
Full Version: Record Keeper Crystals
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I recently discovered that a quartz crystal given to me for free has a small (sunken?) triangle etched on three separate sides. It also happens to be a be bridged crystal - that is there is a smaller crystal growing out the middle of the larger crystal at a 90 degree angle.

I've read stuff about record keepers online, but very few personal experiences. They supposedly contain wisdom or knowledge. And you can gain their knowledge by attuning to them, then meditating with them, and possibly by having them over your third eye or rubbing the triangles in meditation?

Does anyone have any advice, or personal experiences with such record keepers? (Pickle?Smile Lynn??Smile)



I don't much use a single crystal by itself. I make blends for specific functions within specific frequencies. I hear that a crystal will hold as many programs as there are facets, yet I have not looked into that.

Maybe you should ask the stone itself. They almost always will answer you, rarely having an issue with its owner.