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8 Density - Focus123 - 12-14-2010

RA: The 8th density functions also as the beginning density or 1st density of the next octave of densities.

DON: Are you saying that there are an infinite number of octaves of densities?

RA:We can not speak in firm knowledge of all the creations. We only know that they are infinite.We assume an infinite number of octaves. However it has been impressed upon us by our own teachers that there is a mystery clad unity of creation in which all consciousness periodically coalesces and again begins. We
understand it is cyclical in nature. (B2,15)

Does that mean we all go back to being 1st Density- the process starts all over again. Now that is a sick joke!

RE: 8 Density - Aaron - 12-14-2010

How is it a sick joke? If I'm knowledgeable enough on all this, I believe the first density of the next creation is inseparable from the 8th density of this one. So, the building blocks that "we" will be manifesting "ourselves" into will contain all the experience gained in this Octave.

Like Ra says, it's cyclical in nature. The coalescing and re-distribution is as natural as your breathing or heartbeat. You can't have manifestation without eventual un-manifestation, because everything has to be balanced.

And I can guarantee you, you won't be coalescing until you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you've collected all the experience possible within this creation. BigSmile

RE: 8 Density - Focus123 - 12-14-2010

Quote:How is it a sick joke? If I'm knowledgeable enough on all this, I believe the first density of the next creation is inseparable from the 8th density of this one. So, the building blocks that "we" will be manifesting "ourselves" into will contain all the experience gained in this Octave.

I am asking if we start the process over again like a circle. Same thing that we just went through -not different. The Creator breathing in and out. He breaths out ,we expand ,creates 7 Density's. He breaths in we go back. He is the 8th Density. Everything starts over again like a circle.

RE: 8 Density - unity100 - 12-14-2010

the 1st density of next octave, wont be the same as the 1st density of this octave.

to get an idea, just think how do you perceive current 8th density of this octave. then think that, that 8th density of this octave, becomes the 1st density of the next octave. the density which is only the start of next octave.

RE: 8 Density - Aaron - 12-14-2010

(12-14-2010, 04:22 PM)Focus123 Wrote:
Quote:How is it a sick joke? If I'm knowledgeable enough on all this, I believe the first density of the next creation is inseparable from the 8th density of this one. So, the building blocks that "we" will be manifesting "ourselves" into will contain all the experience gained in this Octave.

I am asking if we start the process over again like a circle. Same thing that we just went through -not different. The Creator breathing in and out. He breaths out ,we expand ,creates 7 Density's. He breaths in we go back. He is the 8th Density. Everything starts over again like a circle.

I'm sure it won't be the same. Smile Although no-one, not even Ra, can speak accurately about the properties of the previous and next octaves. I'm willing to bet that every concept, from rocks to angels to planets, is unique to this density. We're talking about Infinite Intelligence here. If it's infinite, it has the power to conceive of things we can't even bring into our mental space.

RE: 8 Density - Ens Entium - 12-14-2010

Quote:78.13 Questioner: Then we have, at the beginning of this galactic evolution, an archetypical mind that is the product of the previous octave which this galaxy then used as and acts upon under the first distortion so as to allow for what we experience as polarity. Was there any concept of polarity carried through from the previous octave in the sense of service-to-others or service-to-self polarity?

Ra: I am Ra. There was polarity in the sense of the mover and the moved. There was no polarity in the sense of service-to-self and service-to-others.

Our octave is now based on STS/STO.

So this 'sick joke' has already happened to you...

I think Ra was simply pointing out that beyond the 7th density of this octave/creation, we move into the new octave, and so beginning with 1st density

Besides, if things did not change in the next octave the Creator would learn nothing new about itself.

In the next creation, or octave, things will be new and different and, i feel, this is desirable- why would you want you experience and existence to end?

Peace! BigSmile

RE: 8 Density - NegaNova - 12-14-2010

I believe the densities are used with the analogy of music. The first note of sound in the next octave is not the same note that was in the previous octave, they both are an A (for example), but one is a higher tone, and thus a different note, but they have similarities. So maybe it's like... the third density of the next octave will have familiarities with this one, but in the next octave it will be a much higher frequency, which sounds kind of cool. Blast offff let's go!

RE: 8 Density - Brittany - 12-14-2010

I like your way of putting it Neganova. This is a concept that has bothered me a bit as well, but after thinking about it for a very long time, I've realized that I, well, have a very long time to think about it. We're not supposed to go back into the Creator until we've learned all we can possibly care to learn and experienced all we can possibly care to experience. It isn't like you get sucked in unwillingly, it is just a choice that is open for you to make. I can hardly conceive of it now, but it seems like after being around for eons and eons, it would seem a lot like going home. Still, I don't think anyone is going to pick you up, forcefully strip off your personality and thrust you anywhere you don't want to go. YOU are fully in control of your own destiny. You have as much time to explore and experience and enjoy as you could possibly want. Smile

RE: 8 Density - Ankh - 12-15-2010

Then in the next Octave Ra will again be in 6D teaching/learning those in 3D? :p

RE: 8 Density - Focus123 - 12-15-2010

I don't know if you guys read Monroe's last book Ultimate Journey. But in it ,in one of his last out of body's, he ended in a sea of what he called "I There Clusters". Basically in Ra's terminology it was a Sea of Social Memory Complexes in the 7th Dimension going into the 8th. It was Monroe who said that everything goes around in a circle . I guess everyone will extrapolate and no one will know till we get there. Good discussion though.

RE: 8 Density - Nabil Naser - 12-15-2010

I believe that the Probabilities/possibilities of every creation create the difference. While the basic concept is the same, and the analogy of the circle is correct, what is created would not be exactly the same.

(12-14-2010, 03:49 PM)Focus123 Wrote:
RA: The 8th density functions also as the beginning density or 1st density of the next octave of densities.

DON: Are you saying that there are an infinite number of octaves of densities?

RA:We can not speak in firm knowledge of all the creations. We only know that they are infinite.We assume an infinite number of octaves. However it has been impressed upon us by our own teachers that there is a mystery clad unity of creation in which all consciousness periodically coalesces and again begins. We
understand it is cyclical in nature. (B2,15)

Does that mean we all go back to being 1st Density- the process starts all over again. Now that is a sick joke!

RE: 8 Density - Amiyou - 12-16-2010

I think a more likely pattern would be best described as an ever widening kind of spiral motion.
I think it would be kind of hard to go round and round in a never changing circle, we can't help but increase knowledge and possibility as we continue to exist.
We may have the ability to forget what we know in order to experience a lower form of existence but the one source that we all come from will always be getting richer through all the experiences, so even though basic conditions for experience could always be created, it would be done with an ever growing pool of experience and so maybe never quite the same, if that makes any sense.
And also, i understand why it may seem a bit tedious to get all the way to a perfectly balanced and all powerful energy being of some sort, only to go back to being a basic mineral to start the whole process again.
But eternity is a long ride, so I think that if we were to spend a good period of that eternity in absolute bliss, it seems a safe bet that our adventurous and experience hungry selves might want to go and get dirty again, to experience good raw pain and violence, to experience the heavy vibrations of fear and hate, to hurt and to be hurt. It may seem like a long way off until you will crave those things again, from this position, but I bet it seems like a great idea from certain perspectives that we probably will have, and probably have had before. Anyway, just thought I'd add my thoughts on that.