The current Ukraine crisis... - Printable Version

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RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - MonadicSpectrum - 03-30-2022

Some words of Ra for consideration about positive and negative 4th density experience, and I think it is important not to confuse the two:

Quote:That which fourth density is not: it is not of words, unless chosen. It is not of heavy chemical vehicles for body complex activities. It is not of disharmony within self. It is not of disharmony within peoples. It is not within limits of possibility to cause disharmony in any way.

Approximations of positive statements: it is a plane of a type of bipedal vehicle which is much denser and more full of life; it is a plane wherein one is aware of the thoughts of other-selves; it is a plane where one is aware of the vibrations of other-selves; it is a plane of compassion and understanding of the sorrows of third density; it is a plane striving towards wisdom or light; it is a plane wherein individual differences are pronounced although automatically harmonized by group consensus.

Quote:The graduation into fourth-density negative is achieved by those beings who have consciously contacted intelligent infinity through the use of red, orange, and yellow rays of energy. Therefore, the planetary conditions of fourth-density negative include the constant alignment and realignment of entities in efforts to form the dominant patterns of combined energy.

The early fourth density is one of the most intensive struggle. When the order of authority has been established and all have fought until convinced that each is in the proper placement for power structure, the social memory complex begins. Always the fourth-density effects of telepathy and the transparency of thought are attempted to be used for the sake of those at the apex of the power structure.

This, as you may see, is often quite damaging to the further polarization of fourth-density negative entities, for the further negative polarization can only come about through group effort. As the fourth-density entities manage to combine, they then polarize through such services to self as those offered by the crusaders of Orion.

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - LeiwoUnion - 03-30-2022

I contemplated this and discerned that the confusion regarding the so called 4th density experience may come from the issue with boundaries or, rather, scope. It is not possible to be in disharmony within the self or the social memory complex of a 4th density entity, but it is quite possible, even by positive groups, to be in disharmony, or to reject the understanding regarding the Law of One, towards other entities not of 'one's own' social memory complex. This possibility brings much trouble and confusion regarding polarization in a positive sense in 4D as true service to all is not limited to one's own social memory complex but is truly towards all. Overcoming this 'group bias' is possibly the major working towards the 99% polarization and the harvest to 5th density during the 30 or so million years of 4th density experience. This is my understanding.

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - zedro - 03-30-2022

Quote:it is a plane wherein individual differences are pronounced although automatically harmonized by group consensus.

Exactly, it's not about conscious unification/conformity (especially forced lol), but merely acceptance of the self and other self, which is the basis harmonized consensus.

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - Sacred Fool - 03-30-2022

Do any of you work with 4D light?

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - Patrick - 03-30-2022

(03-30-2022, 01:09 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote: Do any of you work with 4D light?

Not consciously on my part.

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - Quincunx - 03-30-2022


RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - MonadicSpectrum - 03-30-2022

(03-30-2022, 01:09 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote: Do any of you work with 4D light?

I believe that I do work with 4D light. Here is my perception of it, but please take only that which resonates.

I view light as being that which illuminates reality. In 3D, there is physical light that illuminates the physical world. Due to this perception and belief in the physical world being the foundation of reality, 3D people believe that their mental experiences are separated from the mental experiences of others, and that if people aren't physically near, then they have no influence on each other. In 4D, there is mental light that illuminates the mental world. Mental experiences are found not only to be related to the physical world but also the mental world of the social memory complex. In this mental world, everyone is sending and receiving data (aka light) across all other members of the species simultaneously through the quantum networks of DNA.

If someone is cold, in 3D, 3D light is used to see a physical world causing the experience of coldness. In 4D, 4D light is used to see a mental world causing the experience of interpreting the physical world as cold. When you are cold, you are connected to everyone across all time and space who is having the same sort of experience. When you are modifying your interpretation of coldness, you are influencing the interpretation of everyone else in the social memory complex.

This is where the work in 4D begins. When you realize that your mind is influencing minds across all of space and time, you realize your responsibility to transform your interpretations of the physical world towards love, peace, and joy. When you are transforming your perception towards joy, you are helping the whole collective find joy. When you are choosing to allow your perception to be distorted towards anger, you are influencing the whole collective to be angry. 4D light work is about transforming your mind for the betterment of all minds.

This is also why as one begins to perceive 4D light, the vibrations and thoughts of others become illuminated. Even now, to all those reading these words, our minds are connected, and just as much as you can feel my energy writing these words, I can feel your energy reading these words. And we can all feel the energy of all those other readers of these words across time and space. Let us perform some work in 4D light by sending love to all the readers with our minds. Smile

Music is also very powerful for 4D light work:

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - zedro - 03-30-2022

(03-30-2022, 01:09 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote: Do any of you work with 4D light?

Is there a reference to the basis of this as a concept, or is the individual expected to make their own interpretation? Because it sounds a bit 'new age' without context.

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - Sacred Fool - 03-30-2022

(03-30-2022, 10:28 PM)zedro Wrote:
(03-30-2022, 01:09 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote: Do any of you work with 4D light?

Is there a reference to the basis of this as a concept, or is the individual expected to make their own interpretation? Because it sounds a bit 'new age' without context.

That's certainly a salient question.  Myself, I was thinking of it in terms of the steps of light metaphor where we begin by being exposed to 3D light and gradually the intensity is increased until we exceed our comfort level.  Then the lights are turned on--so to speak--and we see if we've been comfortable in the presence of 4D light (and suitable for a 3D Certificate of Graduation) or not. 

It seems to moi that this model presupposes that we are now currently working with 3D light, and that would be the reference you are seeking in the query above.  But, of course, it may not be any more obvious to us what 3D light is than what 4D light is.

I was just asking because I find this point fascinating, and some entities in this discussion seemed so certain about how SMCs work in 4D, so I thought I'd pose this question to see what the basis of that certainty was.  If anyone claims this knowledge on the basis working with 4D energies, I'd be interested to read about it.

I mean, my expectations are not immense......but you never know, you know?

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - zedro - 03-31-2022

(03-30-2022, 11:56 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote: I was just asking because I find this point fascinating, and some entities in this discussion seemed so certain about how SMCs work in 4D, so I thought I'd pose this question to see what the basis of that certainty was.  If anyone claims this knowledge on the basis working with 4D energies, I'd be interested to read about it.

I would theorize it's more accurate to say it's working with/through 5th and 6th light centers, which may perhaps be enhanced with the new 4d energies, but most certainly mostly defined through the Ra material and Quo. I think what we are seeing here is what our peoples may refer to as,  "opinions"  Cheese...but who knows, I'm just not certain that 4d can cognitively be defined while in 3d, or it could be like trying to remember a dream.

For myself, the channeled material sets the baseline definitions and characterizations, and my (seemimgly/hopefully) growing intuitive capacity for discernment through meditation work and psychic working connection with my 'helpers' at least help contextualize aspects, but as to what it'll actually be like experience wise I believe I only can conceive the early development via the more intense psychic exchanges I've had.

But as far as what would define a positive vs negative SMC, or a confused interpreted version thereof, can simply be taken from adequate discernment of the material, which is easily defined as we've seen from some quotes recently brought forth here.

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - aWanderer91 - 03-31-2022

(03-30-2022, 01:09 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote: Do any of you work with 4D light?

I've had an awakening yes, and Q'uo mentions that anyone who has had this experience has temporarily lived in 4th density.

I'm still adjusting to this new way of being and hope that it will become a more stable level of consciousness "eventually".

I can only talk from experience and it's not that I'm so sure how a 4th density positive works, it's more that I've had experiences that were vivid and clear and once the heart becomes activated, the way of viewing the world becomes very different. I believe it becomes easier to see after an awakening how 4th density positive would work. And like zedro says, it's easy enough to discern the material available to get an idea of what 4D could be like. That's where my view comes from Smile

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - Sacred Fool - 03-31-2022

How do you suppose you might be working with 3D light even now as you read this post and consider its meaning?

It's an interesting question, isn't it?

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - aWanderer91 - 03-31-2022

Healing, processing and accepting catalyst and being aware Smile


RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - Diana - 03-31-2022

(03-30-2022, 11:56 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote: Do any of you work with 4D light?...

...  Myself, I was thinking of it in terms of the steps of light metaphor where we begin by being exposed to 3D light and gradually the intensity is increased until we exceed our comfort level.  Then the lights are turned on--so to speak--and we see if we've been comfortable in the presence of 4D light (and suitable for a 3D Certificate of Graduation) or not. 

It seems to moi that this model presupposes that we are now currently working with 3D light, and that would be the reference you are seeking in the query above.  But, of course, it may not be any more obvious to us what 3D light is than what 4D light is.

From what I have been observing lately in the people around me, including myself, it's as if the 4D light is overriding the 3D light. What I mean by this is that the qualities of 4D light are forcing us to expand what we work with, as we have been working with 3D light all our lives just by virtue of being here in a 3D environment. How we have worked with that light varies from person to person. Some people who are more conscious work more consciously with it, some who are adepts have mastered it, some have just been reacting reacting.

4D light to me would highlight things such as transparency, compassion for all (not just the "tribe"), and polarization. The quality of transparency is what I see really affecting the people around me, wherein unprocessed catalysts are surfacing to be dealt with going back to childhood or even other lives, self-truths are being presented, and I find that being in denial is getting harder for many. Polarization is certainly being highlighted in the world. I see compassion as the least understood concept in the world, or most confused, due to tribalism.

The way I try to work with any catalyst is acceptance and to not resist what comes up, and go from there with as much self-honesty as I can muster. As far as working with light, that must, for me, come after laying the groundwork of self-honesty and acceptance, otherwise one is still in the darkness and the light can't get in. Then, staying in that state of acceptance, free will for all, and compassion for all is the way I work with that light, although I see it more as my own evolution.

How do you work with it Sacred Fool?

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - Sacred Fool - 04-01-2022

First, I would ask myself, "Looking at my life, am I involved in learning the lessons of 3D or 4D?" Wrote:The entity moves up the stairway until the intensity of light becomes uncomfortable. If that stair step is in fourth-density light, the entity goes on to lessons within that density. If the entity stops short of that demarcation and is remaining within third density then the self and its guidance develop a plan for the next incarnation.

Personally, I feel that I'm settled in my choice to serve the Creatrix and my fellow entities (notwithstanding my occasional rowdy outburst) and that my life now is, indeed, dedicated to learning lessons of the next density.  So, that would put me one step towards working with 4D light.

But am I living responsibly in a 4D sense and using the 4D light now available for virtuous purposes?  Or am I missing that opportunity? Wrote:The fourth density is the density of love. But it is also called the density of understanding. What is happening to entities now is that that which is in their thoughts and in their unexamined assumptions is being mirrored out to them in everyday life for them to see clearly. They no longer have so much of a cushion of easy untruth because if they are awakening spiritually there are forces within them that have determined and intended to challenge those unspoken assumptions which are not serving the greater good.

So, insofar as you as a third-density entity are unawakened, you will simply find life getting harder. It seems that more extremes are taking place. You are not feeling as well. You lose more jobs. Whatever it is that you are working on [in] this life, there become problems with it that seem harder than they used to be. This is because you are not protected from your truth as you once were.
Now, entities who are awakened are experiencing the identical situation, are experiencing an increase in suffering and are experiencing more difficult times. However, what they have on their side is that they have set their intention to serve others and to know the truth in order to serve others. This creates a fourth-density support system that is powerful indeed and can take the place of the previous comforts of the unawakened.

However, when you become awakened and set your intention to be an ethical being that is worthy of fourth density, you also ask of yourself that you begin to live the life that reflects those fourth-density values that are implicit and explicit when you think about service to others.

The principles involved in service to others are implicit in all that is done in that when you meet the moment, you are meeting it as one who serves. That is a general standpoint and that basic viewpoint brings to you a wider point of view which is based upon the guidance that you are receiving which is activated by your desire to serve. When you ask for the truth, the truth is there before you. Ask and you truly shall receive.

And then you are responsible for your actions in a way which was inconceivable when you did not know and had no knowledge of how the spiritual forces of evolution work. That of which you are ignorant, you cannot be held responsible. When you become aware of the spiritual principles involved in natural evolution, then you become also responsible for acting upon that knowledge.

Yeah, I would say that I am actually reveling in the deeper responsibility to be clear and giving and honest, to seek ever more deeply and to serve ever more deeply.  So, in some sense I believe I am working with 4D light to become as luminescent as I can in order to serve.

Of course--ahem--this may not be immediately apparent by viewing my internet posts...but I do the best I can.

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - LeiwoUnion - 04-01-2022

I many times read these passages and think that it all sounds so complicated, orderly, like an infinitely complex ritual of serving others, finding love in each interaction and moment. I've come to the conclusion that it's the language. When I withraw within, I 'see' these concepts with my spirit; it is the simplest thing in the universe, for it is the nature of the Creat-insertpropersuffix, nature of us, nature of One. When I'm back, I can only remember it was easy and simple, but again begin to get confused by our language constructs.

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - flofrog - 04-01-2022

I feel compassion for all. I see what might be maelstrom, and yet, and yet we do all we can.

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - YinYang - 04-01-2022

(04-01-2022, 05:48 AM)flofrog Wrote: I feel compassion for all.  I see what might be maelstrom, and yet, and yet we do all we can.

Well, we always knew that the end of third density was going to be turbulent, and it sure looks like the mercury is rising globally...

Ra Wrote:There will also be a sharp increase in the short run of negatively oriented or polarized mind/body/spirit complexes and social complexes, due to the polarizing conditions of the sharp delineation between fourth-density characteristics and third-density self-service orientation.

Each and everyone of us will just have to navigate according to our own inner compasses. Have you made any progress with that book?

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - flofrog - 04-01-2022

(04-01-2022, 07:30 AM)YinYang Wrote:
(04-01-2022, 05:48 AM)flofrog Wrote: I feel compassion for all.  I see what might be maelstrom, and yet, and yet we do all we can.

Well, we always knew that the end of third density was going to be turbulent, and it sure looks like the mercury is rising globally...

Ra Wrote:There will also be a sharp increase in the short run of negatively oriented or polarized mind/body/spirit complexes and social complexes, due to the polarizing conditions of the sharp delineation between fourth-density characteristics and third-density self-service orientation.

Each and everyone of us will just have to navigate according to our own inner compasses. Have you made any progress with that book?

Are you asking moi Indigo ? Wink
I am onto a new book, just great but french it’s titled in french, In the Friendship of a Mountain by Pascal Bruckner, sinfully beautiful. Sorry to detail this thread more…

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - IndigoSalvia - 04-01-2022

(04-01-2022, 01:42 AM)LeiwoUnion Wrote: I many times read these passages and think that it all sounds so complicated, orderly, like an infinitely complex ritual of serving others, finding love in each interaction and moment. I've come to the conclusion that it's the language. When I withraw within, I 'see' these concepts with my spirit; it is the simplest thing in the universe, for it is the nature of the Creat-insertpropersuffix, nature of us, nature of One. When I'm back, I can only remember it was easy and simple, but again begin to get confused by our language constructs.

Me too. Especially in meditation and still, quiet moments, I have brief sensations of blissful clarity -- and it's simple, as you say. Then, I slip back into the veiled existence where it is foggy. And, my language and conceptual constructs seem so constraining, inadequate to express the nature of Oneness. 

This physical reality is so thick and so easy for me to get lost within, or perhaps succumb to. This veil - this 3D system (language, concepts, organization, narratives, stories, characters/roles, etc.) - is replete with illusions of separation. I often feel like I have one foot in the physical and one foot in the spiritual, trying to be in both simultaneously.  Confused

I have no certain knowledge if I am working with 3D and/or 4D energies. I feel like I am working with 4D. My only "proof" (for myself) is this spontaneous, boundless and unfettered love within me in unexpected moments, where there previously was none within me. Or, this overwhelming love seems to be displacing pockets of anger, suspicion, fear, judgment, etc. within me. 

And, I follow the role model that is this Great Love. Perhaps in pursuit of it, I then look for it in more unexpected places and moments I encounter. And, when I look for it, I find it. Or, when I seek it, alas, there it is ... it is manifest. This I understand as the Creator/Creation-ship in each and all of us. It is a seamless moment, an instantaneous moment of seeking/manifesting.

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - YinYang - 04-01-2022

flofrog Wrote:Are you asking moi Indigo ? Wink

I am onto a new book, just great but french it’s titled in french, In the Friendship of a Mountain by Pascal Bruckner, sinfully beautiful. 
Lol, all good. No I was just wondering about the other one we briefly discussed in this thread, but that's a discussion for another thread. 

flofrog Wrote:Sorry to detail this thread more…

Well conversation is organic after all, so it's always going to involve some detours.

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - IndigoSalvia - 04-01-2022

From the most recent channeling of Quo (

Quote:The primary difference between this thought-battle and what you may experience in third density known as war, and the concept of bellicosity, is an attitude available to those of fourth density that allows these entities to see the Creator within those whom they are defending against. And thus, the actions that they take are based primarily within the green ray of universal love—that love being manifested as protection against enslavement and the preservation of free will.

Quo indicates that it is not likely, but possible, for 3D entities engaging in battle to do so with an attitude of unity. 

Quote:And when bellicosity finds itself manifest within the third density, there is much more catalyst for the third-density entity to work with in terms of discovering the heart of self and how love has been blocked, how conditions have been raised because of the illusion of separation and its strength within the third density. It is through this illusion, and through the ways that it manifests in response to things like bellicosity, that such circumstances, as dire and significant as they are within the third density, may hold the key to opening of the heart and of discovering a higher nature of service to others for the positive individual.

I consider how war -- not just this current war, but also many forms of interpersonal aggression -- highlights blockages within me. When I am able to be silent and pay attention to subtleties, I become aware of prickly little things (thoughts, emotions, energies) that perhaps, would not otherwise surface. Prickly little things that are uncomfortable for me. I suppose it is an honor/duty to look at these uncomfortable things as they surface, and consciously choose from many options.  

How have you noticed things -- perhaps long-forgotten or buried things, or seemingly unrelated things -- surfacing?

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - Vasilisa - 04-02-2022

Yesterday I reread the 62nd session of Ra.

You must see the Earth, as you call it, as being seven Earths. There is red, orange, yellow, and there will soon be a completed green-color vibratory locus for fourth-density entities which they will call Earth. During the fourth-density experience, due to the lack of development of fourth-density entities, the third-density planetary sphere is not useful for habitation since the early fourth-density entity will not know, precisely, how to maintain the illusion that fourth density cannot be seen or determined from any instrumentation available to any third density.

Thus in fourth density the red, orange, and green energy nexi of your planet will be activated while the yellow is in potentiation, along with the blue and the indigo."

Ra's answer here is more like Max Handel's theory (about the seven globes). And not on the elements of psychotherapy that are discussed in this thread. Or I don't understand something...

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - Quincunx - 04-02-2022


RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - Vasilisa - 04-02-2022

"...As you are aware of in your own environment here those in the Astral form are at such a density that they can pass right through any of your third dimensional objects or persons without even being felt..."
This is a common event in a lucid dream. I have walked through the walls more than once myself (in a lucid dream)) And in general, in an altered state of consciousness, the world is perceived with completely different laws than in daytime reality. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to extract something useful from such states in the inner worlds.

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - tadeus - 04-02-2022

Behind NATO’s ‘Cognitive Warfare’: ‘Battle for Your Brain’ Waged by Western Militaries

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - flofrog - 04-02-2022

(04-01-2022, 04:59 PM)IndigoSalvia Wrote: From the most recent channeling of Quo (

Quote:The primary difference between this thought-battle and what you may experience in third density known as war, and the concept of bellicosity, is an attitude available to those of fourth density that allows these entities to see the Creator within those whom they are defending against. And thus, the actions that they take are based primarily within the green ray of universal love—that love being manifested as protection against enslavement and the preservation of free will.

Quo indicates that it is not likely, but possible, for 3D entities engaging in battle to do so with an attitude of unity. 

Quote:And when bellicosity finds itself manifest within the third density, there is much more catalyst for the third-density entity to work with in terms of discovering the heart of self and how love has been blocked, how conditions have been raised because of the illusion of separation and its strength within the third density. It is through this illusion, and through the ways that it manifests in response to things like bellicosity, that such circumstances, as dire and significant as they are within the third density, may hold the key to opening of the heart and of discovering a higher nature of service to others for the positive individual.

I consider how war -- not just this current war, but also many forms of interpersonal aggression -- highlights blockages within me. When I am able to be silent and pay attention to subtleties, I become aware of prickly little things (thoughts, emotions, energies) that perhaps, would not otherwise surface. Prickly little things that are uncomfortable for me. I suppose it is an honor/duty to look at these uncomfortable things as they surface, and consciously choose from many options.  

How have you noticed things -- perhaps long-forgotten or buried things, or seemingly unrelated things -- surfacing?

I think so too  IS,  it is related often in multiple accounts of war events how soiidarity rises,  extraordinary  kindness acts and sometimes between enemies' nullifying in some ways temporarily the war action, parallel in some way to the buddhist saying that your enemy is your teacher.

my dad was a political/hostage prisoner during WW2  in a camp in Austria, and at the end of the war the German captain would let the door of his office opened at night so my dad with two friends could listen to the bbc radio and learn the progress from D Day.  When the camp was freed by the Americans,  my dad and other prisoners pleaded for the safety of the camp captain who was to be executed, as were the orders at the time, by the liberating army.

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - YinYang - 04-03-2022

Things are never just black & white. Here's an interview with Nina Khrushcheva, the great great-granddaughter of Joseph Stalin's successor, sharing her insights.

Nina Khrushcheva on Putin’s Poisonous Nationalism and a New “New Russia”

Nina Khrushcheva on Putin’s Poisonous Nationalism and a New “New Russia”

The great-granddaughter of Stalin’s successor discusses Ukrainian identity and the lingering wounds of the Cold War.

[Image: 800px-Joseph_Stalin_and_Nikita_Khrushche...0415050622]
Nikita Khrushchev and Joseph Stalin in 1936.

Nina Khrushcheva is a Moscow-born professor of international affairs at the New School, in New York. She is also the great-granddaughter of Nikita Khrushchev, the former Soviet leader famous for denouncing Stalin, enacting liberal reforms, and pursuing a policy of “peaceful coexistence” with the West. Khrushcheva has written several books about Russians and Russian history, including ones on her family, the work of Vladimir Nabokov, and travelling across Russia. I recently spoke by phone with Khrushcheva to hear her thoughts about the ongoing invasion of Ukraine, where her great-grandfather worked extensively. During our conversation, which has been edited for length and clarity, we also discussed the differences between Russian and American nationalism, the changing ways Russian leaders have viewed Ukraine, and what sort of Ukrainian identity may emerge after this war.

How do you think Vladimir Putin’s outlook on the world is similar or different from past Russian leaders?

I remember at the beginning when Putin became President, early on, I was saying that he is horrible for Russia, and he’s perfect for Russia. He’s perfect for Russia in a sense that he channels the Russian inferiority complex with regard to the West, but he also channels a superiority complex, because, at the same time, Russia is a giant piece of land. The country produced incredible works of art, contributed to world affairs, not always in a good way, but still was instrumental to victory in World War Two, and so on. He channels this split-personality disorder and assured the Russians that their place on the world stage would be recognized and appreciated. Because, as you remember, in the nineteen-nineties, Russia was basically next to the toilet in its own definition of itself, and was the loser in the Cold War. It felt like the West or the United States particularly could do or say anything to Russia or about Russia.

Putin came in and said, I’m going to return you to greatness. He was very welcomed that way, but then the typical part of the Russian leader is that, unfortunately, returning to greatness more often than not comes with a body count. He was welcomed as somebody who made Russia respected. And the word “respect” in the Russian language is in relation to others, so if you respect me, it means a lot. But respect comes with fear. There’s even a saying that is, basically, “Somebody’s afraid of me; that means that he respects me.” In this sense, Putin is typical, though obviously it took quite a long road, twenty-two years, to get to where we are today. I didn’t know it would end this badly.

One of the fascinating things about Russian leaders of the past hundred years is that you have Stalin and his Georgian origins, and Leonid Brezhnev came from a family in what is now Ukraine. I know your family came from very close to what’s now the Russian-Ukrainian border, and had some Ukrainian connections. Can you talk about the way in which Russian nationalism has incorporated people from these different areas, and how you understand that?

Well, the Soviet Union was, of course, a collection of nations. Putin whines that the Soviet leaders lost parts of the great Russian Empire - these territories, whether self-proclaimed or not self-proclaimed republics. All these republics where people were rising. That’s the whole point of the proletarians of the world uniting - that people were rising from local Bolshevik organizations, and so that’s with Stalin coming from Georgia, and Brezhnev. They were a whole bunch of Ukraine-related party functionaries or Communist Party leaders. One of them was Khrushchev, although he was Russian by origin. He spent a lot of years in Ukraine and was in charge of Ukraine’s Communist Party for many years. But before him, there was a Communist of Polish origin who was in charge of Ukraine.

It was in this sense a dream of Lenin and Marx. Lenin, particularly, wrote in one of his works that every maid should learn how to rule the state. The maids could have come from everywhere, from Georgia, from Armenia, from Ukraine, but what’s important, I think, to further push your question, is that people with connections to Ukraine seemed to have very prominent roles in Soviet politics. In fact, Khrushchev was the beginner of it in a sense, because he promoted Brezhnev, who was coming out of Ukraine. In this sense, the Soviet Union had multiethnic representation.

Putin has obviously expressed anger at the way that Soviets allowed a certain degree of autonomy for Ukraine and for other Soviet states. Has this been part of the pitch, too - a certain anger at the amount of power that Ukrainian-origin people had in the Soviet ruling structure?

Ukraine used to be called Malorossiya, which is a “Little Russia.” It was sort of an appendage of Russia. In the sixteen-hundreds, the Cossacks, the traditional warrior polity, which was at the center of what Ukraine is today, attached themselves to the Russians. But they were too independent, too unruly, and Catherine the Great took their independence away. They were an independent polity within the Russian Empire—and she took it away. That’s why Putin loves Catherine the Great so much. She is probably his favorite leader. Interestingly enough, it’s a woman that he finds more important to his own agenda, in a sense. She took that Ukrainian territory, made it Novorossiya, the new Russia, that Putin now wants to reinstate.

Russians always thought of it as a bit of an appendage, and looked down on the “Little Russia,” so to speak. As you know, “Ukraine,” the whole word, means “on the edge”—it’s on the edge of Russia. Of course, all Russian leaders and all Soviet leaders would consider Ukraine or Kievan Rus the beginning of the Russian state, but not necessarily a Ukrainian state in a sense.

But it is important that Kyiv used to be known as the mother of all Russian cities. That’s why it’s so inconceivable that Russians are now bombing the city that they say is their own origin. One of the Russian tsars had a giant monument to Saint Vladimir, the baptizer of Kievan Rus, because it was supposed to represent that proto-state of Russian and Ukrainian. It’s a very close connection. At the same time, all Russian leaders, essentially all Soviet leaders, had very tense relationships with Ukrainians’ desire to be more independent from Mother Russia, from the Kremlin, from Moscow. That certainly goes into Putin’s calculations, that you used to be smaller, and now you are basically what Poland used to be during the Soviet Union. It was the last line of Western defense, so now Ukraine is the last line of defense. Of course, Putin is very angry about it.

How did your great-grandfather and people in your family talk about Ukraine?

He loved Ukraine. He thought Ukraine was special. The Russians have a word for Ukrainians, which is khokhol, sort of slightly disdain for them, which is that tuft of hair on the Cossack’s head. My mother told me many times that he would be very, very angry when he heard it. He would say, “You can’t call people like that. The Ukrainians are not lesser than the Russians, they are not little Russians.” One time, he almost lost his job, or maybe even his life in ’46 or ’47, when he, as they used to say in the Soviet Union, went national. He started supporting some national Ukrainian causes when he was the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine, and Stalin didn’t like it. He sent another flunky to basically eliminate Khrushchev for being too national, too Ukrainian national.

Khrushchev survived, but there were tensions that he was too much in love with the Ukrainian nation. During the war, he even promoted Ukrainian nationhood. Stalin was very, very mad at him for that.

You commented recently that your great-grandfather, Nikita Khrushchev, never would have done what Putin is doing in Ukraine today.

I don’t think he would have done it because, after World War Two, when the war was over, he raised Ukraine from the ashes. He rebuilt it into a republic. He rebuilt Kyiv. He built this main road. It existed, but he made it very Soviet-beautiful. The main road was called Khreshchatyk, the main prospect. Seeing that one Kremlin leader rebuilt it, and another one is ordering to bomb it—I think for him it would be an inconceivable concept.

Ukrainians might say that Khrushchev was the same as the rest of them, and maybe he was. The unification between east Ukraine and west Ukraine even happened in 1939, under him. But I’m sure he was not collecting stamps there. I mean, I know he wasn’t collecting stamps there. He was quite brutal, I’m sure, in that unification. But destroying Ukraine because it didn’t fall on its knee? I don’t think he would. He loved that country way too much. He was Russian, but he always tried to speak Ukrainian, which of course my Ukrainian great-grandmother was always upset about, because she said that his Ukrainian wasn’t good enough to be pronounced and spoken in public.

You talked about the way Russia felt like it was not treated as an equal by the United States, especially after the end of the Cold War, thirty-plus years ago. A lot of the conversation has been about NATO expansion and what role, if any, that played in Putin’s current actions. Do you think that there was a different way generally that the United States should or could have talked to Russia and Russian leaders that would’ve been useful and helpful?

Well, I got to the States in ’91, so, even before the Soviet Union collapsed, I actually got to graduate school, not as an immigrant but just as a graduate student, and it wasn’t pleasant. I can tell you that Americans would always remind you that they won the Cold War. You handle it. I was very lucky in my life. I was the last research assistant to George Kennan, who designed the policy of containment. In 1997, he was writing letters to Strobe Talbott, who was at the time the Deputy Secretary of State, saying that Russians wouldn’t look at the expansion favorably. It will affect their politics, their policies. He showed me those letters himself, and discussed them at great length with me, and said that Russians wouldn’t want to be undermined this way. I agree, and I think it could have been done differently. In my experience, once again - you’re writing for The New Yorker, so I’m supposed to be very politically correct here, but I’m still going to say it.

No, no, it’s great.

I’ve never seen America be a gracious victor, because once it wins, it just jumps on your grave like there is no tomorrow; even the dead bodies would come out with anger. So yes, it was not a gracious winner, and being the only superpower only added to an American sense of superiority, which certainly influenced the Russian approach. I’m not taking away from Russia’s own responsibility, its own horrendous anti-American rhetoric because it was a loser. It just basically maligns the winner, and America as a winner maligns the loser. They are mirror images in a sense.

But whatever provocation Putin might have felt with the United States or from the United States - and from Joe Biden calling him a murderer, in particular - there is absolutely no justification, excuse, or validation to decide to bomb a nation. Whatever he may have felt that NATO did, it doesn’t matter anymore because there’s still no reason to bomb Ukraine.

I think also the NATO argument or the sort of ungracious-victor argument can be read two ways. You could say it had an effect on Putin, making him crazier or more likely to lash out—

Militant, militant.

Or you could say regardless of its effect on Putin, it had an effect on the Russian population, which made them more amenable to Putin-like rhetoric, which I think are slightly different things.

Yeah, and I’d say that’s very well put. It could be, but let’s take the French. They’re not particularly enamored with America, either, and yet, they get upset and then Emmanuel Macron or Jacques Chirac or whatever, slightly disdainfully, still talks to all American Presidents and remains cordial. There are other ways of sophisticated behavior, and unfortunately the Russian leadership never or rarely exhibits it. That’s why, even if this argument may exist - and I kind of don’t disagree with this particular train of thought - once again, whatever is done to you, be better. Don’t be worse.

Given your descriptions of Putin—his nationalism, his militancy—how should people be thinking about ways to end this conflict, or off-ramps for him?

I think that this time is gone, but until February 22nd, there was a possibility, which unfortunately wasn’t taken, because now [Volodymyr] Zelensky has said, We’re less interested in nato. We would like to be more part of the European Union. We would like to be neutral. All this could have been done by February 22nd. But, at that time, everybody was too much dug in to give the Russians an off-ramp. I firmly believe that that moment was there. What I know from, for example, the Cuban missile crisis—of which, of course, Khrushchev was a major participant - is that, you think you’re going to push and your opponent is going to blink. Then you push and your opponent doesn’t blink. What do you do with that?

It seems to me that the United States was pushing and nato was pushing and Putin wasn't blinking. Then Putin himself was pushing and America wasn’t blinking, and so they got to this point. I don’t know if there is any off-ramp anymore, because it does seem that, at this point, Putin feels like he really has nothing to lose, except for going further and going deeper. I’m sure you know that all they do is say it’s all going according to plan and it’s all hunky-dory in Ukraine, but in Russia itself, the environment is really nearing 1937 with the Great Purges, where you cannot say anything. You cannot think anything. People are just walking the streets and they’re stopped by police. I know people who have been stopped randomly and asked to show their phones and had their messages searched. The last time I was in Moscow, in January, you wouldn’t even imagine anything like that. There were police, but you couldn’t imagine anything like that. In this sense, it seems to me that it’s just really getting into an absolute dictatorial state in which they feel that they have to pull their own Iron Curtain on themselves.

I don’t really know if there is an off-ramp, except just one last thing, maybe Xi Jinping, because Putin has to rely on Xi Jinping to somehow survive. But it’s not in the Chinese interest to stop this conflict for Putin, because, of course, Xi Jinping is having a great time right now because everybody is looking at him. Everybody wants his help.

You have described the Russian-Ukrainian relationship very well. It seemed like even up to several years ago, in parts of Ukraine, especially in the east, in Crimea, which used to be part of Ukraine, there was some real pro-Russian sentiment among the population, even if it wasn’t a total majority or something. It’s hard to imagine now that there is nearly as much, and I’m wondering if you think that, however this turns out, Putin has firmly shifted the Ukrainian-Russian relationship in some way, that there is going to be a real break and a new sense of Ukrainian nationhood.

Absolutely. I actually think it already happened after 2014. Crimea is pro-Russian. Crimea was Russian until 1954. It is considered a fluke that it became Ukrainian and just never wanted to be Ukrainian, and that’s not all Russian propaganda. Of course, it was illegal to annex it, but most of them do feel Russian. But by the same token, of course, the Ukrainians were never, for many, many years, enamored with the Russians, because they wanted to be independent.

There was once a closer relationship with Russians. A lot of people worked in Russia because it had much better economic conditions. There were families where a lot of people had dual passports. I think that’s over because now Ukraine is going to be absolutely Ukraine. When Putin says the West is making Ukraine anti-Russian, he did more to make Ukraine anti-Russian than any American propaganda ever possibly could, because you can’t bomb a nation into loving you. It’s just something that’s never worked, and how they thought that Ukraine could be bombed to be close to Russia is just beyond me. I think Ukraine now, as a nation, is stronger than ever.


RE: 12/21/2012: David Wilcock, Harvest, Ra, New Age Gurus. What does it all mean? - Diana - 04-05-2022

I think people are searching for truth, and it reminds me of this quote:

"Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it. — Blaise Pascal

The idea of free will is very much a part of the Confederation and Ra material. Free will equates to freedom. Without truth, how can there be freedom? There is also the idea of acceptance. Acceptance in my view does not mean giving into that which one does not agree with. One may not agree with war but accept that it is part of this world at this time; this does not mean one would then fall into the ideology of war. It's the underlying concept of division, separation, lack of acceptance (in a tribal fashion which would include profiteering) and compassion that drive war, and one can accept as an observer that humanity is still in this general consciousness.

The real separation that is facing us, as far as I can tell, is not Russia vs. Ukraine (although I do not in any way mean to diminish the suffering of any country engaged in war); rather it is the global powers vs. the citizens of this planet being controlled by them (basically STS vs. STO). The story is one country vs. another, or democracy vs. other regimes, but I think it is easily seen that that is BS (one look at the US and its history of covert military involvements and resource manipulation of poor countries exposes that convoluted mess). 

There may be a balance between focusing on how to help suffering and understanding what help is, as in the Ra quote below. To gain that rarified balance, one may be seeking truth in the morass, or maelstrom, of the current human condition, especially in these times of massive censorship and propaganda.

Quote:Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. To a mind/body/spirit complex which is starving, the appropriate response is the feeding of the body. You may extrapolate from this.

On the other hand, however, you are correct in your assumption that the green ray response is not as refined as that which has been imbued with wisdom. This wisdom enables the entity to appreciate its contributions to the planetary consciousness by the quality of its being, without regard to activity or behavior which expects results upon visible planes.

RE: The current Ukraine crisis... - IndigoSalvia - 04-05-2022

(04-05-2022, 10:26 AM)Diana Wrote: I think people are searching for truth, and it reminds me of this quote:

"Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it. — Blaise Pascal

The idea of free will is very much a part of the Confederation and Ra material. Free will equates to freedom. Without truth, how can there be freedom? There is also the idea of acceptance. Acceptance in my view does not mean giving into that which one does not agree with. One may not agree with war but accept that it is part of this world at this time ... 

Upon reading the bolded question, I explored what my own personal concept of truth is. And, I'm curious about others' concepts of truth. 

I have two sets of truths (that I can see at this moment). 
  • One is a many-layered truth that I have synthesized and cultivated as I walk: my 3D truths, or deeply-ingrained narratives. It's probably like my personality, my MBS as it has evolved in this incarnation. 
  • The other is what I have learned from the channelings: Love, unity and infinity is the truth ... in each moment, we are creators and creation by way of manifesting and expressing our thoughts, feelings, energies. 

Reconciling these truths, for me, can be a bit lofty and intangible as I walk through this catalyst-rich, veiled 3D world. Here, I see that our individual truths vary greatly, and thus, manifest a diverse creation ... a creation that we each, as creators, contribute to. 

Together, our collective truths create a planetary-wide tapestry: all of our different threads weaving together. This notion leads me to another point you make. 

(04-05-2022, 10:26 AM)Diana Wrote: The real separation that is facing us, as far as I can tell, is not Russia vs. Ukraine (although I do not in any way mean to diminish the suffering of any country engaged in war); rather it is the global powers vs. the citizens of this planet being controlled by them (basically STS vs. STO).

I tend to agree: we are stepping out of a personality which identifies us as a citizen of (and allegiance to) one country or another; and perhaps into a broader personality which identifies us as a citizen of the universe, or cosmos. The boundaries - the once-clear categories that define one group from another group - may be starting to dissolve. As these boundaries dissolve, there is a much broader sense of family. 

When I see myself as a member of this vast family of beings (upon and beyond this Earth), my perspective shifts. I see that I truly can not change any of my family members' perspectives, I can only love each of us as we are, where we are. 

This is where I see my true power being: in loving each and all of us exactly as we are, warts and all. If an opportunity arises before me to 'feed a starving person' (or help in physical ways), I will certainly attempt to do so since we are of 3D. 

But there is much suffering beyond my physical abilities to help. And, here I have encountered powerlessness ... and its opposite, powerfulness. I find that love is my greatest 'power'. Expressing love in meditation, visualization, quiet intention is the most accessible and greatest gift I can give. 

And, I see this sharing of love playing out on many small stages within our daily lives. And the big stage - the global power stage - is lessening in its presence in our hearts and minds.