
Full Version: Space Barbie (ATTN Not Sure)
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I had heard a lot about this lady, but never actually heard what she has to say for herself. Pretty interesting perspective:
Personally something doesn't sit right with her appearance and what she is saying.
I feel the make up could perhaps be to make herself stand out from the crowd so to speak. Without all the quirky make up she is no doubt attractive in obvious physical sense, for example - Barbiesque. She obviously incarnated with a wider sensory perception than most and I feel the make up could be her trying to show physically how different she must of felt as a child. Perhaps she wanted to look normal and dressed up as barbie from a young age and never truly healed her childhood fears of being so different to the perceived general populous.


She doesn't seem happy to me, I think it's sad.
I haven't watched the video, but based on reactions I'm going to pull out the tinfoil hat and speculate that she could be a plant. I mean this sounds like advertisement if anything:

Quote:Valeria, AKA Space Barbie, gives us exclusive access to her world to show us how physical perfection truly is the best medium through which to deliver life-changing philosophy to the human race.

Associating Barbie and plastic surgery with enlightenment? Just a little odd. Not to mention the dead eyes and the esoteric imagery makes me think of something you'd see on Vigilant Citizen.

hehehehehehe....i just thought this was funnyBigSmile
Seen it long ago, love her bravery. You go gurl! BigSmile