Split Personalities from Abuse - Printable Version

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Split Personalities from Abuse - InsideConsciousness - 05-18-2021

I hope to not get to much into the conspiracy side of things although much of it appears to be real - Does any of the channeling touch on this?
It has been said that the Nazi's developed a protocol of splitting the mind through abuse and torture to where the psyche fragments and different personalities come though. What exactly is this if our bodies contain one soul?
I have a co worker who suffers from Multiple personality disorder from years of sexual abuse from her father and his friends she is on various forms of medication and is pretty open about it - she brought up Cathy Obrien to me who is a supposed MKUltra victim with that had multiple personalities and was used for spy craft and was also abused as a child and "sold" into the program at a young age.
Why can such evil occur - I know the 3rd Density can be very cruel but how does a soul choose to reincarnate to such atrocities?

I hope I'm not out of line for this thread - if so please delete it, but I am very curious.


RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Sacred Fool - 05-18-2021

No, you're definitely not out of line with that question.  It's a central one for many people: why wouldn't we all incarnate to have fun instead of to suffer?  Whose bright idea was that?  And the question is all the more poignant when incarnations involve the truly horrifying sides of Creation.

I can maybe look for specific quotes when I have more time, but the gist of the Confederation response--as I remember it--is that some people do program easy incarnations from time to time when they need a break, but for the most part, we're here to learn to accept the unacceptable and love the unlovable, so we choose experiences where we can learn about these things--from BOTH sides, perpetrator as well as victim.

Now, if you ask, why should we want to love the unlovable, well, that's another story......


RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - flofrog - 05-18-2021

Indeed, InsideConsciousness, how do we go on daily with a somewhat bearable life when the other self doesn't. Not out of line at all. Heart

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - InsideConsciousness - 05-18-2021

(05-18-2021, 03:20 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote:  
No, you're definitely not out of line with that question.  It's a central one for many people: why wouldn't we all incarnate to have fun instead of to suffer?  Whose bright idea was that?  And the question is all the more poignant when incarnations involve the truly horrifying sides of Creation.

I can maybe look for specific quotes when I have more time, but the gist of the Confederation response--as I remember it--is that some people do program easy incarnations from time to time when they need a break, but for the most part, we're here to learn to accept the unacceptable and love the unlovable, so we choose experiences where we can learn about these things--from BOTH sides, perpetrator as well as victim.

Now, if you ask, why should we want to love the unlovable, well, that's another story......


Which seems like central teaching of Jesus - to love thy neighbor.. I just have a hard time with the idea of forgiving people that harm children - the most vulnerable of all of us. Maybe this will hold me back from spiritual growth but I can't see myself every showing love to such a person who does these things to infants and young kids. To me it is demonic (not the christian idea of the word, but the embodiment of evil) as you are destroying all the possibilities of that Childs life with the weight they'll be forced to carry.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Agua - 05-18-2021

I am not sure if that answers your question, but I’ll give it a try:

In trauma, a fragmentation of the psyche occurs, always.
This is an attempt to survive.

Just like all of us have an ego, and for the majority of us this is the focal point of our identity (instead of our true Self) and just like actually all of us have several identities, everlasting different egos so to say, in those extreme cases, these personalities are seperated to such an extreme that often they don’t even know of eachother.

So the mechanism is the same as in everybody, it’s just much more extreme.

As for the question why:

From my experience I would say the main reason lies in what you will have developed when you have healed it, and not so much in the experience itself.

If you have gone through extreme experiences, you will have a high ne easily for healing and evolving, otherwise you won’t make it through this life.
But in the course of healing, you will develop insight that other people can only dream of.
From personal experience I would say, this is the main reason.

I work with many people who have suffered from extreme abuse and for all it can be said, once they have healed to a certain degree, their life has an incredible depth.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - jafar - 05-18-2021

InsideConsciousness Wrote:I hope to not get to much into the conspiracy side of things although much of it appears to be real - Does any of the channeling touch on this? It has been said that the Nazi's developed a protocol of splitting the mind through abuse and torture to where the psyche fragments and different personalities come though. What exactly is this if our bodies contain one soul?

According to Ra, 'every thing' originated from one 'infinite thing' which split from itself to become multitude of 'identities', and this is the foundational understanding about 'Law of One'.

The Law of One, though beyond the limitation of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes, may be approximated by stating that all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony,

but only identity.
All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the infinite Creator.

An 'identity construct' or a 'soul' is connected to multiple of others 'identity construct' / 'soul'. All of those identity construct / soul are temporary by nature. In the same manner as the physical body is connected to multiple of other physical bodies (Mom, Dad, Ancestry).

InsideConsciousness Wrote:how does a soul choose to reincarnate to such atrocities?

I found this:

August 22, 1982
Carla: OK. I’ve been fascinated by this case too and because my mother was a psychologist and has dealt for years with schizophrenics. This is just an extreme case of schizophrenia and she’s often noted to me the talents and the psychic nature sometimes of the split personality and it’s occurred to me to wonder whether the portion of the deep mind—when the veil is lifted and that person becomes a schizophrenic and goes into another personality—might not be from a previous incarnation and that there is a portion of the deeper mind that consists of our previous incarnational experiences. Could you confirm this?

I am Latwii, and am aware of your query, my sister. It is often the case with what you have called the multiple personalities that indeed those experiences of previous incarnations have been recalled to this particular incarnation for there is some aspect of the current incarnation which is able to make use of these previous aspects of the self.

It is also possible that portions of the multiple personality are from what we might also call parallel existences. These existences are in dimensions that are adjoining your own within other universes. There is occasionally the opening of the door between universes within the being also occurring within the deep portions of the unconscious mind and these openings may then allow another aspect of this entity to experience the illusion which adjoins the illusion from whence it came.

It is also possible that portions of the entity’s future being, as you would call it, may make up a part of the multiple personalities, for it is only within your illusion that time is perceived as sequential and linear. It is in truth more clearly and correctly stated that all of what you know of as creation occurs simultaneously.

Just as there are many entities within each city, as you call it, going about their business at one time, so it is with each individual. The many portions of the self which seem to exist in what you call the past, the present, and the future are as the many entities inhabiting the city of the self and it is possible for entities from time to time to become aware of and experience these portions of the self.

Usually such occurrences take place within what you would call your dreaming state and occasionally within your meditative state of being. When this door is opened in the veil, shall we say, between the conscious and unconscious minds and allows this new, shall we say, personality to enter and become part of the waking self then there is what is called by your psychologists the split personality or the multiple personality or the schizophrenic personality, each description being a distorted attempt to describe the addition to, rather than the fragmenting of, a conscious personality.

(05-18-2021, 06:42 PM)Agua Wrote: I work with many people who have suffered from extreme abuse and for all it can be said, once they have healed to a certain degree, their life has an incredible depth.

There's a girl on youtube who created a vlog of her life experience with multiple identities.

One thing that fascinate me is when she experienced a 'merging' of two identities to become one.

I guess this will be similar experience to 'forming a Social Memory Complex".

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Patrick - 05-18-2021

According to Analytical Idealism, we are all split personalities of the One. I do hope we were not created from abuse though.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Sacred Fool - 05-18-2021

(05-18-2021, 06:26 PM)InsideConsciousness Wrote: Which seems like central teaching of Jesus - to love thy neighbor.. I just have a hard time with the idea of forgiving people that harm children - the most vulnerable of all of us. Maybe this will hold me back from spiritual growth but I can't see myself every showing love to such a person who does these things to infants and young kids. To me it is demonic (not the christian idea of the word, but the embodiment of evil) as you are destroying all the possibilities of that Childs life with the weight they'll be forced to carry.

This stuff is deeply disturbing beyond description, I agree.  In some ways, withholding forgiveness feels like the more compassionate choice in the sense that it seems like more love then is available to flow to the victim that way.

On the other hand, if it's true that we are all One, that you are a part of me and my scope of consciousness just as I am a part of yours, then by denying love and compassion to those who have committed the most heinous of acts, are you then denying a part of your own self your own love and compassion?  That's the paradox.

At some point down the road, releasing love to all and withholding from none may become more important than other ways we have developed of deciding who merits love and who does not.


RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - InsideConsciousness - 05-18-2021

(05-18-2021, 08:57 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote:
(05-18-2021, 06:26 PM)InsideConsciousness Wrote: Which seems like central teaching of Jesus - to love thy neighbor.. I just have a hard time with the idea of forgiving people that harm children - the most vulnerable of all of us. Maybe this will hold me back from spiritual growth but I can't see myself every showing love to such a person who does these things to infants and young kids. To me it is demonic (not the christian idea of the word, but the embodiment of evil) as you are destroying all the possibilities of that Childs life with the weight they'll be forced to carry.

This stuff is deeply disturbing beyond description, I agree.  In some ways, withholding forgiveness feels like the more compassionate choice in the sense that it seems like more love then is available to flow to the victim that way.

On the other hand, if it's true that we are all One, that you are a part of me and my scope of consciousness just as I am a part of yours, then by denying love and compassion to those who have committed the most heinous of acts, are you then denying a part of your own self your own love and compassion?  That's the paradox.

At some point down the road, releasing love to all and withholding from none may become more important than other ways we have developed of deciding who merits love and who does not.


Powerful Stuff right there.. It always seems to be a paradox doesn't it BigSmile

I work with with some groups that do stings to capture online predators mainly providing photos as I'm 27 but look like I'm 17 or younger and the stories these groups have told me are enough to make anyone lose sleep over. It's a subject that's important in my life as I've known many victims. I hope I get to that point where I can forgive these people and see deeper. I'm still early in my spiritual journey so I have hope.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Sacred Fool - 05-18-2021

Just another thought, IC.  I hope you don't worry to much about meeting standards of spirituality because it's, as your screen name suggests, an inside job.  It's just about knowing the self.

As old Agua was suggesting, when you get taken down into those stomach churning areas of the human mind (or you could say, "experience," but for this conversation mind works well), you may find there not just the ugly and the bad, but also things which are good.  And these are understandings which may not be available via any other route.  Yep, another paradox.

As to forgiving rudimentary evil, ugly stuff, you may not find yourself wandering down that road until you find hints of such inclinations in yourself, down deep someplace.  If it's true that we all carry everything, then you're bound to find stuff like that sooner or later.  At that point, the forgiveness element takes on a new dimension.  But there's no hurry.  "We're all doing time," as was mentioned in the wanderer stories thread.


RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Agua - 05-19-2021

(05-18-2021, 08:48 PM)jafar Wrote: According to Ra, 'every thing' originated from one 'infinite thing' which split from itself to become multitude of 'identities', and this is the foundational understanding about 'Law of One'.

One thing that fascinate me is when she experienced a 'merging' of two identities to become one.

I guess this will be similar experience to 'forming a Social Memory Complex".

I would like to point out, there is a fundamental difference!

I know it’s very popular in spiritual communities to stress the fact, that there is „only one“.

This is fundamentally true and at the same time it is fundamentally untrue.

On our deepest level, we are divine individuality.
Individuality means, what I am at the deepest level is, although sharing the same divine spark, fundamentally different from what you are on the deepest level.
Because it is individual.

It is also fundamentally different from what the creator is, although it is an „emanation“ of the creator.
It is individual.

This cannot be understood by the individual mind, because those are fundamental opposites while at the same time being the same.
This is what is being called duality.
It can be experienced and transcended, but not be understood.

Regarding the „social memory complex“, this also something different, and it is so absolutely fundamentally different that it’s worth pointing out:

When split personalities merge, which is the goal of all healing, artificially seperated „identities“ that actually are the SAME individuality become united again.
The seperation has only occured on an „ego“ level, so to say.
What remains will be a person with only one ego, which still is not the true individuality.

In a social memory complex, a multitude of individualities bond closer and closer while still being individuals, but compared to our level of seperation much more united.

The reason why this is important has to do with what we are doing here in 3 D.
It has to do with our spiritual evolution and an important reason why so many chosepain and suffering.
In short you could say, you will have an „ego“ (an artificial identity that separates you from your true being) UnTIL you have developed a reasonably stable „I“!

The more developed your true „I“ness is, the less you will need your ego.
That’s a general observation that can be made in all trauma healing, and it applies to the same degree to all spiritual evolution in 3D, although it’s less visible when youdont have to deal with extremes.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Anders - 05-19-2021

Illuminati whistleblower Svali said that their members trauma-base mind control each other, even their own family members, for generations. Yikes. I guess that's a method for ensuring 100% loyalty to the Illuminati. A mind controlled person can be made to do things that they themselves are unaware of.

I suspect that it goes back even to Ancient Egypt. For example the Opening of the Mouth ceremony seems to be a ritual where new members participated in watching how a dead body was wrapped in linen, then a slit cut at the mouth and then the mummy was buried in a sarcophagus. And my speculation is that at some time later the young member who had watched the ceremony is drugged into coma so that he or she goes unconscious, and they wrap the body in linen, cut a slit at the mouth for the victim to breathe through and then they put the still alive yet unconscious person wrapped in linen inside a sarcophagus. The drug wears off and the victim wakes up inside the sarcophagus, with his or her whole body entirely wrapped in linen and with only a slit at the mouth to breathe through. The victim, having watched the ceremony earlier, believes that he or she has died and been buried. How's that for a panic situation?

Is this just my speculation? Well, not so fast! Let's look at what Ra said:

Quote:"65.22 Questioner: Can you tell me what this chamber did to the entity to create this awareness in him?

Ra: I am Ra. This chamber worked upon the mind and the body. The mind was affected by sensory deprivation and the archetypical reactions to being buried alive with no possibility of extricating the self. The body was affected both by the mind configuration and by the electrical and piezoelectrical properties of the materials which were used in the construction of the resonating chamber.

This will be the last full query of this working. May we ask if there are any brief queries at this time?" - Law of One

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Agua - 05-19-2021

(05-19-2021, 04:06 AM)Anders Wrote: Illuminati whistleblower Svali said that their members trauma-base mind control each other, even their own family members, for generations. Yikes. I guess that's a method for ensuring 100% loyalty to the Illuminati. A mind controlled person can be made to do things that they themselves are unaware of.

I suspect that it goes back even to Ancient Egypt. For example the Opening of the Mouth ceremony seems to be a ritual where new members participated in watching how a dead body was wrapped in linen, then a slit cut at the mouth and then the mummy was buried in a sarcophagus. And my speculation is that at some time later the young member who had watched the ceremony is drugged into coma so that he or she goes unconscious, and they wrap the body in linen, cut a slit at the mouth for the victim to breathe through and then they put the still alive yet unconscious person wrapped in linen inside a sarcophagus. The drug wears off and the victim wakes up inside the sarcophagus, with his or her whole body entirely wrapped in linen and with only a slit at the mouth to breathe through. The victim, having watched the ceremony earlier, believes that he or she has died and been buried. How's that for a panic situation?

Is this just my speculation? Well, not so fast! Let's look at what Ra said:

Quote:"65.22 Questioner: Can you tell me what this chamber did to the entity to create this awareness in him?

Ra: I am Ra. This chamber worked upon the mind and the body. The mind was affected by sensory deprivation and the archetypical reactions to being buried alive with no possibility of extricating the self. The body was affected both by the mind configuration and by the electrical and piezoelectrical properties of the materials which were used in the construction of the resonating chamber.

This will be the last full query of this working. May we ask if there are any brief queries at this time?" - Law of One

I think you are mixing things up a bit!

While the situation you quoted might possibly traumatize a person, it would be a difference if it is being done consciously and purposefully by somebody.
Then it would be an initiation that accelerates spiritual evolution.

That would be a bit similar to when you re-experience traumatic memories with psychedelics, which actually is what heals them.

On the other hand trauma, especially when used for mind control, happens much earlier.
You surely can i agile that trauma happening to a newborn baby is a much more ebene thing than if thd same happens to a 30 year old.

In certain circles, the traumatize soon after birth.
As I unfortunately found out, this is no conspiracy theory.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Anders - 05-19-2021

(05-19-2021, 04:37 AM)Agua Wrote: While the situation you quoted might possibly traumatize a person, it would be a difference if it is being done consciously and purposefully by somebody.

Yes, my first impression was that Ra was describing a voluntary use of the chamber, but I couldn't find that stated explicitly, so it might be trauma-based mind control Ra talked about. As a means of removing the ego to make the person a member of a forced kind of social memory complex. Ra also said: "The so-called resonating chamber may be likened unto the symbology of the burial and resurrection of the body wherein the entity dies to self and through this confrontation of apparent loss and realization of essential gain, is transmuted into a new and risen being." (65.20)

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Agua - 05-19-2021

(05-19-2021, 05:55 AM)Anders Wrote:
(05-19-2021, 04:37 AM)Agua Wrote: While the situation you quoted might possibly traumatize a person, it would be a difference if it is being done consciously and purposefully by somebody.

Yes, my first impression was that Ra was describing a voluntary use of the chamber, but I couldn't find that stated explicitly, so it might be trauma-based mind control Ra talked about. As a means of removing the ego to make the person a member of a forced kind of social memory complex. Ra also said: "The so-called resonating chamber may be likened unto the symbology of the burial and resurrection of the body wherein the entity dies to self and through this confrontation of apparent loss and realization of essential gain, is transmuted into a new and risen being." (65.20)

Trauma does not „remove“ the ego.
Trauma creates the ego!

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Anders - 05-19-2021

(05-19-2021, 06:13 AM)Agua Wrote: Trauma does not „remove“ the ego.
Trauma creates the ego!

That's a good point. The ego is a split from wholeness. Still I find the idea of experiencing being buried alive without being able to escape a suspicious method for spiritual development. In fact, it sounds precisely like a trauma-based mind control technique.

My idea is that due to extreme trauma experienced in the chamber, the person, who already has an ego, goes through a split of the mind into an alter personality which then becomes a part of the Illuminati social memory complex.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Agua - 05-19-2021

That’s more of a speculation, right?

There are many healing modalities which actually purposefully dive into such situation because they bring up old trauma, so it can be healed.
I assume it was,more along these lines!

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Anders - 05-19-2021

(05-19-2021, 06:25 AM)Agua Wrote: That’s more of a speculation, right?

There are many healing modalities which actually purposefully dive into such situation because they bring up old trauma, so it can be healed.
I assume it was,more along these lines!

True, the idea that the Illuminati uses trauma-based mind control I have heard. That they use it as a way of forming a social memory complex is my own speculation. Healing trauma by bringing them up from the subconscious to be healed might work. However, I doubt that it will lead to spiritual ego transcendence.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Patrick - 05-19-2021

Our differences with the Creator are chosen by us. We can always make a choice to reduce those differences if we so wish.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Agua - 05-19-2021

(05-19-2021, 06:36 AM)Anders Wrote: Healing trauma by bringing them up from the subconscious to be healed might work. However, I doubt that it will lead to spiritual ego transcendence.

Well, that’s exactly the mechanism!

You need your ego (or rather identification with ego, which is a difference but that doesn’t matter for this discussion) in order to seperate from traumatic memories.
You will cling to your ego exactly as long as you cannot face these energies.

Once these memories have been healed, there is nor more indeed for the ego and it „falls away“.

There are many ways to do this some are really fast, some are pretty slow. They all aim at the same result.

Balancing and activation of chakras as suggested by Ra is no different.
You process these energies by balancing them. Once you have reached a balanced state again, you aim for more activation, which will bring up the next layer for processing and balancing.

There is no other way to transcend the ego, you need to heal what abuses the need to cling to it!

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Anders - 05-19-2021

(05-19-2021, 10:10 AM)Agua Wrote: Once these memories have been healed, there is nor more indeed for the ego and it „falls away“.

Okay, actually Ramana Maharshi and Eckhart Tolle (and probably others) had their spiritual awakening through a traumatic experience. So I guess there is a possibility in that. But those were spontaneous events, not consciously chosen by the individuals themselves. My guess is still that Ra was describing trauma-based mind control. Being buried alive seems like a horrible spiritual practice, haha.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Agua - 05-19-2021

No offense intended, but speculating and interpreting theories intellectually will not lead to understanding!
The reason is, it is all abstract.
Even when you read a theory that points to truth, you will interpret it based on your own limitations.

Then you will combine and recombine those fragments to develop new ideas. But that all is based on your limitations and you cannot overcome your limitations by that.

I strongly suggest you do inner work of whatever kind. Meditation, therapy, trance journeys, plant medicine, whatever. You will actually experience things and gradually gain a deeper understanding.

The ego, btw, does not dissolve all at once, you don’t trapsend it in one step.

You heal bit by bit, you let go of ego facets bit by bit. It is a gradual process.
Occurrences like those Eckhart Tolle experienced are extremely rare.

Most enlightened people I came across gradually and bit by bit transcended ego identification.
And once you have released even the first aspect due to a healing, you will see how that process works.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Anders - 05-19-2021

(05-19-2021, 10:26 AM)Agua Wrote: ... speculating and interpreting theories intellectually will not lead to understanding!

The Ra material is so tricky that I think one often has to interpret it. And also to find consistency between different teachings. Then the risk of making mistaken interpretations is reduced. So I think intellectual understanding is useful, but that alone will probably be insufficient I agree.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - jafar - 05-19-2021

I agree one need to experience 'meeting his/her other selves' in order to understand, accept and heal.
Every 'identity construct' / 'body' / 'ego' is connected to other 'identity construct'.
Every one of you does have many 'other identities'.

Latwii gave a description on how to do that by yourself.

Usually such occurrences take place within what you would call your dreaming state and occasionally within your meditative state of being.

Some people went through hypnosis to seek their other selves... popularly known as "past lives regression".

In relation to DID / MPD / Social Memory Complex, using the case study of Chloe / Nina cited above.
When Nina came forward Chloe does not have access to a set of memory that Nina has.  Chloe has no clue on what happened or any event that was being experienced by the body during the time when Nina came forward. The same goes with Nina, when Chloe came forward Nina has no clue.

Until they're merged to become "NIN", when this happened the merged identity named "NIN" has access to both Nina and Chloe's memory. This automatically dissolved the identity of Nina and Chloe as the 'wall' that separate them no longer exist.

Observe how "access to memory/experience" is the key element that define an 'identity'.  
The one that 'bordered' an identity.

That's why it relate to the conception of "Social Memory Complex".
When two (or more) distinct set of identity's memory are merged, so does the identity, as the 'wall' or 'veil' that makes those identities separated no longer exist.

The same thing happened when one remember an identity from his/her different or past life.
He/she will say I'm my current identity and also that identity in my past life.
An example: a member of this forum has cited his story on how he recall his memory as "a woman in Lemuria", which automatically makes him identify himself as also that woman in Lemuria.

Yogic culture uses the metaphor of 'air in the bubble' for this.
An identity is the bubble, the consciousness is the air inside the bubble. Two or more bubble can merge to become one bigger bubble and a bubble can split to become two or more bubbles.
When the bubble grow bigger and bigger, the wall that contain the air inside the bubble will become thinner thus it's easier for the bubble to pop. When the bubble has popped there will be no longer air inside the bubble, the air inside the bubble has merged with the every-all-air.

This is the metaphor for the state of 'unity', the goal of 'yoga' (which literally mean unity),  the state of 'Mokhsa' in Hinduism, or the state of 'pari nirvana' in Buddhism.

"You don’t exist as an individual, knowing this experientially is Yoga. Yoga only strives to give you methods to create an experience of inclusiveness. Suppose you experience the person next to you as a part of yourself, I don’t have to tell you, “Be nice to them, don’t kill them, don’t harm them."
-- Sadhguru

Yet this is something which one need to experience by his / her self...

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Doomchief - 05-20-2021

I have an experience in the meditation: I want to remember the place I've been before I was born - I see a hole, like a tear in some fabric of intense blackness while my closed eyes seem greyish in comparison. I feel presence within this blackness.
I want to see the place where I'm going after my death - I see a sphere of complete blackness with light distortions around like a black hole with the even horizon.
I want to remember what I want to remember - I see a face in front of me. Just a strip with eyes and partially the nose and the forehead. It is my own face. But it fluctuates from a child to an adult. I'm looking myself in the eyes and the pupil is of the same infinite blackness as the black hole.
I ask myself what else I want to remember - I am switching sides with my face in front of me and I'm still looking in the blackness of the eyes. The face around start shifting. It changes skin and eye colour but the pupils are still the same. Now it is a different face and again and again. Some are male some are female. This goes on and on until I look at something nonhuman but I still look at myself through the same blackness. (It has a head, no apparent eyes or other facial features and seem nonorganic and crystalline)

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Doomchief - 05-20-2021

As for the initiation in the pyramid I feel that entities highly polarised in service to others would ensure that each initiate would do it willingly and after considerable preparations. So to suffocate in the pyramid of Ra is a honour/responsibility taken by the adept.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - tadeus - 05-22-2021

(05-18-2021, 02:52 PM)InsideConsciousness Wrote: I hope to not get to much into the conspiracy side of things although much of it appears to be real - Does any of the channeling touch on this?
It has been said that the Nazi's developed a protocol of splitting the mind through abuse and torture to where the psyche fragments and different personalities come though. What exactly is this if our bodies contain one soul?

There are newer an better programs like the project MK-Ultra in the USA.

You can ask what is schizophrenia too, because it is the same as (natural) mental disease.

We are talking here about the intellect / brain in difference to the soul / higher self.
In our society the "personality" is often a result of programming over the time of live.
So i would see this case as a split and activation of a certain programming.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Aaron - 05-26-2021

I'm just going to drop this here... This book has been an extremely valuable resource for me in learning how the trauma-based mind control is carried about by the evil on our planet.


Please refrain from commenting on the book's contents until you have read the entire book. Thank you. In my opinion, no genuine conversation can be had about split personalities resulting from trauma can be had without first obtaining the knowledge which the book provides.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Anders - 05-26-2021

@Aaron Maybe copyrighted material, but yeah it sounds similar to what I was thinking about that the Illuminati uses trauma-based mind control systematically and over generations.

RE: Split Personalities from Abuse - Sacred Fool - 05-26-2021

(05-26-2021, 12:14 AM)Aaron Wrote: Wow! Clowns deleted my post! Why am I not surprised?

There's another side to this, Aaron.  Suppose this were a neighborhood forum and preventing crime was one topic of discussion.  You'd expect posts about locking your doors at night and all that, but not a manual about how to break in to your neighbors' houses.  I take your point that it's helpful to know about personal safety, but showing people how to endanger others, some would say, crosses a line over into a grey area which could inadvertently invite further discussion promoting the very opposite of safety.

Clowns and Jokers have to consider and weight the implications of these things, saith the Fool.