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I have a natural empathic ability and occasionally will pick up a word or two. I would say the 'hit rate' for empathy is 25-75% and word for word is less than 5%.

Telekenesis is something different altogether for me and have had no luck with it.


I have experienced both. Im pretty sure most people have experienced telepathy it would just be experienced in a more subtle way. This is pretty much how it is for me...I haven't really had an intended full on conversations with someone but I sometimes I pick up on what people are going to say before they say it, or in conversation If I say something and the person pauses as to think of a response sometimes I pick up on what they are thinking.

When I was 13-14 I went through a phase of practicing psychokinesis, There is a community of people who are into practicing this and often it is taught that 'beginners' should start their practice using a 'psy-wheel', which is a basically a piece of paper folded than unfolded to for the purpose of allowing it to sit evenly on top of a tack or a pin. Then Idea then is to get the wheel to spin left and right with your intent. After a few days of practice I was able to get the wheel to go left or right at will. It was much more difficult for me to do it in front of people though. A phrase I found appropriate to describe the technique of getting the wheel to move is to "just do it". As in- when you move a limb you just do don't really think about it, you just intend it. When you go pee you just do it and it happens..try to hard and it won't work... o_o
I've never used a psywheel but I find a candle flame fun to practice on. The flame dances by itself but after a while you can get a feel for where the flame will go next and it feels like you are dancing with it Smile


I have often communicated with others without the use of words. I see no immediate use for moving objects with my mind, aside from a nifty convenience, so that is not a skill I have devoted myself to learning. Hatonn Wrote:You can experiment by saying a word to yourself without speaking. You will hear it in your mind. One part of your mind has said the word, and another part has heard it, although you have made no sound. It is possible for two, or more, or all minds to work in this manner. It is necessary that they don’t, for this could result in an unimaginable confusion and constant noise in the mind. However, it is possible, by willing it to, just as you hear the unspoken word that you have thought in your mind, to direct the same word to another mind. It is also possible to direct a muscular action, a response, to another mind. It is also possible to impress an intellectual concept upon another mind. It is also possible to impress a non-intellectual concept upon another mind.

These are just a few of the simple principles of communication, mind-to-mind. We have some difficulty at times, and there is confusion. This instrument is aware of the possibility of generating thoughts and repeating them as if they were from a source external to him. My friends, I have stated earlier that there in only one source. It is the Creator.
Thanks parsons. I like that last part there is only one source, the Creator.