why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Printable Version

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why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - freestonew - 05-13-2020

hi all.

I have a simple Question.  why covid-19?   I mean, by this question, not political or conspiracy ideas.  I would just like to know what the Ra people, and the channeling entities, think about this Virus and why did it appear for mankind at this time.  What is its spiritual meaning, in other words.


RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - AnthroHeart - 05-13-2020

My teacher says that Covid-19 is a worldwide Kundalini Awakening.
The world is surprisingly calm.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - sillypumpkins - 05-13-2020

(05-13-2020, 06:32 PM)Great Central Sun Wrote: My teacher says that Covid-19 is a worldwide Kundalini Awakening.
The world is surprisingly calm.

Not sure a "worldwide kundalini awakening" would be a "calm" event per say..... your teacher might be a little off there, sun

freestone, covid, to me, seems to be simply a catalyst of worldwide proportions. these are pretty turbulent times, as we all know. a worldwide pandemic is a pretty good way of "testing" everybody, in a sense. not sure if testing is the right word, but I think it's a good way to "shake things up" so to speak, and see what we're all made of. this is a "dawning of a new era" after all

anyways, thats just my interpretation

be well!

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - flofrog - 05-13-2020

I feel nature, so including 1st and 2nd density but who knows else from 3rd,  decided to have a go at what was being done to her.

on edit : not in a mean revengeful way though, more like ok play differently now Wink

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - sillypumpkins - 05-13-2020

lol flo, I like your interpretation BigSmile

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Navaratna - 05-13-2020

All the animals by now must be thinking...


RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - unity100 - 05-13-2020

The most likely situation:

Private contractor or the military branch that runs this lab cuts budget to maximize profits or create 'great quarterly results':

This is possible because, 'deregulation and innovation'. America.

Lab experiences 'issues' with its sanitation and safety measures from May 2018 until August 2019 when CDC shuts it down via court order.

The lab was working on many biological contaminants including covid.

Covid happens.


Nothing more spiritual than learning to be careful and not greedy. Nothing different than Deepwater Horizon oil spill, except this time its not oil, its a virus.

Very worrying, since 'deregulation and innovation' still continue in US in every single field. From bioweapons research to GMOs. The latter which, US intelligence director warned in 2016 to be as dangerous as biological weapons due to being uncontrolled and as they easily propagate/replicate themselves.


In the larger spiritual sense this pandemic situation is showing the human society that cooperation, collaboration and solidarity are important. And to survive and prosper, societies must help everyone inside a society. That privatization of healthcare for profit is bad. That privatization of entire economy and pushing majority to work for dimes or starve is bad. That greed cannot be maintained. That a few percent greedy sociopaths can destroy entire societies.

Typical lessons of the last 100 years which many people ignored out of their own selfish inclinations.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Diana - 05-13-2020

(05-13-2020, 06:30 PM)freestonew Wrote: hi all.

I have a simple Question.  why covid-19?   I mean, by this question, not political or conspiracy ideas.  I would just like to know what the Ra people, and the channeling entities, think about this Virus and why did it appear for mankind at this time.  What is its spiritual meaning, in other words.


There is a quote from Ra which I can't locate, but Ra says, and I paraphrase, that viruses offer themselves as catalyst; and if the catalyst isn't needed, a person won't become ill.

And this from Latwii (from a 1985 session):

Quote:I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. These second-density creatures, the bacteria and virae, are those entities which provide a service to the host third-density entity by, shall we say, taking that catalyst which has not been well used by the mind or spirit complexes and allowing it to take its symbolic form when needed within the physical vehicle in what you call the form of a disease of one nature or another which may then be noticed by the entity in a manner which it had not noticed before when the catalyst was available only to the mind and spirit complexes. When there is what you call a healing, whether by the use of that [which] you have called medicine and the antibiotics, or by any other means, this healing occurs when the entity has been able to process the catalyst to such an extent that the disease is no longer necessary to point out that which was not observed and well used before.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Navaratna - 05-13-2020

Whether any being thinks I deserve it as a product of me needing it as a catalyst, or if it's karma, or if it's a bioweapon.

Wearing large amounts of copper/brass and silver to absorb the ions in to the bloodstream
holding azurite to absorb the copper ions in my blood and killing the pathogens before they take hold is a smart idea.

among other potential measures like drinks of lemon balm tea from a local grocery store...

Are enough to make me think I can effectively spare all the bullshit of getting sick for a single day with it, and kill it with my own knowledge of oligodynamism and anti-viral plants instead of waiting around to get sick like most people seem ok with doing.
You could already have asymptomatic, so should be taking preventative measures to kill it before it takes hold. Rather than just playing wheel of fortune until hospitals are plague zones teeming with viral load from overcrowded facilities.

I will consider Latwii/Ra/Seth as for the reasons why it's manifesting but I'm not going to accept getting it and hoping to meditate it away as a part of some 'spiritual' opinion.

For all people's twitters, facebooks, thousands of media outlets it's shocking how dull people can be about how they don't know how to kill a virus.
...Why don't people know it like a fact of counting to 100 or the 9 planets, or Edison invented the lightbulb?

I'm not upset, just mystified by the lack of reporting on this scientific fact that has been known since Egyptian and Biblical times with healers holding brass serpents and Vedic cleansing ritual with silver and brass instruments. Paper masks.... -__- sounds contamination.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Diana - 05-13-2020

(05-13-2020, 10:06 PM)unity100 Wrote: In the larger spiritual sense this pandemic situation is showing the human society that cooperation, collaboration and solidarity are important. And to survive and prosper, societies must help everyone inside a society. That privatization of healthcare for profit is bad. That privatization of entire economy and pushing majority to work for dimes or starve is bad. That greed cannot be maintained. That a few percent greedy sociopaths can destroy entire societies.

Typical lessons of the last 100 years which many people ignored out of their own selfish inclinations.

It would be nice if showing human society the above would sink in and actually make a difference, but I'm dubious. It's also interesting that the U.S has the most amount of cases, if the numbers are to believed.  

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Diana - 05-13-2020

(05-13-2020, 10:35 PM)Navaratna Wrote: Whether any being thinks I deserve it as a product of me needing it as a catalyst, or if it's karma, or if it's a bioweapon.

Wearing large amounts of copper/brass and silver to absorb the ions
holding azurite to absorb the copper ions in my blood

among other preventative measures like daily drinks of lemon balm...
Are enough to make me think I'll spare all the bullshit of getting sick for a single day with it, and kill it with my own info instead of waiting around to get sick like most people. This is considering you could already have it...and be asymptomatic, so should be taking preventative measures to kill it before it takes hold.

I will consider Latwii/Ra/Seth as for the reasons why it's manifesting but I'm not going to accept getting it and meditating it away.

Certainly I agree that caring for the physical body and building the immune system are super important. This is another lesson I think is being offered. Especially to people in the U.S. where diet for most is atrocious, many get no exercise, get little sun, and live with a lot of stress.

Poverty contributes to this situation.

As for killing the virus, if a person really needs to learn to take care of the body, then continuing to abuse the body with junk food etc. and killing the virus may not work. The body may still need the catalyst.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Navaratna - 05-13-2020

I can say I wouldn't have even had any time to develop my recent ideas if it wasn't for this whole plague.

I wouldn't have registered an account here. I for the most part had accepted that offering my opinions on spiritual ideas was a complete waste of my time in the sense that it didn't really directly benefit me to tell people what to think and people put up so much resistance to concepts that I would have just spared myself any of the BLAHblahblah.

There are classes and groups I've attended...because those people already understand. No one is trying to convince anyone of anything in those place.

But thinking for example that I'd strike up a conversation about absolutely any of these ideas with an ordinary joe or someone online, or would have attempted to reach out to try and help people understand densities and chakras if this was only 6 months ago would have sounded like a complete fantasy to me. It's only because of boredom and that people thank me, along with the fact that people have shown that they can contribute to my ideas because there are sooooo many videos and pages of text to sort through. It's something you'd need a group to work through.

These three channels and all the Seth material I've just begun digging in to

The looooong list of loooong books by Jane Roberts.

All of this seems like overall valid information with the right intentions...but damn it's like trying to melt a glacier and slowly wait for the water to become room temperature. Most people don't have patience for any of it.

skip to 10:30 long intro
Law of One Arkansas Crystal Vortex.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Ozziwtf - 05-14-2020

I think that what ends up surfacing in mainstream media is a collection of thoughts (of masses). Since we are talking about mainstream, it is logical to assume that a large group of people think this way. Of course there are twists and turns to it, say, a thought that one would classify as radical left, is said by a known radical right politician (but this is probably something along negatively polarizing agendas, so it's out of our interest anyway). The nuances of this elude me, but I am more and more convinced that you can take everything you see in TV apart and you will discover those thoughts separately in people around you too (since these ideas are popular, you will most likely find someone believing one of them).
So, COVID-19 is a mix of fear-porn, lazyness, thirst for something new, fear of a recession, hating ones job, and so on. I think you get what I'm saying. Smile

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Navaratna - 05-14-2020

(05-14-2020, 03:29 AM)Ozziwtf Wrote: I think that what ends up surfacing in mainstream media is a collection of thoughts (of masses). Since we are talking about mainstream, it is logical to assume that a large group of people think this way. Of course there are twists and turns to it, say, a thought that one would classify as radical left, is said by a known radical right politician (but this is probably something along negatively polarizing agendas, so it's out of our interest anyway). The nuances of this elude me, but I am more and more convinced that you can take everything you see in TV apart and you will discover those thoughts separately in people around you too (since these ideas are popular, you will most likely find someone believing one of them).
So, COVID-19 is a mix of fear-porn, lazyness, thirst for something new, fear of a recession, hating ones job, and so on. I think you get what I'm saying. Smile

I do but I am also curious why seemingly intelligent people like doctors and nurses don't know from the start about oligodynamics
Using paper masks rather than recommending copper mesh protective equipment. Baffles me.

It's easy to think the local news station wants attention and ratings, and isn't run by some scientists.

..but the fact that #oligodynamics hasn't trended astonishes me. I have tried to inform people but this isn't exactly exciting information. Maybe a part of it is people can't imagine it could be so simple and many medical companies have prescriptions as a part of their business model so promote misinformation about things that prevent diseases or simply don't speak of them.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Ozziwtf - 05-14-2020

(05-14-2020, 03:42 AM)Navaratna Wrote: I do but I am also curious why seemingly intelligent people like doctors and nurses don't know from the start about oligodynamics
Using paper masks rather than recommending copper mesh protective equipment. Baffles me.

It's easy to think the local news station wants attention and ratings, and isn't run by some scientists.

..but the fact that #oligodynamics hasn't trended astonishes me. I have tried to inform people but this isn't exactly exciting information. Maybe a part of it is people can't imagine it could be so simple and many medical companies have prescriptions as a part of their business model so promote misinformation about things that prevent diseases or simply don't speak of them.

Because that wouldn't be a reality about where we experience our fears and wishes but where Navaratna found the cure, oligodynamics saves lifes and in general, not what goes through our minds most of the day.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Navaratna - 05-14-2020

(05-14-2020, 04:13 AM)Ozziwtf Wrote:
(05-14-2020, 03:42 AM)Navaratna Wrote: I do but I am also curious why seemingly intelligent people like doctors and nurses don't know from the start about oligodynamics
Using paper masks rather than recommending copper mesh protective equipment. Baffles me.

It's easy to think the local news station wants attention and ratings, and isn't run by some scientists.

..but the fact that #oligodynamics hasn't trended astonishes me. I have tried to inform people but this isn't exactly exciting information. Maybe a part of it is people can't imagine it could be so simple and many medical companies have prescriptions as a part of their business model so promote misinformation about things that prevent diseases or simply don't speak of them.

Because that wouldn't be a reality about where we experience our fears and wishes but where Navaratna found the cure, oligodynamics saves lifes and in general, not what goes through our minds most of the day.

I guess so. It may be that simple.

At the same time it's so odd to me though that even heads of state, heads of health groups, medical associations have such a silence on it all.
Well educated people complete associations of people who must know about these things.
They've got to know..

I was thinking a minute ago, I'm practically picturing Yoda telling someone. In Star Wars lightsabers are made of crystals..

A Jedi knows how it works, he knows how the force works.
A storm trooper probably knows how a lightsaber works, but you never see them hold one. He can't use the force, it might as well just be an idle thing because he can't link the knowledge and the power of it together to wield it. "I'd rather use my blaster rifle" whatever thing they prescribe or telling people to stay at home.

People are weird.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Jeremy - 05-14-2020

Even though this is a collective experience, the catalyst involved is very much personal. If acknowledged, accepted, and processed, it very well could light that spark within one's self to what one has been ignoring for quite some time. It could be one of many last pushes of civilization towards waking ones self up to its spiritual nature. Finally getting one to ask the important questions. Taking a step back from the mundane and truly beginning to see the meaning of one's life. At least, that's my hope during all of the sadness and despair currently infecting the world.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Sacred Fool - 05-14-2020

freestonew Wrote:hi all.

I have a simple Question.  why covid-19?   I mean, by this question, not political or conspiracy ideas.  I would just like to know what the Ra people, and the channeling entities, think about this Virus and why did it appear for mankind at this time.  What is its spiritual meaning, in other words.


Thank you, W, for asking directly about the spiritual meaning of life directly.  Personally, I find the question refreshing in the context of these forums and I hope you find some further roads to travel in your search for your own understanding of how to view the horizons which your query gestures towards.  Naturally, I can only offer you my own view on the topic.  I hope it is of some little use to you in your travels.

As I view it, the "Ra people and channeling entities" speak repeatedly of life here in general being an opportunity to more deeply feel and understand one's attunement to the basic vibration of being--what they call "the Creator."  Little by little, we become aware of our own signature vibrations at different levels of frequency, meaning that we become conscious of self as expressed on the big screen of life as it relates to naked survival, basic self-awareness, social awareness, Divine awareness and so forth.

Now, they tell us, is the time of harvest and our experiences are becoming highly intensified because the shift from 3D to 4D, although the nomenclature implies a linear progression, is actually of an exponential experiential nature, and this brings with it huge disruption, internally speaking.  Thus, this viral pandemic is a way of prodding conscious awareness to open to itself more quickly.

Case in point, if one is able to remain open to one's deepest knowing that all is One and that "All is well, and all manner of things shall be well," to quote a famous Christian mystic, if one's consciousness can maintain that level of vibration in the context increasing darkness, then that vibration, that revelation of Divinity, becomes a deeper characteristic of one's signature vibration.

In your own case, I'm sure there are ways in which this pandemic offers opportunities to search more deeply into your own being to seek out more substantial spiritual meaning, which is to say, more clearly articulated spiritual being.

I wish you godspeed.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Minyatur - 05-14-2020

The feeling I have is that this has a purpose in clearing, or at least creating movement into, old stagnant energies on various levels.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - sillypumpkins - 05-14-2020

(05-13-2020, 10:19 PM)Diana Wrote: There is a quote from Ra which I can't locate, but Ra says, and I paraphrase, that viruses offer themselves as catalyst; and if the catalyst isn't needed, a person won't become ill.

Quote:34.7 Questioner: Do what we call contagious diseases play any part in this process with respect to the unmanifested self?

Ra: I am Ra. These so-called contagious diseases are those entities of second density which offer an opportunity for this type of catalyst. If this catalyst is unneeded, then these second-density creatures, as you would call them, do not have an effect. In each of these generalizations you may please note that there are anomalies so that we cannot speak to every circumstance but only to the general run or way of things as you experience them.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - unity100 - 05-14-2020

(05-13-2020, 10:35 PM)Diana Wrote:
(05-13-2020, 10:06 PM)unity100 Wrote: In the larger spiritual sense this pandemic situation is showing the human society that cooperation, collaboration and solidarity are important. And to survive and prosper, societies must help everyone inside a society. That privatization of healthcare for profit is bad. That privatization of entire economy and pushing majority to work for dimes or starve is bad. That greed cannot be maintained. That a few percent greedy sociopaths can destroy entire societies.

Typical lessons of the last 100 years which many people ignored out of their own selfish inclinations.

It would be nice if showing human society the above would sink in and actually make a difference, but I'm dubious. It's also interesting that the U.S has the most amount of cases, if the numbers are to believed.  

There is nothing surprising about it. US has been a neoliberal country since a long time where stock market is valued more than people's lives. And the current administration did anything in its power to prevent any large scale measures that would harm the stocks. Donald Junior even called it a 'Democratic hoax'. Add to that the privatized healthcare system which prevents people from seeking treatment when sick for fear of bankruptcy, add to that the avoidance of any public spending because it would prevent more tax breaks for the rich. You end up with any pandemic hitting like a truck.

This is going to last a long time in US yet.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Navaratna - 05-14-2020

(05-14-2020, 08:02 AM)Jeremy Wrote: Even though this is a collective experience, the catalyst involved is very much personal. If acknowledged, accepted, and processed, it very well could light that spark within one's self to what one has been ignoring for quite some time. It could be one of many last pushes of civilization towards waking ones self up to its spiritual nature. Finally getting one to ask the important questions. Taking a step back from the mundane and truly beginning to see the meaning of one's life. At least, that's my hope during all of the sadness and despair currently infecting the world.

It has allowed many, many millions to just take a step back and think about what they're doing.

That in itself to me is pretty astonishing that if it weren't for a plague, everyone would just be on their treadmill/hamster wheel. Relentlessly.

I think this year is really around the time where if you live in a modern country, all you do is make money and nothing else. No one has time to think. It's very sad. Expressing these thoughts is criticized heavily as sounding out of touch.

I think 2008 was really a year when it gradually shifted towards this. The cost of living rising so much, yet people's wages and savings plummeting. It's always been difficult in the developed world but there used to be some space in between for a person who wanted to have a simple lifestyle. All that leeway has been drained by the exploding cost of living. No one has any sympathy "Just get a job making 70,000$ you lazy idiot" and rack up tremendous debt over the cost of tuition which has also inflated relentlessly in the past decade.

This whole thing really shows people how f***** up everything can quickly get when middle class or people can't work for just 2 months.

There are so many conflicts brewing because people are trapped at home with roommates or family and our society thinks it is acceptable for people to be packed like sardines in to 1200-1500$ crappy little apartments housing multiple people. Or people globally being released early from penitentiaries yet have no job...or place to live being told stay at home? No one wants to speak of how many relationships have been destroyed, people who have gotten knocked out, or gotten kicked out/made homeless over all this. Older people crammed in to homes where they'll all get sick very easily because it's all they can afford. Workers abandoning them because the owners are too cheap to give them protective equipment.

People renting a room in a house/apt while people in it expect you to just be at work 90% of the time and act so horribly dismayed that a person might just feel like lounging 24/7 with this going on even though they're paying to live there. When people rent they're paying for their space, not time in my opinion. No one thinks of it that way if they share a house. Even though they always pay a lot if you live in a developed nation. Utterly backwards.

I'm glad the way things are going for me, but we're about to look savage when no one has a haircut for 3 months and people get all skinny from having no food.

*beats chest with fists*

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Asolsutsesvyl - 05-14-2020

(05-14-2020, 10:12 AM)peregrine Wrote:
freestonew Wrote:hi all.

I have a simple Question. why covid-19? I mean, by this question, not political or conspiracy ideas. I would just like to know what the Ra people, and the channeling entities, think about this Virus and why did it appear for mankind at this time. What is its spiritual meaning, in other words.


Thank you, W, for asking directly about the spiritual meaning of life directly. Personally, I find the question refreshing in the context of these forums and I hope you find some further roads to travel in your search for your own understanding of how to view the horizons which your query gestures towards. Naturally, I can only offer you my own view on the topic. I hope it is of some little use to you in your travels.


I'll turn the question and answer upside-down, for a different way of approaching something similar. But the result becomes less spirituality-focused and more naturalistic.

Why not covid-19 or something like covid-19? What would it take for something like that to never happen in the setting of our "modern age"?

It would be a truly amazing miracle if something like covid-19 were to never happen, instead of (as it did) happen. The odds have always been in favor of new pandemics, as soon as something infectious enough manages to catch a lift around the world. This is common knowledge, and has been for decades!

So what's the missing miracle, what is the world missing? Why are things just like rationally expected, instead of better? What is it that humanity simply hasn't been able to do?

Humanity has never grown up. It has never become able to develop a consistent and coherent way of morally reasoning and evaluating things. It has not become able to organize societies in a way which favors larger aims and interests separate from money/status/power systematically. The most basic things which would make for a "sane collective life" are completely missing, or almost completely. It looks like dumb luck keeps things going as well as they still manage to keep going.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Navaratna - 05-14-2020

(05-14-2020, 02:52 PM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote:
(05-14-2020, 10:12 AM)peregrine Wrote:
freestonew Wrote:hi all.

I have a simple Question.  why covid-19?   I mean, by this question, not political or conspiracy ideas.  I would just like to know what the Ra people, and the channeling entities, think about this Virus and why did it appear for mankind at this time.  What is its spiritual meaning, in other words.


Thank you, W, for asking directly about the spiritual meaning of life directly.  Personally, I find the question refreshing in the context of these forums and I hope you find some further roads to travel in your search for your own understanding of how to view the horizons which your query gestures towards.  Naturally, I can only offer you my own view on the topic.  I hope it is of some little use to you in your travels.


Humanity has never grown up. It has never become able to develop a consistent and coherent way of morally reasoning and evaluating things. It has not become able to organize societies in a way which favors larger aims and interests separate from money/status/power systematically. The most basic things which would make for a "sane collective life" are completely missing, or almost completely. It looks like dumb luck keeps things going as well as they still manage to keep going.

I think this is very true, and for some reason I can't pinpoint I think this response is very funny...maybe because it's just so sad.

I mean I can think of how on their high horses people get about how superior and high minded a society of people who all have university degrees must be...when it's like the way people without money are just abandoned makes it look so overall trashy looking for everyone in the same society.

There's many places I can think of where there are vacant houses and yet downtown in developed cities there are multimillion dollar condos surrounded by people who look like they just got shipped in on a one way ticket from a third world country.

I've read how people--picture ones in uncontacted tribes in the deepest corner of northwest Brazil have sometimes been brought to U.N. conferences and they can't imagine how f***** up people are to think that it's acceptable for people to be abandoned on a sidewalk. Around a city full of skyscrapers and jets.

The 3,000$ a person would need to get back on their feet on a most minimal level in most major cities of the developed world would only last a month, maybe 6 or 7 weeks after a deposit and bills/food/gas to even work a job...

Yet that same amount a person could live off for probably 6 months or more in most undeveloped countries. Going to a place and seeing "educated" professional affluent people who pay like 700$ for a nice house in a classy neighborhood working as medical technicians. "Wow those two really have their s*** together what model citizens" the people around them must think, even though they make less than the monthly wage of a fry cook.

We consider this level of inequality humane and civil but to me I can't think of it that way. It makes little sense until you realize it's all just economics, which at the end of the day shows you things don't need to be this way but they are because it's how humans simply prefer it LOL.

All these ideas about class and education don't really mean very much if you just look at economics and really it all just boils down to how our society just measures people's worth or value in how much money they're willing to give. Not their morals.

But hilariously enough that's all relative.

Trying to think that we've moved up kind of makes me have hang-ups on thinking that we really have when looking at dynamics like this that exist everywhere. People don't look at it this way because "what's in it for me me me" is everyones #1 priority it seems.

We've taken away people's freedom and replaced it with a lifestyle that makes everyone so busy that they don't really have freedom, just opinions on how much more their individual preferences and feelings of safety matter more than anything else on Earth.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Sacred Fool - 05-14-2020

So, you guys with the bruised chests.  Most of us (I'm guessing) are already aware that this poor planet has been stumbling its way through 3D and is suffering significantly for all its missteps.  The question here--on a forum nominally concerned with spiritual matters--the question here is, what are the spiritual principles involved?

Where would that discussion begin?

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - freestonew - 05-14-2020

Thanks everyone for replying.

There was an article written somewhere about Jesus that raises the prickles of hairs on the back of my neck!   the channeler said that the Saints who died  before the Death of Jesus waited to Ascend until Jesus died so that they all could ascend with Him!   The result of this was that Rome now longer had very old souls incarnating into the Roman world such that only younger souls incarnated to be leaders and inspiring influences.  This caused Rome to fall apart!

Jesus death, in my own thoughts, merely accelerated the rate of Old souls Graduating.  There comes a time when a soul has finished the Course, now it gets off of the Wheel on Incarnating and then goes ascending to never ever incarnating again to earth plane.

Here, I think too, as new souls are always coming in, from the Bottom, baby and infant souls, this is why Humanity never ever learns!  Note that in a children's school system, 3rd grade never changes much from year to year.  The same development phase is there, year after year.  So in Humanity, some older souls are here to help us all evolve, but some are on their last incarnations and might soon be gone.

I read that 70% of all souls in the USA are young souls.  they often adore Trump, he speaks for them.  these souls are trying to develop their egos and to make a mark upon life and the world.  "to own a business of your own and to be rich, famous, materialistic, powerful, is to do the Curriculum of a young soul.  If they do NOT do this stage, this entire stage will be not so developed for their entire spiritual journey through the afterlife planes!  So they see Trump, and the other such leaders, as a role model for them to actualize their lives. 
     But the Kids have to learn about LIMITS of growth, as well!  This might be one of the lessons of covid-19.  Thus probably this virus is a major Lesson for young souls.  Older souls can learn too.  Especially about "helping" and how to influence the Course itself, for these young souls.


RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Navaratna - 05-14-2020

(05-14-2020, 04:20 PM)peregrine Wrote:  
So, you guys with the bruised chests.  Most of us (I'm guessing) are already aware that this poor planet has been stumbling its way through 3D and is suffering significantly for all its missteps.  The question here--on a forum nominally concerned with spiritual matters--the question here is, what are the spiritual principles involved?

Where would that discussion begin?

This third density people seem to be so crazy about is mentioned in Sahaja Yoga
3rd Navaratna of Hindu astrology is the planet Saturn represented by a blue sapphire
3rd chakra, yellow ray

Google image "Ocean of illusion" for another visual example. Ocean of Illusion, Nabhi chakra.

Many people on this Earth came as gurus, as real gurus. The manifestation of this great principle of the primordial master is called as Dattatreya. They came on this Earth many times and they tried to establish within us our sustenance, our dharma with this central force of evolution. It is only through the establishment of sustenance that we can evolve.... All of them are the incarnation of the same spirit.... Thus, we had the middle path built in by the gurus in the center of our being.... These gurus came on this Earth to remove fanaticism. The last of them came as Shirdi Sai Nath. He was the one who had said very clearly that to speak ill of any other religion is a sin. Nothing can be more powerful than that.... The greatest guru that we have is love, Sahaj love. It is the guru within us which teaches us, which somehow or other leads us. We are led to that great line of understanding, for which we do not have to go to any college, to any school for education. It is something so much within that it works and expresses itself – expresses like a light. (6 & 7 February 1981 and Guru Puja 2004)

Also note the tie-in to Egypt's history:

Shri Raja Janaka – King of Mithila and Father of Shri Sita, wife of Shri Rama (India).
Shri Abraham – Forefather of the 12 tribes of Israel (Israel c. 2000 BC).
Shri Zarathustra – Instituted Monotheism and fire worship (Persia c. 1800 BC).
Shri Moses – Founder of Jewish law (Egypt c. 1250BC).
Shri Lao-Tse – Author of Tao Te Ching (China b. 604 BC).
Shri Confucius – Taught ethics and compiled I Ching (China b. 549 BC).
Shri Socrates – Founder of Greek philosophy (Greece b. 431 BC).
Shri Mohammed – Founder of Islam (Arabia d. 632 AD).
Shri Guru Nanak – Founder of the Sikhs (India b. 1469 AD).
Shri Shirdhi Sainath (Sai Baba) – Prophesied Shri Mataji’s birth (India c. 1840 – 1918 AD).

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Asolsutsesvyl - 05-14-2020

(05-14-2020, 04:20 PM)peregrine Wrote: So, you guys with the bruised chests. Most of us (I'm guessing) are already aware that this poor planet has been stumbling its way through 3D and is suffering significantly for all its missteps. The question here--on a forum nominally concerned with spiritual matters--the question here is, what are the spiritual principles involved?

Where would that discussion begin?

Personally, I would make the first principle the idea that "s*** happens". Indeed, the Law of One and related material claims that the Universe has been designed for the greatest possible variation in experience, or in other words, the greatest possible variation in what happens. Logically, this means that the Universe was designed to make it so that s*** happens, along with all the rest happening.

Then the question becomes, when is it avoided? Because it simply happens unless specifically avoided. Well, it is avoided when prevented. Prevention means that something in an environment, things active in it and/or how they interact, limit the range of outcomes. Larger-scale or more general chaos is counteracted, to the extent that that happens, through smaller-scale or more specific order.

If you reason like this, then spiritual considerations begin to look very similar to engineering in the abstract, or systems thinking. I already mentioned that basically, humanity is not up to the task of taking care of itself. But it is expected to, and so bad things simply happen from time to time unless/until humanity progresses to the point of being up to the task of preventing it from happening. When a species remains unable to reach that point, an extinction event could eventually result, and some grand soul-level version of having to "start over".

Significantly, I think that a functional order, which would prevent bad stuff from happening by accident, could be either positive or negative. The Universe doesn't care; whatever fits the functional constraints receives the blessing of "good results". Good results could come from a more gentle and harmonious flow, where greater consciousness is used to navigate smoothly through the collective journey - or from a negative counterpart to that.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Navaratna - 05-14-2020

(05-14-2020, 05:31 PM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote:
(05-14-2020, 04:20 PM)peregrine Wrote: So, you guys with the bruised chests.  Most of us (I'm guessing) are already aware that this poor planet has been stumbling its way through 3D and is suffering significantly for all its missteps.  The question here--on a forum nominally concerned with spiritual matters--the question here is, what are the spiritual principles involved?

Where would that discussion begin?

Personally, I would make the first principle the idea that "s*** happens". Indeed, the Law of One and related material claims that the Universe has been designed for the greatest possible variation in experience, or in other words, the greatest possible variation in what happens. Logically, this means that the Universe was designed to make it so that s*** happens, along with all the rest happening.

Then the question becomes, when is it avoided? Because it simply happens unless specifically avoided. Well, it is avoided when prevented. Prevention means that something in an environment, things active in it and/or how they interact, limit the range of outcomes. Larger-scale or more general chaos is counteracted, to the extent that that happens, through smaller-scale or more specific order.

If you reason like this, then spiritual considerations begin to look very similar to engineering in the abstract, or systems thinking. I already mentioned that basically, humanity is not up to the task of taking care of itself. But it is expected to, and so bad things simply happen from time to time unless/until humanity progresses to the point of being up to the task of preventing it from happening. When a species remains unable to reach that point, an extinction event could eventually result, and some grand soul-level version of having to "start over".

Significantly, I think that a functional order, which would prevent bad stuff from happening by accident, could be either positive or negative. The Universe doesn't care; whatever fits the functional constraints receives the blessing of "good results". Good results could come from a more gentle and harmonious flow, where greater consciousness is used to navigate smoothly through the collective journey - or from a negative counterpart to that.

s*** happens indeed reminds me of this discussion:
slice of context, illustrating a guide on how to thin the s*** spiraling off a fan blade:

36.3 Questioner: Out of the Seth Material we have a statement here: Seth says that each entity here on Earth is one aspect or part of a higher self or Oversoul which has many aspects or parts in many dimensions all of which learn lessons which enable the higher self to progress in a balanced manner. Am I to understand from this, is it correct that there are, shall we say, possibly many experiences similar to the one that we experience here in the third density that are governed by a single higher self? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. The correctness of this statement is variable. The more in balance an entity becomes, the less the possibility/probability vortices may need to be explored in parallel experiences.

RE: why Covid-19? what is the spiritual meaning? - Patrick - 05-14-2020

(05-13-2020, 06:30 PM)freestonew Wrote: hi all.

I have a simple Question.  why covid-19?   I mean, by this question, not political or conspiracy ideas.  I would just like to know what the Ra people, and the channeling entities, think about this Virus and why did it appear for mankind at this time.  What is its spiritual meaning, in other words.


I would say that it's really a collective desire of many suffering elderly people to exit the incarnation a bit more quickly.

EDIT: And an opportunity for this planet to drop the concept of money and replace it with something better.