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Why is it that all of a sudden at 62, I am sleeping most of the day and only get full of energy around midnight? This is a drastic change in me, came over me in about 3 months. Can't get my normal patterns back for nothing, maybe a day or two, then I'm up all night.
that definitely is odd!

have you noticed any other changes in your life? diet? the sort of dreams you have during the day?

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I actually have the sleep patterns you described above because I work night shift (the real 'graveyard shift') from 11pm to 630am. It took me a couple of years to fully adjust, but you seem to have adjusted quite naturally Smile
Well, chocolate doesn't have the pull on me it used to have, I still eat it but not as much, I have become quite attached to the Dr. Who series, because my dreams, even before I started following, seemed to aim towards the possibility of there being real life time lords.
But this sleep shift seems to be something natural, irritating, but natural, if I have to do something during the day, I am forced to take a nap as soon as I am able. My dreams are scanty at best but with a feeling that I'm moving forward.
A few years ago I experienced something, it was just before I moved to NY. I was walking home from the store, about a quarter of a mile and to my right was a busy highway and a curve in the road. I was moving as a steady pace and all at once it seemed like the cars were moving in slow motion. This has happened twice more, once a few months ago, on a street in Brooklyn. the people seemed to be moving in slow motion.I felt like I passed through a vortex of some kind, but never mentioned it to anyone as, no one would have believed me anyway.
Delayed sleep phase. Most common causes - excessive blue light at night, magnesium deficiency, pineal gland calcification.

Best practice - turn off all blue light 30 min before bed, 400mg of equivalent magnesium at night, sublingual melatonin 1-20mg as needed 30 min before bed.

Other treatments - earthing blanket, 3 days of camping, and journaling every night.
I went through a doctor who phase recently myself. Watched every episode with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan then went back and started from the beginning again.
I would not worry in your case.
I remember listening to Pink Floyd's the Wall when I fell asleep gave me weird dreams.