A mutually beneficial communication with an empathetic ET race. - Printable Version

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A mutually beneficial communication with an empathetic ET race. - ColinT - 03-28-2017

As a long-term observer of the Earth-ET relationship, I've long had this website/forum categorized at the forefront of possible useful developments, and it has long - and always - disappointed me.

To understand why, step back to the 1950s and look at the many attempts made by ETs to "prove their existence" by mass sightings, such as the two-week episode over Washington:,_D.C._UFO_incident

The ETs with whom I'd PERSONALLY most like to establish ongoing contact DO NOT want to be viewed as "awesome", much less to be worshiped as gods. If any of them still have the patience needed to interact with this god-forsaken cess-pit of a planet, they'd only want to communicate with those having sympathetic interests.

I'm not the least bit interested in "messages for Mankind" or other high-faluting pseudo-philosophical nonsense, but mainly in the practical necessities of managing the 4dV to 5dV transition - what those here call the change from 3rd to 4th density - and an important consideration is how to utilize and adapt our present electronics technology to assist in this.

Are there any others using this forum who have a similarly simple, practical interest in this topic?

RE: A mutually beneficial communication with an empathetic ET race. - Billy - 03-28-2017

(03-28-2017, 05:23 AM)ColinT Wrote: If any of them still have the patience needed to interact with this god-forsaken cess-pit of a planet, they'd only want to communicate with those having sympathetic interests.

Eh, this planet ain't so bad.  I'd say that our ET friends quite like Earth and humanity.  They would probably like to communicate with everyone, if they could.  Overall, I would say that they are more eager to be with us and join in kinship with us, then us with them.  Reading the channeled material on the L/L website, I get the strong impression that ET groups see it as an absolute privilege and honor to be serving us and communicating with us in any way that they can.  It is something they cherish, and I feel like patience for them is not a problem.  

This little quote sums it up perfectly for me:

Hatonn Wrote:I and my brothers are having a little difficulty trying to hold back our enthusiasm. It is difficult to express ourselves to you through this means of communication. Our love and kinship for you is trying to penetrate your peoples, and in only a few more moments, yes, my friends, a few more moments, and all your peoples will know and understand. Our moments, my friends, are years to you. Actually they are only moments.

I am your teacher Hatonn. Adonai Vasu Borragus. Our love is with you forever and ever. Adonai, I am Hatonn.

RE: A mutually beneficial communication with an empathetic ET race. - sjel - 03-28-2017

(03-28-2017, 05:23 AM)ColinT Wrote: The ETs with whom I'd PERSONALLY most like to establish ongoing contact DO NOT want to be viewed as "awesome", much less to be worshiped as gods. If any of them still have the patience needed to interact with this god-forsaken cess-pit of a planet, they'd only want to communicate with those having sympathetic interests.

Huh, I honestly get the absolute opposite impression of the beings channeled by L/L Research - they often express that they are continuously humbled and overcome with sheer gratitude during their interactions with Earth.

What makes you think that the entities here want to be viewed as 'awesome?'

(03-28-2017, 05:23 AM)ColinT Wrote: I'm not the least bit interested in "messages for Mankind" or other high-faluting pseudo-philosophical nonsense, but mainly in the practical necessities of managing the 4dV to 5dV transition - what those here call the change from 3rd to 4th density

I genuinely believe that the practical necessities will simply and easily fall into place as a result of our spiritual and mental transitions. Specifically, our transitions into unceasing radiation of joy and love.

In fact, a few channeled entities have singled out humanity's tendency to be grossly out of balance with regards to the technology-to-spirituality ratio. Atlantis comes to mind as a somber example of what happens when 'practical necessities' become prioritized over philosophy.