what was once below will become above, and what is now above was once below.

It points to the ‘process’ of being', not the ‘existence’ of being.

It reminds us that there is both direction and development to be sought after.

And the ‘choice to become’ reminds us that each of us bears the obligation of evolving as an aspect of the essence of the Mystery from which we spawned, rather than being a burden to that evolution of The All, and the many further experiences to come in that Process of Being.

Within this Being of The All, shall we be an anchor, or the wind beneath its sail?

Love is not light, nor is it the essence of creation; it is the wind of evolution into Mystery.

Love is the accelerated aspect of Being; an aspect acquired by choice alone. That choice being the Divine aspect of The Creator being expressed through each and every fragment of its experience within all that it creates.

When the human comes to realize this they will readily cast off the temporary brake of the flesh, having already made use of that experience, and apply the accelerator of love to flee into the Great unknown desires of the One Consciousness continuing into Mystery.
You espouse many inspiring points steeped in wisdom and offer key devotional insight into the mechanism and faculty of love and how it sustains all else through being the moving catalyst, empowering force, cleansing illuminator, gear and fruit of the brunt of experience through being.

Quote:Love is the wheel on which existence turns freely without burden.
Hatred is the braking mechanism of that revolution/evolution.
Light is the essence which reveals that which experience walks upon and lights the further path.
Darkness is the essence which barricades the light from its expression and reveals nothing but further darkness.

There is no act which is not done from a foundation of level, regardless if the act itself conveys no discernible level of love within it either on the surface or in the immediate intent behind said act. None would pursue any hobby or endeavor were there no semblance of love for the particular deed pursued. Gardens would not flourish, music would not echo from wherever it is being made, words would not be written, nor would any be trapped in a perpetual process of thought, discovery, integration and manifestation were love not the driving force. Even the darkness and those who delve into it is not without love felt by those who would seek to incite chaos or disharmony, albeit love of a twisted variety. Even if the faculty of love itself is not immediately noticeable or present initially, over time love in some degree will be observed to emanate from any factor associated with any experience.

In truth, we would not be generated were not the One capable of and aligned with boundless love for Itself through every single form It has taken. Every path It walks is paved with love, begins and ultimately ends in Its infinite reservoirs of love. We would not be christened with such freedom of will, choice and direction were we not entirely loved and entrusted with the task of ferrying the One which experiences all we do through the fog. Whether we decide to apply the brakes or incessantly step on the accelerator does not detract from the love It knows for us, although from our perspective depending on what we decide upon it may appear that there is a literal increase or decrease in the amount of love we come into contact with, emanate, refine, grow in or cultivate.

Whether a temporary lower form or properly situated upon the throne of Higher Being, whether our vision is muddled with disdainful negativity or ambiguity, whether one seeks to be elevated in light or sardonically veiled in a downward spiral of darkness, regardless of if one possesses understanding of gnosis or apparently meandering farther and farther away from the source of static salvation in delusion, love does not cease to be. There are many roads and an unlimited array of scenery to decorate those routes tread upon, and numerous ways that our ventures may progress, yet the starting line, the destination, and the traveler are singular. Though the seasons may change, the depths of love and the glare of the ultimate light remain the same. We all bask beneath the shade of the same tree.


Love is always present, as is hatred. For as long as one can express and experience one, it must be that its opposite can also be experienced and expressed.

In the Divine Design of connecting fields of consciousness it is simply a matter of pace of experience. And pace is determined by the balancing of aspects of love and hate.

However the development and evolution of the Divine Design requires 'direction' toward growth rather than stagnation. And it is in this intentional choice of direction that we deliberately enchant our footprint on this experience for the purpose of evolving The One into even Higher Being. When we think in terms of 'self', we think that it is this 'delusion' that evolves. Instead we simply burden the One with slower development.

Enchantment is done by thinking in terms of The One and the Divine Design. As The One we become empowered with the forces and energies of the process of being, rather than the retardation of self delusion, and thus The One evolves.