I found a correlation between Hindu Chinese and Mesoamerican timekeeping in Ra - Printable Version

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I found a correlation between Hindu Chinese and Mesoamerican timekeeping in Ra - Navaratna - 04-21-2020

Navaratna = 9 planets

RE: I found a correlation between Hindu Chinese and Mesoamerican timekeeping in Ra - Asolsutsesvyl - 04-30-2020

You asked me to have a look at this thread, but I don't think I'm really the best to dig into this. I've dabbled a little in examining some types of symbolic patterns in recent years, but I'm fairly new to that, mostly focusing more on purely abstract thinking. From reading other posts you've made, I think you have a much better overview of the historical religious symbolism and eastern spiritual ideas you generally like to bring into the picture.

One thing comes to mind though, regarding chakras and densities, and how repeating patterns work in general. There's not a direct correspondence between chakras and whole-number densities; rather, the pattern of 7 within 7 repeating is how chakras correspond. "True color" densities seem to be whole number densities, rather than the fractional increments which can also be counted. In terms of the number of energy centers or chakras, wanderers active in several densities have 7 per density.

The idea of 8th and 9th chakras are not the same as Ra's 8D, coming from different symbol systems. One version, the 9 energy centers described by Villoldo as part of the Inca tradition correspond to 7 chakras, plus something which corresponds to a much higher level, plus something which can be related to a being in relation to 7D (at the center of the Universe). Other systems which add 2 extra chakras may map them differently. Whatever the meaning assigned to them, systems which only use 7 chakras may have different symbols for the same things, only they do not add those concepts into the sequence of chakras but keep it separate.

I'm generally wary of thinking that things which seem to line up neatly in some details are the same, if there's any specifics which do not match. There's also always the potential to make more and more meaningful connections when exploring relations between things, completely regardless of the accuracy of the conclusions; in that sense, the number of connections ultimately found is an independent variable to the truthfulness of the conclusions.

But I do think there's much to the time cycles used by Ra, the placement of things in the timeline and overall patterns of the drama of this solar system, which could be interesting to explore further. You may be off to a good start in comparing things if you can piece together more in that regard. But I personally think mapping increasing chakra numbers to modern history years seems like an odd connection of concepts for a side track.

RE: I found a correlation between Hindu Chinese and Mesoamerican timekeeping in Ra - Navaratna - 04-30-2020


All is one, no need to try and distort Ras message