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New light regarding our sun body - GentleReckoning - 06-03-2018

So the first octave extends out to saturn. Jupiter and Saturn both having complex bodies leading to the common meme that God is complex and un-understandable.

The next octave starts with Uranus. The Greek history is accurate in that Uranus's energy is the energy of being harmed by sin. Individuals, corporations, and products that have been harmed by greed/lust/violence etc gravitate to Uranus for healing.

In this way, Uranus is the first guide beyond the octave acting as a guide for the physical while neptune sits beyond and along with pluto potentiate higher realms.

Along with that Uranus is tilted 90 degrees, and that it's magnetic field rotates in a way in which it does not protect itself from outside energy. Notice that this is how seekers operate. They take everything in, and via Neptune and Allah (everything beyond the sun) balance all the catalyst that those harmed by the sun encounter via intuition. This process holds a higher vibration than creating within the sun body. This is why so many seekers/monks/priests/like 90% of the population would rather remain as 'simple' as possible instead of re-entering to the point of grounding back on the Earth.

So healing in 3rd density to the point of having a functional m/b/s is less pleasant than simply waiting for death/Jesus to do the deed.

RE: New light regarding our sun body - GentleReckoning - 06-03-2018

In fact, it is common to have a peculiar relationship with death if you do heal from significant soul-path destruction. E.g. Heavy metal, skull tattoos, etc.

RE: New light regarding our sun body - GentleReckoning - 06-03-2018

It's all very accurate and beautiful.

RE: New light regarding our sun body - Rhayader - 06-04-2018

What are your sources for this info? I am very interested in reading up more on how the planets move and work and the relationships with consciousness.

RE: New light regarding our sun body - GentleReckoning - 06-04-2018

Relating the chakras to the planets. The sun being red, then Saturn being the 7th. Uranus being the first guide beyond the octave, and Neptune and pluto being creativity and the muse.

RE: New light regarding our sun body - GentleReckoning - 06-04-2018

All the greek gods fit the model exactly.

RE: New light regarding our sun body - EvolvingPhoenix - 06-05-2018

(06-03-2018, 10:02 PM)GentleReckoning Wrote: In fact, it is common to have a peculiar relationship with death if you do heal from significant soul-path destruction. E.g. Heavy metal, skull tattoos, etc.

So, you're saying my love of heavy metal, skull stuff, etc. stems from me "healing" from soul-path destruction? You may be onto something, because I have always felt I had a peculiar relationship with death since I was very little. Very depressed. Suicidal. Welcomed death as a friend and thought about it, God, the afterlife, our purpose on Earth, etc. frequently. At some point I became an atheist and the idea of not existing took a bit of adjustment, but for the most part, I remained unafraid of death. And now I believe in god again and still do not fear death. Might this all have to do with the "healing from soul-path destruction" thing?

And what is soul-path destruction exactly?

RE: New light regarding our sun body - GentleReckoning - 06-05-2018

So you met death in-between lives. I have met him only in the last year or so. But yeah, you're right.

Imagine a line. Imagine something hitting that line and shifting it so it aims somewhere else. That is soul path destruction. Via seeking and focus you can heal that line, absorbing all of the mass energy and light created via that impact. You become greater than that which impacted you, and you get your soul back basically. It's a massive undertaking in 3rd density, as much of the work is done beyond the octave.

RE: New light regarding our sun body - flofrog - 06-05-2018

Thank you GentleReckoning, that’s so exactly what someone in my family did. Exactly so. Thank you.

RE: New light regarding our sun body - EvolvingPhoenix - 06-05-2018

(06-05-2018, 04:02 PM)GentleReckoning Wrote: So you met death in-between lives. I have met him only in the last year or so. But yeah, you're right.

Imagine a line. Imagine something hitting that line and shifting it so it aims somewhere else. That is soul path destruction. Via seeking and focus you can heal that line, absorbing all of the mass energy and light created via that impact. You become greater than that which impacted you, and you get your soul back basically. It's a massive undertaking in 3rd density, as much of the work is done beyond the octave.

I'm sorry, but I am having a hard time comprehending what you're saying.

So first of all, the grim reaper is REAL? Holy s***! I remember Infinite Waters saying that whatever alias you go by is actually influenced by past life events, and I was like "Well, I go by Grimm in this lifetime (partially cause of the game Twisted metal, partially cause the name just sounded cool an partially cause of the grim reaper thing just being cool to me) I always thought it was just, you know, dark person liking dark and cool things, and all heavy metal and stuff. Yet you're saying it's influenced by past events of soul path destruction and meeting the grim reaper?

So what's the dude like?

Also, how does this undertaking result in a peculiar relationship with death? Is the relationship positive? I suppose so, because I always looked at death like a friend and generally viewed the urge to die as a homesick siren's song. Even as an atheist, rather inexplicably. So the soul path estruction thing may have something to do with it?

I have a friend who's not the sharpest tool in the shed but he's a nice guy and like me, he loves skulls, grim reaper imagery and heavy metal. Unlike me, he likes more extreme forms of metal way more often, views black metal in an atmospheric and spiritual light, does metal album art, always seems to draw skeletons and skulls, an he has a s*** ton of skeletal and skull based imagery all over his room. Very metal. His artwork is always dark, impressionistic and filled with death imagery. You think he also does the soul path destruction thing?

What's being used to knock the soul off of it's path? Is that the doing of the entity beyond the octave or the seeker? IS the seeker doing his part within 3rd density? How is he doing it and what would lead him to try it?

What happens if one fails?

Have you done it?

How'd you meet death?

RE: New light regarding our sun body - EvolvingPhoenix - 06-05-2018

(06-05-2018, 07:50 PM)flofrog Wrote: Thank you GentleReckoning, that’s so exactly what someone in my family did. Exactly so. Thank you.

Could you give me more details? I am keenly interested in knowing more. Not that I intend to practice it. Sounds too risky. Still, I find it interesting.

RE: New light regarding our sun body - GentleReckoning - 06-05-2018

Meeting death is when the thought of dying is preferable to the emotional/spiritual catalyst being offered. This raises the idea or concept of death to that of being a healer.

Most religions have aspects of death through which this process can have substance.

RE: New light regarding our sun body - EvolvingPhoenix - 06-05-2018

(06-05-2018, 10:12 PM)GentleReckoning Wrote: Meeting death is when the thought of dying is preferable to the emotional/spiritual catalyst being offered. This raises the idea or concept of death to that of being a healer.

Most religions have aspects of death through which this process can have substance.

So how does meeting death connect to soul path destruction exactly? Just curious.

RE: New light regarding our sun body - flofrog - 06-06-2018

(06-05-2018, 09:18 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote:
(06-05-2018, 07:50 PM)flofrog Wrote: Thank you GentleReckoning, that’s so exactly what someone in my family did. Exactly so. Thank you.

Could you give me more details? I am keenly interested in knowing more. Not that I intend to practice it. Sounds too risky. Still, I find it interesting.

it's just that after my dad passed away, one of my sibling had just got through a non malignant brain tumor, and the passing of our dad was just a little too much, and my sibling tried to commit suicide which, in very interesting way, couldn't get quite get through, somehow, the universe helped.. Wink and then it took him quite a few years but exactly as GentleReckoning said, I think it was a major undertaking on his part to amalgam all the pieces together and find himself after a few years in a state where he would never try end his life again but had at the same time no more fear of death at all, but saw it as just a one second passage into something else. But GentleReckonig just expressed that so well.