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Greetings family,

I have somewhat grasped the understanding of Daimôns today (Daemons/Demons) and I feel it is an important topic. I hope a few of my brothers and sisters here can give their slant as I would be most grateful.

Daemon means quasi-divine - comprising of mortal and divine characteristics.

It is my understanding that Daemons are personified incorrectly by the majority of humanity just like Angels.

The meaning, in my opinion, is that a Daemon is actually the 'entity' responsible for communication/transportation/manifestation from time/space (divine realms) to space/time (mortal realms) and vise-versa.

I feel like there might also be a hierarchical order in which Daemons carry out their level of duty/responsibility much like an Angel.

This is all I really understand so far its kind of confusing.

I had meditated upon it today and tried to piece together received information from my guides only to get that 'feeling', I guess you could say, of understanding the Daemon's nature. Yet, it wasn't grasped enough by me to rationalize an understanding that I can put into an observable thought/definition.


Have you ever heard of In-Nomine While games are not always good for info, they do have some very interesting ways of viewing things because games, especially semi-popular games or better, tend to put a lot of effort into the background research and the logical consistency of their way of viewing. While not neccesarilyl right or wrong (Hah, LoO and talking about "right and wrong".... I digress. Anyway. This game has an interesting take on metaphysics, i'd recommend reading some of the stories, especially of the old gods in In nomine and how they slowly fade away when no one believes in them anymore and some of their discussions about it.

Ahh, no spoiler tags then, wont link the whole story here then:
By Derek Pearcy
From Pyramid #21

Patricia held the angel in her arms until he died. Sad thing, that – not to say a bad stroke of luck for us.

The demon had just bitten my thumb off, and he sat there looking at me with this "I just bit your thumb off" grin on his face like I was a moron or something. But I was about three steps to the left of what you'd call a state of shock, so maybe I wasn't an unbiased witness at that point.

It was the first time I'd ever thought seriously about The Meaning of It All. I remembered what Patricia had told her angel as the life bled out of him.

"This is not really you," she'd said as she cried, more for herself than for him, "this body is just a vessel. This is just a vessel."

This is not really me, I thought to myself, trying to staunch the blood from my right hand with the grip of my left. This body is just a vessel. This body is just a vessel.

Didn't help much. Just because I'd talked to angels didn't make me feel any better about life.

There's probably a lot you don't understand. I mean about the angels and all, not stuff like quantum physics and economics. Nobody understands those yet, not even the angels. But I didn't know anything about the bright side of the celestial realm until recently, so maybe I'm a good person to explain it to you.

Of course, the easiest way for me to get you up to speed is to tell you how I found out about it. Isn't it fashionable to do a scene where the reader flashes back vicariously through the main character's perspective while he relives the really juicy pieces of exposition? Why don't we get that out of the way up front?

Let me tell you about the first time I met Nicole, my angel.

Shuffling down a lonely downtown street after an evening of weeknight drinking, I heard this strange noise coming from an alley. No particular kind of noise – it was more like I'd remembered having heard a sound where no sound had just been. Like I said, it was strange. Normally, I keep on walking when I pass an alleyway, no matter what noise echoes out of it, but this time I was curious. It was only a few hours away from the midnight of my birthday, and I'd made a promise earlier to take a few more chances this year. I remember thinking, "I want to start a new life." That, and I was pretty well plastered after ditching a pre-birthday gathering of friends at a downtown bar. So I was feeling artificially brave anyway.

Standing about halfway down the brick-lined alleyway, leaning up against a misshapen brown dumpster that didn't look like it'd been emptied this decade, was this beautiful blonde girl in a sparklingly clean overcoat. Well, she looked like a girl. Really, she was an angel whose corporeal vessel happened to look like that of a young human girl, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

While I was distracted staring at her, this guy darts out from the other side of the alley. I don't know if he'd been hiding between two sacks of garbage or what, but before I knew it he was on me.

And then, just as quickly, he was launched back across the alley by some invisible force, knives spinning out of each hand as he hit the brick wall and slid down, landing face-down on the pavement.

"Look," she said, approaching me, pausing briefly to pick up the two knives. "We don't have a lot of time here."

"Who are you?" I demanded somewhat shakily. "Did you just take that guy out?" She was a tall girl, but she looked pretty wispy to me, not at all someone who could just pick a guy up and launch him across the alley, and certainly not from 20 feet away. She continued walking toward me.

"I'm an angel," she said. "You can call me Nicole. I took him out because he was going to kill you for the eight bucks you've got in your wallet left over from the ten you stole from your boss before going out drinking." That threw me.

"What do you want?" I asked more calmly. I was a little drunk, but I wasn't going to just lose it in front of a stranger, especially if this was some elaborate con game. "How, how did you –"

"I'm an angel," she said matter of factly. "I'll prove it to you in a just a moment." By now she was very close, so close I could smell her breath. Peppermint.

"And that piece of s*** at our feet who's about to recover his consciousness," she whispered into one ear, "he would've killed you if I hadn't stopped him. I took a chance saving your life, I changed your fate. I removed you from the Symphony, at least for now."

"The what?" My world was whirling at right angles to itself.

"The Symphony," she repeated. Her voice grew musical and hypnotic. She kept leaning more closely, but without actually touching me. "It's what we angels call God's pattern of reality. The Earth, and everything on it, is part of the Symphony. You see, angels aren't supposed to be on Earth. We don't want to be here, it's just our job. But when a celestial being, like me, takes up space in the real world, I'm bumping into all sorts of atoms and spinning them all crazy from where they would have gone if I hadn't been there. Celestial intervention sets the Symphony out of balance – it makes all sorts of complicated ripples. The larger the change, the more noticeable the ripples. Other celestial beings can detect these aberrations and use them to track down their source."

Variant of daimon.
Daimon: "An attendant spirit"

"Computer Science: A program or process that sits idly in the background until it is invoked to perform its task."

I have several daemon processes running in the background that attend to my various needs.

Quote:The word "daemon" actually comes from the Greek language, meaning an "inner or attendant spirit" (Oxford American Dictionary). This is a fitting name, as a computer daemon is a constantly running program that triggers actions when it receives certain input.

Quote:They attract it into their lives it seems. You wonder how they could have so much around them. Yes. They feel most comfortable when their life is recognizable, and our pet inner demons make our life recognizable.

So if you can’t beat them join them? Oh no. If you can’t beat them they stay with you. This is why they exist as inner demons, and why no amount of suppression works. They even show up in dreams. Now the mind has been proven to be unable to distinguish between the real and the vividly imagined, and awareness training will show that every inner demon has a “tell”. Something that identifies it with an inner attitude. They literally felt these attitudes were spiritual forces independent of the human soul. Most don’t think this anymore, but a person obsessed with one of their inner demons might even seem “possessed”. They develop tics and strange behaviours linked to their inner demon.

Now is every inner demon either created or passed down to us from our parents? Not necessarily. Some things are congenital. They are part and parcel of human genetics and both our genetics and our epigenetic inheritance manifest in our consciousness.

Maybe not passed down, but you might learn a certain behaviour such as poor body image from your parent? This is true, but it’s bigger than that.

What is epigenetic inheritance? Cultural habits of ingesting substances that bond with and alter DNA. It’s a new field of genetics. Like dropping acid? Oh yes, acid is an epigenetic vector. A changing vector? Yes. Epigenetic = changing? Specifically changing genetics, or genetics altering.

Therefore common archetypes or symbols in dreams? And linked with meanings. Bugs eat the dead. Snakes are the deadly biter in hiding. Things like that.

Perhaps one of the most important things to know about inner demons is that they stay because you have a reason to keep them. As much as you hate them, they arose and existed as servants to you creating your own reality. As a matter of fact, hating them makes them stay. As they say, there is a fine line between love and hate, and the inner demon seems “demonic” because it was born of your hate of something. If you don’t hate the inner demon it weakens.

If we hate something, that gives it power. As you lose investment in the inner demon it disappears? Yes, indeed. The same works with love.

If you hate nothing then you have no demons? Is it possible to hate nothing? Hmm, it’s possible to see hate for what it is, and therefore strip hate of power over you.

The same with loving everything? What you love you give power also.

Travis Saunders
Dragon Intuitive
So, daemons are basically configurations of being, that are not in harmony with Unity. Of course, the main configuration, or personality must be separated from this, as it is the reference point which determines what kind of 'daemon' or energetic configuration or operation system currently running. So instead of unity as the second reference point, perhaps it would be more appropriate to describe it as the 'Self's IDEA of ideal operating, thus a STS entity might think of green-ray activity as a daemon of weakness running amok.