Physical Light and Metaphysical Light - Printable Version

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Physical Light and Metaphysical Light - Vestige - 02-08-2022

I had been attempting to relate the concept of the holograph to the independent vibratory schedules of positive and negative entities, especially of the blue ray, but I feel now that what I wrote was too slipshod.  I have re-centered the thread to focus on my comments on Hecht's textbook on optics as compared to Ra's cosmology.

Until today, I had not appreciated the real precision with which Ra uses "center" and "ray" in describing the travel of energy; energy, which is light (and the path it travels, a recapitulation of the original Creation).  I will cite firstly from Eugene Hecht's Optics (5th Global Edition), emphasis mine:

Quote:5.1  Introductory Remarks
(to Geometrical Optics) [p. 159]
The surface of an object that is either self-luminous or externally illuminated behaves as if it consisted of a very large number of radiating point sources. Each of these emits spherical waves; rays emanate radially in the direction of energy flow, that is, in the direction of the Poynting vector. In this case, the rays diverge from a given point source S, whereas if the spherical wave were collapsing to a point, the rays would of course be converging. Generally, one deals only with a small portion of a wavefront. A point from which a portion of a spherical wave diverges, or one toward which the wave segment converges, is known as a focus of the bundle of rays.

The correspondences I saw here took my breath away.  The mechanics of physical light in our third density are identical or near-identical to the mechanics of the entire octave.  Just as Ra has said: "any portion, no matter how small, of any density or illusory pattern contains, as in an holographic picture, the One Creator which is infinity."
  • "Energy center" can be equated to Hecht's "point source."  Or, to be precise, the major energy centers (red through violet) can be equated to the larger reflective surface which contains or creates the "very large number" of  point sources.  The seven densities of experience (the macrocosm) and the seven energy centers (the microcosm) each contain seven subordinate gradations, and each subordinate gradation contains seven subordinate gradations of their own, such that the "very large number" traverses infinity as you spiral further through the fractal pattern.
  • Rays of physical and metaphysical light "emanate radially" because the nexus of each, the point source and the energy center, naturally rotate.  This is why Ra associates rotational speed with brilliance (brightness of hue) - the energy center and the color ray are distinct.  Intrinsically linked, but, distinct:
Quote:Each energy center has a wide range of rotational speed or as you may see it more clearly in relation to color, brilliance. The more strongly the will of the entity concentrates upon and refines or purifies each energy center, the more brilliant or rotationally active each energy center will be. It is not necessary for the energy centers to be activated in order in the case of the self-aware entity. Thusly entities may have extremely brilliant energy centers while being quite unbalanced in their violet-ray aspect due to lack of attention paid to the totality of experience of the entity.
The key to balance may then be seen in the unstudied, spontaneous, and honest response of entities toward experiences, thus using experience to the utmost, then applying the balancing exercises and achieving the proper attitude for the most purified spectrum of energy center manifestation in violet ray. This is why the brilliance or rotational speed of the energy centers is not considered above the balanced aspect or violet-ray manifestation of an entity in regarding harvestability; for those entities which are unbalanced, especially as to the primary rays, will not be capable of sustaining the impact of the love and light of intelligent infinity to the extent necessary for harvest.
    • The rotational motion of the energy center generates energy--light--which is refracted and reflected according to the color of the center's 'surface', so, red, or orange, or yellow, or green, and so on.  The "green ray" is not the green or heart energy center; it is the activity or product of the center, which is why we might say that an entity who can keep the heart open has an active green-ray center.  
    • The violet "center" is the exception, that is, where the center is the ray, because violet ray is the "total expression of the entity’s vibratory complex of mind, body, and spirit" and "cannot be manipulated as can the others."  It is an entity's signature pattern, thus the truer center for the violet ray is the whole and complete entity. This is how we have identity as sub-Logoi and not as something truly separate from the One.
  • The divergence or convergence of the spherical wave of physical light can describe three metaphysical dynamics: the expansion and contraction of the octave of experience, the radiant nature of the positive entity and the absorptive nature of the negative entity, and any blockages (of green ray and lower) within or between any entities regardless of polarity:

[Image: Hecht-Optics-Fig5-1-5th-Global.png]
    • Although the positive entity radiates by nature and the negative entity absorbs by nature, it is also true that the positive entity will seek to both reciprocate and accept radiation by others (unless the entity is energetically blocked) and the negative entity will seek to obviate and assert power over others (unless the entity is energetically fatigued).  This is how the positive path takes part in what IS, and the negative path in what IS NOT.  The positive entity has the two mutually strengthening expressions: I AM (radiance), YOU (or, WE) ARE (acceptance).  The negative entity has the two antagonistic choices: I AM NOT (not strong enough, thus necessitating the feeding on others) and YOU ARE NOT (not me, and not stronger than me, thus motivating the bid for power).  This is why, when the positive and the negative entity meet each other on equal footing, there is a complete inversion, or, cancellation (the portion in the diagram converging to P, essentially 'lost'), and the entities have to regroup.  The positive entity must still radiate, because to accept the negative energy would create constructive interference of the 'waveform' and empower the negative by a strength identical to that of the positive entities (as they then become chattel).  
      • Note: In the negative greeting, from density to density, usually the (lower density incarnated) positive entity has some natural protection and thus there is neither complete destruction nor complete construction if the positive entity remains accepting of the negative entity (not the same as accepting the entity's greeting - to accept the greeting would be to simply depolarize, to drop the level of light one generates from within).  In fact, (in the particular instance of the negative greeting) the positive entity adopts the same pattern with the negative entity as with a positive entity: accept the entity (which somewhat interrupts the positive working in that moment but does not depolarize) and then radiate out again (restoring the positive working back to its former strength, which tends to encourage the negative entity to find an easier light to grab).  

The earlier chapter in Hecht's textbook was also quite instructive in this regard:
Quote:4.3.1 The Law of Reflection

[p. 105]
Drawing wavefronts can get things a bit cluttered, so we introduce another convenient scheme for visualizing the progression of light. The imagery of antiquity was in terms of straight-line streams of light, a notion that got into Latin as “radii” and reached English as “rays.” A ray is a line drawn in space corresponding to the direction of flow of radiant energy. It is a mathematical construct and not a physical entity. In a medium that is uniform (homogeneous), rays are straight. If the medium behaves in the same manner in every direction (isotropic), the rays are perpendicular to the wavefronts. Thus for a point source emitting spherical waves, the rays, which are perpendicular to them, point radially outward from the source. Similarly, the rays associated with plane waves are all parallel. Rather than sketching bundles of rays, we can simply draw one incident ray and one reflected ray (Fig. 4.17a).
Aha! The holographic nature of Creation is what Hecht would call isotropic, "behaving in the same manner in every direction."  This is why Ra uses the term "lenticular" in describing the shape of the cosmos:
Quote:This light of love was made to have in its occurrences of being certain characteristics, among them the infinite whole paradoxically described by the straight line, as you would call it. This paradox is responsible for the shape of the various physical illusion entities you call solar systems, galaxies, and planets, all revolving and tending towards the lenticular.
Ra is able to perceive with great clarity.  Ra literally sees in more dimensions, and that is also why we call them the "higher" dimensions.  We live and reside in the third density, or, 3D, and so we are limited, at least as regards the physical eyesight, to a somewhat 'flat' perception.  We see the suggestions of depth but not depth itself.  Since we still see the suggestion of depth, we still call our galaxies spiral, our planets spherical, and so on, but we do not readily see their true shape. 
Note: Some here may be familiar with the book Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, a fanciful imagining of shifting perceptions across (spatial) dimensions.  We have length, width, and depth, but we can only 'see' height and width--if we saw depth, and not just the suggestion of depth, we might see all sides of an object concurrently.  An entity of only length and width--a parchment person!--would, similarly, only see length.  Their world would, spatially, or, geometrically, be a world of points and lines.  An entity of length only would see nothing--all they would be aware of would be their own self.

"Lenticular" refers to the lens, actually, a double convex lens.  To illustrate, here are some lenticular clouds:
[Image: lenticular-clouds-19727.png]    
I see a cone of clouds, with clear demarcations--straight lines--between the layers that comprise the cone; and it all looks as if projected outward by some higher point in the sky.  Radial, yet straight.  Same manner in all directions--thus, spatially or physically radial, and metaphysically linear (or, hierarchical, or, segmented).  This is how Ra perceives our galaxies, our planets, and even each and every one of us:
Quote:It is correct that there is a correlation between the energy field of an entity of your nature and planetary bodies, for all material is constructed by means of the dynamic tension of the magnetic field. The lines of force in both cases may be seen to be much like the interweaving spirals of the braided hair. Thus positive and negative wind and interweave forming geometric relationships in the energy fields of both persons, as you would call a mind/body/spirit complex, and planets.
The negative pole is the south pole or the lower pole. The north or upper pole is positive. The crisscrossings of these spiraling energies form primary, secondary, and tertiary energy centers. You are familiar with the primary energy centers of the physical, mental, and spiritual body complex. Secondary points of the crisscrossing of positive and negative center orientation revolve about several of your centers. The yellow-ray center may be seen to have secondary energy centers in elbow, in knee, and in the subtle bodies at a slight spacing from the physical vehicle at points describing diamonds about the entity’s navel area surrounding the body.
One may examine each of the energy centers for such secondary centers. Some of your peoples work with these energy centers, and you call this acupuncture. However, it is to be noted that there are most often anomalies in the placement of the energy centers so that the scientific precision of this practice is brought into question. Like most scientific attempts at precision, it fails to take into account the unique qualities of each creation.
The most important concept to grasp about the energy field is that the lower or negative pole will draw the universal energy into itself from the cosmos. Therefrom it will move upward to be met and reacted to by the positive spiraling energy moving downward from within. The measure of an entity’s level of ray activity is the locus wherein the south pole outer energy has been met by the inner spiraling positive energy.
As an entity grows more polarized this locus will move upwards. This phenomenon has been called by your peoples the kundalini. However, it may better be thought of as the meeting place of cosmic and inner, shall we say, vibratory understanding. To attempt to raise the locus of this meeting without realizing the metaphysical principles of magnetism upon which this depends is to invite great imbalance.
As we travel up, we also travel inward, which is why we have densities--the Creation, and we-the-creation, are literally becoming more dense as we compact back into the One Infinite Creator.  Yet, Ra has assured us that, "due to the infinite possibilities of intelligent infinity there is no ending to many-ness. The exploration, thus, is free to continue infinitely in an eternal present."  

So, how do we actually return to the Creator?  Even our seventh density is the turning towards timelessness or foreverness.

Ra also assures us that the seventh density is, truly, a density of completion.  Ra's own teachers are sure of an actual coalescence with the One, and a new beginning.

And every harvest, on every world, is tended by "the Guardians," who are "from the octave above" and "provide the precise emissions of light/love in exquisitely fastidious disseminations of discrimination so that the precise light/love vibration of each entity may be ascertained."

... I will pause here before I attempt to link third-density light physics with the mechanics of a completely new octave--though I have some impressions, as Ra does, that if we have visitors from the next octave here in ours, then there might yet be an elusive microcosm of their octave to found somewhere here in ours.

RE: Vibratory Schedules and Stimuli: Blue Center and Blue Ray - Vestige - 02-08-2022


RE: Vibratory Schedules and Stimuli: Blue Center and Blue Ray - MonadicSpectrum - 02-09-2022

Interesting thoughts! Thanks for sharing. Smile

RE: Vibratory Schedules and Stimuli: Blue Center and Blue Ray - Aion - 02-09-2022

I'd say you're SPOT on. Wink

All vibration is based in rhythm, and all rhythm is based in time. Time is substantiated by an infinite progression of frequencies. Octave within an octave within an octave, etc.

The Guardians, as such, are of the next octave to this octave, as you note and so see not only the emergence and coalescence of this universe but that of many others as well. This denotes a natural overlapping over of frequencies through harmonic resonance.

For throughout the octaves there is sympathetic communication of consciousness based in their harmonic relationships. You are correct, I believe, to surmise there are microcosmic interrelationships. So too where those of this octave have an overlooking view of the previous. If only many could see that those of this octave are Guardians of the last, just as the Guardians above this one look in to this octave. This can be seen in the lens of care for nature.

Upwards and inwards I think is an apt description for the direction of the spiral of consciousness. As we awaken resonances within our own beings our own harmonic structure unfolds like a lotus, bringing us in to resonance with greater degrees of the overall octave as we add our part to the music of the spheres.

RE: Physical Light and Metaphysical Light - Brandon Gwinn - 02-09-2022

Very insightful and also timely as I'm following a similar line of thought. Thank you greatly. I believe there are those of us developing these deep revelations of true physics/metaphysics in order to prepare the way for the collective consciousness into 4th density.

RE: Physical Light and Metaphysical Light - IndigoSalvia - 03-01-2022

I am trying to learn about what is meant by polarizing light. From what I understand, unpolarized light - an electromagnetic wave - vibrates in many planes, and through polarization, it then vibrates in one plane.

Are we beings the polarizing filter, so to speak? And, if unpolarized light passes into/through us as filters, we 'polarize' this light into one plane: STO or STS?

RE: Physical Light and Metaphysical Light - Vestige - 03-02-2022

(03-01-2022, 10:45 PM)IndigoSalvia Wrote: I am trying to learn about what is meant by polarizing light. From what I understand, unpolarized light - an electromagnetic wave - vibrates in many planes, and through polarization, it then vibrates in one plane.

Are we beings the polarizing filter, so to speak? And, if unpolarized light passes into/through us as filters, we 'polarize' this light into one plane: STO or STS?
Woah--were you in my head five hours ago? Or was I in yours? BigSmile
I've been investing time this evening, now early morning, into some journaling.  I just started a section on the criteria for harvest, which includes some contemplation of the nature of the violet-ray readout at harvest and as we passage through our incarnations.  I am confident that we have been wondering about some of the same things.

Certainly, we do receive unpolarized light, or, white light from the Creator:
Quote:The necessity for graduation to fourth density is an ability to use, welcome, and enjoy a certain intensity of the white light of the One Infinite Creator. In your own terms at your space/time nexus this ability may be measured by your previously stated percentages of service. []

Note that there are some rare exceptions to the latter statement, which Ra has mentioned--for example, the case of General George Patton.

You are correct also that we are as filters for the white light:

Quote:The origin of all energy is the action of Free Will upon Love. The nature of all energy is Light. The means of its ingress into the mind/body/spirit complex is duple.
Firstly, there is the inner light which is Polaris of the self, the guiding star. This is the birthright and true nature of all entities. This energy dwells within.
The second point of ingress is the polar opposite of the North Star, shall we say, and may be seen, if you wish to use the physical body as an analog for the magnetic field, as coming through the feet from the earth and through the lower point of the spine.
This point of ingress of the universal light energy is undifferentiated until it begins its filtering process through the energy centers. The requirements of each center, and the efficiency with which the individual has learned to tap into the inner light, determine the nature of the use made by the entity of these instreamings.]
I have received some intimations about this process and how it is, in some respects, again related to the concept of waveform superposition... especially if we are examining the mechanics of harvest.  
I'm interested to hear your concept of the STO and STS planes, if you'd like to share.  I would be willing to agree, if this was at all your meaning, that we could also say that we polarize light toward STO or STS for as long as we ourselves are so polarized.  I would relate that to what Ra has said about the nature of the positive entity and the nature of the negative entity: positive is radiant; that which is negative is absorbent.  That has certain implications on its own.  Ra has also mentioned that the negative path is indeed one of negation, the IS-NOT.  I will borrow words from a transcript wherein the balance between the intuitive and analytical mind had been discussed and relate that to the vibratory schedule of the negative entity, which is the intensification of red, orange, and yellow-rays, and where the orange and yellow-rays together form the 'egoic' self-concept:
Quote:this conceptual understanding can make for the rational mind a prison of concepts and artifice—or systems of illusions—whereby the self sees not the self or the other self, but instead sees instead only its walls of concepts, projecting them outward and spinning endlessly in an infinite variety of a shifting kaleidoscope of rational thought.
The green-ray represents acceptance and healing.  I see it as no accident that Ra refers to it as a "key."  I would surmise that, for harvest to fourth density, we are 'sorted' (self-sorted) to be measured for positive harvest or negative harvest depending on whether we have that green-ray key.  To me, that's also another hint as to how to parse out the George Patton case.

RE: Physical Light and Metaphysical Light - IndigoSalvia - 03-02-2022

ha ha, vestige, it does appear we were on the same wave length. BigSmile 

your sharing has helped me, or should I say, shed some light (pun too obvious) on my understanding. 

My understanding is quite basic at this time. 

When we receive instreamings of light, I see that it may be filtered to some degree before it even reaches us. Our cosmos has a bias towards Love, or Logos (undifferentiated Love, presumably). As well, our planetary sphere is receiving more 4D energies at this time. 

I see us as a polarizing filter (so to speak) - what I see as a light house - being refined with each and every choice we make so, it's dynamic. As we refine our polarity, or polarizing filter, say towards STO, we attract, accept, transmute and radiate a more refined (polarized) light. Herein, I see what Diana describes as service-to-all (I like her term). We may radiate a more polarized light through which we 'see' the creation. And, what we see, we are. What we are, we see. 

Now, Ra et al refer to, quite frequently, mirrors and reflection. We see about us an infinitely-faceted mirror and it reflects back to us ourselves. When we gaze about us, we see what? We see the illusion, the house of mirrors. We see that which we are. And, free will is key here in the seeing and gazing at what is reflected back to us. I think I understand the act of seeing (and the implied choices therein) as the Experience (to pull in the archetypes). 

I do not understand the function of polarizing light in reference to the absorption of light, which I see as the STS path. A polarizing filter seems to 'regularize' light electromagnetic waves, so do STS beings (as polarizing filters) retain some of the light before radiating it? Or perhaps STS 'filters' have a quality of retention/absorption so that much of the light does not pass through their filter and radiate from them? 

When I first read Ra sessions, I did not read it in terms of light/energy exchanges, I accepted these terms contextually and at face value. So, I am just now adding this layer of understanding. 

This barely makes any sense to me.  Confused ha ha ha ... these are all just hunches all swirling about in my wee little brain. 

(03-02-2022, 05:14 AM)Vestige Wrote: Woah--were you in my head five hours ago? Or was I in yours? BigSmile
I've been investing time this evening, now early morning, into some journaling.  I just started a section on the criteria for harvest, which includes some contemplation of the nature of the violet-ray readout at harvest and as we passage through our incarnations.  I am confident that we have been wondering about some of the same things.

Certainly, we do receive unpolarized light, or, white light from the Creator:
Quote:The necessity for graduation to fourth density is an ability to use, welcome, and enjoy a certain intensity of the white light of the One Infinite Creator. In your own terms at your space/time nexus this ability may be measured by your previously stated percentages of service. []

Note that there are some rare exceptions to the latter statement, which Ra has mentioned--for example, the case of General George Patton.

You are correct also that we are as filters for the white light:

Quote:The origin of all energy is the action of Free Will upon Love. The nature of all energy is Light. The means of its ingress into the mind/body/spirit complex is duple.
Firstly, there is the inner light which is Polaris of the self, the guiding star. This is the birthright and true nature of all entities. This energy dwells within.
The second point of ingress is the polar opposite of the North Star, shall we say, and may be seen, if you wish to use the physical body as an analog for the magnetic field, as coming through the feet from the earth and through the lower point of the spine.
This point of ingress of the universal light energy is undifferentiated until it begins its filtering process through the energy centers. The requirements of each center, and the efficiency with which the individual has learned to tap into the inner light, determine the nature of the use made by the entity of these instreamings.]
I have received some intimations about this process and how it is, in some respects, again related to the concept of waveform superposition... especially if we are examining the mechanics of harvest.  
I'm interested to hear your concept of the STO and STS planes, if you'd like to share.  I would be willing to agree, if this was at all your meaning, that we could also say that we polarize light toward STO or STS for as long as we ourselves are so polarized.  I would relate that to what Ra has said about the nature of the positive entity and the nature of the negative entity: positive is radiant; that which is negative is absorbent.  That has certain implications on its own.  Ra has also mentioned that the negative path is indeed one of negation, the IS-NOT.  I will borrow words from a transcript wherein the balance between the intuitive and analytical mind had been discussed and relate that to the vibratory schedule of the negative entity, which is the intensification of red, orange, and yellow-rays, and where the orange and yellow-rays together form the 'egoic' self-concept:
Quote:this conceptual understanding can make for the rational mind a prison of concepts and artifice—or systems of illusions—whereby the self sees not the self or the other self, but instead sees instead only its walls of concepts, projecting them outward and spinning endlessly in an infinite variety of a shifting kaleidoscope of rational thought.
The green-ray represents acceptance and healing.  I see it as no accident that Ra refers to it as a "key."  I would surmise that, for harvest to fourth density, we are 'sorted' (self-sorted) to be measured for positive harvest or negative harvest depending on whether we have that green-ray key.  To me, that's also another hint as to how to parse out the George Patton case.

RE: Physical Light and Metaphysical Light - Vestige - 03-02-2022

(03-02-2022, 01:29 PM)IndigoSalvia Wrote: ha ha, vestige, it does appear we were on the same wave length. BigSmile 
your sharing has helped me, or should I say, shed some light (pun too obvious) on my understanding. 
...I want to say that your pun is delightful, and if we're using the English definition that is true--but now I always read the word as "de-light," so it doesn't feel as proper to use.  I'll just say that I enjoyed your pun.  I'm glad that my sharing has been of some help to you--and I'm glad just to have the conversation, too. Blush     

Quote:My understanding is quite basic at this time. 
Quote:This barely makes any sense to me.  Confused ha ha ha ... these are all just hunches all swirling about in my wee little brain.
We're all in the same boat.  Cowboy
... You also wish to penetrate the illusion but not to deny the illusion. ... 
 ... Can you metaphorically sit in the bottom of this canoe and trust that the mist will rise when it is ready? ...

As each entity within this third-density illusion exercises free will, it is attempting to create a sensibility, or a construction of understanding concerning the world in which it finds itself, in the manner in which it moves through this created world. As Ra has said so many times, this density in which you exist is not a density of understanding—it is density of intentions. []

I enjoy exploring these concepts, not intending to prove anything but, rather, as a form of worship of/to our Creator, and intending to create space for moments like this one between you and me.  Smile  I also wanted to strengthen the connections I have with my guidance, to exercise that faith, and to honor and appreciate all of my subconscious guides, or helpers, or friends.  I feel that my reading comprehension is fairly good, but I won't know whether all of the hypotheses I'm making have any root in reality until we move on to the next density--I just trust that my exploration will be informative in some way or another.  In the process of it, I have been uncovering or just recalling many, many memories, feeling the emotions they carry, and reintegrating them--so, already, I have been given many gifts.  
With all of that in mind, I'm eager to see what else you have written... so, OK, here we go...
Quote:When we receive instreamings of light, I see that it may be filtered to some degree before it even reaches us. Our cosmos has a bias towards Love, or Logos (undifferentiated Love, presumably). As well, our planetary sphere is receiving more 4D energies at this time. 
I agree with you on this, too.  You are referring to the true colors of each density, yes?  
... The fourth density is, as we have said, as regularized in its approach as the striking of a clock upon the hour. The space/time of your solar system has enabled this planetary sphere to spiral into space/time of a different vibrational configuration. This causes the planetary sphere to be able to be molded by these new distortions. []
... Visualize, if you will, the particular energy which, outward flowing and inward coagulating, formed the tiny realm of the creation governed by your Council of Saturn. Continue seeing the rhythm of this process. The living flow creates a rhythm which is as inevitable as one of your timepieces. Each of your planetary entities began the first cycle when the energy nexus was able in that environment to support such mind/body experiences. Thus, each of your planetary entities is on a different cyclical schedule, as you might call it. The timing of these cycles is a measurement equal to a portion of intelligent energy. []
... the frequency that is the basis of each density is what may be called a true color. This term is impossible to define given your system of sensibilities and scientific measurements, for color has vibratory characteristics both in space/time and in time/space. The true color is then overlaid and tinged by the rainbow of the various vibratory levels within that density and the attraction vibrations of the next true-color density[]
I offer the image of a rainbow in mist:
[Image: IMG-4479.JPG]
I ask that you designate the ocean as a "causal ocean," as the inchoate form of the entire octave.  The ocean spray "outward flowing and inward coagulating" so that it hangs in the air as mist can be seen as the co-creation of all the sub-Logoi, with each water droplet representing a planetary sphere.  The light of the Creator is surrounding and suffusing the mist--so, it is always available in its undifferentiated form.  The light has also refracted to form the rainbow, the seven densities of the octave.  In this respect, I agree with you--that light has already been filtered, been shaped, so to speak.  As the mist drifts and falls, the droplets move and become illumined with the colors of the rainbow; as our planet is drawn nearer to the central sun, it generates the appropriate density waveform.  
Quote:I see us as a polarizing filter (so to speak) - what I see as a light house - being refined with each and every choice we make so, it's dynamic. As we refine our polarity, or polarizing filter, say towards STO, we attract, accept, transmute and radiate a more refined (polarized) light. Herein, I see what Diana describes as service-to-all (I like her term). We may radiate a more polarized light through which we 'see' the creation. And, what we see, we are. What we are, we see.

Now, Ra et al refer to, quite frequently, mirrors and reflection. We see about us an infinitely-faceted mirror and it reflects back to us ourselves. When we gaze about us, we see what? We see the illusion, the house of mirrors. We see that which we are. And, free will is key here in the seeing and gazing at what is reflected back to us. I think I understand the act of seeing (and the implied choices therein) as the Experience (to pull in the archetypes).
We may not truly be able to "understand" in this density, but, my friend, I believe we are sharing a mind right now.  It's as if you have anticipated the questions I have for myself.  I had been attempting to comprehend what Ra offered here... 
It is completely true to the best of our knowledge that the orientation or polarization of the mind/body/spirit complex is cause of the perceptions generated by each entity.  []
... as I was operating under the premise that perceptions formed the orientation--"due to analysis of desire" as Ra also says.  I could not make a guess as to how one or the other orientation would actually be adopted--that is, how does an entity resolve that their desire is to dedicate themselves to service-to-self or to service-to-others?  Ra assures us that there is no bias toward polarity carried over from the second density--these entities express cruelty and kindness alike with complete innocence, so the bias toward defending the pack or family or nation that we may enter with is yet without polarity.  We also have the hints toward the positive path inbuilt by our Logos.  So, how do we have any negative entities in this galaxy at all? ...What we see, we are. What we are, we see.  
The first development in consciousness of third density is the creation or realization of the individualized personality.  From there, it becomes quite easy for us to fall into the Actor-Observer Bias.  Imagine two entities within the early third density who share nearly the same incarnational schedule--as if one is, metaphysically, the older sibling to the other.  The younger sibling still has their bias toward defending the pack, while the older sibling has released or at least refined this bias.  The older sibling sees the younger sibling harass a neighbor (note: not actually siblings; perhaps they are all neighbors with no blood relation), for this neighbor lives at the end of the road, never waves hello, and has a different shade to their skin than do the two 'siblings.'  The 'older sibling' sees this while aware that all three individuals are, in fact, individuals.  He then assumes that the 'younger sibling' is harassing their neighbor out of some conscious and wicked intention--maybe, to mug him, or injure him, even though this neighbor has never stolen from nor injured anyone else.  The 'younger sibling' might do harm to the neighbor, but the behavior is somewhat instinctual and unconscious.  He does not see an individual; he sees a group, a rival pack which poses a threat.
The 'older sibling' does not consider this; he has grown enough to recognize and respect individual identity, but he has not yet developed great patience and forgiveness.  Perhaps he values the sanctity of his neighborhood and works toward its betterment.  He may have helped both of these neighbors move into their houses and offered what he could to welcome them, to work for the benefit of their comfort and peace.  The 'older sibling' is vibrating positively in orange and yellow, and might have even activated green but has not opened it to a significant degree.  This entity had (while preincarnate) planned for this encounter, so as to trial this "universal love" he had been hearing about from his fellow spirits.  And, perceiving an injustice, here, perpetrated by one neighbor to another--to this entity, it is like a stormcloud.  His hopes for a neighborhood full of helping hands and happy faces have been swallowed up by this stormcloud--and like lightning, he strikes.  He pushes his way between his two neighbors.  He pushes his 'younger sibling' to the ground.  He shouts for the other neighbor to "get inside, get safe," while he brings his own hand down on his spiritual brother.  From that day forward, from that lifetime forward, he rejects the green-ray, now seeing it as hopelessly naïve--the neighborhood cannot survive on smiles alone; the neighborhood can only remain safe if he remains stern and watchful... What we see, we are.
And what we are, we see... to return to the metaphor in the mist.  Earth-as-entity has entered the true color green time/space and, now, also space/time.  Entities who can 'see' this color, who can 'see' the fourth density, are either harvestable positive (or closely approaching?) or have literally seen fourth density and have returned as dual-activated entities.  They look upon the true color yellow earth and see it perhaps as more of a yellow-green.  Maybe, if they were standing on those crags there, their gaze would be fixed on the yellow and green stripes in that rainbow, for they are accepting and enjoying the moment.  Maybe they stand next to another, and this other entity recoils from the cold ocean spray--they keep glancing at the dry mosses and ferns at the top of the crags, then back to the rainbow when their companion giggles from the joy of seeing it, but they glance only briefly and so see only the orange and red stripes as they shunt the rainbow to their peripheral view once more.  Their companion spies a turtle and begs them to look--but this, unintentionally, just puts a further damper on things.  The entity is now confident that they want to walk away, towel off, and lock themselves in their room to enjoy a solitary cup of hot chocolate.  As Ra puts it, "the influences of the true-color green acting upon yellow-ray entities have caused many entities to revert to the consideration of self" - which is the orange-ray.  The turtle watcher recognized the rainbow as well as the ocean, the crags, and even the sky as all one illusion.  Yet, it was real enough to them: it brought joy, and that joy was real.  The hot chocolate connoisseur saw only some bright mist, damp rocks, and rising waves.  Seen, but not for what it was, and not enjoyed.

Quote:I do not understand the function of polarizing light in reference to the absorption of light, which I see as the STS path. A polarizing filter seems to 'regularize' light electromagnetic waves, so do STS beings (as polarizing filters) retain some of the light before radiating it? Or perhaps STS 'filters' have a quality of retention/absorption so that much of the light does not pass through their filter and radiate from them?
 This is one of the most intriguing concepts to me--well, if you will excuse the interpretation I am foisting onto your words.  This concept of "regularizing" and "retaining" light is, I feel, related to what the Confederation has said about our relationship to the Creator.  Again, microcosm-macrocosm... although I have been learning recently just how profound this relationship really is.

I am Q’uo. The Creator created a great original Expression or Thought. This we have called the logos or love. This principle, this love, created all that there is by the quantizing articulation of light. Yet all that is created is of the nature of its parent source, which is love. The reason for offering love, appreciation, a blessing and thanksgiving to the infinite One is that the entity within incarnation is attempting to form its vibratory frequency more and more like that of the vibrational frequency of the one great original Thought, which is love. The closer the seeker comes to matching that vibratory frequency, the more that entity will be perceived as offering praise and thanksgiving. This is true far beneath any articulation of words or even what you consider thoughts. Rather, it is in the nature of the way creation is built. That is, original Thought expresses in love, thanks, blessing, praise and rejoicing. Thusly, it is not a Creator hungry for praise and thanks that requires homage of its worshippers, but rather it is love, it is reflected in love, and in that infinite reflection lies truth.
The one original Thought upon which all creation was founded and with which all creation redounds is love. Yes, my friends, love is a thought, a principle, a logos. You, by your very consciousnesses, are the Logos in a holographic representation, yet you are completely unlike any other holographic representation of the Creator, for your experiences are unique to your particular consciousness. Your field of energy is completely unique and precious to the one infinite Creator, and your greatest gift is your being, for by your mirroring of your perceptions, the Creator learns of Itself.

Now, one could easily suppose that were it the case that in one bright, shining day, all were able to return fulsome love back to the Creator, that the Creator would stand fully exposed to itself, and would know itself finally in Its completeness. However, it has been our experience, (and once again we would like to iterate that our experience is limited), that no knowing ever even begins to exhaust the mystery of the Creator, or the mystery of the creation. It is truly an inexhaustible source. And that inexhaustibility is something which you may sense in a small way in your experiences of love for your fellow creatures. For when you love your beloved, when you love your wife, when you love your husband, when you love your children, when you love your friends, when you love your groups, when you love your planet, you do so in such a way that it does not diminish that which is love. In fact, strangely, it seems to augment that which is love, and once again we face a paradox or a mystery, because a mystery which is so infinite and so completely mysterious, which seemed to be something that could not become more itself, that is to say, more mysterious, by being loved, and yet, it seems to us that this is exactly what happens. It seems to us that the creation does become more, and that the concept of infinity very strangely, incomprehensibly, is susceptible of becoming more. And more than that, it is of such a nature intrinsically that the orientation to more is part of its very constitution, part of its make-up.
... when you are able to find in yourself that resonance of love that can reach out to that which does not solicit it, but rather seems on the contrary to reject it, you have inched, however slightly, towards a wholeness of your whole being, towards a realization of your own being as unified, and every such experience of loving the unlovable, every such experience of unifying the un-unified is an experience of the Creator finding Its lost love returning home, returning to its source. And in doing so, you give also the opportunity of that other center of being, that other incarnate individual, an opportunity, perhaps, to experience (once again however slightly), an aspect of itself, himself, herself, not previously accessible. And so love heals many a wound, love bridges many a division. Love offers itself both as a possible activity and as a condition of being which is the very stuff, the very source, the very destiny of the entire Creation.

Quote:When I first read Ra sessions, I did not read it in terms of light/energy exchanges, I accepted these terms contextually and at face value. So, I am just now adding this layer of understanding.

I mentioned in another post and this thread's original post the concept of 'waveform superposition.'  I see this physical concept of ours here on earth to parallel with the metaphysical processes of psychic greeting, of fourth-density light warfare, and the harvest mechanic of the 'stairs of light.'  I'm still refining the hypotheses of that third process, the stairs of light.  Don used physics vocabulary too, naturally, for example, "flux rate":     
80.18 Questioner: Then would this process of radiation or absorption, since we have what I would call a flux or flux rate, be the measure of the power of the adept?

Ra: I am Ra. This may be seen to be a reasonably adequate statement.
Ra was fine with it, so I would guess that our experiences as conscious, personal, individualized entities would have a subtle manifestation as a more mathematical phenomenon, too.  (Maybe that explains the odd visions that partakers in DMT have witnessed, like their technicolor hyperdimensional geometries? Wink )

That's all I had for now.  Thanks.  Smile

RE: Physical Light and Metaphysical Light - IndigoSalvia - 03-03-2022

(03-02-2022, 07:00 PM)Vestige Wrote: So, how do we have any negative entities in this galaxy at all? ...What we see, we are. What we are, we see. 

I struggle too understanding the left hand path clearly. In this context, I see about me many mirrors. And many 'other selves' looking back at me, reflecting. Those reflections - those other selves - have their own free will as well. And they see what they see about them. There are many of us who gaze, and we each see different things. We each see a unique creation about us, I guess. This unique perception is our perception of the creation. 
And then I start wondering all types of paradoxical questions that hurt my brain.  Confused

(03-02-2022, 07:00 PM)Vestige Wrote: What we see, we are. And what we are, we see... to return to the metaphor in the mist.

And, the Confederation entities ask us again and again: where is love in this moment? 

(03-02-2022, 07:00 PM)Vestige Wrote: This is one of the most intriguing concepts to me--well, if you will excuse the interpretation I am foisting onto your words.  This concept of "regularizing" and "retaining" light is, I feel, related to what the Confederation has said about our relationship to the Creator.  Again, microcosm-macrocosm... although I have been learning recently just how profound this relationship really is.

I am Q’uo. The Creator created a great original Expression or Thought. This we have called the logos or love. This principle, this love, created all that there is by the quantizing articulation of light. Yet all that is created is of the nature of its parent source, which is love. The reason for offering love, appreciation, a blessing and thanksgiving to the infinite One is that the entity within incarnation is attempting to form its vibratory frequency more and more like that of the vibrational frequency of the one great original Thought, which is love. The closer the seeker comes to matching that vibratory frequency, the more that entity will be perceived as offering praise and thanksgiving. This is true far beneath any articulation of words or even what you consider thoughts. Rather, it is in the nature of the way creation is built. That is, original Thought expresses in love, thanks, blessing, praise and rejoicing. Thusly, it is not a Creator hungry for praise and thanks that requires homage of its worshippers, but rather it is love, it is reflected in love, and in that infinite reflection lies truth.
The one original Thought upon which all creation was founded and with which all creation redounds is love. Yes, my friends, love is a thought, a principle, a logos. You, by your very consciousnesses, are the Logos in a holographic representation, yet you are completely unlike any other holographic representation of the Creator, for your experiences are unique to your particular consciousness. Your field of energy is completely unique and precious to the one infinite Creator, and your greatest gift is your being, for by your mirroring of your perceptions, the Creator learns of Itself.

Now, one could easily suppose that were it the case that in one bright, shining day, all were able to return fulsome love back to the Creator, that the Creator would stand fully exposed to itself, and would know itself finally in Its completeness. However, it has been our experience, (and once again we would like to iterate that our experience is limited), that no knowing ever even begins to exhaust the mystery of the Creator, or the mystery of the creation. It is truly an inexhaustible source. And that inexhaustibility is something which you may sense in a small way in your experiences of love for your fellow creatures. For when you love your beloved, when you love your wife, when you love your husband, when you love your children, when you love your friends, when you love your groups, when you love your planet, you do so in such a way that it does not diminish that which is love. In fact, strangely, it seems to augment that which is love, and once again we face a paradox or a mystery, because a mystery which is so infinite and so completely mysterious, which seemed to be something that could not become more itself, that is to say, more mysterious, by being loved, and yet, it seems to us that this is exactly what happens. It seems to us that the creation does become more, and that the concept of infinity very strangely, incomprehensibly, is susceptible of becoming more. And more than that, it is of such a nature intrinsically that the orientation to more is part of its very constitution, part of its make-up.
... when you are able to find in yourself that resonance of love that can reach out to that which does not solicit it, but rather seems on the contrary to reject it, you have inched, however slightly, towards a wholeness of your whole being, towards a realization of your own being as unified, and every such experience of loving the unlovable, every such experience of unifying the un-unified is an experience of the Creator finding Its lost love returning home, returning to its source. And in doing so, you give also the opportunity of that other center of being, that other incarnate individual, an opportunity, perhaps, to experience (once again however slightly), an aspect of itself, himself, herself, not previously accessible. And so love heals many a wound, love bridges many a division. Love offers itself both as a possible activity and as a condition of being which is the very stuff, the very source, the very destiny of the entire Creation.

These are intriguing quotes. I'll have to take some time with them. I feel like I could read sessions over and over again, and find a new layer of meaning each time. 

RE: Physical Light and Metaphysical Light - Patrick - 03-03-2022

What I find interesting with the negative path is that it is called the path of that which is not.

So we all have our shadow side, but it is there to highlight what we are by contrasting it with what we are not.

RE: Physical Light and Metaphysical Light - Vestige - 03-26-2022

(03-03-2022, 08:12 AM)Patrick Wrote: What I find interesting with the negative path is that it is called the path of that which is not.

So we all have our shadow side, but it is there to highlight what we are by contrasting it with what we are not.
How do we feel what we are not?  Is it all that we would not do?  Is it what we do and feel is not part of us?
I feel much is possible for me.  I could, even, murder.  Yet, would I, even if I could?  If I did, would I feel that was congruent with my being?

RE: Physical Light and Metaphysical Light - Patrick - 03-26-2022

(03-26-2022, 06:59 PM)Vestige Wrote:
(03-03-2022, 08:12 AM)Patrick Wrote: What I find interesting with the negative path is that it is called the path of that which is not.

So we all have our shadow side, but it is there to highlight what we are by contrasting it with what we are not.
How do we feel what we are not?  Is it all that we would not do?  Is it what we do and feel is not part of us?
I feel much is possible for me.  I could, even, murder.  Yet, would I, even if I could?  If I did, would I feel that was congruent with my being?

My belief is that the basal state of Intelligent Infinity is Joy. From that point of view I find it easier to understand that anything that takes us away from Joy is taking us away from who we are.

The Universe is playing peek-a-boo with itself. It is supposed to be fun. It was engineered to be fun. But the concept of service to self emerged as a surprise that was never imagined before being experienced.

So then things started to be less fun for some parts of the One. But in the big scheme of things, all this is already resolved and we are just experiencing what the transit to resolution looks like.

If we ask the Universe to channel its perfect will through us, I highly doubt we would wish to murder other selfs. We have to close that channel and take that peek-a-boo game to a whole new level in order to achieve the requirements for murder.