Why are newer channelings important? - Printable Version

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Why are newer channelings important? - tadeus - 05-05-2022

The newest channeling (April 13, 2022) contains the question of this thread. Cool
Reading it is somehow funny and estonishing at the same time, because this question has been adressed to Q'uo and not to the readers of the channelings. Wrote:Gary
Q'uo, our website,, indicates that new channelings get much more traffic than older channelings. I assume that readers think that the more current channelings will be more relevant or important, that newer equals better; maybe they even harbor the notion that the Confederation has updated their message over the years. Outside of any differences in the abilities of instruments, are newer channeling somehow "better" or more pertinent than older channelings? Can you speak to the dynamic and difference, if any, between current and past channeling transcripts?

I am Q'uo, and am aware of your query my brother. It is an interesting query.
Yet, there are so many who are not aware of this consciously at all. And yet, there are energies of the subconscious nature. The unconscious guides, the higher self that point out various opportunities in the daily round of experience that any seeker may be able to become aware of and utilize in the spiritual journey. As this occurs more and more frequently for the conscious seekers of truth, the questions that are asked, such as this question, become more, shall we say, particularized or advanced along a certain train of thought—the spiritual path of each seeker.

Each has the continuing questions of how this journey may be undertaken, how to utilize catalyst more efficiently, how to be more of service in every breath one takes and every step one takes. There is a great conscious swelling of interest. A bubbling up of those pre-incarnated choices that are now becoming known, in some fashion consciously, to those who have been on the spiritual path for a good deal of what you call time. As these more experienced seekers of truth encounter layer upon layer of knowledge concerning their spiritual journeys of service to the One Creator in all, then the questions become more relevant and give them an opportunity to refine their understanding and practice of being of service to others.

Yes, thank you Q'uo for the response to the previous instrument. It's sufficiently intriguing that I want to spontaneously follow the same line of thought. First, by sharing a little bit about what prompted that question. Seeing that readers tend to go to the new channelings is a bit saddening to me because there are a plenitude of gems and riches in channelings of decades past, particularly thanks to the superlative abilities of the one known as Carla. I find that she was able to give a depth and a soaring height to the Confederation's message that is, to me, infinitely inspiring.
So I grokked from from your channeling through the previous instrument that there can indeed be a progression of your channeling from fundamentals, to building on the fundamentals, to moving into advanced concepts, particularly as the humans to whom you are speaking and channeling themselves become more advanced in their understanding and refine their questions and so forth.
Yet, at the same time, isn't there much to your message that is eternal, that is the same now as it was in the 1980s, as it would have been in 6,000 years ago? Isn't much of the third-density journey and making the Choice of service to self or service to others timeless? Isn't much of your job to creatively repackage, so to speak, those same fundamental principles of spiritual evolution and new permutations? Can you speak to this please?

We appreciate this further questioning upon this topic. For this exploration and reiteration of this theme allows us to speak in a deeper sense and more freely, releasing some bounds of what is known as the Law of Confusion.
We find innate within your query a very rich and potent, what may be called, or perceived as, paradox, particularly relevant to the third-density experience, that is the notion that what all seekers are seeking—and what we of the Confederation of Planets in Service to the One Infinite Creator wish to illuminate through instruments such those within this circle—is indeed eternal. It is indeed infinite, and it is indeed all part of the One Infinite Creator.
It follows a certain logic that whatever may be spoken to in this seeking will be pointing towards that eternal principle, the eternal nature of that which is being sought. Yet, the seeming paradox lies in the necessity of the third-density mind to grapple with this illusion that shields the truth of this eternity from the seeker within the third density.

At the risk of violating the law of confusion (of L/L Research), here is my petty opinion on the matter:  Angel

I agree to Gary that there are so many channelings out there with a plenitude of gems and riches in the history.
But each channeling has an individual quality of time and there are always much (actual) informations between the lines, not only as an direct answering to the question.
Additional there is a different style of asking questions with a different emphasis on the themes over the time.
This has already been reflected in the Thread The quality of questions for Confederation Sources Asked by LLR.

Therefore, it is important to deal with both - the timeless issues and to include the current changes in the world, as these move people and have a great impact on individual development.

RE: Why are newer channelings important? - Diana - 05-05-2022

I find this interesting and not surprising.

I think you make good points about the way questions are asked and what may be inferred. There is so much chaos, difficult catalyst, and global unrest in today's world that perhaps more  people than ever are looking for answers to present-day challenges. More recent channelings may seem to someone looking to cope as though they are more appropriate. This may be because these people have not yet opened to deeper or a wider spectrum of truths that are more universal and timeless, rather than answers to surviving the present or immediate future. 

Still, in reading any of the confederation channelings, the core principles will be seeding consciousness.

RE: Why are newer channelings important? - Loki - 05-05-2022

Personally I search based on topics and I browse from beginning to the end on a certain topic trying to put all facets together and hopping for a better picture on that topic. Time is of no essence.

Also I find that is easier for me to read from a certain source. With Oxal for example I resonate more than Latwii. All say the similar things but the way how they say them makes a difference.

RE: Why are newer channelings important? - tadeus - 05-06-2022

(05-05-2022, 11:25 PM)Loki Wrote: Personally I search based on topics and I browse from beginning to the end on a certain topic trying to put all facets together and hopping for a better picture on that topic. Time is of no essence.

Also I find that is easier for me to read from a certain source. With Oxal for example I resonate more than Latwii. All say the similar things but the way how they say them makes a difference.

Yes - i organize relevant content in my private wiki.

That's the reason i already suggested an public wiki more then one time, but without resonance.

RE: Why are newer channelings important? - tadeus - 05-06-2022

(05-06-2022, 04:23 AM)Quincunx Wrote: The one thing I like about all the channelings is that it is more direct than interpreting dreams. I can ask members of the confederation directly about anything. The problem is that my dreams are not direct responses therefore I have to interpret what the answer could be. On top of which I have found it next to impossible to verify what I interpreted.

Dreams are an very foggy answer from time/space.
I agree that Q'uo is really blessing to get informations though the veil in a direct way.

RE: Why are newer channelings important? - unity100 - 05-06-2022

Quote:The newest channeling (April 13, 2022) contains the question of this thread. Cool
Reading it is somehow funny and estonishing at the same time, because this question has been adressed to Q'uo and not to the readers of the channeling.

Newer channeling would get more traffic compared to older channeling because search engines have a tendency to prioritize new content over the old content. This is a known problem in the publishing and blogging spheres.

RE: Why are newer channelings important? - Sacred Fool - 05-06-2022

(05-06-2022, 12:24 PM)tadeus Wrote: That's the reason i already suggested a public wiki more than one time, but without resonance.

First, thanks for posting this Q'uo Q&A.  Second, there has been some resonance for the public wiki idea.  I'm in favour of it and Asolsut-something-something  proposed it numerous times, as well as yourself.  One problem with this is that LLR does not possess a bias in favour of helping people search the material, except by publishing its own guides.  (1) The website is owned by Tobey Wheelock because he did the work on it, not LLR.  (2) To my knowledge, there is no easy way to search to "other conscious channelings" on the site.  Ergo, if you're new to all this, how can you do what Loki, Tadeus and myself do, namely, search the sessions by key word?  Unless you've stuck around the forums for years, how would know about the pdfs?  I'm not saying LLR's bias is good or bad, just that is exists.

Now, if you go to and click on channeling and archives, all of the sample sessions offered are of recent vintage.  So, if they're pointing people to recent sessions, then what's so strange about people reading them?  As to why visitors don't go back in time, some might find 50 years of sessions a tiny bit intimidating.  Where to begin?  So maybe they begin at the present and leave off after a few transcripts?  Additionally, many people might hope that current sessions would be germane to current political events, which seems a reasonable guess.

Do the older sessions have a different flavour compared to the newer ones, as Gary suggested when he referred to Carla's ability to channel?  Well, here's a line or two from the session which inspired this thread with Austin channeling.  What does this tell you?

April 13, 2022 Wrote:We encourage this instrument for he is feeling somewhat inadequate to the task of this evening and affirm that our thoughts were captured and presented with some accuracy. And [we] relieve him of his service for this evening as we transfer this contact to the one known as Trisha. We are those of Q'uo.

This tells me that the quality of the work is variable, in part being influenced by the experience and dedication of each individual channel.  Further--and perhaps more importantly--the quality of the group plays a large role in the quality of the contact.  I recently came across a session where Hatonn or Q'uo said that each time a new member joins the group, if that person is not as dedicated a seeker as the others, then they lesson the intensity of their message so as to not infringe on the newcomer.  Now, with their gaining a bunch of internet readers, what do you suppose that might mean?

Finally, there's the matter of the quality of the questions, which is discussed in the thread referenced in the OP of this thread.  in short, my view is as follows.  L/L Research began as a small band of seekers (whose members would come and go over time) and it was not then a dedicated administrative enterprise.  This has changed to where publishing is the main concern and--in my opinion only--the seeking is done on the leftover time rather than being the most burning concern.  Whereas in the early sessions where Prof. Don Elkins was a key player--as well as Carla Rueckert--the intensity of the seeking might have been much more upfront than it is today.  Again the intensity of the seeking, along the consequent ardour of the queries, are fundamental to increasing the quality of the contact.

Is this a bad thing?  I'd say not.  The work continues.

By way of an illustrative contrast, if anyone is interested, this is a link to channeling done by a LLR breakaway group wherein the seeking is upfront and the administrative culture is incidental. I find it poignant. (You may either read or listen.)

RE: Why are newer channelings important? - tadeus - 05-07-2022

(05-06-2022, 11:27 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote: One problem with this is that LLR does not possess a bias in favour of helping people search the material, except by publishing its own guides. 

(1) The website is owned by Tobey Wheelock because he did the work on it, not LLR.
(2) To my knowledge, there is no easy way to search to "other conscious channelings" on the site.  Ergo, if you're new to all this, how can you do what Loki, Tadeus and myself do, namely, search the sessions by key word?
Unless you've stuck around the forums for years, how would know about the pdfs?  I'm not saying LLR's bias is good or bad, just that is exists.

Another problem is that LLR explicitly have the copyright on the channelings (that's of course understandable).
So without an explicit granting to use the texts, it is not possible to open an own public Wiki like
For each translation of the texts an additional granting of the authors is needed.

A full-text search within the channeling texts has only useful results, when the keyword is not to generic and produces tons of hits.

Specially the channelings ouside of Ra are not numbered and categorized, so here can be done an really enhancement of the content.

(05-06-2022, 11:27 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote: Finally, there's the matter of the quality of the questions, which is discussed in the thread referenced in the OP of this thread.  in short, my view is as follows.  L/L Research began as a small band of seekers (whose members would come and go over time) and it was not then a dedicated administrative enterprise.  This has changed to where publishing is the main concern and--in my opinion only--the seeking is done on the leftover time rather than being the most burning concern.  Whereas in the early sessions where Prof. Don Elkins was a key player--as well as Carla Rueckert--the intensity of the seeking might have been much more upfront than it is today.  Again the intensity of the seeking, along the consequent ardour of the queries, are fundamental to increasing the quality of the contact.

Is this a bad thing?  I'd say not.  The work continues.

As you have find out and i already have written there are different qualities by the time and channeling members.

For my part i can only say that everything is good as it is, but i would say that the practice is now very conservative opposite to Carla and Don.
It seems that a deepening of old questions and themes is preferred with a smaller focus of themes then in the history of LLR.

Thanks for the Link to

RE: Why are newer channelings important? - IndigoSalvia - 05-08-2022

(05-06-2022, 12:24 PM)tadeus Wrote:
(05-05-2022, 11:25 PM)Loki Wrote: Personally I search based on topics and I browse from beginning to the end on a certain topic trying to put all facets together and hopping for a better picture on that topic. Time is of no essence.

Also I find that is easier for me to read from a certain source. With Oxal for example I resonate more than Latwii. All say the similar things but the way how they say them makes a difference.

Yes - i organize relevant content in my private wiki.

That's the reason i already suggested an public wiki more then one time, but without resonance.

I also hop from topic to topic, all over the place, or I randomly pick a date and read. It's fun for me to randomly pick and see what treasures I find. 

I've tried organizing my notes with varying success: one session can touch on 10 different topics. 

The way each of us approaches and navigates the material likely varies from person to person, as our resonances lead us this way and that.

RE: Why are newer channelings important? - Louisabell - 05-09-2022

(05-06-2022, 11:27 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote: Now, if you go to and click on channeling and archives, all of the sample sessions offered are of recent vintage.  So, if they're pointing people to recent sessions, then what's so strange about people reading them?  

That was my first go-to thought. There are a few quick links of new sessions on the main page and conscious channeling page. None for those channeled sessions by Carla, for instance. A bit of digging is needed to go into previous years. Actually I have been checking in on the newer channelings because Austin said in an interview something about Jim's channeling/meditation circle opening back up again to the public. I am yet to see it, but I was anticipating reading the energetics of opening the space up to the community, with perhaps the addition of some budding new channelers.

(05-06-2022, 11:27 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote: Finally, there's the matter of the quality of the questions, which is discussed in the thread referenced in the OP of this thread.  in short, my view is as follows.  L/L Research began as a small band of seekers (whose members would come and go over time) and it was not then a dedicated administrative enterprise.  This has changed to where publishing is the main concern and--in my opinion only--the seeking is done on the leftover time rather than being the most burning concern.  Whereas in the early sessions where Prof. Don Elkins was a key player--as well as Carla Rueckert--the intensity of the seeking might have been much more upfront than it is today.  Again the intensity of the seeking, along the consequent ardour of the queries, are fundamental to increasing the quality of the contact.

These claims that LLR's profitable publishing activities have now taken centre-stage weighs on a heavy heart, especially being that I find validity in the claim. Indeed it is a niggling truth that I couldn't keep ignoring in the end. The audiobooks that have taken much of LLR's administrative time appear to exist behind a paywall. The webpage linked to on LLR's page spruiks Audible's 30 day trial period where those signing up (with their payment details) get a free credit for one book. I've been notified of this free trial by other content creators more times than I can count... affiliate marketing programs are known to have that effect. When I borrow audiobooks from my public library, I don't have to pay for them. The case for selling hardcopies of books has always been more understandable because of printing costs, but I find digital content existing behind a paywall to be much less palatable.

The 40th anniversary box set of the Law of One is a lovely looking set of books, for sure. The commercial publisher no doubt did market research to ascertain that their investment into this project would pay off, probably on the backs of the likes of Corey Goode and David Wilcock. Goode's sensationalist presentations on Gaia TV which reference the LOO created such a buzz surrounding our sixth density alien friends a few years ago. In any case, the marketing team of the publishing company was right about it paying off, it sold very well. So well that LLR is meeting with this publisher to collaborate on additional potential projects.  And yet it took years after the box set release for significant, alignment changing typos to be caught. Did anyone even read these pretty books?! Well evidently one person did, thankyou to that reader!

LLR have said that the publisher has been "responsibility-taking", which sounds to me that they have a good customer service department. Not sure how LLR have taken any responsibility in this situation though. I'm assuming thousands of copies have sold and are circulating in the public based on the profit takings reported. LLR and the publisher may have halted sales, yet not sure how they will manage sales of these books that are being advertised directly from and other businesses. Looks like it's now out of their hands.

We all make mistakes, no one is saying LLR need to be perfect, but there is significant sentiment that LLR's continuing legitimacy (for many generations to come, as they say) is based on the claim of being humble and devote guardians of the material. Indeed our modern day copyright laws seem to do most of the heavy lifting in this regard, yet are commercially led decisions compromising the rest of the equation? My question is why would LLR choose to reprint an older version of the Law of One for their stylised box set when they had a relistened version that was more complete, accurate and contained additional commentary from Carla and Jim? Was it because a portion of the royalties had to be paid to those outside the administration for the unpaid work done on the relistening project? I wouldn't know for sure, but I know what I would have chosen to do with the understanding I have. 

The truth of the matter is, if LLR was operating in my neck of the woods (Australia) I doubt they would have been able to hold onto their nonprofit status at this point. Receiving tax deductible donations does elevate an organisation in the eyes of the public and the law. Their claim to regular community engagement (mainly being their "community site" appears to have been essentially discarded. I have been told that the laws surrounding the classification of non-profit are a lot more relaxed in some states of the USA. Needless to say, I feel like a bit of a fool to have volunteered free labour for what I see turning more and more into a commercial enterprise, sadly.

Not to be totally negative here, a saving grace for LLR is that their new hire, whose name is yet to be revealed, (come on, we're all excited to hear who this new addition is  Blush ),  has started up the prison ministry once again. I was genuinely worried why this service would be let go when newer more exciting projects were popping up at the same time.

I've maybe gone off topic now, apologies. 

(05-06-2022, 11:27 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote: By way of an illustrative contrast, if anyone is interested, this is a link to channeling done by a LLR breakaway group wherein the seeking is upfront and the administrative culture is incidental.  I find it poignant.  (You may either read or listen.)

Thanks for the link to this channeling. May you all be well. I leave you now in the love and the fight of the One Infinite Creator (... too soon? Smile )

RE: Why are newer channelings important? - Sacred Fool - 05-10-2022

Greetings in love and light and good things to you, Louise.  I'm so glad to see you returning to this space to share your dedication to truth and love.  Thank you for what you shared. 

From my perspective, it's not such a terrible thing that LLR appears to have shifted form being a mainly seeking organisation in one generation to a mainly publishing organisation in the next because, I'm guessing, after a few more generations, it will balance out to be something more on track with its original intention.  One has to allow for silly deviations along the way.  Surely, that's a reasonable description of my incarnational experience this time around.  This is a crazy world in which to find one's bearings, don't you think?

In my own experience with a non-profit (catastrophic fire related), finances were a constant headache, and I expect LLR's current orientation is a response to this same vexing problem.  (You can't do work without staff and you can't afford staff without payola.)

I can feel your personal pain, though, and you have my full sympathy.  I would now encourage you to accept your folly and that of "the powers that be" (and mine own, for that matter) as the price of admission to this "fun house" experience.  What a nutty carnival this place is, eh?  Better to play in it and stumble than to merely sit on the sidelines and pretend to be a player, wouldn't you agree?

In the end, I would say, it is the degree to which we can delve within and find the resonance of Divinity that matters most, wouldn't you agree?  Learning to attune ourselves to eternity is the true prize at the fair, don't you think?  This act of will and faith will eventually be the light which leads us out from the craziness, I would submit.

RE: Why are newer channelings important? - LeiwoUnion - 05-10-2022

What you say Sacred Fool is of course true, yet it is always sad to see, if you allow this metaphor, an ashram in the mountains be turned into a military fortress, especially if one spent some time there in the past. It might be even wise to do so, looking at the situation and evolution of consciousness around that place, however the devoted monks would still have to move away to stay on their path of devotion. That being said, if these types of feelings arise, it is well to look within with gratitude that a distortion, a working of balance raised its head from the void into awareness. My working is still ongoing regarding this.

RE: Why are newer channelings important? - flofrog - 05-10-2022

As a financier once said, with some flair about the economy, "stocks will fluctuate".. so life will fluctuate, and in the end, intentions are what will prevail Wink

RE: Why are newer channelings important? - Sacred Fool - 05-11-2022

(05-10-2022, 01:15 PM)flofrog Wrote: As a financier once  said, with some  flair about the economy, "stocks will fluctuate"..    so life will fluctuate, and in the  end,  intentions are what will prevail  Wink

Stocks will certainly fluctuate in the near term, and there will be long term trends as well.  For instance, 40 years ago General Motors and General Electric were very solid investments.  Those day are gone.  Intention is a slippery item, I would say.  Perhaps one does not always know what one's underlying intentions are?

(05-10-2022, 04:47 AM)LeiwoUnion Wrote: What you say Sacred Fool is of course true, yet it is always sad to see, if you allow this metaphor, an ashram in the mountains be turned into a military fortress, especially if one spent some time there in the past.

"Military fortress" might be a tiny bit of an exaggeration.  I think of it more like a metaphysical bookstore with us browsing in the aisles and chatting around the table in the back.

The ashram part, though, has some resonance.  Some years ago Jim McCarty owned a rural property and there was an "intention" for people to live there and form a kind of "bring4th" community in the sense of something which might prefigure 4D.  They called it "Camelot" and Carla's (now Jim's) blog continues to bear that name.  How'd that work out?  As I understand it, well, people didn't get along the way the planners hoped they would.  I guess they should have beta tested it on the forms first?

I'm not sure it's the intentions that prevail, personally, but I could be wrong.

RE: Why are newer channelings important? - Louisabell - 05-11-2022

Thank you LeiwoUnion. I resonate with the insight and felt it to be masterfully put.

And thank you Sacred Fool for your warmth and sympathy. It is felt, and appreciated. Thank you for holding space to allow me to say the things that I obviously feel some need in saying at this time. I understand that livelihoods have become dependent on this work generating profit. Yet as the orientation changes, so too does the potential of moral hazard in how an organisation like LLR chooses to utilise the enthusiastic volunteers and donors that come to their door. Namely if that orientation more and more coincidentally supports the protection of certain livelihoods and the advancement of their publishing careers. I have unfortunately seen evidence of questionable decisions regarding this already having been made. I'm guessing that somewhere in my words there is a warning being issued. Whether that warning is heeded for the future is not my burden to bear, most thankfully. 

We may be living in a kind of "fun house", but there is no shortage of opportunity for service here. We're all just trying to find our deepest path, or something like that, and that path is likely to take unexpected twists and turns. I've always found much excitement in moving my spirituality from the theoretical to its application in practice. Perhaps that is a symptom of youthful exuberance, perhaps not. But indeed, there is no disagreement here that all the best rewards are those found in heaven. Smile

RE: Why are newer channelings important? - LeiwoUnion - 05-11-2022

(05-11-2022, 01:39 AM)Sacred Fool Wrote:
(05-10-2022, 04:47 AM)LeiwoUnion Wrote: What you say Sacred Fool is of course true, yet it is always sad to see, if you allow this metaphor, an ashram in the mountains be turned into a military fortress, especially if one spent some time there in the past.

"Military fortress" might be a tiny bit of an exaggeration.  I think of it more like a metaphysical bookstore with us browsing in the aisles and chatting around the table in the back.

Perhaps it is, I just wanted to put something that has likely happened at some point in time. Maybe a better example regarding this situation would be 'border watchtower', 'supermarket', or perhaps 'robotics research center'? In my mind it is all meaningless, however, if it's fortress or whatever else, because they are all the same, energetically speaking when compared to the previous function. That being said, again, as I mentioned in the latter part of my previous message, that previous 'constitution' was also equally meaningless/meaningful, because the true work must be done by the self within, and it can equally well be achieved in whatever situation and environment here on Earth experience at this time. Nostalgia might be the most treacherous poison of wanderers, I wonder.

RE: Why are newer channelings important? - Diana - 05-11-2022

(05-11-2022, 02:14 AM)Louisabell Wrote: We may be living in a kind of "fun house", but there is no shortage of opportunity for service here. We're all just trying to find our deepest path, or something like that, and that path is likely to take unexpected twists and turns. I've always found much excitement in moving my spirituality from the theoretical to its application in practice. Perhaps that is a symptom of youthful exuberance, perhaps not.

I so agree. And, I am not so young, though I too am driven to "moving my spirituality from the theoretical to its application in practice." That, plus experiencing the moment whatever that is, seems to me to be the whole purpose of life (with endless details unfolding within these aspects of living).

The "unexpected twists and turns" indeed are a challenge, and furthermore are inherent in a Wanderer coming here in the first place. Looking in from the outside of this reality is very different I think than being born into it and navigating a 3D world. But, the underlying basic values one has, for example to respect all life or empathy or service to the world, seems to me to be the guidestones (as long as one is still adhering to them consciously and not too derailed from dealing with 3D life), that keep one on a certain path no matter how difficult the challenges become.

(05-11-2022, 02:33 AM)LeiwoUnion Wrote: ...because the true work must be done by the self within, and it can equally well be achieved in whatever situation and environment here on Earth experience at this time. Nostalgia might be the most treacherous poison of wanderers, I wonder.

Yes, the work is done within—seemingly one of the most difficult concepts for the human race and I suppose a basic but huge step in the evolution of 3D consciousness. And yes, it can be achieved in any circumstance, but I will add that each circumstance has its challenges—complacency in good times, and in the hard times very difficult to center oneself upon higher consciousness (for example if a parent has lost a job and cannot feed their family).

Interesting point about Wanderers. I think you are correct. If one has experience—albeit a vague memory or knowing, rather than just imagination—of a more idealistic societal setting, as compared to the situation here of chaos and suffering (not to deny the joy here), then it could lead to a yearning that robs one of actually experiencing and accepting the moment here. By acceptance I don't mean liking it or agreeing with it, rather that one accepts being here and does one's best to navigate this reality without bitterness or longing to be elsewhere, as longing to be elsewhere is not productive for self, others, or the world. However, having this knowing can help to guide one through this reality, and be the touchstone and solace one may be looking for in this world of suffering, rather than wanting to be out of here. I mean no judgment in saying this; I don't blame anyone for yearning for a better place considering how difficult it can be here—I just don't think it serves anyone, and coming back to center (the touchstones) as a daily or periodic (re)commitment is something that helps (me anyway).