Are We Really Here Now to Help? - Printable Version

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Are We Really Here Now to Help? - Sacred Fool - 05-30-2022

People who read this text are on a website containing material appealing to entities who might have some sympathy with Confederation ideology, that is, we might believe that humanity is in great need of help during this time and that we should be helping out.  Are we really doing much in that vein, I wonder?

There is the argument, if one is indeed a wanderer--and who really knows if they are or not?--that simply exuding a passive vibration of higher realms provides some degree of service.  Okay.  I guess that could be something, but in the face of things, it feels to be a meager offering.

Quote:My friends, there is sorrow on top of sorrow in your world. From our vantage point, we see what to you are billions of souls, innocent in their essential nature but lost, completely lost, within their roles, and tormented, therein unable, for the time, to recover the truth of who they are behind the mask, behind the role. In time, this sorrow will transform into a great crying, as your people sooner or later collectively aim their desire and will upon healing, forgiveness, and processing that great pain and trauma that imprisoned a proud people.

Can we do more?  Should we?

I feel we should do more, and I wish this website were more strongly devoted to doing so.  But, naturally, the website is only that which the users choose to make it.  So, that turns the question into, "Could the users of this website choose to focus a portion of our effort on directly offering what we can to assist "billions of lost souls...completely lost within their roles, tormented..." in the process of their healing and discovering their spirit identities which exist alongside their human identities?

Past experience would suggest a negative answer, in that attempts have been made in the past to focus group energy more in similar ways, and these have failed; however, the possibility of an affirmative answer remains.  On the other hand, the time for that change could be now or could be in twenty years' time.  Who can say?

Possibly the first step in that direction would be more discussion of personal efforts to discover "the truth behind the mask, behind the role."  Conversations on this website are more often about largely transient topics or about the multitudinous tribulations attendant with spiritual growth, but maybe more discussion of active personal work could emerge?  These often come up when new entities sign up, announce themselves, tell their stories and fade away, but maybe more sustained discussions about the deepening discovery of spiritual identity could emerge?

Personally, at the rate at which people are now awakening, I expect it will take fewer than 20 years for either this website to evolve in such a manner or for others to take up the mantle of more active assistance to human spiritual developement in concert with Confederation resources.  And to be honest, I don't see the group of us here now suddenly veering off in that direction, but I would be very interested to read how others feel about this.  After all, is not the putative purpose of our being here to help as much as we can in the awakening and healing process?  Or am I missing something?


RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - AnthroHeart - 05-30-2022

I think it was Q'uo that said we're not here to fix it, we're here to love it.

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - Quincunx - 05-30-2022


RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - Diana - 05-30-2022

This is a question often on my mind. The Q'uo quote is very moving.

Regarding this website, I think the content therein tells us that people need to process the amplified catalyst abound in the world now, and that this is a baseline foundation before one can perhaps effectively go out and do more (healing self first). Getting—and maintaining—the energy centers balanced minimally seems to be a good start.


Ra: I am Ra. Few there are of fourth density. The largest number of Wanderers, as you call them, are of the sixth density. The desire to serve must be distorted towards a great deal of purity of mind and what you may call foolhardiness or bravery, depending upon your distortion complex judgment. The challenge/danger of the Wanderer is that it will forget its mission, become karmically involved, and thus be swept into the maelstrom from which it had incarnated to aid the destruction.

Getting swept up the maelstrom seems to me to be more of a challenge than ever. This site at the least, therefore, is a platform within which—and guided by Confederation information—one can do this. In this, I have always felt B4 offers a great service to those who seek here. 

I think that this baseline foundation is best laid before offering direct help to others. I am not sure SF how you envision more direct or helpful guidance or interaction, but I venture to say you are already supplying the stronger devotion to spiritual growth you suggest this site might offer. By introducing the subject matter you post and question, I think you very effectively offer the service of keeping the focus on, or getting back to point, on the deeper matters at play in this troubled but magnificent reality. I am not sure one can do more than this in keeping the focus on deeper discussions, unless one inserts a greater level of control, or perhaps I should say focus (but really, to maintain a tight focus there is the element of control).

It is true that in times past there was less transient discussion. But we are now in a much more troubled and divided world. This is the time we all signed up for one way or another, and there is a lot more chaos and fear and human suffering at present.

So what can we do or what should we do? Stay on point; continue to refocus on the underlying spiritual matter. When posting on any subject, whether it's transient or not, respond from that deeper place. That is what I think we can do here, and what I think you already do on a consistent basis.

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - Sacred Fool - 05-30-2022

(05-30-2022, 03:01 PM)AnthroHeart Wrote: I think it was Q'uo that said we're not here to fix it, we're here to love it.

Good point.  Then it's up to an entity to decide what it is to love the billions.  Should we be passive?  What could we do to be helpful?

(05-30-2022, 03:11 PM)Quincunx Wrote: Coming back to what you are saying that "we" should be doing more. I have a conflict with this because of free will. I would love to tell everyone on this platform about the understanding that I am coming into. And then I see how it could be considered damaging to individuals who have not made it this far in their own understanding. I am not saying that I am above in understanding because honestly I may not know what I am talking about and I may be misinterpreting what I have come to understand.

For myself, I'm trying to make a point of NOT telling others what to do.  In part, as alluded to above, because I do not want the responsibility of trying to fix them.  That's just not my job.

What is stated, however, is that so many, many, many entities are suffering from being unable to see beyond their human roles and connect with the spiritual aspect of their being.  So, how could we help?

My feeling is that we could best help by showing examples--real, personal examples, not theoretical, hypothesised ones--of what that looks like.  In other words, create threads about how we get in touch with Spirit or our own spirit complex, what we do when we get in touch and so forth.  And further, we could tie such things in with Confederation teachings to give people a larger handle to grab onto, as it were.

That said, I take Q's point about a general reluctance to share personal stuff like that with anyone and everyone.  But maybe if we take one step, that will be followed by further steps?  I'm not holding any hidden cards here.  I'm just brainstorming.

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - Quincunx - 05-30-2022


RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - IndigoSalvia - 05-30-2022

I often question myself: what can I do here and now to "help" in this situation? where do I see love in this situation?

It comes back to a loving, accepting place of spirit. I find that often the most loving, accepting "thing" I can do is truly listen to and see others and meet them where they are, which may include physically doing something for/with them, but not necessarily.

Are you asking literally what can we "do?" Physically or spiritually or both?

I can get overwhelmed at the suffering and confusion amidst us here on Earth. And even more overwhelmed when I consider solutions (physical and spiritual). Yet, loving is something I can do on a daily basis. Love is empowering and "simple" in this way. (Though not so simple sometimes to put into action and make that conscious choice.)

Making a choice to love is something we can each do within our daily walk through life, any time, any place. One interaction, one moment at a time. Love is so accessible in this way: it is there for the choosing, it doesn't cost any money or require organization, it doesn't require anything really other than a state of being. (Easier said than done, I know.)

Expanding something like this to a group ... is that what you're asking about? Just trying to get a more clear picture of what you/we have in mind.

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - IndigoSalvia - 05-30-2022

(05-30-2022, 01:38 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote: People who read this text are on a website containing material appealing to entities who might have some sympathy with Confederation ideology, that is, we might believe that humanity is in great need of help during this time and that we should be helping out.  Are we really doing much in that vein, I wonder?

There is the argument, if one is indeed a wanderer--and who really knows if they are or not?--that simply exuding a passive vibration of higher realms provides some degree of service.  Okay.  I guess that could be something, but in the face of things, it feels to be a meager offering.

Can we do more?  Should we?

I feel we should do more, and I wish this website were more strongly devoted to doing so.  

(Interrupted before I could finish previous post.) 

What "more" do you have in mind? 

What help is sought? 
What help is offered? 
Is there anything expected in return?

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - Sacred Fool - 05-31-2022

Thank you, Diana & IndigoSalvia for your heartfelt and thoughtful replies.

(05-30-2022, 11:25 PM)IndigoSalvia Wrote: What help is sought? 
What help is offered? 
Is there anything expected in return?

In general terms, what may be sought is (1), as Diana noted, processing of catalyst and (2), to paraphrase the Q'uo group, insight or assistance regarding how to find and feel the Eternal while living out an human incarnation.  (Aren't these the things that those of us who can easily digest the material gain from it?)  That said, what would those who ask for help *actually* be asking for in specific terms?  I don't see that we have any way of knowing that, given that so many new members never post anything and that there is no easy way for them to present their needs.

Two ideas come to mind. 

(i) Perhaps it would useful to create a separate forum for processing personal catalyst (how-to process it, plus unloading one's problems in that regard).  This might make it easier for new members to ask for what they need.  Also, I suspect we could all learn a good deal from knowing specific ways or practices or rituals, etc. others use to do this.  Of course, people have typed much about this over the years, but their suggestions are not collected in one spot as a resource for new members--or for anyone else.

(ii) Bouncing off of the Q'uo passage in the OP, perhaps a forum dedicated to how we connect with spirit would be instructive?  I imagine we could all learn from that.  For my part, I feel this could be very useful, in particular for those who are new to the process of searching within for spirit.  This might also encourage new members to discuss what their needs might be in this regard.  Also, such a forum could be a means where we could encourage one another in our spiritual pursuits.  Again, that sort of happens already, but not in any focused fashion.  I feel this is a topic worthy of special focus.

I know ideas like these have been tossed around before.  Maybe it's time now to reconsider them in light of the interest people are expressing in their posts in this thread?

What can be expected in return?  MORE CATALYST!!  And possibly some more refined and focused catalyst?

PS:  To new members who are reluctant to post, give it a try, if only just once.  We'd like to know, what are you seeking in a Love/Light Research "community forum?"  How may we help you?

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - LeiwoUnion - 05-31-2022 we get in touch with Spirit or our own spirit complex..

How do we, actually?

I try to expand this topic via an example, if you may. 

Consider the way YOU became aware. I remember the immediate path before 'the awakening' moment for me. Back then I was so profoundly moved by my 'reincarnation' into new life of spirituality and The Truth that I had intense desire to share. Of course, I presented that 'immediate path' on a, shall I say, silver platter to some people to give them a possibility to experience what I experienced; this is how things usually go in 3D matters. Things obviously didn't turn out at all like it did to myself.
The path to awareness can take any amount of time and any amount of incarnations. Each path is SO unique it is fruitless in the absolute sense to try to replicate ANY experience. This is what free will actually means in my mind; infringing it means loss of efficiency, hindrance of energy flow, that requires correction or karma. So, how can one help anyone? The only true way actually, slightly paradoxically in 3D sense, is to help oneself. Here, one may start to get the inkling about how one may help oneself properly in a single life's time before the forgetting. How is there ANY possibility to shift focus (truly) outwards to even hope of helping others? Those of Ra resided, in my understanding, in the 5th density time/space of Earth during the channelings, with late 6D intelligence/powers and were happy, if they could reach one with their direct help.
So, is all fruitless then? Time to find a cave?
In my view, of course not. By helping ourselves, in hopefully truly helpful manner, we begin to create the concept complex of the so called 'example'. This 'example' in its most purified form will begin to shift consciousness around that person. This is the pure way to 'help them help themselves', as anyone with positivity in their core of beingness is able to see the value of a (at least somewhat) purified 'example'. This will inevitably spread, and in the ideal case could form waves of awakenings, however this Earth experience has a special trait in 'tainting' or 'dimming' these examples. Those with more power in their, shall I say, spiritual batteries should be more able to 'keep the candles lit' than their lower energy and (often) weaker willed young brethren. It's like whenever you switch the room lights on someone tries to immediately switch them off, so only if you use great will and power you can keep the lights on by keeping your hand on the switch; it can get quite dreary, fast, but it can be done. What did you do to keep the lights on yesterday? Now you have to do it again today.

See you tomorrow, same place, same time, same working. Welcome to The Sorrow.

This is my understanding.

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - Sacred Fool - 05-31-2022

(05-31-2022, 01:53 AM)LeiwoUnion Wrote: This 'example' in its most purified form will begin to shift consciousness around that person. This is the pure way to 'help them help themselves', as anyone with positivity in their core of beingness is able to see the value of a (at least somewhat) purified 'example'.

I agree with you, LU, as far as that goes.  The question I'm asking is, should we merely be passive about it or should we try to do more to help those who come this website seeking ways to deal with catalyst and to grow more efficiently on their own path.  Absolutely, the pathways of growth are highly individualised.  But can those who are more experienced offer some basic assistance--in a deliberately organised fashion--to those who are trying to focus their efforts on finding Divinity within themselves?  Maybe no?  Maybe yes?

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - Quincunx - 05-31-2022


RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - LeiwoUnion - 05-31-2022

(05-31-2022, 02:16 AM)Sacred Fool Wrote:
(05-31-2022, 01:53 AM)LeiwoUnion Wrote: This 'example' in its most purified form will begin to shift consciousness around that person. This is the pure way to 'help them help themselves', as anyone with positivity in their core of beingness is able to see the value of a (at least somewhat) purified 'example'.

I agree with you, LU, as far as that goes.  The question I'm asking is, should we merely be passive about it or should we try to do more to help those who come this website seeking ways to deal with catalyst and to grow more efficiently on their own path.  Absolutely, the pathways of growth are highly individualised.  But can those who are more experienced offer some basic assistance--in a deliberately organised fashion--to those who are trying to focus their efforts on finding Divinity within themselves?  Maybe no?  Maybe yes?

The ironic paradox is that who are 'we' (or anyone) to say that anyone is more experienced than someone else. 

What I try to offer anyone willing to listen, is sparking the trust in one's own intuition, 'gut feeling'. Everyone 'knows' it but cannot really comment on it or handle the concept, because the education system ignores this aspect completely. Those with ears to listen and mouth to call may then stop for a brief moment for the first time in their lives to discern and contemplate their own beingness; it can be seen in the eyes. Then further encouragement of trusting one's own creation, or the life's path, may be offered. This is what I try to do when sitting down with my closed ones and they show signs of calling for aid/empathy/understanding. It's one by one slow progress but might be the only way here without becoming a cult, or 'an enterprise' which is an instant efficiency clog, and is of dubious value at this time in my opinion. The state of consciousness is too disoriented for mass group workings, so the energy is all over the place which increases confusion.

Do you have some directed and organized help ideas that won't end up spiraling into nothingness or distortion? Can you even be sure of yes or no? It is very loving to at least try, but when wisely discerned most of these will stay in potentiation. That being said, some may stay unmanifested, because of the lack of directed will, which is most easily distorted in these 'modern' times. There are no easy answers in this topic.

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - Sacred Fool - 05-31-2022

(05-31-2022, 02:41 AM)Quincunx Wrote: From what I can tell none of them are seeking spiritual understanding right away. I think those who are in need of an answer will figure out how to ask.

That's some interesting research, Quincunx.  I must say, it is odd that so many people would take the trouble of creating a profile and then spend very little here signed in.  My guess is that most of these people are looking for others similar to themselves to chat with and finding that the pool of correspondents here  is quite limited and does not meet their needs, and so they move along.  Fair enough.  I'm not proposing to change that.  However, I think it's too pessimistic to say that *none* of them are seeking spiritual understanding right away.  If there were but a small percentage who are seeking, that would justify reaching out to them, I would say.  And why not?  I'm not suggesting time consuming changes, just simple modifications.

(05-31-2022, 03:21 AM)LeiwoUnion Wrote: Do you have some directed and organized help ideas that won't end up spiraling into nothingness or distortion? Can you even be sure of yes or no? It is very loving to at least try, but when wisely discerned most of these will stay in potentiation. That being said, some may stay unmanifested, because of the lack of directed will, which is most easily distorted in these 'modern' times. There are no easy answers in this topic.

My sense is that your observations are good reasons for proceeding carefully, but not for inaction.  My hope is that through dialogue some definition of what the needs are will emerge.  This may or may not happen.  Regardless, I seem not to be alone in feeling that the resources of this website could/should be employed to some degree to help those seeking spiritual growth.  After all, why did Carla Rueckert & Don Elkins begin channeling decades ago?  Why did they begin publishing what they discovered?  Why should this website be any less dedicated to helping others in their spiritual developement?  Personally, I am not deterred by there being no easy answers.  The coherence of love and the will to serve ought not be underestimated.

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - IndigoSalvia - 05-31-2022

This is just such an intriguing topic and goes hand in hand with Diana's post about healing the world. With so much going on right now (and one could make this same remark about many times in human history), how do we help? Are we doing enough? 

Much wisdom and discernment is called upon when offering help, in my experience, so as not to infringe upon another's journey of seeking. LU raises some good points: each of us has a unique lens and journey. What one person sees as help may be an impediment to another. 

Sometimes the way to get to deeper spiritual matters is through the transient, so transient matters have value. Some of us start at the surface, and then work our way deeper and deeper making connections as we go. Others may start at the "deep end." 

There are so many different paths of seeking, it's hard to know with certainty how to help. That's why I keep returning, in my own journey, to love and acceptance of self/others. It's kind of that multi-function, versatile tool that can be used in any situation. Like duct tape can fix almost anything, perhaps love can too.  Tongue 

That's what I enjoy about this forum: there are often many perspectives presented from our different voices. And these different perspectives may open up someone else's doors. Or, perhaps some doors are not ready to be opened yet and thus, remain closed for the time being. 

Re new members, when they are called to seek further, post, or ask questions, I trust they will do so as they are led to do. I dove in to this forum cuz I was so hungry for Law of One, but there is no one-size-fits-all path. Each will find (or ask for help) in their own way, in their own time.

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - pat19989 - 05-31-2022

(05-31-2022, 09:56 AM)Sacred Fool Wrote:
(05-31-2022, 03:21 AM)LeiwoUnion Wrote: Do you have some directed and organized help ideas that won't end up spiraling into nothingness or distortion? Can you even be sure of yes or no? It is very loving to at least try, but when wisely discerned most of these will stay in potentiation. That being said, some may stay unmanifested, because of the lack of directed will, which is most easily distorted in these 'modern' times. There are no easy answers in this topic.

My sense is that your observations are good reasons for proceeding carefully, but not for inaction.  My hope is that through dialogue some definition of what the needs are will emerge.  This may or may not happen.  Regardless, I seem not to be alone in feeling that the resources of this website could/should be employed to some degree to help those seeking spiritual growth.  After all, why did Carla Rueckert & Don Elkins begin channeling decades ago?  Why did they begin publishing what they discovered?  Why should this website be any less dedicated to helping others in their spiritual developement?  Personally, I am not deterred by there being no easy answers.  The coherence of love and the will to serve ought not be underestimated.

I have to say reading through this thread has been inspiring, just to see such honest conversation. I feel everyone who identifies at all with their spirit/divinity feels a great attraction toward sharing that feeling. 

I agree with LeiwoUnion in much of their sentiments about the deeply personal nature of everyone's path. When I first began to "awake" I had such a zealous spirit to share this newfound perspective with those I love, but the way I expressed myself just did not resonate with their vibration at the time, and I just might have well have been talking to some trees for all I know (no disrespect, I talk with and love trees along with these people I am speaking of). 

I feel that what resonates most closely to the subject of spirit/divinity with people who do not share a conscious "spirituality" is the subject of dealing with pain, trouble sleeping, more "worldly" issues and how I deal with them with a ground in spirit. I feel the most effective way to inspire healing in a more direct way is to share more vulnerably about what we go through as humans. Everyone has pain, and everyone can relate to pain, and pain for me at least was a major gateway to identifying with my spirit. 

Many times I have written long journal entries exploring personal pain, depression, anxiety, human troubles in general, and thought back afterwards, maybe re-read some of the stuff I wrote, and think that if others could read this it could probably help people who deal with the same stuff i.e. everyone. 

Vulnerability by nature is difficult to share with each other, but I feel that is a major part of what is missing on this site. We each have our own spiritual language and it can make it hard to relate to each other when we keep it philosophical, even just by personal vocabulary alone. Not to say the more philosophical discussion on this site does not help, it has definitely widened my perspective greatly at times. But I feel B4th definitely focuses on the masculine form of healing, the rationalization, the explanatory, rather than the feminine form of healing, feeling emotions, allowing life to flow through you without analyzing. 

Part of this is of course the nature of a website, all we have is our keyboards and monitors, but words alone can definitely engender emotional connection. Just thoughts

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - Quincunx - 05-31-2022


RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - Spaced - 06-01-2022

I think one of the most useful services that one on the spiritual path can offer to other seekers is friendship. That is to say, a sort of relationship where both parties feel they can share their thoughts and experiences openly with someone who can hear and understand what they are saying without prejudice.

Many people don't have someone like that in their lives, at least when it comes to spiritual matters. Lots of people just don't want to hear it, and that can be very isolating. It's very hard to go it alone, sometimes we have experiences that are difficult or disorienting and getting an outside perspective can be the key to making sense of it.

In Buddhist tradition there is the concept of "admirable friendships" or Kalyāṇa-mittatā:

As he was sitting there, Ven. Ananda said to the Blessed One,
“This is half of the holy life, lord: admirable friendship,
admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie.”

“Don't say that, Ananda. Don't say that. Admirable friendship,
admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie
is actually the whole of the holy life.”

So the question becomes, how do we cultivate an environment of friendship and non-judgmental sharing? I think part of that is meeting people where they are, rather than where we would want them to be.

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - IndigoSalvia - 06-01-2022

I've been tripping up in my head when I use the word "heal" or "help" other (or self for that matter) because, within me, there is a presumption or condition tied to that word. What rings more true to me (and isn't quite as distorted) is to ask: how can I be with another? Am I being (with other/self) as deeply as I can?

I chose the verb to be because it is the least-distorted verb I could come up with ... to simply be. How can I be with another deeply? And, that is a question that I can walk toward answering, without tripping too much. Each of us can answer it for ourselves.

I hear some of these answers in our posts. Not necessarily expecting healing or helping per se, just being with other/self deeper and deeper.

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - tadeus - 06-02-2022

(05-30-2022, 01:38 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote: Can we do more?  Should we?

No - we can't do more.

When we can't do more how should we?

(05-30-2022, 03:35 PM)Diana Wrote: This is a question often on my mind. The Q'uo quote is very moving.

Yes - it's moving because the situation is moving with the time.

(05-30-2022, 03:45 PM)Sacred Fool Wrote:
(05-30-2022, 03:01 PM)AnthroHeart Wrote: I think it was Q'uo that said we're not here to fix it, we're here to love it.

Good point.  Then it's up to an entity to decide what it is to love the billions.  Should we be passive?  What could we do to be helpful?

We can offer our love and informations.
There is so much confusion and distortion out there, that causes fear and desparation.
An offer of information and love can help to overcome the fear and get on the own way again.

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - Spiritualchaos - 06-02-2022

We feel what we are here to do is very specific.

What gifts do you possess in this incarnation? If one takes the time to know oneself, then those gifts will become obvious to you. Do those gifts, plus the desires and pure emotions you feel, align with something in particular?

We personally feel a strong desire, a pull towards multiple things in this life. We take the time to contemplate, meditate and self reflect on our life, noticing the patterns throughout our life, comparing the situations we placed ourselves in, the people we chose to surround ourselves with, and use that as a guide as to what we are draw to. 

We use this process to do a lot of self discovery to find out where we might be needed. Our gifts are our emotional intuition, empathic nature, ability to love fully and deeply with all of creation, and to ultimately notice patterns through observational skills with the power of intuition. Because of this, we realize we were drawn to a lot of people who need love, who need healing, people who were very lost and in need of guidance.

We are frequently brought into environments that need healing. We have moved 36 times in our life and we feel this is for a reason. We are healing the spaces we live in, before moving on to the next one. The energy in our current space is an excellent example. When we first moved in, the energy was stagnant, heavy, unmoving. And 4 months later, the energy flows nicely, it feels blissful, loving and free. That is what you can do by filling your space with love and laughter. That space is now healed, and if you ever move on, that space will be welcoming and a great comfort to those live there next. This is just a simple, yet equally beautiful way to share your love with the world.

On top of more simple acts of kindness, we also have a very strong desire to do something on a grander scale in order to be of further help to humanity. This is something we are trying to figure out our place in currently, but the desire is also there. We feel like our desires tell us a lot of what we may have designed into our lifetime as goals we have in mind, and experiences with wish to have in order to learn/grow, or we may gravitate towards a general purpose or idea, always with the free wills to choose what potential path we want to go down in response to those desires.

We feel in general, your emotional body is the highest intuition you can experience, when you use the logic of your own mind to keep yourself grounded. Feel from your heart, live from your heart, but with the wisdom to know when and where it’s most appropriate for you, and why you are here and how you may be of help, may come to you with ease and clarity.

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - MrWho - 06-09-2022

This is how I use words to see if someone may be a wanderer or not. At least a 6th density wanderer.

Think of these three words and the way ones energies feel as they exude or contemplate each.


We can be sad for no real reason at all. Or for very mundane reasons. We can be sad because we stubbed our toe on a peice of furniture maybe.

We can feel pitty for others tho it may not always be well received.

Then we can also feel sorrow.

Ra makes a few mentions on sorrow. The brothers and sisters of sorrow come to mind.

Why would they say this? What does it imply?

Sorrow to me is a highly evolved emotion. It is informed, it is empathetic. It is considerate of others circumstances.

Those that express genuine sorrow for others. To me these are highly likely to be wanderers from the 6th density.

They don't come to feel sadness or pitty. They come to express empathy. To litterally be supportive in any and all ways.

There is no limit in the ways in which we can help, small or large.

If one would feel a calling to make a larger more widespread impact then they may not feel satisfied with the seemingly smaller works. Those that happen daily with the other selves we interact with more commonly.

To this all I can say is seek patience. I believe in you.

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - kilaya - 06-10-2022

I am grateful to read this very thoughtful and compassionate thread. I think it is very honorable and beneficial to even ask the question, 'Can I do more?' There may not be a time when that question becomes no longer relevant either because we've ascended so high or the world has stooped so low. I feel like I was born with a desire to serve others but I have learned very painful lessons when my efforts to serve caused me to disregard or discredit my own principles, adopting other's principles in order to create a bridge on which I can walk towards them, meet them where they are and offer them something that they value.

The price each time was very high and minimized what I had left energetically to offer the next time such an opportunity came around. It has been hard for me to fully accept the law of free will and choice that functions on a soul level and all its implications for how to view suffering in this world now and the increased suffering that may be ahead for many. But when I am able to contemplate and accept this principle I lose, not my compassion, but the anxiety I feel around the issue of helping others. It has also helped me to develop a compassionate indifference that is free of anxious fear in regards to all those who resist spiritual laws and continue to choose to act out of greed, lust, aggression and fear. From that place of contented compassion I can remember to keep praying for the welfare of all beings everywhere and still remember to enjoy the bliss of Perfect Loving Oneness.

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - meadow-foreigner - 06-19-2022

Perhaps more structured practices may be what is needed, rather than discussions.

Action that is done and shared as to show a possible way of action before certain common situations, such as the management of expectations of Spiritual and physical life, for instance.

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - Phoenix - 06-22-2022

A lot of reading to do on this thread.

Also, reading it and kind of remembering it brings me to this place of kind of turning around multiple abstract concepts in my head. When you literally have incredibly profound channeling met with another incredibly profound channeling and then a lot of people with also profound thoughts that is a lot. Since each post on its own probably deserves at least half an hours attention.

The general gist though I have taken is two things: A) How do we improve in service? What are we actually meant to be DOING? Which has as a hidden theme within the question, I feel, "How do we get our forms of service to a place of felt effectiveness that includes intensity and movement?" Rather like the Law of One contact itself? B) How do we make the llresearch organisation more useful to members? I am not going to answer this question since the answer to me is obvious.

My answer to this is to try and take a bit of a deeper dive into the way creation works on a very mechanical level. Let me introduce you to another source called 'The human design chart'. While I will not go into the chart itself since this is an L1 forum not a Human Design forum. I will summarise some of what I think are the relevant insights I have had from the chart, and life in general. I have had a lot of thoughts and experiences from reflecting on this wisdom that are almost sacrilegious:

A) We are not individuals. We think of ourselves as individuals but this is not a correct teaching. We are a unit and a group in reality. Or at least the way humanity is best able to work is as a unit or group since the attributes we have do not exist in isolation.

B) The reason a lot of people are existing, the reason the Orange ray exists as such a level of hypnosis, is partly because the species has to carry on existing and the heavy, non thinking, sacral energy of "work and sex" is badly needed even though it often seems kind of pointless from a more spiritual perspective.

C) The amount of confusion people then get from these sorts of behaviours from the orange ray cause a lot of trouble. Often you have someone that has done very crappy things but is too delicate to receive pushback from that behaviour. Karma as such.

For me then, I am a "flashy" person. My service is not in doubt since I intellectually manouever stuff around all the time. I am always under fire. And I bring karma to people. I am someone that is scorned and bullied and attacked. But like some sort of machiavellian person in a cheesy sci fi series I remember every single one of these things, I put it all together and people start to come under fire eventually from me. Perhaps after decades but it does happen.

Why am I mentioning this? Well consider this in relation to the global game. You have a lot of confused people that will not come out of destructive behaviours. You have as part of your spiritual arsenal created another individual that is going to make bring karma against these people. Karma is needed. It is important otherwise they do not change their behaviour. But the people in the surrounding are not doing the flashy thing and stamping down on people they are held in waiting until they are needed. And they will be needed this is certain, and in fact are often daily even when they do not see it. So when people receive karma against their behaviour (and not just from one person, but from the world) they are loved and the blows are just not too hard.

There is a lot more to say about this. There are a lot more subtle individual gifts shown in systems like the human design chart. But there are also certain people that see how the whole thing is working. People like David Wilcock, or Ra Uru Hu, that look at the world and have a system to explain it on a far deeper level. This stuff is rising up against consciousness against people that are really not capable of receiving it.

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - unity100 - 06-25-2022

The main reason that a large part of the wanderers (6d) seem to be here seems to be balancing unharmonious vibrations to reduce conflict and even more physical things like the planet 'overheating', ending up in quakes etc.

This is something that happens without doing anything, indeed. This type of wanderer just sucks the unharmonious energies just by existing in a society and processes them. Which can be tiring, and depressive.

These people may do other things if they have more energy left after this. It's up to them.

When it comes to 5d and 4d wanderers, there is no concern - these people are automatically compelled to do whatever they came here to do.

RE: Are We Really Here Now to Help? - omcasey - 06-26-2022

(06-19-2022, 06:21 AM)meadow-foreigner Wrote:
Perhaps more structured practices may be what is needed,
rather than discussions.

Taking care of the human form and deepening our own spiritual practice ( practice essentially being meditation ) is I feel indeed the core way to help. To enlighten ourselves to the greatest degree possible WHILE IN(HABITING) THE BODY. In my own group we have silent group meditations, a dream circle, healing circle, telepathy practice, channeling practices, reporting from the out of body state, binaural beat sessions, universal discussions and more *all on Zoom. I highly encourage everyone to not just practice but to LOG their practices; their content, observations and insights. Even openly on the board. I do this myself. We have a group dream log and a discussion thread that accompanies it. All of this is what brings us closer together as a group and what helps create dialogue together as well, which I feel is equally important. We are a small group so the group sessions/circles are not large, but the size of circle is never what is most important. It is creating and sustaining it that is. The gravity of the circles will always draw into themselves the right combination of souls. 

Step one for this group and many others, if I may be so bold, is to come out more. Real names, real photos. A real readiness to meet one another properly, by name face to face. It surprises me really how many still want to hold themselves back from being known. It is a large part of the difficulty on these old style boards. It is going to be challenging to move forward if first more of us are not first willing to at least step out into the light and shake hands. Literally.

I have watched many boards go under, into the shadows themselves for refusing to.

The thing about holding oneself back <-- is this in itself.