Be Careful What you Wish For - Printable Version

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Be Careful What you Wish For - Dtris - 08-12-2021

We create our own reality, and as we progress as a spiritual being thru mediation and other practices this creation of reality can become much more apparent. Words have power and sometimes something said in jest, or only half seriously, can become your reality.

Last weekend I was at my favorite watering hole and one of the ladies who work there had just recovered from the Rona. She ended up losing 30 lbs (13kg or so) while sick. I made the offhanded comment that if I could lose 30 lbs I wouldn't mind getting sick.

48 hours later I started running a fever and have had one for 3 days now. It has not been pleasant.

So take this as you will. Be careful what you wish for, it might just come true.

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Relax - 08-12-2021

I hope you will get tested and let everyone you've been in contact with know to get tested?

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Patrick - 08-12-2021

Hope you get better soon. That sort of thing happened to me a couple times as well, not with my health though. But it really highlights how our reality/illusion is magical.

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - pat19989 - 08-12-2021

The causal universe we live in is truly incredible. Just last week I was having immense trouble slowing my mind down, I was frantic constantly doing something (cleaning, texting, emailing, etc.) and I felt like I couldn't stop! I was mindful of it, but still having trouble slowing down. Prayed, meditated on it, then that weekend I got sick and was bedridden for 2 whole days, slowed me down perfectly haha

God knows exactly what we need and when we need it, its just difficult to surrender to the will of the universe at times.

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Ming the Merciful - 08-12-2021

(08-12-2021, 08:38 AM)Dtris Wrote: We create our own reality, and as we progress as a spiritual being thru mediation and other practices this creation of reality can become much more apparent. Words have power and sometimes something said in jest, or only half seriously, can become your reality.

Last weekend I was at my favorite watering hole and one of the ladies who work there had just recovered from the Rona. She ended up losing 30 lbs (13kg or so) while sick. I made the offhanded comment that if I could lose 30 lbs I wouldn't mind getting sick.

48 hours later I started running a fever and have had one for 3 days now. It has not been pleasant.

So take this as you will. Be careful what you wish for, it might just come true.

When we remain in positive thought and action, and then nothing can harm us. Although after saying that, I have wondered how I found myself living in a, (self-created world), and a world in chaos? Karmic reflections perhaps of demonic past lives? We can only hope that when the time is right, our actions and evolution has been good enough for the Shift? The Shift cannot happen soon enough? You have my sympathy regarding your sickness, I don't believe in it. Sickness. Get well soon and think positive, (in all things).

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - jafar - 08-13-2021

(08-12-2021, 08:38 AM)Dtris Wrote: We create our own reality, and as we progress as a spiritual being thru mediation and other practices this creation of reality can become much more apparent. Words have power and sometimes something said in jest, or only half seriously, can become your reality.

Last weekend I was at my favorite watering hole and one of the ladies who work there had just recovered from the Rona. She ended up losing 30 lbs (13kg or so) while sick. I made the offhanded comment that if I could lose 30 lbs I wouldn't mind getting sick.

48 hours later I started running a fever and have had one for 3 days now. It has not been pleasant.

So take this as you will. Be careful what you wish for, it might just come true.

If it's 48 hours time interval, then the Rona is already inside you during that time.
Thus your 'joking remark' has nothing to do with it thus don't worry about it.
Yet your overall mood and fitness condition have a lot more to do with it, as it correlates with your anti-body capabilities.

To recover, think that you have recovered.
If you're into meditation, focus on the anahata / heart chakra using any technique that is most comfortable for you.
Cleansing your nose using Natrium Chloride (NaCL) will also help, especially to people around you as preventive measure. As it will cleanse the nose from any attached pathogen (viruses or bacteria)

I will not wish you well because I do think you are well now.

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Patrick - 08-13-2021

Jafar, while the virus is inside us, we can heal without having symptoms. Your higher-self can decide to let you suffer a little in order to learn a thing or two about what Dtris was talking about.

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Dtris - 08-13-2021

(08-12-2021, 05:48 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: When we remain in positive thought and action, and then nothing can harm us. Although after saying that, I have wondered how I found myself living in a, (self-created world), and a world in chaos? Karmic reflections perhaps of demonic past lives? We can only hope that when the time is right, our actions and evolution has been good enough for the Shift? The Shift cannot happen soon enough? You have my sympathy regarding your sickness, I don't believe in it. Sickness. Get well soon and think positive, (in all things).

I agree. The crux is that events that seem harmful will still be attracted to the self if those experiences are desired at some level. It may seem strange that we desire sickness and pain, but this is catalyst to help us learn what we are here to learn. Even when remaining is positive thought and action if the deeper self desires chaos, pain, and sickness to temper the spirit, those experiences will manifest.

Thank you for the concern. I will strive to not believe in sickness as well. At the very least I have attempted to learn from it.

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Ming the Merciful - 08-13-2021

(08-13-2021, 08:48 AM)Dtris Wrote:
(08-12-2021, 05:48 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: When we remain in positive thought and action, and then nothing can harm us. Although after saying that, I have wondered how I found myself living in a, (self-created world), and a world in chaos? Karmic reflections perhaps of demonic past lives? We can only hope that when the time is right, our actions and evolution has been good enough for the Shift? The Shift cannot happen soon enough? You have my sympathy regarding your sickness, I don't believe in it. Sickness. Get well soon and think positive, (in all things).

I agree. The crux is that events that seem harmful will still be attracted to the self if those experiences are desired at some level. It may seem strange that we desire sickness and pain, but this is catalyst to help us learn what we are here to learn. Even when remaining is positive thought and action if the deeper self desires chaos, pain, and sickness to temper the spirit, those experiences will manifest.

Thank you for the concern. I will strive to not believe in sickness as well. At the very least I have attempted to learn from it.

It is not only sickness, (but), how we observe life generally. If our actions are performed without attachment and our thinking is from the "Positive" State of Mind. Then it is rare we ever become unwell. In another Thread I mentioned that the natural Spiritual State, is a "State of Neutrality", and without concept? The act of not believing in sickness is a Positive State of Mind and through self-discipline and positive action, (hopefully), is overcoming negative reactions of the past, (and past lives). They have to be worked-out somehow, and we can either do it positively, or negatively. Positive actions always bring the best results. Be Positive in all actions.

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Dtris - 08-13-2021

(08-13-2021, 02:14 AM)jafar Wrote: If it's 48 hours time interval, then the Rona is already inside you during that time.
Thus your 'joking remark' has nothing to do with it thus don't worry about it.
Yet your overall mood and fitness condition have a lot more to do with it, as it correlates with your anti-body capabilities.

To recover, think that you have recovered.
If you're into meditation, focus on the anahata / heart chakra using any technique that is most comfortable for you.
Cleansing your nose using Natrium Chloride (NaCL) will also help, especially to people around you as preventive measure. As it will cleanse the nose from any attached pathogen (viruses or bacteria)

I will not wish you well because I do think you are well now.

Thank you Jafar. All good advice. Your timing is also impeccable as I am feeling much better.

I will say that I don't think it was so much as getting exposed during that event, but the weakening of the immune system to allow the catalyst to take hold. I subconsciously engaged in several activities on that day and the next which lowered my immunity, otherwise I am sure that I would have been fine.

We are exposed to pathogens all the time and most cause no issues when the immune system is working properly. It shows that maintaining your essence or vital energy is an important part in maintaining good health.

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - LeiwoUnion - 08-13-2021

Am I the only one to see the humorous side of such event? For the longest time I didn't contract anything no matter what kind of people I met or interacted with (also my family being sick). I felt somewhat impervious, or at least on top of my bodily condition. Then just recently I met the neighbor girl (who had given cough to my son some weeks ago - note, she didn't have it anymore) and deeply thought what would happen, if I'd have something like a cough after such a long time. The next day I had cough. I think it's pretty hilarious on some cosmic level. 'Universe: Alright, you wanted to know what would happen. Experience time! Me: Wait! I'm not sure this is what I meant. Universe: Too late!'

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Diana - 08-13-2021

(08-13-2021, 12:32 PM)LeiwoUnion Wrote: Am I the only one to see the humorous side of such event? For the longest time I didn't contract anything no matter what kind of people I met or interacted with (also my family being sick). I felt somewhat impervious, or at least on top of my bodily condition. Then just recently I met the neighbor girl (who had given cough to my son some weeks ago - note, she didn't have it anymore) and deeply thought what would happen, if I'd have something like a cough after such a long time. The next day I had cough. I think it's pretty hilarious on some cosmic level. 'Universe: Alright, you wanted to know what would happen. Experience time! Me: Wait! I'm not sure this is what I meant. Universe: Too late!'

I do see the humor in it. Smile

This sort of thing happens to me all the time in another way. An example: Some years ago my partner and I were driving home, and I mentioned that as long as I'd lived in the desert I had never seen a Gila Monster (they spend 90-95% of their lives underground). The next morning, I opened the French door in the bedroom and a Gila Monster was on the step outside it. Then, yesterday a neighbor was looking for her lost cat, and I talked to her. She asked if I'd seen any Gila Monsters this year. I said I hadn't seen any in 2 or 3 years. That afternoon I walked into the backyard and there was a Gila Monster.

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - jafar - 08-13-2021

(08-13-2021, 07:12 AM)Patrick Wrote: Jafar, while the virus is inside us, we can heal without having symptoms. Your higher-self can decide to let you suffer a little in order to learn a thing or two about what Dtris was talking about.

Yes definitely, and I do think I do have 'the virus' (and many other type of viruses or bacteria) inside me.
And I do often make 'joking remarks' similar as what Dtris did.

My partner contracted with covid, and with symptom, but I didn't.
I do often make remarks such as "it seems the virus sees my body as 'not hot enough' since I don't have six packs'.
And yes the best 'medicine' is just joke about it, it will lift the mood thus increase the immunity.
As low frequency type of emotions such as fear, distress, panic, blaming, judging will decrease the immunity.

PS: Glad you are well Dtris

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Ming the Merciful - 08-13-2021

(08-13-2021, 01:34 PM)Diana Wrote:
(08-13-2021, 12:32 PM)LeiwoUnion Wrote: Am I the only one to see the humorous side of such event? For the longest time I didn't contract anything no matter what kind of people I met or interacted with (also my family being sick). I felt somewhat impervious, or at least on top of my bodily condition. Then just recently I met the neighbor girl (who had given cough to my son some weeks ago - note, she didn't have it anymore) and deeply thought what would happen, if I'd have something like a cough after such a long time. The next day I had cough. I think it's pretty hilarious on some cosmic level. 'Universe: Alright, you wanted to know what would happen. Experience time! Me: Wait! I'm not sure this is what I meant. Universe: Too late!'

I do see the humor in it. Smile

This sort of thing happens to me all the time in another way. An example: Some years ago my partner and I were driving home, and I mentioned that as long as I'd lived in the desert I had never seen a Gila Monster (they spend 90-95% of their lives underground). The next morning, I opened the French door in the bedroom and a Gila Monster was on the step outside it. Then, yesterday a neighbor was looking for her lost cat, and I talked to her. She asked if I'd seen any Gila Monsters this year. I said I hadn't seen any in 2 or 3 years. That afternoon I walked into the backyard and there was a Gila Monster.

I still believe in the theory of the "Cosmic Joke". There are times when the God(s) are playing games with us, (seriously?), seriously! Incidences and coincidences. It almost appears as if we are attuned to a certain State of Consciousness, that, that something happens. Sometimes I can be out going somewhere and thinking of somebody, and then they suddenly appear. Precognition or coincidence? Then the same question arises, is everything preordained, or does it happen randomly. Orderliness and Randomness are the opposite sides of the same coin. Heads you win, and tails you lose. I am waiting for the coin stand vertically, and how many myriads of lifetimes before it happens?

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Diana - 08-13-2021

(08-13-2021, 05:16 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: I still believe in the theory of the "Cosmic Joke". There are times when the God(s) are playing games with us, (seriously?), seriously! Incidences and coincidences. It almost appears as if we are attuned to a certain State of Consciousness, that, that something happens. Sometimes I can be out going somewhere and thinking of somebody, and then they suddenly appear. Precognition or coincidence? Then the same question arises, is everything preordained, or does it happen randomly. Orderliness and Randomness are the opposite side of the same coin. Heads you win, and tails you lose. I am waiting for the coin stand vertically, and how many myriads of lifetimes before it happens?

I think we are all connected to everything—some things more than others, and I don't mean that in a vague and unknowable way under the veil. I mean this: A cube can represent a thing or system in the 3D world. A tesseract, or hypercube, can represent the same thing in the 4D world. If you look at a tesseract, it appears to be 8 cubes all inside each other for lack of a better description. Notice the vertices and the lines between them.

Now imagine your life as the cube in 3D. A larger view of your totality is also in 4D, represented by the tesseract, and more dimensions (11 according to String Theory). So there are connections outside of 3D that we aren't aware of. You and the person you were thinking of may be easily seen to be connected in 4D, but in 3D, results of that connection appear as coincidences, when from the perspective of 4D it's totally ordinary.

This is an extrapolation I have made based in part from reading the thought experiment, Flatland. Smile

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Ming the Merciful - 08-13-2021

(08-13-2021, 05:31 PM)Diana Wrote:
(08-13-2021, 05:16 PM)Ming the Merciful Wrote: I still believe in the theory of the "Cosmic Joke". There are times when the God(s) are playing games with us, (seriously?), seriously! Incidences and coincidences. It almost appears as if we are attuned to a certain State of Consciousness, that, that something happens. Sometimes I can be out going somewhere and thinking of somebody, and then they suddenly appear. Precognition or coincidence? Then the same question arises, is everything preordained, or does it happen randomly. Orderliness and Randomness are the opposite side of the same coin. Heads you win, and tails you lose. I am waiting for the coin stand vertically, and how many myriads of lifetimes before it happens?

I think we are all connected to everything—some things more than others, and I don't mean that in a vague and unknowable way under the veil. I mean this: A cube can represent a thing or system in the 3D world. A tesseract, or hypercube, can represent the same thing in the 4D world. If you look at a tesseract, it appears to be 8 cubes all inside each other for lack of a better description. Notice the vertices and the lines between them.

Now imagine your life as the cube in 3D. A larger view of your totality is also in 4D, represented by the tesseract, and more dimensions (11 according to String Theory). So there are connections outside of 3D that we aren't aware of. You and the person you were thinking of may be easily seen to be connected in 4D, but in 3D, results of that connection appear as coincidences, when from the perspective of 4D it's totally ordinary.

This is an extrapolation I have made based in part from reading the thought experiment, Flatland. Smile

Diana, I like your description? Houston, we have a problem, over? Go ahead Gemini, what is your problem, over? I have seen the images you mention, in fact I saw them, (somewhere), a few weeks ago. Possibly a scientist discussing the dimensions on YouTube. Enough of YouTube already, am I becoming addicted to YouTube? Enough already. The point is, we have a problem? Describing in graphical form, something that is beyond the Third Dimension. How we suffer? A Transmutation would be very convenient at this moment. However, if we can imagine ourselves living in the "Fourth Dimension" in a Three Dimensional World. Perhaps we are not doing it physically, (per se), although can we develop the capacity to transcend and a transmutation within the Higher Consciousness?

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Patrick - 08-13-2021

(08-13-2021, 04:33 PM)jafar Wrote:
(08-13-2021, 07:12 AM)Patrick Wrote: Jafar, while the virus is inside us, we can heal without having symptoms. Your higher-self can decide to let you suffer a little in order to learn a thing or two about what Dtris was talking about.

Yes definitely, and I do think I do have 'the virus' (and many other type of viruses or bacteria) inside me.
And I do often make 'joking remarks' similar as what Dtris did.

My partner contracted with covid, and with symptom, but I didn't.
I do often make remarks such as "it seems the virus sees my body as 'not hot enough' since I don't have six packs'.
And yes the best 'medicine' is just joke about it, it will lift the mood thus increase the immunity.
As low frequency type of emotions such as fear, distress, panic, blaming, judging will decrease the immunity.

PS: Glad you are well Dtris

It really is your intent in saying these things that makes all the difference. If you say it with humor just to lighten the mood, I don't think it would call anything untoward.

Dtris, was there an edge when you said it?

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Relax - 08-14-2021

I do agree that this is 1 way things 'work'... nb: learnt about 'Flatland' through Big Bang Theory character Sheldon (love that show!)...

I still want to know Dtris - did you let people you'd been around know? And did/do you have covid? The Delta strain is highly contagious - to not let people around you know is not fair or responsible.

(IMO there are larger 'systems' ALSO in operation... ie: going into a covid ward without a mask/face shield on - you will find that (almost) no amount of prophylactic visualising of not contacting covid - will work. You will contract covid.
Would you advocate for an HIV positive person not to let their sexual partners know their HIV status?)

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Dtris - 08-14-2021

(08-13-2021, 05:49 PM)Patrick Wrote:
(08-13-2021, 04:33 PM)jafar Wrote:
(08-13-2021, 07:12 AM)Patrick Wrote: Jafar, while the virus is inside us, we can heal without having symptoms. Your higher-self can decide to let you suffer a little in order to learn a thing or two about what Dtris was talking about.

Yes definitely, and I do think I do have 'the virus' (and many other type of viruses or bacteria) inside me.
And I do often make 'joking remarks' similar as what Dtris did.

My partner contracted with covid, and with symptom, but I didn't.
I do often make remarks such as "it seems the virus sees my body as 'not hot enough' since I don't have six packs'.
And yes the best 'medicine' is just joke about it, it will lift the mood thus increase the immunity.
As low frequency type of emotions such as fear, distress, panic, blaming, judging will decrease the immunity.

PS: Glad you are well Dtris

It really is your intent in saying these things that makes all the difference. If you say it with humor just to lighten the mood, I don't think it would call anything untoward.

Dtris, was there an edge when you said it?

Not sure what you mean by edge by edge, and assume you are referencing my joking comment. The only thing out of the ordinary was that I had a distinct feeling once I said that that I may have screwed myself.

Apparently the drop in fever was just a temporary lull. It returned.

The good news is that i have been able to read some good books I had been waiting to read.

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Dtris - 08-14-2021

(08-14-2021, 12:54 AM)Relax Wrote: I do agree that this is 1 way things 'work'... nb: learnt about 'Flatland' through Big Bang Theory character Sheldon (love that show!)...

I still want to know Dtris - did you let people you'd been around know? And did/do you have covid? The Delta strain is highly contagious - to not let people around you know is not fair or responsible.

(IMO there are larger 'systems' ALSO in operation... ie: going into a covid ward without a mask/face shield on - you will find that (almost) no amount of prophylactic visualising of not contacting covid - will work. You will contract covid.
Would you advocate for an HIV positive person not to let their sexual partners know their HIV status?)

Since you asked again, I do not feel the need to share that information online. Further it is not within the scope of the thread or forum this is posted in. The topic is how we can inadvertently attract experiences to ourselves. In this case my catalyst is much too poignant of an example not to share.

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Sacred Fool - 08-14-2021

Dtris, if you survive this thing, please let us know how much weight you lose, if any.  (It would be quite ironic if the answer is "none.')

Actually, the real thing I want to say is this.  Now that you feel your wishes and your outcomes have some fair degree of alignment, perhaps you can now more effectively use this in the affirmative, rather than for accidentally negative outcomes?  Maybe you could now become a saint and be a deep source of love and healing for those around, for example?  I don't know what your spiritual ambitions are, but maybe this experience will help propel you in those directions?  But please remember, do be careful what you wish for.

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - tadeus - 08-15-2021

Today i did wish a big chocolate ice and i found one in the refrigerator.  

For the evening i will try it again with a cold beer.

I see no problems with my wishes. Cool
Just concentrate on the things that are possible.

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Dtris - 08-16-2021

(08-14-2021, 02:15 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote:  
Dtris, if you survive this thing, please let us know how much weight you lose, if any.  (It would be quite ironic if the answer is "none.')

Actually, the real thing I want to say is this.  Now that you feel your wishes and your outcomes have some fair degree of alignment, perhaps you can now more effectively use this in the affirmative, rather than for accidentally negative outcomes?  Maybe you could now become a saint and be a deep source of love and healing for those around, for example?  I don't know what your spiritual ambitions are, but maybe this experience will help propel you in those directions?  But please remember, do be careful what you wish for.

Rumors of my demise have been much exaggerated. Smile

I don't know if I will ever be a saint, but hopefully I can align my reality in a way that spreads love and light even a little bit. I also doubt this lesson will be forgotten anytime soon.

As to weight lose, I have certainly lost a lot, won't know how much until I get somewhere with a scale though.

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Ming the Merciful - 08-16-2021

(08-16-2021, 10:08 AM)Dtris Wrote:
(08-14-2021, 02:15 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote:  
Dtris, if you survive this thing, please let us know how much weight you lose, if any.  (It would be quite ironic if the answer is "none.')

Actually, the real thing I want to say is this.  Now that you feel your wishes and your outcomes have some fair degree of alignment, perhaps you can now more effectively use this in the affirmative, rather than for accidentally negative outcomes?  Maybe you could now become a saint and be a deep source of love and healing for those around, for example?  I don't know what your spiritual ambitions are, but maybe this experience will help propel you in those directions?  But please remember, do be careful what you wish for.

Rumors of my demise have been much exaggerated. Smile

I don't know if I will ever be a saint, but hopefully I can align my reality in a way that spreads love and light even a little bit. I also doubt this lesson will be forgotten anytime soon.

As to weight lose, I have certainly lost a lot, won't know how much until I get somewhere with a scale though.

Dtris there is only one thing to say. Be your own man. When a person is totally free, he shows no accountability of anyone, (only to yourself). Apologize to nobody, (unless you have done anything to offend them). If anyone absolutely believes in the principles of the "Law of One", then they have no case for prejudgement or judgement. I will not cast the first stone, because that is not my right. The Law of One only exists because people are in agreement over Philosophical idealism, and we are all still strangers here. Become free in acknowledging that only you can make the final judgement.

And set yourself free.

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Ohr Ein Sof - 08-16-2021

How is going now Dtris? Are you well and ok?

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Sacred Fool - 08-16-2021

Food for thought while you're losing weight.  From Nov. 26, 1989.

Quote:What is the purpose of emotion? The purpose of emotion within third density is so to engage the mind, the heart, and the soul of the entity which seeks that it becomes more and more aware of the depth and breadth of each present moment and possibilities for loving within each moment. Needless to say, we do not speak of the clinging, dependent love. We do not suggest that the surrender to the higher self be made before the self has been tuned so as to hear the true voice from within. Many are those who would whisper in the ear of one who seeks to be of service. Discrimination remains important always, and this includes those things which we say to you. Let us not be a stumbling block before you.

Now let us look at the way emotion is deepened. Each of you is aware of the system of chakras, or energy centers within the being. It is understood that each needs to be minimally clear and balanced for the full energy of the one infinite Creator, the life force, the prana, if you will, to move upwards within the body to meet that inspiration which comes from the infinite One, from the comforter, from your guidance, from your inner self. Over and over again we suggest to you the daily meditation for the clearing of cobwebs from the mind and the heart, of picking up the old newspapers, the leftover takeout food, the banal junk of a banal society that is intent upon not listening to any voice within which might cause discomfort.
The universe itself is an emotion, it is consciousness, it is love. Each of you will go through many definitions of the word love as you experience various facets of conditional and unconditional love. Your goal, and it is a difficult one within this density, is so to use the deep wisdom of the intuition and choice-making nature of the intellect in harmony to move in the direction that you and the Creator have set for yourself this day. And in that regard we would say that it is not well to create in the mind that which one desires, unless one is absolutely sure that one desires it and will never regret having it, for any desire that is unmet in third density must be met before the entity may move forward to the next level of classes, the next level of illumination, the next level of peace and joy.


RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Dtris - 08-17-2021

(08-16-2021, 08:40 PM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote: How is going now Dtris? Are you well and ok?

Feel ok currently. Hopefully it won't last any longer. This has been thoroughly unpleasant.

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - Margan - 08-17-2021

(08-17-2021, 07:36 AM)Dtris Wrote:
(08-16-2021, 08:40 PM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote: How is going now Dtris? Are you well and ok?

Feel ok currently. Hopefully it won't last any longer. This has been thoroughly unpleasant.

I just had this thought in my mind - how about contacting this virus or whatever it is that afflicted you? talk to it and ask what kind of an entity it is and what it has to tell you.
Especially when you are still running a fever, in my experience the feverish moments are very close to visionary dream like states, a bit like natural hallucinogens.
This might be an interesting experience. Years ago I did this when I recieved some chemotherapy which at first almost killed me but then I decided to take a different approach and contact the entity called chemo. I even wrote poems haha. And I swear when I contacted the entity the moment it was infused in my body it reacted! I felt it stunned for a moment and was completely baffled as to how someone should talk to it, it wasnt used to that at all.
it was a very interesting experience.
But still, of course I wish you well and a good recovery Smile

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - jafar - 08-17-2021

(08-17-2021, 08:01 AM)Margan Wrote:
(08-17-2021, 07:36 AM)Dtris Wrote:
(08-16-2021, 08:40 PM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote: How is going now Dtris? Are you well and ok?

Feel ok currently. Hopefully it won't last any longer. This has been thoroughly unpleasant.

I just had this thought in my mind - how about contacting this virus or whatever it is that afflicted you? talk to it and ask what kind of an entity it is and what it has to tell you.

Thanks and interesting story.
Allow me to chip in my personal experience on the matter as well.

Somehow I did, and just like any other organism, all it wants is to 'survive' and 'thrive'.
So I told it/them that they need to learn how to coexist, because if they're lethal and harmful to the host then such act is not supportive to the objective of 'surviving' and 'thriving' because when the host died they also died. A good example is to mimic their cousins, the regular flu viruses, the most successful viruses of all time because they learn how to coexist and not to become lethal to their host.

RE: Be Careful What you Wish For - flofrog - 08-17-2021

Jafar, it' s such a pleasure to read you, always Smile