Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Printable Version

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Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Asolsutsesvyl - 07-20-2019

Looking for a greater synthesis, I have begun to compare the material which came out of the Ra contact with that of the "Cassiopaean Experiment".

I understand that the approach of the Cassiopaean community is not in alignment with that of the Bring4th community. I have yet to read a clear and full explanation of the differences, but it is obvious that, relative to what has been expressed here, the Cassiopaean community and the key people involved block the green ray, and this is reflected in the differences in views which have grown over the years.

Assuming that 6D STO communication is involved in both projects, a key difference is that the Ra contact was narrow-band, and the Cassiopaean contact wide-band. What does this mean in terms of what is and is not transmitted?

Going by what Ra claimed, what was communicated cleanly reflected Ra's thinking. I.e., there seems to have been a straight line between the 6D mind and what was verbally "rendered". Errors appear to have entered at the level of syntax - words and numbers - with Ra's full knowledge, and sometimes followed by corrections.

In the case of the Cassiopaean material, it became clear and was expressed early on that what was communicated reflected those involved in each channeling session in addition to a higher source. The "wide-band" approach seems to have limited the depth of 6D connection relative to the material which was spelled out at the board. One benefit has however been a flawless syntax - no errors with words or numbers. Any errors appear at a higher level - the level of what is being expressed in the first place.

To the extent that 6D STO chooses what comes through in the case of the Cassiopaean material, errors are likely to be accompanied by symbolic information which makes it possible to find the errors. Finding them may however happen much later, and only if someone notices and figures something out. (My theory is that as long as the channeling is not detuned, all significant errors will be expressed or put in context in such a way that "debugging" is possible.)

Below, I have inserted one extremely clear-cut example of an error in the Cassiopaean material. It related to the accuracy of the Ra material. (That part of this post was also posted as a thread on the Cassiopaean Forum on the 8th of July, though discussion there has yet to take off.)

Added: Cassiopaean accuracy in the years of the earliest participants was explained as, "balancing fields are correct", which Laura Knight-Jadczyk interpreted as STS "Frank" vs. STO Laura cancelling out, allowing 6D STO through cleanly enough. But given the fundamental principle that STS constricts and distorts the flow, a compromise combination of the two does not explain it. But two opposed STS agendas cancelling out logically works. "Frank" left after the mid-90's, leaving one of the two STS agendas, no longer cancelled out.

Added later: A new section at the end of this post now provides "Further links and notes", following later discussion.

Truth percentages and Bad statistics

Cassiopaean Session 1997-12-31 mentions truth percentages, and the following numbers have been provided for the (older) Cassiopaean material and for the (old published version of) the Ra material:

Ra: ~63%
C's: 71.7%

The algorithm is: Total word count divided by true word count.

Added: This matches the language of the C's, but is really multiplicatively inverse to the percentage. (The concept may have temporarily changed from percentage to ratio without words to the effect.) So to make sense of it, and of the alternative algorithm below, swap what is on each side of "divided by". (End of addition.)

Counts of true, false, and neutral words are possible (by non-mechanical means), according to the information in the session. (Since words can be individually classified, it follows that a count of neutral words is also possible.)

The neutral word count is unused in calculating the percentages. The C's said that neutral "belong to the 37% as they cannot be counted subjectively as accurate".

However, there is one more alternative. Instead of counting neutral words as true (the rejected option) or as false (the option the C's used), they can be subtracted from the total word count for a non-neutral word count.

Alternative algorithm: Non-neutral word count divided by true word count.

Added: Again, there is the need to swap what is on each side of "divided by". (End of addition.)

This would increase the percentages. It would almost certainly increase the percentage more for the Ra material than it would do for the Cassiopaean material, given the style difference.

The Cassiopaean algorithm is bad because it lets noise skew the measurement, instead of filtering it out. The means for filtering are pre-provided if counts are available for all three word categories, as they apparently are.

This leads to the question: Why did the C's provide bad statistics, compared to what they could have provided with a trivial improvement of their algorithm? (Only the purely mechanical part of the process needed a small change.)

They also made a false claim in presenting the false dichotomy motivating their choice of algorithm (their choice of how to treat neutral words).

This is a riddle. This is exactly the kind of thing that someone can discern and point out on purely intellectual grounds. If the C's had wanted to lie, they could have presented a good algorithm and provided bad numbers, and there would have been no rational, clear-cut way to find and point out the flaw.

Instead, the C's did provide a bad algorithm, and this is the only thing I criticize regarding the percentages. The percentages are bad because the algorithm is flawed. Beyond that, other questions regarding the numbers remain as before.

Perhaps there is some kind of symbolic message in the choice of a bad algorithm. The theme is this: Counting the neutral as negative instead of counting according to (or focusing on) what matters. ("Counting" may symbolically be mapped to thinking, and/or perceiving, more generally. That's the track I'm exploring, anyway.)

I think it certainly wasn't an accident, whatever the specifics turn out to be. The C's know too much for it to be an accident. (Were it accidental, it would then be possible to immediately rule out the option that they are what they have claimed to be.) It may also be the case that they wanted the error to be found; otherwise, quite trivially, they could have presented something different.

On Ra and language

Comparing the language of Ra and the C's, the latter is obviously simpler. It is more straightforward to begin delving into, and more easy to work with point-by-point. At the level of concepts, Ra however presents them more cohesively. Those who focus on larger, abstract concepts as they read might find that Ra gives things in larger chunks, which are more precise and clear as a whole, compared to assembling units of meaning of the same size from the Cassiopaean material.

There's also style differences that I think have to do with differing aims of the communications. I think Ra knew the future and planned the material according to the future of the project, as it developed. Some symbolic information changed part-way through (Ra suddenly "corrected" some information which fairly obviously is not literal). Perhaps in order to make non-literal material current with a new timeline.

I think the Ra material may be a compressed information package for a time after it was delivered. Ra suggested that if only a few would "get it", then it could greatly help. What was meant by "getting it"?

There's also interesting little hints here and there when Ra cannot speak clearly for the sake of free will. Don Elkins asks about the life of Jesus, and Ra indicates that there's a problem with the question as it was asked, rather vaguely and for no apparent reason. A possible explanation is that the question could not be answered accurately, since the person asked about never existed. When Don rephrased the same question, Ra decided to fill the gap with a little metaphorical story-telling (where changes to the narrative, as it goes on, hints that it isn't to be taken as literally valid).

The most obvious level of indirection in the material is in terms of breaking up a piece of information, delivering the pieces independently, and making the retrieval of the information a matter of logical deduction. I'll give the example I have in mind.

Ra used the name prefix 'Mal-' for the planet which blew up, and indicated that the prefix meant it "stank", simply put. Then, later, of all the choices Ra had for naming the Earth while mentioning its "vibration", Ra used the name 'Malkuth'. Applying Ra's rule for the meaning of names in the material, simple logic has it that Ra unambiguously included "The Earth stinks" in the material. (The type of "bad smell" indicated is presumably the same for Earth and for the planet which blew up.)

There's also a greater open-endedness to Ra's presentation of the cosmology. Formulations are in terms of large, cosmic processes, with much of it left unexplored. Some questions of the limits of 6D knowledge are also covered. (In short, 6D cannot see beyond 6D, except in terms of perceiving how it relates to 7D. The structure of the cosmos requires the use of some type of 7D connection in order to read certain things pertaining to individual souls, though 6D is bounded in its use of such. Everything else appears to be an open book for 6D.)

Further links and notes

The Cassiopaean material can be found on the Cassiopaea forum, and older (1994-2002) sessions can also be found here.

A link shared several times by others is Montalk's Disclaimer, which seems to be from 2006 but is still relevant. Describes the early Cassiopaean material as good, but 2003 as the year when cult-like psychological and spiritual corruption went beyond the point of no return for the Cassiopaean channel and community.

In posts below there's discussion of both the Cassiopaean material and community, but the later "Cassiopaea forum" thread focuses more on the community.

The RationalWiki article on Laura Knight-Jadczyk has changed a lot in 2021 and now gives a broad skeptical overview of everything tied to the Cassiopaean Experiment, describing some (but not all) of the most questionable stuff in the Cassiopaean channeling.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - AnthroHeart - 07-21-2019

Wait, if you divided total word count by true word count, the total would be over 100%.

Aren't there more total words than true words?

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Jim Kent + - 07-21-2019

In my opinion...

The Cassiopaean "Channeling" is a fraud - either Laura etc. were making it up - or they were / are channeling a deceitful source of whatever origin and I believe that have attempted to do to The Ra material what the Romans have done to Jesus's teachings...

Namely greatly distort and pervert said teachings for their own self-promotion.

There are far better ways of wasting your time than reading the Cassiopaean bullshit! 

Merry Christmas!  Wink  

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Asolsutsesvyl - 07-21-2019

(07-21-2019, 07:14 AM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Wait, if you divided total word count by true word count, the total would be over 100%.

Aren't there more total words than true words?

For whatever reason, what was on each side of "divided by" was swapped in my write-up (but not in my thinking). I didn't notice the "flip" until now. The corrected lines are:

The algorithm is: True word count divided by total word count.

Alternative algorithm: True word count divided by non-neutral word count.

Thanks for pointing it out. (I also added the correction to the Cassiopaea Forum thread. If anything interesting does follow there, perhaps I could mention what has bearing on the whole question here.)

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - ada - 07-21-2019

What set me off from the material was the constant predictions and prophecies.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - unity100 - 07-21-2019

Quote:The algorithm is: Total word count divided by true word count

That does not even make any statistical sense.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Asolsutsesvyl - 07-21-2019

(07-21-2019, 07:27 AM)Jim Kent + Wrote: In my opinion...

The Cassiopaean "Channeling" is a fraud - either Laura etc. were making it up - or they were / are channeling a deceitful source of whatever origin and I believe that have attempted to do to The Ra material what the Romans have done to Jesus's teachings...

Namely greatly distort and pervert said teachings for their own self-promotion.

There are far better ways of wasting your time than reading the Cassiopaean bullshit! 

Merry Christmas!  Wink  
The idea of a deceitful source being channeled is actually reasonable to consider. But I don't think the Cassiopaean channeling is made-up at the 3D level; it becomes very implausible when you know more about the whole project.

If at the core it spiritually is or was good, then there's the complex (and to me, interesting) questions of what's happened over the years. There's been a gradual change of spiritual orientation (including how spirituality is seen in the first place), with several milestones along the way. No doubt higher-density players of conflicting types would be involved. (But in the same way as the Cassiopaean community explain it? I have the sense that something very important is missing.)

If it's the opposite, that makes for very different possible explanations. For example, consider the following hypothetical 5D STS to-do list:
1. Get rid of Don Elkins.
2. Establish a controlled replacement for the Ra contact.
3. ???
4. Post-apocalyptic 4D-world domination.

(I have more ideas related to the latter option, but for the time, look at other possibilities.)

As for whether the Cassiopaean material is a waste of time, it's a little too late to decide on that in my case. Having been involved in the community which grew around it since 2008, now the question for me is what it all amounted to, and amounts to. For me it's an important question, wherever I go from there.

Long story short, going through my own "wanderer's awakening" meant experiencing more than fits the confines of the Cassiopaea community consensus apporach. I can no longer represent their consensus as the "community encyclopedian" (more or less) that I had turned into.

What to do over there? Before I write back more fully following the past years of inner experiences and turmoil, I need to figure out what I'm actually trying to accomplish in the first place. They have become too closed-minded for "wanderer"-type topics, rejecting all of that as dangerous subjectivity. They build a new wall, a new prison, for wanderers looking to break the confines of "The Matrix" (more or less).

Actually, there's references in old Cassiopaean sessions to people being held in a "frequency fence" which stalls them, kept that way for later use by 4D STS as "food". There's also past references to the community members being deliberately stalled by a "frequency fence".

Then, there's the oft-repeated prediction that "help is coming". That kind of thing ramped up just as I went through my own "wanderer's awakening", second half of 2015. Then, thinking through the whole teaching, and running into too many contradictions, I could no longer accept it. Then all hell broke loose, internally. As if submerged in a weird, abstract reality where overlapping components of drastically different orientations clashed. I had to mentally fight my way to a detached position in which I can try to figure out what the heck is actually going on.

Weird things followed in the Cassiopaean community, from what members reported dreaming to some engaging in the community's prayer (which came from Laura) and finding themselves giving up control of their lives to a "bright" presence which was to bring them out of "dissociative" patterns and towards a life with a better brain.

All in all, the 4D-related patterns I saw there since the time I "woke up" have given me the creeps, mildly put. I don't care whether I could be "the help" for the Cassiopaean community if that means supporting something evil, simply put. I hope the next wanderer in my position - for I think there are more of my "type" there - also goes for mental and spiritual freedom above following a script written by dubious authors. Without freedom, how can you know whether you help or hurt?

Just before I quietly left in mid-2016, it seemed, archetypally - going by dream and other symbolism - as if the path of the network meant either needing to turn into a pet dog or find myself in the role of either diseased outcast or an intruder who doesn't really belong.

The Cassiopaean community still has one thing going for it, which is its great ideological foundational pillar: virtue and goodness through truth. Wherever they have ended up, thinking is what will bring them wherever they will go. Will their thinking expand or will it contract? Will it separate them from the bigger picture, or will it encompass it? Ultimately, it's up to each and every one involved.

(Stuffing the mind with more and more academic and other knowledge is not what it takes to truly expand the bounds of thinking. The nature of mind is more complicated than that. As in theory they know, in terms of the Fourth Way teaching.)

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - zvonimir - 07-22-2019

The important points to remember are:

1) There is a difference between the message (Cassiopaean Transcripts) and the messenger (Laura Knight and the Quantum Future Group).
2) The message (1994-2002) is still viable and I recommend it, but the messenger and channel (2003+) are now corrupt beyond hope.

There has been a small number of individuals who, despite reading this page and knowing better, decided to go ahead and immerse themselves fully in the Cassiopaea forum anyway. Given enough time, their weakness of mind, lack of personal conviction, and ego-driven need to belong at all costs made them succumb to the peer pressure found there. Instead of thinking for themselves.....

the rest is on the link perhaps it can be of help .........

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Jim Kent + - 07-22-2019

Hi Asolsutsevyl, 

I just wanted to apologise for the crappy welcome I gave you to this forum, what I wrote wasn't meant to attack you or your beliefs directly, and I'm glad you seem to have not taken offence!

I did my time with the Cassiopaean material nearly 20 years ago and I stand by what I wrote...

But I perhaps could have been a bit friendlier about expressing my opinion.

L & L


RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - flofrog - 07-22-2019

(07-22-2019, 11:22 AM)Jim Kent + Wrote: Hi Asolsutsevyl, 

I just wanted to apologise for the crappy welcome I gave you to this forum, what I wrote wasn't meant to attack you or your beliefs directly, and I'm glad you seem to have not taken offence!

I did my time with the Cassiopaean material nearly 20 years ago and I stand by what I wrote...

But I perhaps could have been a bit friendlier about expressing my opinion.

L & L


lol BigSmile Jim, I was like, whoa Jim !! But I understand !!!! Wink

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Moonfox - 07-25-2019

I read some of the Cassiopean stuff...I read some of "Bringers of the Dawn." It made me feel like they were always on the verge of some deep revelation that they just never achieved. I don't know also if our DNA is changing as rapidly as they seem to think it is. It wasn't my cup of tea but some people are really into it.

I like the Ra material much much better. I use it like a bible and a base reference for all other teachings and that's why I keep returning to it. I've also read the Kyballion and I like the teachings there quite a bit. The Kyballion's teachings are far more practical than the Cassiopean's. If you can get through some of the hermetic historical philosophy which some of which I like but some of which I ignore.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Asolsutsesvyl - 09-20-2019

(07-21-2019, 10:41 AM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote:
(07-21-2019, 07:14 AM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Wait, if you divided total word count by true word count, the total would be over 100%.

Aren't there more total words than true words?

For whatever reason, what was on each side of "divided by" was swapped in my write-up (but not in my thinking). I didn't notice the "flip" until now. The corrected lines are:

The algorithm is: True word count divided by total word count.

Alternative algorithm: True word count divided by non-neutral word count.

Thanks for pointing it out. (I also added the correction to the Cassiopaea Forum thread. If anything interesting does follow there, perhaps I could mention what has bearing on the whole question here.)

It turns out that the formulation I originally used corresponds to the language of the C's. Perhaps, without making it explicit, it was given as a ratio, which happened to be multiplicatively inverse compared to the percentage discussed elsewhere, rather than as the percentage.

The person pointing this out on the Cassiopaea forum didn't find the Cassiopaean information unreasonable, but did point out that "neutral words" are "odd" - not obvious why a word is neutral when used in one place but not when used in another. The whole thing is tricky, and more time and energy would be needed to straighten it all out than I'm willing to put into the attempt (at any rate at present).

Also, at first the C's claimed that estimating their own material was not up to them, but later they gave the percentage. This may indicate a shift in what is channeled.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Asolsutsesvyl - 10-24-2019

I'll wrap up the part of my personal story left open with this post. Later on, there's various topics more interesting than the previous, "truth percentages", to explore, including further ones dealing with differences in metaphysics, philosophy, and basic approach to spirituality.

I felt I couldn't write all I had on my mind while still being a member of the Fellowship (FOTCM) which is the "club" (officially a religion) which is the inner part of the Cassiopaea community. As I mentioned before, I was really not sure what to say to them, with all I had on my mind. I finally came to the conclusion that the best I could do, having already discussed personal matters in the past, was to post a few things which may generally stimulate thinking and then simply leave.

I sent a short message about having decided to leave on September the 24th. I mention this because of a symbolic event. A few days after, while walking one evening, I bumped my head on a sign while looking down, a "slow down near the school" type of sign. I found that I had not yet gotten a response to the message (as it would turn out, the person usually handling it was away for the week). After posting a message on the members' board, the next day I was removed. Then followed a sense of inner expansiveness and healing which has gone on since then.

Now I feel I can get off to a cleaner and fuller start with communities which have conflicting philosophies.

To put the essence of the philosophical differences very simply, the 2nd major version of the Cassiopaea website had a 2006 article series titled "Splitting Realities". It was very divisive, in terms of dividing people sharply into souls going onwards and upwards in accordance with the ideology, and souls which are doomed to become lunch to, or enslaved by, 4D STS because they "cannot deal with reality", in terms of how dealing with reality is defined by the ideology. The article series is missing from the current, 3rd major version of the website (but may be found by searching online archives).

The key point is that the whole Cassiopaea thing has evolved into something very divisive, which very sharply divides people according to an oversimplified doctrine. (Simultaneously, it is a very firm official belief that "there is no belief system" in there - only good methodology and respect for the truth.)

I think that the title, "Splitting Realities", doubles as a symbolic indicator of the overall spiritual direction of the Cassiopaean Experiment. The artificial ideological wall has hardened and narrowed over the years, along with the "us vs. them" group mentality, which leaves practically no place for traditional mysticism which aims to transcend the crass and conventional aspects of human life. What is cut out from the picture is replaced by one-size-fits-all substitutes which the spiritual leadership considers "safe" and "good".

I must leave all of that behind. What I am actually interested in is the merging of realities. The mutual growth of understanding, and the replacement of ideological thinking - which by its very nature is always oversimplified - with something more real and full. And I also cannot sweep my personal mysticism under the rug any longer.

This community is one of those which fits the description: people here work towards a merging of realities, instead of furthering the splitting of realities. It is my personal conviction that only a synthesis which ultimately succeeds in taking everything into account, without dividing realities, can be real. But that's almost like the Holy Grail. Here, and probably elsewhere (I think my focus will branch out over time), I hope to make some personal progress, along with, I hope, what I share turning out to be of use for others as well.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Kaaron - 10-26-2019

All I know is that Laura is not balanced.
This will corrupt the information.
One term "abos" is highly polarizing and not self aware AT ALL.
All information seems to be in the form of assumption from her, backed with luke warm responses and vague comments.
Not a fan

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Asolsutsesvyl - 11-09-2019

I posted on the question of objectivity in relation to positivity separately in the thread, "Objectivity & subjectivity in relation to positivity & negativity". I build some basic ideas on a foundation along the lines of what I think old L/L Research thinking is like, and the contrast with the Cassiopaean Experiment is striking. It's a large enough subject that giving it its own discussion seemed best.

Below, I'll follow up on the valuable pointer to Montalk.

A later topic to explore in more detail is differences in how the polarities are understood. And, also, the curious difference in how 5D is defined.

(07-22-2019, 02:42 AM)zvonimir Wrote:

The important points to remember are:

1) There is a difference between the message (Cassiopaean Transcripts) and the messenger (Laura Knight and the Quantum Future Group).
2) The message (1994-2002) is still viable and I recommend it, but the messenger and channel (2003+) are now corrupt beyond hope.

It is certainly relevant, and Montalk's overview of the change of mentality after the 2003 turning point made very interesting reading. (Years ago, I remember looking at what Montalk wrote, but I did not fully understand it. At the time, I still trusted the Cassiopaea core group on the basis of all the knowledge they had, and what seemed like a good track record.)

The hindsight view is that I came for the knowledge and stayed for the tunnel vision. But since my ties to the group were idealistic at the core, all else grown out of that, I mentally diverged in proportion to the watering down and replacing of esoteric ideas, spiritual ideals, etc., in later years. There's been another shift in mentality since that which Montalk described.

The three spiritualities of the Cassiopaean Experiment are, briefly, as follows:

1. Taking concepts at face value, including a metaphysics similar to that of Ra, but with some nuances relating to polarity omitted and replaced by others, 5D redefined, and much extra in the way of material similar to that in book 5 of the Law of One.

2. An esoteric school which is a lighthouse in a world of darkness, constantly opposed by the forces of "The Matrix" to an extreme. With a unique and shifting idea of "objectivity", and a mixing and matching of Fourth Way concepts and regular psychology, it led people to leave their own personal bubbles and instead inhabit the collective bubble of the online community. Personal spirituality and inspiration became stifled in service to "objectivity" and collective aims.

3. Spirituality as "healthy and normal" community living and political activism. "Healthy and normal" is rediscovered and reinvented as research continues. The old understanding that politics is a stage-managed show where mainstream options are all dirty is replaced by a focus on supporting the lesser evil as the way of opposing the greater evil. Those who find that meaningless simply fail to understand reality. Those who find "healthy and normal" too crass and shallow are either too "subjective" or far worse. Jesus represents weakness and passivity, while real action heroes like Caesar and Putin are true STO role models.

Montalk's old article has more to say on the transition from #1 to #2, and about #2. The transition from #2 to #3 is more recent, and there's more that could be said about it and about #3. Briefly, the newer transition was more gradual, with a series of smaller steps taking place in the years 2011-2015, gradually bringing the new focus.

2016 was the year in which I think a parallel development went beyond the point of no return. There was a choice, at some level, to respond to dramatically increased catalyst by viewing it all as attacks from evil forces to be fended off, rather than as signs pointing to the need to learn lessons.

The scale was new, and the events were accidents, illnesses, and things breaking. But the basic response-pattern was old. Montalk really gives an example in describing his old unpleasant experience of being defamed with an accusation without evidence, and what happened after, in a type of symbolic backfiring. Long story short, Laura's view is that the bad outcome for her was simply The Matrix going after her. The intense catalyst of the much later period was similarly seen as evil forces ramping up their activity, except for an emphasis on the "vulnerabilities" to attack which the people around Laura bring, at the cost of her suffering.

I think an option still existed to change the trajectory leading to a 4D STS future for the community (a likely future Montalk foresaw), but that it was rejected in 2016. Regarding that, some of the impressions I noted earlier in this thread from recent years are relevant.

(07-21-2019, 11:46 AM)ada Wrote: What set me off from the material was the constant predictions and prophecies.

A personally relevant example is how, for roughly a decade, the idea has been trumpeted that within the next few years, a catastrophic ice age onset similar to in the movie The Day After Tomorrow may happen. By now, that alarmism has gotten old as far as I'm concerned; and unconcerned, I'll keep on going here up north in Scandinavia.

I have actually wondered more recently if the idea of an "ice age" can be reinterpreted symbolically, as in a prediction of a "spiritual ice age" - if negative forces win a decisive victory in the near future. And if they don't, then the "spiritual climate" may very well change, and the "spiritual cooling" observed in recent years may reverse.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Kaaron - 11-09-2019

Sounds like adding a negative twist, to positive information.
The in a state of fear and expectation.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Asolsutsesvyl - 11-10-2019

(11-09-2019, 11:55 PM)Kaaron Wrote: Sounds like adding a negative twist, to positive information.
The in a state of fear and expectation.

The idea of a scenario like that in The Day After Tomorrow originally came through Art Bell and Whitley Strieber, who are in touch with 4D STS. (Further examination of that 4D STS contact with a view more rooted in the Ra material was done by Michael Topper.)

The Cassiopaean take on it was that the information came from non-human sources "known for stark accuracy when convenient". This somewhat ambiguous description makes the point that 4D STS can deliver accurate information when they find it convenient for their purposes.

Is the information positive or negative? If accurate, it is positive in terms of contributing to understanding of reality, and regardless, it also fits into a 4D STS plan related to psycho-social engineering.

As for alarmism which leads to tunnel vision, that's certainly a type of negative twisting, wherever it comes from, accidentally or deliberately. Laura and others add most of the myopic alarmism connected to the Cassiopaean material, rather than it coming through the board - that's also the case with the ice age predictions, where the "trumpeting" I referred to happens on the alternative news site. Further types of alarmism which have been adopted and spread have led to a focus on survivalist prepping.

That said, often the Cassiopaean material also, from early on and up to the present, makes it sound as if a lot more is going to happen much sooner than can be observed to be the case.

I also had a related thought on negatively twisted messages of the doom and gloom kind. This may or may not be stating the obvious.

Ra mentions that, for positive individuals who receive higher-density negative signals, messages of doom can result from a type of subconscious filtering of what was originally a different message. I think Ra mentioned it because it is among the least obvious possibilities for why messages of doom are spread. More types of explanations are also possible, and cases may differ widely.

For example, sometimes messages of doom may be plain and simple psychological warfare, directly transmitted from or otherwise inspired by higher-D STS sources. In such cases, they may be crafted to lead people, at the time or in the future, away from certain things or towards other things.

Finally, the metaphorical idea I had of a "spiritual ice age" is rather vague, so here's an attempt to make some sense of it.

Plenty of energy and information will be transmitted into the world by positive sources, in response to a general call for help, if this is not prevented by higher-D negative parties. Ra's big picture view of the future, like that of the early Cassiopaean material, implies that such grand designs on higher-density control will fail in this little part of the cosmos.

The big open question is what the ratio will be between people actually being able to receive help and make use of it, vs. chaos and entropy increasing when energy currents grow strong without being handled or responded to constructively. There's probably some kind of engineering trade-off considered by higher-D positive beings, in terms of maximizing availability of help for those who can receive it, vs. minimizing accidental harm to others (e.g. things heating up too much and "frying").

What negative forces will try and fail to do is to snatch consciousnesses, beings, and/or other higher-density "things" used for transmission, in order to get "wealthy" in their own peculiar terms while there is misery and "starvation" for all below them. (Smaller and temporary STS successes of that kind may happen, but will not remain sustainable.)

I don't think there will be a great "spiritual ice age", where psychic landscapes become or remain frozen and barren on the large scale. But things of that nature are always being worked towards by some parties, as long as the drama continues.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Kaaron - 11-10-2019

(11-10-2019, 03:45 PM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote:
(11-09-2019, 11:55 PM)Kaaron Wrote: Sounds like adding a negative twist, to positive information.
The in a state of fear and expectation.

The idea of a scenario like that in The Day After Tomorrow originally came through Art Bell and Whitley Strieber, who are in touch with 4D STS. (Further examination of that 4D STS contact with a view more rooted in the Ra material was done by Michael Topper.)

The Cassiopaean take on it was that the information came from non-human sources "known for stark accuracy when convenient". This somewhat ambiguous description makes the point that 4D STS can deliver accurate information when they find it convenient for their purposes.

Is the information positive or negative? If accurate, it is positive in terms of contributing to understanding of reality, and regardless, it also fits into a 4D STS plan related to psycho-social engineering.
I agree that is is psycho-social engineering. It may seem positive...because it is accurate. The question that comes of this, for me, is would that future have manifested, had the recipient not been given the information by what it considers, a positive source?
If they aren't sufficiently balanced, due to unconcious distortions within the self, it becomes a way of convincing the channel, that it is.
Rather than request one goes within, finds their OWN truth...they are usurping this possibility and appearing to be in tune to a reality...that is ultimately, subjective.

As for alarmism which leads to tunnel vision, that's certainly a type of negative twisting, wherever it comes from, accidentally or deliberately. Laura and others add most of the myopic alarmism connected to the Cassiopaean material, rather than it coming through the board - that's also the case with the ice age predictions, where the "trumpeting" I referred to happens on the alternative news site. Further types of alarmism which have been adopted and spread have led to a focus on survivalist prepping.

That said, often the Cassiopaean material also, from early on and up to the present, makes it sound as if a lot more is going to happen much sooner than can be observed to be the case.
I feel the Cassiopaean material is an attempt to corrupt the Ra material.
Start off similar...then add the lie. I won't assume that it STARTED as such, but it's highly likely. What could possibly be gained, by adding to a work that was MORE than thorough, when speaking of a focus on the creator and all as one, as being the most efficacious method of being.
The prophecy and focus on physical in DIRECT CONTRAST to what Ra was proposing, as a beneficial way of being

I also had a related thought on negatively twisted messages of the doom and gloom kind. This may or may not be stating the obvious.

Ra mentions that, for positive individuals who receive higher-density negative signals, messages of doom can result from a type of subconscious filtering of what was originally a different message. I think Ra mentioned it because it is among the least obvious possibilities for why messages of doom are spread. More types of explanations are also possible, and cases may differ widely.

For example, sometimes messages of doom may be plain and simple psychological warfare, directly transmitted from or otherwise inspired by higher-D STS sources. In such cases, they may be crafted to lead people, at the time or in the future, away from certain things or towards other things.

I agree. I'd say Ra was speaking of those who have distortions they haven't recognized. They have the intention of being STO but are being led by delusions of grandeur, in some others, stories of doom. Depending on the flavor of distortion.

Finally, the metaphorical idea I had of a "spiritual ice age" is rather vague, so here's an attempt to make some sense of it.

Plenty of energy and information will be transmitted into the world by positive sources, in response to a general call for help, if this is not prevented by higher-D negative parties. I don't feel they can prevent any help, which is proportionate to the call. They can offer the opposite opportunity, but the call and response cannot be prevented. I feel you were speaking to this...I just want to clarify the point, for others reading. Ra's big picture view of the future, like that of the early Cassiopaean material, implies that such grand designs on higher-density control will fail in this little part of the cosmos.
I'm curious as to why you feel they imply it will fail? I feel like they have implied that no entity has successfully bridged the STS path into the Higherself realms of upper 6D. This doesn't mean it isn't possible, or that they will fail. I feel like this all depends on our choices and free will.
The big open question is what the ratio will be between people actually being able to receive help and make use of it, vs. chaos and entropy increasing when energy currents grow strong without being handled or responded to constructively. There's probably some kind of engineering trade-off considered by higher-D positive beings, in terms of maximizing availability of help for those who can receive it, vs. minimizing accidental harm to others (e.g. things heating up too much and "frying").

I'm not sure what you mean here. The call and response, is a technology of emotion and free will. The creator is all...

What negative forces will try and fail to do is to snatch consciousnesses, beings, and/or other higher-density "things" used for transmission, in order to get "wealthy" in their own peculiar terms while there is misery and "starvation" for all below them. (Smaller and temporary STS successes of that kind may happen, but will not remain sustainable.)
this is all they have done. I don't see it changing.
I don't think there will be a great "spiritual ice age", where psychic landscapes become or remain frozen and barren on the large scale. But things of that nature are always being worked towards by some parties, as long as the drama continues.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Asolsutsesvyl - 11-14-2019

On second thought, it may be best to summarize more of my current big picture view before digging further into the details. The following part is worth emphasizing:

"Early Cassiopaean accuracy was explained as, "balancing fields are correct", which Laura interpreted as STS "Frank" vs. STO Laura cancelling out, allowing 6D STO through in the days of early participants. But STS constricts and distorts the flow, so a compromise combination of the two does not explain it. But two opposed STS agendas cancelling out logically works. "Frank" left after the mid-90's, leaving one of the two STS agendas not cancelled out..."

This is key to what I think that Montalk has missed: The "later Laura" is very much the same in essence as the "earlier Laura". The transition Montalk described may simply be a logical step in the unfolding of a life plan.

(11-10-2019, 06:10 PM)Kaaron Wrote:
(11-10-2019, 03:45 PM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote: The Cassiopaean take on it was that the information came from non-human sources "known for stark accuracy when convenient". This somewhat ambiguous description makes the point that 4D STS can deliver accurate information when they find it convenient for their purposes.

Is the information positive or negative? If accurate, it is positive in terms of contributing to understanding of reality, and regardless, it also fits into a 4D STS plan related to psycho-social engineering.
I agree that is is psycho-social engineering. It may seem positive...because it is accurate. The question that comes of this, for me, is would that future have manifested, had the recipient not been given the information by what it considers, a positive source?
If they aren't sufficiently balanced, due to unconcious distortions within the self, it becomes a way of convincing the channel, that it is.
Rather than request one goes within, finds their OWN truth...they are usurping this possibility and appearing to be in tune to a reality...that is ultimately, subjective.

A good idea found in the Cassiopaean material is that all experiences have the potential for both positive and negative outcomes. It's a matter of how things are responded to, what choices are made - which depends on the people receiving something, what they are able or not able to choose, and what they ultimately end up doing.

The more strongly people are centered in a polarity, the more strongly they are able to turn things they face, from whatever source, into something which supports their most fundamental choices (including ones related to polarity). So a good way of trying to figure out the polarity of strongly polarized beings may be to examine the ultimate results when highly polarized things reach them. (That kind of guesswork can sometimes be misleading concerning 3D and even 4D minds, but becomes more reliable the greater the knowledge of participants, and even more reliable when the participants are of higher densities, I think.)

In short, when such psycho-social engineering reaches the masses who are stuck in the sinkhole of indifference, it will probably go as the minds behind it calculated, if they calculated well. But with extremely well-educated people who are supposedly very strongly positive, there is little room for excuses. Something is probably very wrong with their claims to positivity if the ultimate outcome is negative.

Actually, there are hints and clues to Laura in periods #2 and #3 (referring back to the three periods I described) concerning the greater need for a quieter time of inspired deeper contemplation. But the overall focus maintained is not maintained merely through 3D-stubbornness; various other information makes this clear. (It is also claimed in the early years that STO help from densities 4-6 have been available to them all along, and that they are never "cut off" from help. And where there is a positive will, there is a positive way, if there is openness to that.)

(11-10-2019, 06:10 PM)Kaaron Wrote: I feel the Cassiopaean material is an attempt to corrupt the Ra material.
Start off similar...then add the lie. I won't assume that it STARTED as such, but it's highly likely. What could possibly be gained, by adding to a work that was MORE than thorough, when speaking of a focus on the creator and all as one, as being the most efficacious method of being.
The prophecy and focus on physical in DIRECT CONTRAST to what Ra was proposing, as a beneficial way of being

It is actually very reasonable to view the outcome that way. If you view the polarities and other fundamental matters more in terms of Ra's descriptions than the layers of re-interpretations, added one by one throughout the years, it seems to me like the only way to take everything into account.

I do think that Don actually over-compensated in the area of avoiding transient information. (The Cassiopaean channeling does the opposite.) It was other matters, not examined thoroughly enough in time, which led to the great vulnerability exploited to bring about the tragic end of the Ra contact. Tobey at gives a great clue, when describing how the pace quickened and Ra seemed "enthusiastic" about elaborating on the archetypal mind and related information. There were probably missing keys in that area to a better outcome.

Comparing with Ra's message, there are some useful elaborations in the Cassiopaea material (and also much valuable information amassed by the community in later years), but it is part of a distorted and corrupted whole. The best approach to a larger synthesis I can think of is to start from the cleaner foundation of the Law of One material, and then see what fits and can be added into the picture, without making excuses for inconsistencies. (Working in this direction may reverse the outcome of the corruption of Ra's message. It certainly makes for a very different, and larger, big picture.)

Early Cassiopaean accuracy was explained as, "balancing fields are correct", which Laura interpreted as STS "Frank" vs. STO Laura cancelling out, allowing 6D STO through in the days of early participants. But STS constricts and distorts the flow, so a compromise combination of the two does not explain it. But two opposed STS agendas cancelling out logically works. "Frank" left after the mid-90's, leaving one of the two STS agendas not cancelled out...

Among other big lies to consider, potential candidates include:
- The basic nature of Laura's spirituality. She described a personal, early initiation in terms of facing a universe of darkness, responding to a call, and choosing to "become the light". Perceptive people have claimed that she has "the light" in her. But what kind of "light"? Wisdom is, in itself, polarity-neutral.
- The Cassiopaean redefinition of 5D, in such a way that 5D STS is obscured and a smaller picture of the cosmos results than from Ra's message. Though Laura's writings, e.g. The Wave, do take the highest-level "entropic overlords" into account.

I'm also convinced of the basic error in judging souls by how their physical brain-minds work. "Subjectivity" in 3D becomes a sign of negativity, and mental degeneration a sign of permanent "soul smashing". (A large-scale smashing of souls is predicted as of later years, but at the same time, it is still claimed that the Universe is a safe place to be.)

(11-10-2019, 06:10 PM)Kaaron (bold), me (plain) Wrote: Finally, the metaphorical idea I had of a "spiritual ice age" is rather vague, so here's an attempt to make some sense of it.

Plenty of energy and information will be transmitted into the world by positive sources, in response to a general call for help, if this is not prevented by higher-D negative parties. I don't feel they can prevent any help, which is proportionate to the call. They can offer the opposite opportunity, but the call and response cannot be prevented. I feel you were speaking to this...I just want to clarify the point, for others reading. Ra's big picture view of the future, like that of the early Cassiopaean material, implies that such grand designs on higher-density control will fail in this little part of the cosmos.
I'm curious as to why you feel they imply it will fail? I feel like they have implied that no entity has successfully bridged the STS path into the Higherself realms of upper 6D. This doesn't mean it isn't possible, or that they will fail. I feel like this all depends on our choices and free will.

Temporary prevention is possible, as in what led to the premature end of the Ra contact. I think that when such things happen, there may be a delay, but 6D STO will treat censorship (also when in less drastic forms) as damage to a communication network and find a way to route around it.

The prediction of the future provided is that of a world which may be wobbly in the polarity of its 4D areas for some time, but where the remaining 4D areas ultimately are part of a positive future 4D "planet". Those who succeed in growing into 4D negatively then go to other places where the environment suits their nature, following their last incarnation here, instead of becoming a lasting part of Earth's future.

Currently, I trust the prediction. It makes sense in that the larger portion of those who succeed in growing into 4D will end up positive, and positive higher-D beings (including those who come to assist) working together makes for a considerable, and probably decisive, "force".

(11-10-2019, 06:10 PM)Kaaron Wrote:
(11-10-2019, 03:45 PM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote: The big open question is what the ratio will be between people actually being able to receive help and make use of it, vs. chaos and entropy increasing when energy currents grow strong without being handled or responded to constructively. There's probably some kind of engineering trade-off considered by higher-D positive beings, in terms of maximizing availability of help for those who can receive it, vs. minimizing accidental harm to others (e.g. things heating up too much and "frying").

I'm not sure what you mean here. The call and response, is a technology of emotion and free will. The creator is all...

I had in mind that people, and parts of psychic landscapes, are interlinked in such a way that when energy and information is sent somewhere, it spreads.

Unusable "heat" may result when energy pours from where it does most help to other surrounding people and psychic areas.

I think considerations of what may end up fueled through what people are connected to may lead to the call being answered sooner in some cases than in others. Those best prepared to receive help may get it sooner, as the outcome is more harmonious, and they can then, to the extent they are able, in turn join those who help.

Perhaps in a few cases, maybe in response to an unusual need, the flow turns on and energy and information will pour in, but when choices made by people in the environment in response lead to negative outcomes, the flow may need to be turned off again, or perhaps re-routed somehow.

(11-10-2019, 06:10 PM)Kaaron Wrote:
(11-10-2019, 03:45 PM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote: What negative forces will try and fail to do is to snatch consciousnesses, beings, and/or other higher-density "things" used for transmission, in order to get "wealthy" in their own peculiar terms while there is misery and "starvation" for all below them. (Smaller and temporary STS successes of that kind may happen, but will not remain sustainable.)

this is all they have done. I don't see it changing.

It is an old pattern, but I basically meant that they will try to increase the scale, change the big picture of the future outcome for Earth, making it a fully integrated part of a higher-D "empire". But the only way a big shift of that kind is possible is through elaborate deceptions meant to conquer minds and souls here to provide help, and that's a gamble, as it can backfire. The hierarchical nature of higher-D STS however means that wherever 4D STS is, 5D STS is also active - and that's the type of mind which would aim straight for such conquest.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - EvolvingPhoenix - 11-14-2019

(07-21-2019, 11:31 PM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote: The Cassiopaean community still has one thing going for it, which is its great ideological foundational pillar: virtue and goodness through truth. Wherever they have ended up, thinking is what will bring them wherever they will go. Will their thinking expand or will it contract? Will it separate them from the bigger picture, or will it encompass it? Ultimately, it's up to each and every one involved.

(Stuffing the mind with more and more academic and other knowledge is not what it takes to truly expand the bounds of thinking. The nature of mind is more complicated than that. As in theory they know, in terms of the Fourth Way teaching.)

I don't think much positive development will be found through thought. I think (LOL) that people think too much, and that gets in the way of our ability to actually perceive the real truth. I myself still struggle with this, but at least I recognize this fact. I am learning to be patient with myself.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - EvolvingPhoenix - 11-14-2019

(07-22-2019, 02:42 AM)zvonimir Wrote:

The important points to remember are:

1) There is a difference between the message (Cassiopaean Transcripts) and the messenger (Laura Knight and the Quantum Future Group).
2) The message (1994-2002) is still viable and I recommend it, but the messenger and channel (2003+) are now corrupt beyond hope.

There has been a small number of individuals who, despite reading this page and knowing better, decided to go ahead and immerse themselves fully in the Cassiopaea forum anyway. Given enough time, their weakness of mind, lack of personal conviction, and ego-driven need to belong at all costs made them succumb to the peer pressure found there. Instead of thinking for themselves.....

the rest is on the link perhaps it can be of help .........

So much for " virtue and goodness through truth" if you're not willing to be honest with yourself...

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Asolsutsesvyl - 11-17-2019

I added 3 paragraphs to the opening post (marked Added), to clarify matters for future readers, without changing the original direction.

I still think there are very interesting questions to explore connected to the Cassiopaean channeling - including the core message of the earliest years, and the processes which unfolded later (where interesting symbolic clues can often be found to be laid out many years in advance).

It's very understandable that many prefer to focus on the clearer, and less polluted, message of the Law of One material. It remains to be seen how much can be added to the understanding of it by sifting through the Cassiopaean message. But I think that both polarities have been running very strong around the spiritual eye of a hurricane which is the Cassiopaean Experiment. Lessons concerning higher-density dynamics can probably be extracted, over time, from examining it all.

(11-14-2019, 10:16 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote:
(07-21-2019, 11:31 PM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote: The Cassiopaean community still has one thing going for it, which is its great ideological foundational pillar: virtue and goodness through truth. Wherever they have ended up, thinking is what will bring them wherever they will go. Will their thinking expand or will it contract? Will it separate them from the bigger picture, or will it encompass it? Ultimately, it's up to each and every one involved.

(Stuffing the mind with more and more academic and other knowledge is not what it takes to truly expand the bounds of thinking. The nature of mind is more complicated than that. As in theory they know, in terms of the Fourth Way teaching.)

I don't think much positive development will be found through thought. I think (LOL) that people think too much, and that gets in the way of our ability to actually perceive the real truth. I myself still struggle with this, but at least I recognize this fact. I am learning to be patient with myself.

Thinking needs to be oriented in some way in order to lead somewhere, spiritually speaking. It is heart and soul which determine the basic inclinations, and beliefs which determine where and how these are turned. (And beliefs are always present and at the core of thinking, whether or not it is admitted.)

Thinking which springs from ingrained beliefs, or a tunnel vision, can very seldom lead beyond what it revolves around. I needed to go through 4 years of an inner rollercoaster in order to break apart the thick "crust" of emotional entanglements and inner habits which had built, in order to change my approach.

Though there's certainly much thinking in the Cassiopaea community, the quality has declined, and deeper spiritual learning seems to run in reverse over the years. Inner experience of more diverse types can change the basis of thinking, so that it can lead to new destinations, but that's only possible when breaking ties which bind it to psychic sinkholes (whether they are of inner or outer origin).

(11-14-2019, 10:18 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote:
(07-22-2019, 02:42 AM)zvonimir Wrote:

The important points to remember are:

1) There is a difference between the message (Cassiopaean Transcripts) and the messenger (Laura Knight and the Quantum Future Group).
2) The message (1994-2002) is still viable and I recommend it, but the messenger and channel (2003+) are now corrupt beyond hope.

There has been a small number of individuals who, despite reading this page and knowing better, decided to go ahead and immerse themselves fully in the Cassiopaea forum anyway. Given enough time, their weakness of mind, lack of personal conviction, and ego-driven need to belong at all costs made them succumb to the peer pressure found there. Instead of thinking for themselves.....

the rest is on the link perhaps it can be of help .........

So much for " virtue and goodness through truth" if you're not willing to be honest with yourself...

The irony is, there's a significant portion of members in the Cassiopaea community who are genuinely great idealists of that type, brutally scrutinizing themselves. But the self-scrutiny comes at the cost of remaining emotionally small, and not being able to grow through experience to the full extent naturally possible.

When the spiritual authority - in part channeled, in part a few persons (with Laura at the center), and in part the group mind (which seems to be coordinated by a larger, invisible will) - is corrupt, and projects its main failings outwardly, a self-sacrificing and self-scrutinizing attitude keeps people under the "spell". When people turn away on an idealistic basis, they are said to have "emotionally split", to have reacted immaturely with black and white thinking.

Ultimately, it is the strongest idealists - large in soul even if small in their sense of self - who have the greatest chance of waking up. The choice between the deepest held ideals, vs. compromising with them in obedience to the spiritual authority, turns into a choice between psychic freedom vs. psychic enslavement.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - EvolvingPhoenix - 11-17-2019

Never thoyght of that. Hope they wake up soon.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Asolsutsesvyl - 11-26-2019

After two times messing up (in other threads) with Ra-related concepts, due to not being well-enough versed in the Law of One material, I'm going to hold off on attempts at a larger synthesis until further comparison is done.

A main difference between Ra and the C's is in the description of the polarities and related ideas.

Love, light, and learning

The C's say that "Love is light is knowledge", while Ra differentiates between the three. Knowledge, in the terms of the C's, may refer to a number of things at different levels, but in the unifying statement seems to mean something rather more profound, related to the learning of fundamental lessons; the type of "knowledge" and learning which orients consciousnesses towards a polarity and determines the density.

The picture is that of a consciousness, in the abstract, as having a particular size, and knowledge changing its relation with all else, as all is interconnected; the addition of knowledge is the addition of "substance" to the being, and it growing towards and through the cosmos in having the knowledge of what more there is than its separate self.

In Ra's terms, there is no particular term for the type of "knowledge" which universally corresponds to such learning, while the learning is described. Perhaps "that which advances a being towards unity" would be a good enough description for now.

The distinct ideas of love or understanding, related to 4D consciousness in particular, and light or wisdom, related to 5D consciousness in particular, are very useful for describing abstract realities in-between unity and the individual being. The Cassiopaean formulation obscures these intermediate realities, relating everything more directly to universal or cosmic mind.

In particular, the understanding of love is intellectualized, and the path of the heart obscured, by the Cassiopaean formulation. For the straightforward pursuing of the path of the heart, the C's fully cover the removal of the negative, but at the same time negate the simple understanding of love separately from wisdom. The wisdom is instead presented as love.

It may be true that at the 6D level, "Love is light is knowledge", but it does not apply below 6D. And while the Cassiopaean information may strike a deep chord with above-4D wanderers in particular, it does not further the growth of balanced understanding from 3D to 4D. Ra shows a much better, so to say, understanding of the needs of those progressing from 3D to 4D, and for the heart of what 4D positivity is.

The nature of polarity

The nature of the polarities is, in the Cassiopaean version, more directly related to how a consciousness orients itself towards reality. Balance, and a full acceptance of reality, is at the heart of STO; desire-based imbalance, and a selective rejection of reality, is at the heart of STS.

Describing the intricacies of what is STO and STS, the C's emphasize the importance of discerning what is truly "asked for", in order to respond with that, rather than according to a more naive idea of what is "asked for". A wisdom-oriented analysis is compressed down into the basic definitions.

By contrast, Ra's description of the polarities cleanly separates their basic functioning from larger or ultimate consequence. Wisdom-oriented analysis becomes a second layer of consideration, instead of the two being compressed into one.

Thus, Ra's view is that a 4D STO being, pure in its radiance, which is enslaved by negative forces and then remains pure in its radiance, is still equally positive. What its energy ends up fueling, namely the negative activities of the conquerors, is a separate question. This is not to say that the separate concern is a small one. On the contrary, in order to preserve freedom and the furthering of a positive environment, at a temporary cost of some purity, defensive maneuvers are well-worth it.

Personal reflections

After inwardly distilling what I had learned from the Cassiopaea community, I found that something big was missing. The positive focus in my being had become shaped like a sharp, thin surface of will, upholding principles, while the heart remained in the midst of a storm. I went in search of the missing heart of the matter.

Before that, the large personal leap I had made was through the heart, by excluding the negative and affirming in the heart the most valued ideals. I ended up in a position like the Tarot card "The Tower", struck by lightning in the form of a dramatic inner process beginning.

Since then, I have been "growing back into" myself, starting from the "elevated" position of "The Tower". There is a personal journey with a simple destination: arriving where I was before the journey with the Cassiopaea community, but knowing the place for the first time.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Thoth73 - 02-12-2020

The Cassiopaean stuff gives me weird and creepy vibes.

By the way, I noticed that there is a mention of Cassiopeia from Ra, which was for the constellation. Does anyone know if the so-called Cassiopaean entities are related to this??

Quote:11.12 ▶ Questioner: Where are these three entities now?

Ra: I am Ra. These entities are in the dimension known to you as fourth. Therefore the space/time continua are not compatible. An approximation of the space/time locus of each would net no actual understanding. Each chose a fourth-density planet which was dedicated to the pursuit of the understanding of the Law of One through service to self, one in what you know as the Orion group, one in what you know as Cassiopeia, one in what you know as Southern Cross; however, these loci are not satisfactory. We do not have vocabulary for the geometric calculations necessary for transfer of this understanding to you.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Ymarsakar - 02-24-2020

My exposure to the Cs is from Veil of Reality site, which seems to share similar philosophical and chakra balance ratios to Knight.

I do not think of or call the Cs a fraud, any more than I call dracos or anything else 3rd density, a fraud.

The reason is simple. The Cs do not lead to the group turning off their heart chakra. What it leads to is fear or rather, in war, it is Us vs Them. Us=good guys. THem=Dacos/lizzies,evil/STS

Sound familiar?

Why do STS attempt to block the Law of One? Because One is NOT TWO. It needs TWO, for it to be US vs Them.

That does not mean, as many lower vibration, lower maturity spirits, think of when they talk about unity. Unity does not mean uniformity here. Individual differences do exist and they are manifestly great.

A fractal is unified but it is not the same everywhere across. It is not uniform.

Also, the Law of One podcast people, well at least one person there, is also wrong about iamraw's "mistakes". That is not a sixth density making a "mistake". That 'a sixth density trying to access the Akash and comparing it to human 3density avatar concepts and not realizing just how distorted our "scientific knowledge" is.

iamraw's conception and definition of galaxy is correct. Humanity's is wrong... as usual. So when Law of One scholars think there was some mistake made on iamraw's part... haha. They don't know what they don't know. It is not that sixth density senpai is "notoriously" known for getting years wrong... but rather the Matrix or Veil of Maya has made it so that even we don't know the true history of our world and realm. Since when have we ever, after the Fall from 4th density or 3rd density STO?

For spiritual sources, I verify them with my higher self, my Divine Family, the Divine Counsel, the Godhead, various other sorts like Yeshua/Amilius/Yeho whatever it is now a days.

Don't accept spirit gurus without challenging them. Challenging their veracity won't kill them... well, not that anything cvan kill them haha.

For those that want to verify R or C, use Journey of Souls by Newton. Audiobook is on youtube. I use triangulation or 3x independent source verification. Each source needs to be independent witness by itself, no collusion or inter change. I correlate all teachings and material from past prophets, seers, and other wanderers such as Joseph Smith and Madam Blavatsky. It is like intel analysis or connecting dots without being too invested in a pet theory. Allow the data to speak for itself.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - 888 - 03-27-2020

(02-12-2020, 06:00 AM)Thoth73 Wrote: The Cassiopaean stuff gives me weird and creepy vibes.

By the way, I noticed that there is a mention of Cassiopeia from Ra, which was for the constellation. Does anyone know if the so-called Cassiopaean entities are related to this??

Quote:11.12 ▶ Questioner: Where are these three entities now?

Ra: I am Ra. These entities are in the dimension known to you as fourth. Therefore the space/time continua are not compatible. An approximation of the space/time locus of each would net no actual understanding. Each chose a fourth-density planet which was dedicated to the pursuit of the understanding of the Law of One through service to self, one in what you know as the Orion group, one in what you know as Cassiopeia, one in what you know as Southern Cross; however, these loci are not satisfactory. We do not have vocabulary for the geometric calculations necessary for transfer of this understanding to you.


The Cassiopean channelings are an example of negative entities rather successfully (as of now) pretending to be positive entities and de-tuning positive channelers through doomsday prophecies, messages of fear, and opposition.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Asolsutsesvyl - 03-27-2020

(03-27-2020, 09:44 AM)888 Wrote:
(02-12-2020, 06:00 AM)Thoth73 Wrote: The Cassiopaean stuff gives me weird and creepy vibes.

By the way, I noticed that there is a mention of Cassiopeia from Ra, which was for the constellation. Does anyone know if the so-called Cassiopaean entities are related to this??

Quote:11.12 ▶ Questioner: Where are these three entities now?

Ra: I am Ra. These entities are in the dimension known to you as fourth. Therefore the space/time continua are not compatible. An approximation of the space/time locus of each would net no actual understanding. Each chose a fourth-density planet which was dedicated to the pursuit of the understanding of the Law of One through service to self, one in what you know as the Orion group, one in what you know as Cassiopeia, one in what you know as Southern Cross; however, these loci are not satisfactory. We do not have vocabulary for the geometric calculations necessary for transfer of this understanding to you.


The Cassiopean channelings are an example of negative entities rather successfully (as of now) pretending to be positive entities and de-tuning positive channelers through doomsday prophecies, messages of fear, and opposition.

I agree that it matches. "Cassiopaea" is officially pronounced the same as "Cassiopeia", and the Ra material was spoken, so either spelling can match Ra's words.

There was an exchange in the Cassiopaean material about the reference in the Ra material, but the discussion doesn't add any clarity about Ra's mention. From the 1996-08-11 session:
Quote:Q: (L) OK, I've got a question on that. C*** called today, and in her
conversation about the Ra material, she asked me, was I aware that
in the Ra material, they designated Cassiopaea as the residence of
some real negative, icky, Orion-type STS aliens. Can you make a
comment on these?
Q: (L) Also, the picture of the mantid-type beings in that document
that I lent to Shawn has these beings designated as Cassiopaeans.
Who are these Cassiopaeans? (T) Before they answer, can I make
a comment here? There is no star called Cassiopaea on our star
charts. (L) Oh, I know... (T) It's a constellation. So for her to read this
in the Ra material and go along with that there's a bunch of people
called the Cassiopaeans who are horrible people on a planet
someplace called Cassiopaea, there is no place called that. So there
can't actually be anyone called Cassiopaeans because there is no
Cassiopaea. (L) OK, can we get commentary on this?
A: Sounds good to us!
That was also the session in which the C's first claimed that the Ra material is "63%" accurate.

There's a long thread on the Cassiopaea forum analogous to this one. I haven't checked it since I was active on the Cassiopaea forum, but the same question was brought up there, without any conclusive answer. Someone tried to turn things around and delve into symbology in an attempt to associate Ra with Orion, but it wasn't found convincing by others.

A portion of the text in the opening post here, about Ra and language, I copied from a post I made in that thread. Somewhat earlier in the thread, a few who are into the Ra material (some are and some aren't in the Cassiopaea community) expressed preferring the language of Ra to that of the C's. Laura then suggested that those who prefer Ra don't really belong. She also perceived Ra's words to smugly and condescendingly speak down to the audience.

As Tobey at reports, the actual words recorded are monotone and most of the time in an even and fairly slow pace. In other words, there's no human emotion or attitude expressed at all. This "blankness" in Ra's words make them an excellent receiving surface for psychological projection, I think, and this seems to explain Laura's response to them.

My current thinking is that this Ra Q-and-A may explain the Cassiopaean contact:
Quote:67.20 # Questioner: Now, the main point of this line of questioning has to do with the first distortion and the fact that this window existed. Was this, shall I say, a portion of the random window effect and are we experiencing the same type of balancing in receiving the offerings of this entity as the planet in general receives because of the window effect?

Ra: I am Ra. This is precisely correct. As the planetary sphere accepts more highly evolved positive entities or groups with information to offer, the same opportunity must be offered to similarly wise negatively oriented entities or groups.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Black Dragon - 03-27-2020

I never read the Cassiopaean material, but it sounds like a load of hooey. They seem to have a whole little insider language of terminology, processes, and procedures that's a lot more compartmentalized, coded, and cluttered with mental bullshit than what you find here. It seems set up to create confusion rather than clarity. There's a group out there that owns some pretty fancy properties in different states called the "Saint Germain Foundation", and there's a lot of similarities in the cult-like attitude. This cult was influenced somewhat by two late 19th/early 20th century book I read called "A Dweller on Two Planets" and "An Earth Dweller's return. They started saying s*** like kill your pets for some higher purpose, and that wearing any Earth-tone rather than bright type colors was prohibited as they weren't "spiritual". I've read both of these "Atlantis cannon" pieces, the books and some of the entities involved in it seem quite deceitful, even possibly including "Terre"(Their version of Yahweh that the books do confirm was a teacher that helped transfer us from Mars).

If anyone watched the series "Hellier"(highly recommended, most legit paranormal investigative work I've seen), it mentions "Ultra-Terrestrials"(Who I believe correlate to "Archons or "Djinn") one of which seems to be "Indrid Cold"(another local legend from the Mothman town) but also "Michael". I'm thinking the "Michael" from Whitley Streiber's the key(what a creepbag of an entity, I've read the book and it was interesting, but really stanky). The Ra Material mentions "some confusion regarding Michael" and I believe "Lucifer is Michael's shadow". I've found so many connections between the beings they investigated in Hellier/early Atlantis and other 19th and 20th century books/the figure in Whitley's "The Key" that it's mind boggling, and they all point to these Ultraterrestrials/Archons/Djinn. I think sometimes they can mimic/Hijack the "astral shell"/ape the frequency of beings such as "solar guardians" and "ascended masters".

I think I went a bit off topic into some connections that probably deserve their own thread, but the main thing is everyone has their own discernment and is their own authority. People that know this tend to smell the stank in such materials, whether it's the big C's( Angel Cassiopeans of course Tongue ) or the big D's( Angel the Djinn Wink). People looking for outside authority and not willing to listen to their inner guidance tend to be more susceptible to these types of things.

RE: Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - flofrog - 03-27-2020

Black Dragon you make me laugh, I love your Cs and Ds Wink