The Art of Jumping Timelines - Printable Version

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The Art of Jumping Timelines - 888 - 04-15-2020

From another channeled source (allegedly, the "Hathors" who also visited the Ancient Egyptians).

Note that the "KA" mentioned in the above source is referred to by Ra as the indigo-ray body in 47.11.

There also seems to be some overlap with the terminology of possibility / probability vortices that Ra often discusses.

RE: The Art of Jumping Timelines - Black Dragon - 04-15-2020

Awesome, thanks for sharing this. Bashar has explained a similar thing, and I believe there are references to it in Bringers of the Dawn. This is something I wish to apply, and it goes hand in hand with something else I'll be working with, which will be one of the main actions I plan to take based on the timeline I wish to be on and life I wish to have(CE5).

RE: The Art of Jumping Timelines - Foha - 04-15-2020

Thank you for sharing Smile

RE: The Art of Jumping Timelines - the - 04-15-2020

(04-15-2020, 01:38 AM)888 Wrote:

From another channeled source (allegedly, the "Hathors" who also visited the Ancient Egyptians).

Note that the "KA" mentioned in the above source is referred to by Ra as the indigo-ray body in 47.11.

There also seems to be some overlap with the terminology of possibility / probability vortices that Ra often discusses.

thank you for sharing, great article.

I am also practicing this timeline shifting now. so far, I'm following Marina Jacobi's "quantum manifestation" protocol/meditation.

it's very similar, probably same as the article mentioned. i will find time to thoroughly read that article again.

thank you for sharing this again :-)

RE: The Art of Jumping Timelines - sillypumpkins - 04-15-2020

Quote:The current ecological situation in the Gulf is one example of multiple timelines. In spite of your media’s grand attempt to dismiss the situation, many are sensing how dire the situation is, and indeed, there are complications in the Gulf region that are beneath the surface, both literally and figuratively.

this is interesting. I'm assuming it's referring to the Gulf of Mexico, and perhaps to the Bermuda Triangle? I understand that Ra mentioned there is a pyramid at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle, and there have been alleged findings of a crystal pyramid down there

anyways, thanks for sharing!

RE: The Art of Jumping Timelines - hounsic - 04-15-2020

(04-15-2020, 12:32 PM)sillypumpkins Wrote:
Quote:The current ecological situation in the Gulf is one example of multiple timelines. In spite of your media’s grand attempt to dismiss the situation, many are sensing how dire the situation is, and indeed, there are complications in the Gulf region that are beneath the surface, both literally and figuratively.

this is interesting. I'm assuming it's referring to the Gulf of Mexico, and perhaps to the Bermuda Triangle? I understand that Ra mentioned there is a pyramid at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle, and there have been alleged findings of a crystal pyramid down there

anyways, thanks for sharing!

This was written in 2010, so they are speaking about oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. 10 years later I hope I’m not on the wrong timeline.... lol
Just do your best it’s all we can do.

RE: The Art of Jumping Timelines - Black Dragon - 04-15-2020

The best I can do is just be my real self more and let go of all the hard feelings like hate, resentment, powerlessness, betrayal, and abandonment. This applies to my CE5 work, and to working with timelines as well. For me, the CE5 process won't be so much about doing specific protocols exactly right, or initiating something that wasn't already there-it will just be opening up, letting go, and getting out of my own way. I was able to do so a bit this morning when I flew my RC plane, and looking back at the footage...uh...indicates that the effort did not go unnoticed Wink .

RE: The Art of Jumping Timelines - Black Dragon - 04-16-2020

So multiple sources seem to corroborate that were are not on a perfect or smooth trajectory, but were are still somewhat safely removed from the original "NWO" shitter timeline, but with a lot of wacky bleed-through effects. While I will be here to live out my life and intend to do my duty, heal myself, and move into a better timeline, the years have gone by and so much damage is already done. As much as I feel alienated and wish for relief from this, and to experience freedom, ET contact, and other planets, I have formed a deep love for Earth and even for this little lifetime and timeframe in history and all the people I interacted/continue to interact with in it, all the beautiful latent potentials that were there but never realized and instead supplanted with suffering.

Do you know what I feel I'd want most after this life? Not some magic afterlife healing or to be swept away to some wonderful home world, but another shot at THIS lifetime, in a timeline much farther removed from the NWO timeline and its nasty shitstain bleed-through effects. I want to experience the full potential and joy of how this life could have been fulfilling, healing, and beautiful for my soul instead of adding more trauma and wearing me down. I want to experience THIS life, with enough adversity to move me forward and help me shape myself and learn, but not pure misery and arbitrary sacrifice. All this horror and pain is such a waste of something that could have been so beautiful and healing. I want to live this life in a proper timeline, on my terms rather than the chessboard of scumbag logos/gestault beings and rampant inorganic/AI's.

RE: The Art of Jumping Timelines - 888 - 04-16-2020

Regarding your 2nd paragraph, we're getting ready for 4D positive harvest. So, it won't exactly be the 'same,' (i.e. After several decades / generations / maybe even centuries, when the positive Earth is achieved, it won't be 3D anymore) but you'll probably have the chance to incarnate on 4D positive Earth.

You can still do what you can to improve your personal timeline in 3D right now. The page I linked has a quote you might find relevant; I'd add the caveat that if you attain a personal heaven while others are in torment, of course you'll want to do what you can to alleviate their torment as well, while still recognizing that you can only present them with catalyst, and it's up to them to make the ultimate change.

Quote: It is possible to live in heaven while others are living in torment. At the deepest levels of consciousness it is simply a matter of choice.

Anyways, regarding the multiple sources you mentioned in your first sentence, I'd like to see them, out of curiosity, if you don't mind.

RE: The Art of Jumping Timelines - Agua - 04-16-2020


RE: The Art of Jumping Timelines - Black Dragon - 04-16-2020

(04-16-2020, 03:02 PM)888 Wrote: Regarding your 2nd paragraph, we're getting ready for 4D positive harvest. So, it won't exactly be the 'same,' (i.e. After several decades / generations / maybe even centuries, when the positive Earth is achieved, it won't be 3D anymore) but you'll probably have the chance to incarnate on 4D positive Earth.

You can still do what you can to improve your personal timeline in 3D right now. The page I linked has a quote you might find relevant; I'd add the caveat that if you attain a personal heaven while others are in torment, of course you'll want to do what you can to alleviate their torment as well, while still recognizing that you can only present them with catalyst, and it's up to them to make the ultimate change.

Quote: It is possible to live in heaven while others are living in torment. At the deepest levels of consciousness it is simply a matter of choice.

Anyways, regarding the multiple sources you mentioned in your first sentence, I'd like to see them, out of curiosity, if you don't mind.

What I meant is specifically since there are infinite versions of this very lifetime, to go back to another version of this life, as this person, born in 1989, on a similar looking but more positive timeline. I know I'll have the chance to incarnate in 4d and whatnot, but I feel this life has been wasted on too much suffering, so sort of a do-over. As for sources? One was a channeled video by Barbara Marciniak from some years ago(author of Bringers of the Dawn) that said as far as 2016, we were already on a better timeline, but there would be strange bleed-through effects where we would perceive certain aspects of the "NWO/negative AI" timeline. The second was a video just recently posted by another forum member in a thread about a three-step "stargate ascension" process that can be utilized in the current lockdown situation, which explained the situation pretty much exactly the same. As far as Bashar explains it, we are in a critical "eye of the storm" situation" but still have the opportunity to experience a positive timeline.

Either way, not saying I'm going to throw this life away or not do my best to shift the timeline I'm on. I just get salty sometimes of all the wasted potential for happiness and wonder in 3d.

RE: The Art of Jumping Timelines - 888 - 04-16-2020

(04-16-2020, 12:01 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: What I meant is specifically since there are infinite versions of this very lifetime, to go back to another version of this life, as this person, born in 1989, on a similar looking but more positive timeline. I know I'll have the chance to incarnate in 4d and whatnot, but I feel this life has been wasted on too much suffering, so sort of a do-over. As for sources? One was a channeled video by Barbara Marciniak from some years ago(author of Bringers of the Dawn) that said as far as 2016, we were already on a better timeline, but there would be strange bleed-through effects where we would perceive certain aspects of the "NWO/negative AI" timeline. The second was a video just recently posted by another forum member in a thread about a three-step "stargate ascension" process that can be utilized in the current lockdown situation, which explained the situation pretty much exactly the same. As far as Bashar explains it, we are in a critical "eye of the storm" situation" but still have the opportunity to experience a positive timeline.

Either way, not saying I'm going to throw this life away or not do my best to shift the timeline I'm on. I just get salty sometimes of all the wasted potential for happiness and wonder in 3d.

My recommendation would be to let go of your desire to go back to another version of this life, or at least take steps to begin refining it. That desire, although understandable, is at odds with the necessity of learning to accept the present moment and recognize the perfection in all.

This guided meditation might be of assistance.

RE: The Art of Jumping Timelines - Agua - 04-16-2020


RE: The Art of Jumping Timelines - Black Dragon - 04-16-2020

(04-16-2020, 06:12 PM)888 Wrote:
(04-16-2020, 12:01 PM)Black Dragon Wrote: What I meant is specifically since there are infinite versions of this very lifetime, to go back to another version of this life, as this person, born in 1989, on a similar looking but more positive timeline. I know I'll have the chance to incarnate in 4d and whatnot, but I feel this life has been wasted on too much suffering, so sort of a do-over. As for sources? One was a channeled video by Barbara Marciniak from some years ago(author of Bringers of the Dawn) that said as far as 2016, we were already on a better timeline, but there would be strange bleed-through effects where we would perceive certain aspects of the "NWO/negative AI" timeline. The second was a video just recently posted by another forum member in a thread about a three-step "stargate ascension" process that can be utilized in the current lockdown situation, which explained the situation pretty much exactly the same. As far as Bashar explains it, we are in a critical "eye of the storm" situation" but still have the opportunity to experience a positive timeline.

Either way, not saying I'm going to throw this life away or not do my best to shift the timeline I'm on. I just get salty sometimes of all the wasted potential for happiness and wonder in 3d.

My recommendation would be to let go of your desire to go back to another version of this life, or at least take steps to begin refining it. That desire, although understandable, is at odds with the necessity of learning to accept the present moment and recognize the perfection in all.

This guided meditation might be of assistance.

Looks like a good guided meditation, and I'm sure not put off by a bit of swearing. I just chilled and meditated with my brainwave CD's and took a nap. I'll give this one a shot later tonight or tomorrow in the morning. I do realize my desire is somewhat distorted and unhelpful. My main focus should be on accepting this life and bettering myself/shifting my current timeline without any regrets or wishing to change anything that's already in the past, to transmute all that suffering into something worthwhile. After that, between lives, nobody is stopping me from going wherever the f*** I want, so if from that perspective I decide I need a vacation in a similar looking but different version of the life I just had, I can do that, or maybe I'll find that that desire is no longer relevant. For now, that thought is a distraction and not particularly helpful. Thanks for the advice and the link.

RE: The Art of Jumping Timelines - sillypumpkins - 04-17-2020

(04-15-2020, 02:30 PM)hounsic Wrote:
(04-15-2020, 12:32 PM)sillypumpkins Wrote:
Quote:The current ecological situation in the Gulf is one example of multiple timelines. In spite of your media’s grand attempt to dismiss the situation, many are sensing how dire the situation is, and indeed, there are complications in the Gulf region that are beneath the surface, both literally and figuratively.

this is interesting. I'm assuming it's referring to the Gulf of Mexico, and perhaps to the Bermuda Triangle? I understand that Ra mentioned there is a pyramid at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle, and there have been alleged findings of a crystal pyramid down there

anyways, thanks for sharing!

This was written in 2010, so they are speaking about oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. 10 years later I hope I’m not on the wrong timeline.... lol
Just do your best it’s all we can do.

hahahaha okay thats funny.... bit too far out I suppose

RE: The Art of Jumping Timelines - Diana - 04-18-2020

(04-16-2020, 06:35 PM)Agua Wrote: This world is in need of help, humanity is in need of help.

Coming from outside, the most effective way to help would be to incarnate here, go through the same suffering and heal it fully.
From this comes great understanding and compassion and a knowing how to help humans heal.
Its probably not only the most effective, but maybe even the only way.

I agree with this supposition. Here is a thought experiment related to this idea:

Imagine that the mass consciousness of humanity is a giant brain. Within the brain are synapses (a synapse is a structure that permits a neuron to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another neuron). If an individual consciousness is a neuron, and that individual goes through particular catalysts and heals and balances itself, then it can transmit or radiate that knowledge of its healing to other neurons (individuals). In this way a path has been forged that can be shared by the whole.

RE: The Art of Jumping Timelines - Agua - 04-18-2020


RE: The Art of Jumping Timelines - flofrog - 04-18-2020

(04-18-2020, 11:05 AM)Diana Wrote:
(04-16-2020, 06:35 PM)Agua Wrote: This world is in need of help, humanity is in need of help.

Coming from outside, the most effective way to help would be to incarnate here, go through the same suffering and heal it fully.
From this comes great understanding and compassion and a knowing how to help humans heal.
Its probably not only the most effective, but maybe even the only way.

I agree with this supposition. Here is a thought experiment related to this idea:

Imagine that the mass consciousness of humanity is a giant brain. Within the brain are synapses (a synapse is a structure that permits a neuron to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another neuron). If an individual consciousness is a neuron, and that individual goes through particular catalysts and heals and balances itself, then it can transmit or radiate that knowledge of its healing to other neurons (individuals). In this way a path has been forged that can be shared by the whole.

There was an experiment which proves the same thing at the level of second density entities since it dealt with cows. The experiment took place in Switzerland. Between meadows which are fenced but have dirt or paved roads crossing them, metallized rolls were installed in th seventies on the roads at the level of the fences, this way you didn't have to stop get out of your car and open a fence and then drive and then get out of your car and close the fence. If you drive a car on these rolls, you pass on them, no problem, but the cows do not since their hooves are unstable on these rolls. So the experiment was that those rolls were taken out and their appearance was painted on the road at the level were fences were.

Then they waited and after a while one cow had the feeling this was different and carefully started to put on hoof then another one and this way crossed from one side of a meadow to the next meadow. She crossed over one way then back. Those meadows are large and not all the cows could watch that. One or two days passed and two other cows did it, then the whole group of about twenty cows went through. Then they reinstalled the real rolls and one cow tried to go and stopped and no other cow went through.

That was a survey along other experiment with different species where definitely one or a few members would experiment something new, and the totality of the group nearly instantly would learn the behavior.

RE: The Art of Jumping Timelines - AnthroHeart - 04-18-2020

Research the 100th monkey effect.